Questions tagged [bioconductor]

Bioconductor provides tools for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data in the R language.

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How are average reads calculated in Maser

This is my first question in the community. I see the function FilterbyCoverage in Maser, and the explanation of average reads of the splicing events. When I get the results and view them I don't see ...
L Planco's user avatar
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Imported a file using maftools in R studio

I am trying to import my variant file in R studio with all the required maf columns 'Chr Start End Ref Alt Gene.refGene GeneDetail.refGene ExonicFunc.refGene AAChange.refGene Tumor_Sample_Barcode Func....
Biotechnologist's user avatar
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object "Entrez" not found Bioconductor R

I have to rank the genes of my dataframe, I found this code from a bioinformatic training course. But if I try to run this, I keep getting the error: Error in filter(df, ! : object '...
C. van Veen's user avatar
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How to calculate the frequency of every pathogenic germline variant in every disease cohort?

I am trying to calculate the frequency of every pathogenic germline variant in every disease cohort. For ex: for variant 1:17588689, there are 20 het.variants (column H), I need to report what ...
hasanalanya's user avatar
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How to install edgeR package using R4.2.0, BiocManager?

I tried to install edgeR with the following: if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)); install.packages("BiocManager"; BiocManager::install("edgeR") This is the ...
fisheryu2022's user avatar
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Why does R show a package error immediately when I open the program?

When I open R, before I type in any commands, the console immediately shows an error indicating that the curatedMetagenomicData package is not installed. R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22 ucrt) -- "...
J. Pennycook's user avatar
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How can I start manipulating an scRNA seq .txt matrix in R?

I'm really new to this, so please forgive my general lack of understanding. I've been trying to take the dataset that is provided here (I download the .txt file at the bottom). It's scRNA-seq data and ...
mouseheartattack's user avatar
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Install R package without biocmanager

I am using bioconductor image in order to install R packages. The problem I am facing is that I can't install specific version of the package. I have the following Dockerfile: FROM bioconductor/...
Yahav Festinger's user avatar
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Mutation plot splitting cohort

I am approaching some R packages to create oncoplot representing different mutation types. I am using maftools (oncoplot function) and genvisR (waterfall function) packages. I would like to split ...
fpisto's user avatar
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How to re-adjust figure size of trackViewer Vignette lollipopPlot and avoid x-axis cut off

I am new to trackViewer Vignette lollipopPlot, I am experimenting with the plot. However, my plot looked very wide and have white space for some reason that I would like to readjust the width and ...
aBiologist's user avatar
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package from Bioconductor has a dependency from CRAN that requires version of R that is not compatible

A particular situation we've encountered is when we try to install a specific R package version from Bioconductor. Dependencies of this package may not be pinned, which means that the latest and ...
Roman Luštrik's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to calculate length distribution and coverage distribution bed file

I have dataset in bed file and I want to calculate and plot the length and coverage distribution of file. How can I calculate length distribution in R. df1: chr21 2800 3270 chr21 3600 4152 chr2 3719 ...
user15708301's user avatar
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Error in EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86 package to convert ensembl to symbol

I installed package EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86 to convert genes ensembl to symbol, after trying many packages that's the best one to conversion with less NAs. I tried to write the code but I got unsual error, ...
Hicham Hboub's user avatar
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How do I use biomaRT to get the corresponding gene iDs

I have a txt file and it looks like this. I need to use biomaRT in R to get the corresponding gene IDs of a whole list of different Refseq and peptides. Along with that, I need to keep the peptide ...
ksci's user avatar
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Substitute string sequences for BLOSUM62 values in R

I have a df with several peptide sequences. For each sequence, I need to replace each AA for the BLOSUM62 values stored in another matrix. |Sequences| |:--------| |KIFREIIHL| |LALTYRGLI| |DIKGLIVYR| |....
SPT_Bio's user avatar
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GRanges to subset by overlap within 200kb of start or end of a gene

I have two GRanges datas and I would like to subset them by overlaps such that the overlap could also be present within 200kb of either start or end of the gene. I was using the following command ...
shweta godbole's user avatar
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AnnotationHub installation ‘Rcpp’ 1.0.6 is already loaded, but >= 1.0.7 is required [duplicate]

I am currently trying to install AnnotationHub but I am running into problems. I use R 4.0.4, renv (version 0.15.4) and BiocVersion 3.12. When I run BiocManager::install("AnnotationHub"), I ...
nhaus's user avatar
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How to add analysis of variance to a Bioconductor plot that combines jitter and boxplots?

I made a plot that shows median expression of some markers across different cell populations. I made it using a Bioconductor package that is based on ggplot and the final result is a ggplot object. ...
Cam's user avatar
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data.table::fread error when converting MAF files to data table

I want to merge the 50 MAF files with the sample information so that I can read it as a data.table and subset it. library(maftools) # Load MAF files maf = system.file("extdata", list.files(...
Anon's user avatar
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All values turned up NaN and NA after data correction and normalization in R

I have a set of 21500 data, I performed background correction and normalization using bioconductor packages MBCB.main however the result is only NaN values for one column and NA values for the other. ...
JuanitaMonje's user avatar
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R message "Can't subset columns that don't exist. x Locations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. don't exist. i There are only 1 column" MBCB packge

I am trying to do a background correction on my data sets that has only 3 columns, when submitting my code I get the error "Can't subset columns that don't exist. x Locations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. ...
JuanitaMonje's user avatar
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Problems installing older version of Bioconductor's mixOmics packages in R

I've spent the day trying to load the appropriate package versions in R that I saved in a renv lockfile. I used the package RVAideMemoire which is tied in with mixOmics in bioconductor, which can't be ...
Corey's user avatar
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R: How do I reduce the ranges of genes into a single vector?

I created var_nt dataframe by subsetting tx_df columns based on row variant - "J3", "J10", "J11", "J13". Then, I converted the var_nt dataframe to a GRanges ...
Anon's user avatar
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does bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:RELEASE_X_Y install CRAN packages from a fixed snapshot?

Question Does a container instantiated from bioconductor_docker:RELEASE_X_Y also pull CRAN packages from reproducible image (e.g. via MRAN) and if not how do I accomplish this? Motivation I'm building ...
mkk's user avatar
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Convert R list to Pythonic list and output as a txt file

I'm trying to convert these lists like Python's list. I've used these codes library(GenomicRanges) library(data.table) library(Repitools) pcs_by_tile<-lapply(as.list(1:length(tiled_chr)) , ...
Md Abrar Jahin's user avatar
2 votes
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Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE) : cannot coerce class ‘structure("mmquery_bioc", package = "multiMiR")’ to a data.frame

I'm having trouble getting a table of results. Command: answer <- get_multimir(url = NULL, org = "hsa", mirna = "MIMAT0000450", target = NULL, disease.drug = "cancer", ...
PImpek's user avatar
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Debugging unexpected S4 method dispatch

I am trying to pass an S4 object (sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix from the Matrix package) to a function in another package (Wrench). I am getting some very strange behavior that I am struggling to ...
caseygrun's user avatar
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is there any way to download Deseq1 package in R?

I'm trying to load some RData files with the function load, but I get this message: Warning: namespace ‘DESeq’ is not available and has been replaced by .GlobalEnv when processing object ‘cds3’ ...
Programming Noob's user avatar
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Why do I have a different amount of estimated gene counts?

I am analyzing bulk RNA seq data and I used Kallisto to align my data to the transcriptome. Then, I used tximport to assign the gene names from ensembl to my counts. I am comparing the results I ...
pythonbeginner's user avatar
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How can I plot multiple sequence alignment in R as a boxplot and scatterplot:

I've fasta file contains 16 protein and I aligned them with package ("msa"). now I need to Visualize my results of similar sequences using boxplots and scatterplot I read about "ggmsa&...
Heba Allah. Hashim's user avatar
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readAxt() converts lowercase to uppercase

Is there any method where I can read AXT files without converting the sequences to uppercase automatically? The link to the code is:
Md Abrar Jahin's user avatar
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string alignment inspired by global DNA sequence allignment

I would like to do something similar to this: library(Biostrings) s1 <-DNAString("...
cs0815's user avatar
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When downloading 'TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene' package, lazy loading error appears, what do?

Code: if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene") Error:package ...
MDHan Wu's user avatar
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Can you silently install Bioconductor packages?

I'm writing a pipeline in Snakemake that calls an R script. This R script has its own environment, with r-base, r-ggplot2 and r-biocmanager in it. I also need the package ggbio that can be installed ...
Egelbets's user avatar
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Overlapping and sorting counts from small, equally sized, continuous bins into irregular, uneven bins

I really appreciate if you are reading this and taking your precious time to help me with a problem I have. In R, I would like to sort data from small, continuous bins from one dataframe to the (non-...
LawrenceThundersthorp's user avatar
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GDCprepare() returns Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable)

I have downloaded Proteome Profiling data from the TCGA-LGG project with the Bioconductor package TCGAbiolinks. Then I have the following error when running GDCprepare: library("TCGAbiolinks"...
Matteo Pedone's user avatar
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Error with RcppArmadillo: requested size is too large; suggest to enable ARMA_64BIT_WORD

I am trying to run a function that uses BiocParallel and RcppArmadillo. The function runs to 50% completion but then throws the error: Error: BiocParallel errors element index: 1 first error: Mat::...
OLC's user avatar
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Identifying mutations between two sequences

Given two sequences (such as DNA sequences) of equal length, I want to be able to find the mutations between them - both type and index within the sequence. As an example, if I fed in the sequences ...
Empiromancer's user avatar
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Installing DESEq2 Error: unable to access index for repository

I have recently updated my macOS, R and R studio. The new versions are as follows: MacOS: macOS Big Sur, version 11.6 R: 4.1.1 (2021-08-10) -- "Kick Things" R Studio: 2021.09.0 Build 351 &...
Purrsia's user avatar
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(v)matchPattern DNAStringSetList of Codons to Reference DNAString

I am assessing the impact of hotspot single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) from a next generation sequencing (NGS) experiment on the protein sequence of a virus. I have the reference DNA sequence and ...
Adam's user avatar
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getGEO(filename='') leads to "Error in `.rowNamesDF<-`(x, value = value) : invalid 'row.names' length"

I am attempting to import a file that I previously downloaded from GEO using the getGEO() function, howeer each time I try the function with my file name, I am met with an error that reads the ...
Erin McNell's user avatar
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How to reorder columns in heatmap.2

I am trying to reorder the column order in heatmap.2. With the code below, I obtain the following heatmap. # load package library(Heatplus) library(gplots) # create a matrix m1 <- matrix(data = ...
ValZee's user avatar
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R (and Bioconductor) cant install packages "path not writable/access denied"

I am using R again after some time and need to install various packages (e.g. lumi, GENAVi, ideal, limma) and for some the installation works for some not. I receive failure notifications indicating ...
Sacul1200's user avatar
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gfortran error: cannot execute 'f951': execvp: No such file or directory when downloading Bioconductor package

When I download a package (DESeq2) from Bioconductor, I got the following error: gfortran: fatal error: cannot execute 'f951': execvp: No such file or directory compilation terminated. However, when I ...
Yihan Shi's user avatar
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error using minfi package to load IDAT data, invalid n argument, BiocParallel errors

I'm trying to load IDATs using the bioconductor minfi package, but iam coming across the below unfamiliar error when I use read.metharray.exp function. beloaw are my all script. library(minfi) baseDir ...
Ayeh's user avatar
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Trouble installing msa package via biocManager in R

Whenever I try to install the msa package, I get errors about installation paths and old packages: Installation paths not writeable, unable to update packages path: /usr/lib/R/library packages: ...
Deltoidea's user avatar
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TCGABiolinks: GDCprepare never terminates and crashes

I recently started using TCGAbiolinks to process some gene expression from the TCGA database. All I need to do is download the data into an R file, and there are many examples online. However, every ...
jbcd13's user avatar
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anno_text function in Complex Heatmap, how to name row annotation in the top?

I am struggling to modify a row annotation label from the bottom to the top of the column. The function anno_text has the parameter show_name = FALSE. However, it does not have the parameter side (or ...
J. Rosa's user avatar
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CRAN package with dependencies from Bioconductor fails on MAC when installing

I've build a package & submitted to CRAN. The package rKOMICS has been accepted and can be installed on Windows. On Mac however, an error occurs: `checking package dependencies ... ERROR Package ...
Manon Geerts's user avatar

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