Questions tagged [bintray]

JFrog Bintray is a universal distribution hub, which provides features like a global distribution network (CDN), extreme throughput and redundancy for downloads, permission control for external users (entitlements), product and EULA support etc. It's free to use for consumption and free to use for distribution of OSS projects. Bintray is also the home for JCenter, a popular Java components repository.

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Can Bintray sign packages/files using a signing subkey?

TL;DR: Can Bintray sign files or packages using a signing key which is a subkey, or is a master signing key (also?) required? In my private keyring I (originally) have a master key ([SC]) with its ...
javabrett's user avatar
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How long does it usually take bintray to sync to jcenter?

I have uploaded my library here: It has been approved to link to jcenter yesterday. I can even get search results in jcenter:
Cui Pengfei 崔鹏飞's user avatar
5 votes
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Could not HEAD ''. Received status code 502 from server: Bad Gateway

I am trying to build my react-native project for android and getting the following error on Windows but its working on Mac. $ react-native run-android info Running jetifier to migrate libraries to ...
Surya's user avatar
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Library Files not uploading to Bintray

I'm trying to update an Android library on Bintray, But its not showing the new version of my library. I updated my VERSION_NAME and VERSION_CODE in my library I updated my ...
Tosin Onikute's user avatar
4 votes
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Github Secret not found in System.getenv

I've 3 secrets in my Github repo's settings, an action workflow.yml file where: ... - name: Uploading to Bintray env: s1: ${{ secrets.SECRET_ONE }} s2: ${{ secrets.SECRET_TWO }} s3: $...
GuilhE's user avatar
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Can I simply use the maven-publish Gradle plugin to upload to Bintray or do I HAVE to use the Bintray plugin

I can publish artifacts using the JFrog Bintray Gradle plugin, but am getting a 405 when trying to use maven-publish plugin. All the examples I've found use the JFrog plugin. My Bintray repo is a ...
Silver's user avatar
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Could not apply withXml() to generated POM > Could not get unknown property 'implementation'

I am trying to publish an Android library to bintray. I have set it up in both bintray and my Android project. publish.gradle: apply plugin: 'maven-publish' apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.bintray' version '...
Ngima Sherpa's user avatar
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Bintray new version is not synced to JCenter

A few months ago, I uploaded version 2.0 of my JARs to Bintray, and they were approved to JCenter. All worked great. Two days ago, I uploaded version 2.1 of my JARs to Bintray, and only 25 of the 84 ...
Julie Sullivan's user avatar
3 votes
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Upload to bintray silently fails for AAR

I'm using this example for android, but with my own details replacing the example ones When I perform the task bintrayUpload I get the following log, even though it say success, there are no new ...
serenskye's user avatar
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Link Private Repository to jCenter in bintray

I published my project in the Bintray successfully, but when I tried to link it to the jCenter, I got this error message: Failed to send a message: The version control "https://github-private-...
javadhme's user avatar
3 votes
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generate jar files for uploading kotlin lib to bintray using gradle

I have the following build.grade configuration buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.2.21' dependencies { classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" } } ...
Ishan Khare's user avatar
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Unnable to sync Jcenter to Maven Central

I am trying to sync my bintray repo to maven, yet I receive the following error: Last Synced: Never Last Sync Status: Sync Failed Last Sync Errors: Problem extracting files to sync. Please try again ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Publishing deb to bintray via sbt using sbt-native-packager and bintray-sbt

I'm currently using the sbt-native-packager to create .deb packages. I'd like to use sbt to publish those directly to bintray. I've tried a couple of variations of the following build.sbt file: ...
djsumdog's user avatar
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Could Not build Flutter Android Build : Received status code 502 from bintray

Hi I am trying to run my flutter app debug. I last opened this app on November 3rd week but Today when I build the app debug I am facing below exception. I've been told that bintray has been sunset, ...
VDTe's user avatar
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react native android package repo (bintray)

We currently build a mobile application which is still using jCenter for it's package repos. I am aware that jCenter has ben sunset, however I thought the repos would still be available for read-only. ...
Duncan Palmer's user avatar
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use mfglabs commons-aws-sqs and dwhjames library without bintray

I have a service that uses mfglabs, commons-aws-sqs in Scala, and dwhjames. Those libraries were hosted on bintray, which was sunset few weeks ago. What is the best solution to solve this? Are there ...
Nili Al's user avatar
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How Do I resolve this error Could not get unknown property 'publishedGroupId' for project ':lokdonencrypt' of type org.gradle.api.Project."

I am trying to upload an android library to Jcenter, I have successfully created an account, created a repo, package and version. Now I am modifying the build.gradle files for the module and I keep ...
Uncle Sam's user avatar
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How to use the "maven-publish" gradle plugin for a Bintray repository?

I want to publish my maven artifacts to standard maven repositories. For that the first example I chose is Bintray by JFrog. Unfortunately this didn’t go well; I had to add two hacks: Remove existing ...
pPanda_beta's user avatar
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Bintray and Jcenter are not synchronized

For two Bintray packages, we're publishing multiple artifacts in: com.criteo.mediation.mopub:criteo-adapter and com.criteo.mediation.mopub:criteo-adapter-development for
Pierre Turpin's user avatar
2 votes
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Bintray : Maven-Publish with Gradle Bintray Plugin doesn't upload maven-metadata.xml checksum file

I'm trying to deploy my java project to Bintray. The version being built itself uploads fine but in the package main folder - there is no checksum file for maven-metadata.xml (maven-metadata.xml.md5, ...
FunkSoulBrother's user avatar
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Android Library on Bintray missing sources and javadoc

I am trying to publish an Android library written in Kotlin as an AAR on Bintray to distribute it. I have already configured the whole project following various resources that I found online, and the ...
MrAsterisco's user avatar
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Bintray library update not found on Android Studio project but found on IntelliJ project

I am working on a Kotlin library hosted on Bintray (Maven) and I use it on an Android Project(Kotlin) and in a Web Dashboard project (Kotlin with Ktor). Both projects use Gradle for the build process ...
Gabi's user avatar
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How should I organize bintray packages for maven projects in bintray/jcenter?

I've tried again yesterday and failed once more to understand it. I have several projects. Each project produces several artifacts with group id org.jgrapes. With Sonatype, things are simple. I've ...
Michael Lipp's user avatar
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nebula.release plugin attempts to push root project to bintray

I am having trouble getting my library deployed to bintray and synced to Maven Central. It appears that I'm using the plugin wrong, but I cannot figure out how. I've tried many things including using ...
snowe's user avatar
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Bintray "Not allowed" when uploading a project with packaging "maven-plugin"

Good day. I have a project, which was configured to be deployed to Bintray long time ago, and since then release deployment worked just fine. It was, till the moment I added new Maven submodule for ...
skapral's user avatar
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Not able to upload aar using gradle-bintray-plugin: only jar file is uploaded

Using the recommendations from here I'm not able to upload my android aar to my Bintray account. I got 'Build successfull' using gradlew bintrayUpload, but only jar file and a pom file are visible in ...
Oumar Diarra's user avatar
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Classes.jar folder is empty when using latest version of library from jcenter

I have successfully uploaded the android library through android studio terminal on Bintray and library is also added to JCenter. Now, I used gradle dependency code snippet in gradle file. it has sync ...
Shashank Gupta's user avatar
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Gradle bintray and oss.sonatype upload: how to inherit common properties for uploaded artifacts

I use in gradle build com.jfrog.bintray plugin to upload release artifacts to Bintray/JCenter, but for snapshots i use For both processes i ...
radistao's user avatar
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How to upload to organizations with gpg key?

I have GPG key and an Organization name. I am using Android Studio. How can I upload the GPG key and gradle Bintray plugin? bintray { user = properties.getProperty("bintray.user") key = ...
Eugene Surkov's user avatar
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How to get latest version of a artifact on Bintray using JSONP

Bintray provide a REST API to search a artifact with latest version infomation: I'm trying hard to find a ...
Tankery's user avatar
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Using sbt plugin from Bintray

I'm experiencing a kind of impedance mismatch between sbt and bintray-sbt plugin. The plugin is published via bintray-sbt at
synapse's user avatar
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sbt hangs up when publishing binaries to bintray

I want to publish compressed binaries (.zip, .tgz) to bintray. I am using bintray-sbt and sbt-native-packager. I am able to execute: publish which publishes the jars to bintray. universal:...
Labra's user avatar
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How to download jcenter.bintray entire repository or

I want to download all the repositories that are necessary to work with android studio offline. What the official documentation says does not work at all well, since, at least once you need internet, ...
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Could not resolve io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt:detekt-gradle-plugin

Suddenly from the today morning we start facing the issue in our build process with following dependency error. we are using id("io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt").version("1.5.1") ...
Vivek Buddhadev's user avatar
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How to avoid jcenter error or replace it when jcenter shutdown today

Execution failed for task ':app:dataBindingMergeDependencyArtifactsDebug'. > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. > Could not resolve com.applovin:...
ninhnau19's user avatar
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Could not GET ''. Received code 502: Bad Gateway

I've been having this issue since about 9 Dec. It seems jcenter has sunset 2 months early ( I've updated my RN version to 0.65.0, my Gradle to v6.9 and I've added ...
Petetheodddog's user avatar
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Could not determine the dependencies of task ':nghinv_react-native-vlc:generateDebugRFile'

Suddenly. I got the following error message when I ran the project again, it was working fine before, Maybe Bintray has shut down forever. And please tell me how to fix it without removing the library ...
a programer's user avatar
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Code does not build succesfully when integrating Azure Push Notifications

My code worked fine until 2 days ago when it stopped building and started showing the following error. Could not GET '
Faisal's user avatar
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Getting Forbidden Error on ""

Could not HEAD ''. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden This project was working ...
Zeeshan Ahmad's user avatar
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Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden Disable Gradle 'offline mode' and sync project in ANDROID STUDIO

Could not GET ''. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden Disable Gradle 'offline mode' ...
user7418129's user avatar
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Kotlin EAP still in Bintray?

Bintray end is near but even in the latest Android Studio Arctic Fox the generated repositories include this maven { url '' }
Undefined function's user avatar
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Download Entire Repository From Bintray

Trying to download an entire repository from jcenter-bintray using wget is not working. I have a private repository which i'm trying to download all it's artifacts following the jcenter sunset. ...
Omer.rah's user avatar
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Where to report Bintray issues?

I've got a library that is hosted in JFrog's Bintray (JCenter) and for some reason it's not available to download. I can clearly see that it is available when I go to,...
user3448282's user avatar
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How to GPG sign and publish an aar directly to Maven Central?

I'm working on properly setting up my Gradle scripts for publishing an .aar directly to Maven Central (with JFrog sunsetting Bintray, numerous resources about publishing to Bintray are no longer ...
d4vidi's user avatar
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Distributing a android library (aar) to consumers : But the source code is in GitHub private repo

I have an android library published in Bintray. The source code is in Github (public) repo. Consumers just add the dependency in their gradle file and alls good so far. Now, However, I want to make ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Artifact not found in JCenter after name change

I recently updated the name and artifact name of some of my packages in JCenter (example) and I updated the coordinates in Gradle accordingly. However, the new artifacts are not found no matter what I ...
Eliezer's user avatar
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Sbt to publish to both Sonatype and Bintray

I have a scala library that I just converted from gradle to sbt. By default it works by publishing to Sonatype upon release. However I also want to publish it to Bintray. The problem is that Bintray ...
Wins's user avatar
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Is there a way to list all the available versions in a package on Bintray?

Is there a way of retrieving all the available versions in a given package on Bintray? Like how repositories and packages have 'Get repositories' and 'Get packages' respectively. I know the one ...
ninjacoder's user avatar
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Creating rules on a distribution repository in artifactory does not work

I got a problem defining rules on a distribution repository - trying to add rules to a generic repo with a simple-layout does not work from the web interface (using artifactory OSS version 6.12.2). ...
maciu10's user avatar
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Error while deploying artifacts from Jenkins to Jfrog artifactory server

I am facing issues while deploying simple artifacts from Jenkins to Jfrog Artifactory server. The following are the details: Tool versions Jenkins version- 2.107.3 Apache maven version- 3.0.5 (Red ...
vaibhav's user avatar
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