Questions tagged [asciidoc]

AsciiDoc is a lightweight markup format similar to Markdown, but it was designed for technical writing with programmatic capabilities as well as semantic structure.

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How to bulk edit large asciidoc tables in VSCode, or do so with a table editor UI?

I have a large table in .adoc ASCIIDoctor format: |=== |Col A|ColB |One |Foo |Two |Bar //... Many fields ... |=== That renders like: Col A Col B One Foo Two Bar ...many fields... I have ...
MrMattBusby's user avatar
-1 votes
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AsciiDoc: Stock images for admonitions?

I'm running AsciiDoc off the Visual Studio Code support extension, and I'm trying to get admonitions with an icon, as in the examples and documentation. Just adding :icons: to the document header ...
LuC's user avatar
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Converting mathematical formulas from html to Asciidoc

I need to convert formulas from html to Asciidoc. Pandoc is not doing it right because I suppose I need to preprocess them somehow. The source of the formula is like this: <div id="d126e133489&...
Alexey Bogdanov's user avatar
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Is there a way to combine curly quotes and em dash in AsciiDoc?

I'm writing prose in AsciiDoc and I've run into a bit of a puzzle: on occasion, I find myself writing interrupted dialog, and so want to end that bit of dialog with an em dash. I'm using curly quotes ...
Jason Bullers's user avatar
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How do I include visible spaces in code listing in table

I am writing an asciidoc document to be rendered in html that includes a table in which several cells include code listings. I mark those cells as "a|" and include the listing between ---- ...
user448810's user avatar
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Is there a way to render the document attributes of an asciidoc file and output to an adoc file?

Consider the following example :title: An AsciiDoc file :CustomAttribute: XYZ = {title} Some paragraphs. [comment] -- Some comments including that {CustomAttribute} variable. -- // EOF Is there ...
Ser's user avatar
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Ascii doc syntaxes not provide consistent output & not working as expected

I have a .adoc file and it has a table with 3 columns. The table simply represents some HTTP codes with their status code, meanings, and methods. This is the code I used to generate the above table. [...
Prasad's user avatar
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How do I add a "copy to clipboard" button block extension?

Edit: I had to discard the attempt to get it applied via asciidoctor, and just wrote a javascript function for it instead. Thanks for the help anyways! I have tried to add a button to code blocks in ...
Atryx10's user avatar
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Table in pdf, generated from Asciidoctor have word wrapping but the word becomes unsearchable

I have the following table in Adoc which is generated by swagger annotation of java APIs. [options="header", cols=".^5a,.^5a,.^5a"] |=== |Name|Description|Schema |**...
Vanshaj Behl's user avatar
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Is there a (good) 3-way merge driver for ASCII-DOC files?

Is there a (good) 3-way merge driver for ASCII-DOC files? I tried Google, but did not find something. Normal text-based 3-way merge does not work, because it does not understand the file structure ...
Torsten Knodt's user avatar
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How can I publish asciidoc containing plantUML digram to GitHub's Wiki

Let's say I have this simple adoc file :imagesdir: images image::onion.png[] [plantuml,plant,png] .... usecase plant .... the first line is just an image the second is a plantUml diagram. by ...
fan's user avatar
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How do I enable tabs in Asciidoc and Maven with asciidoctor-tabs and asciidoctor-maven-plugin?

In the asciidoctor-maven-plugin, I can add extensions, but I need to specify a GAV and classname. How do I add the asciidoctor-tabs extension to enable tabs in adoc files? As far as I can tell, the ...
Geoffrey De Smet's user avatar
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Render a PlantUML diagram in an asciidoc readme in GitLab

I'm trying to put my diagrams in the readme and from looking at the gitlab docs it seems like it can be done by default. However, GitLab doesn't render my diagrams. I used the same method as in the ...
dave's user avatar
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How to modify the html template used by Jekyll AsciiDoc HTML generator

I'm using AsciiDoc and Jekyll to generate a static site, based on a single HTML template. In this template, I would like to inject a variable defined in the properties of the project. I have this part ...
Frank's user avatar
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Asciidoctor tables in docx no style

I create a asciidoc documentation with asciidocFx and rendering looks ok. When i convert the asciidoc to xml and xml to docx, i see in my docx that tables are no borders and i would like to know what ?...
Vincedrome's user avatar
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I am getting `Error creating DOCX from AsciiDoc file` in IntelliJ Idea, How can this be resolved?

I am getting below error in IntelliJ Idea while trying to convert my .adoc file to docx using Official AsciiDoc Plugin. However, converting to pdf is working fine. Error creating DOCX from AsciiDoc ...
Awatansa Vishwakarma's user avatar
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What's the correct way to render Asciidoc HTML in Gatsby?

I'm following the Gatsby tutorial, but instead of using the MDX transformer, I'd like to use the officially-supported Asciidoc one (gatsby-transformer-asciidoc). In the part 6 of tutorial, a page ...
Charlie Halford's user avatar
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How to include partial with different attributes and without empty lines

I have the partial with name hello_world Hello {lang} World! I want to include the partial and change the attribute {lang}. I have manage to do it with :lang: Java include::partial$hello_world.adoc[] ...
Panos Bariamis's user avatar
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How to use spring-asciidoctor-backends?

I want to use spring-asciidoctor-backends to build a documentation with Spring's look and feel. I added the recommended Maven plugin to the pom like this: <plugin> <groupId>org....
Slevin's user avatar
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Get list of includes in a parsed document

I'm parsing an asciidoc document using asciidoctor.js library. The document has doctype of book. I need to get list of all the included documents (asciidoc) in this book doc. Although, the library ...
rmalviya's user avatar
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How to render asciidoc tables to text?

I have some asciidoc documentation with tables, and I would like to render them for output to a text console. I'm looking for a rendition something like markdown: | Item | Price | # In ...
Travis Well's user avatar
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How to add RGB or CMYK output intent profile to a PDF

With asciidoctor-pdf -a optimize=PDF/A-1 mytext.adoc which is a simple testfile :author: Maxim Kim :subject: pdfa Test :keywords: Keyw1, Keyw2 :doctype: article some text Now a PDF is created ...
Namal's user avatar
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How to show Table and Image Side by Side in AsciiDoc

Unable to place the image and table side by side. Table creates the nextline automatically, I have even tried nested tables, but didn't worked well. I would like to place those side by side. Do we ...
Sivarajan Sivanesan's user avatar
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How to insert an image above :toc: left of asciidoc multipage?

I need to put an image above the toc at the left. I'm using multidoctor-multipage to create a html multipage manual. I need to place a logo image above the Table of Content at the left, in order that ...
Inti Garcés's user avatar
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Execute Java code, and capture output, to be included in a book written in AsciiDoc

I am writing a technical book for Java programming in AsciiDoc format, using the AsciiDoctor plugin for the IntelliJ IDE. I have seen how to include snippets of code from a Java source code file. I ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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How to convert AsciiDoc to Odt without anchors and metadata

I'm trying to convert AsciiDoc files to Odt using the following commands in sequence: /usr/bin/asciidoctor \ --destination-dir=/tmp \ --backend=docbook5 \ --attribute=leveloffset=+1 \ ...
Eduardo Fernandes's user avatar
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asciidoc: how to include only title from a .adoc file?

I'm creating my curriculum vitae in asciidoc. curriculum-vitae/ - _includes/experiences.adoc - curriculum-vitae.adoc - resume.adoc I'm trying to reuse the content of _includes/experiences.adoc ...
Jean-Charles's user avatar
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How can I insert an unordered list inside a note in Asciidoc without losing the note?

How to add an unordered list inside a note in Asciidoc? I tried the following syntax but the Note disappears and the unordered list appears without being enclosed in a note. Is there a workaround to ...
Induja's user avatar
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AsciiDoc, how to have the Navigation bar expanded when opening the page?

AsciiDoc, how to have the Navigation bar expanded when opening the page? The default Navigation bar on left side of an AsciiDoc page is collapsed when a user enters the page. This is good behavior for ...
and-bri's user avatar
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How to define globaly just once that all the paragraphs must be justified?

In the main .adoc file where it includes other .adoc files, it is possible to declare globally just once the following sentence: :imagesdir: ./figures/ How to accomplish the same goal, to declare ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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Auto-width columns (or TeX-like tabular) in AsciiDoc?

I want to document linguistic data using AsciiDoc, converting the document into HTML. For that I need to have a word-by-word translation that pretty much looks like a table but with columns of unequal ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Including markdown in asciidoc

I tried to import a markdown file into an asciidoc file. In first sight it looks good but then it recognized that the markdown is not properly rendered as it's not asciidoc. This is my example: ...
hilbert's user avatar
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Pandoc ignoring html tags when converting from Markdown to Asciidoc

I'm trying to convert a document from Markdown to Asciidoc using Pandoc converter. In my md documents there are some html pieces. After converting all the html tags (for example <a>...</a>)...
Alexey Bogdanov's user avatar
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Converting adoc to markdown while preserving latex style math equations

I have a group of adoc documents that I'm converting to markdown. For most of them I've been able to convert them with: asciidoc -b docbook -o temp.xml <infile> pandoc -f docbook -t ...
1_Esk's user avatar
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How to add borders to headings in AsciiDoctor-pdf PDF output

How to add borders to headings in AsciiDoctor-pdf PDF output. (I am not an English speaker. Ask me if any expressions are difficult to understand). I am a high school student and I am using ...
YasAko's user avatar
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Custom css with supplemental-ui in Antora does not work

According to UI-supplemental-files and Stackoverflow antora-top-navigation-bar-customization I replaced my top navigation (supplemental-ui/partials/header-content.hbs), but the same thing for CSS ...
theuema's user avatar
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images in various locations in included Asciidoc files

I have an AsciiDoc structure like this: Documentation.adoc DeveloperDocumentation/DeveloperDocumentation.adoc DeveloperDocumentation/DeveloperDocumentationPart1.adoc UserDocumentation/...
jasie's user avatar
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Antora - Keep navigation menu expanded while clicking any of the items in the menu

I've set the left navigation menu like this * link:page1.adoc[Item 1] ** link:item2.adoc[Item 2] *** link:item3.adoc[Item 3] * link:item4.adoc[Item 4] But when I open any page in browser, the ...
Noor Muhammed's user avatar
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css or other antora / asciidoc options to display svg tooltips form html files

I was sort of shocked to learn that tooltips in svg images don't display when an image is part of an html page inside a <img > tag. I found a reference with some options; https://stackoverflow....
jj2f1's user avatar
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Common TOC in all pages of ASCIIDOC collection

I have a collection of ASCIIDOC files. I want to have a common TOC that lists all pages. For example, if I have the following files file1.adoc file11.adoc file111.adoc file12.adoc file121.adoc ...
Noor Muhammed's user avatar
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Adding extra information in Spring Rest-Docs using Attributes failing

I'm generating documentation for APIs that are written in Python. I am using Spring Rest-Docs for this which works flawless. Now I must add a list of roles that are authorized to call the API to each ...
Arc-E-Tect's user avatar
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How can I render HTML using Liquid in asciidoc in Jekyll?

In my current Jekyll setup I am writing all my posts using the asciidoc (.adoc) file format, specifically I'm using these plugins plugins: - jekyll-asciidoc - jekyll-redirect-from - jekyll-feed ...
Mattia Righetti's user avatar
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Asciidoctor: Is it possible to activate section numbering in themes yml

I know that I can use :sectnums: all after the title to enable section and subsection numbering. But is it possible to define this in the theme yml? I have a lot documents which use the same theme ...
Namal's user avatar
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Automatically replace the PlantUML code in an .adoc file with the corresponding PNG images

I have a big .adoc file with plantUML Diagrams in it. The main goal is to convert the .adoc from asciidoc to markdown. For that it is necessary to replace the .puml diagrams to images (png). Its ...
emotionalDamage's user avatar
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asciidoctor: FAILED: 'asciidoctor-plantuml' could not be loaded

In my docker container, running asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-plantuml my_doc.adoc gets me asciidoctor: FAILED: 'asciidoctor-plantuml' could not be loaded. To reproduce the issue: $ docker run -it -v $...
dboy's user avatar
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With AsciiDoc counters: is it possible to change step size?

We can have counter starts with 100 and continue with 101, 102, ...: * {counter:num:100} * {counter:num:100} We can also use letters: * {counter:alpha:X} * {counter:alpha:X} But is it possible to ...
Tar's user avatar
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Table parameters saved in a central document

I am using two attributes for table parameters :table1: frame="none", grid = "none", stripes=none :table2: frame="topbot", grid = "rows", options="header&...
SchmiPi's user avatar
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Text with background color and rounded borders in asciidoctor-pdf

I am trying to create some badge-like texts for my documentation, to highlight the status of some issues. Here are some examples (jira issues embedded in a confluence wiki) Example for a "closed&...
aZr4el's user avatar
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How can I find always the same include file from within different sub folders

I want to include a adoc file from within different other adoc files. But the path to the include file depends from the deep of the directory structure. My Idea would be defining an environment ...
Dietmar Zabel's user avatar
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Asciidoc: Is there any way to access current section number

I would like to add the current section number in front of the table numbering in the caption of my tables. Example: Tables under heading 1.1 should have the caption "Table 1.1-1: Any Caption&...
alex_c137's user avatar
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