Questions tagged [broadcast]

A broadcast is a one-to-many message passing interface. It is usually used in the context of a network programming or event-driven programming.

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5 answers

Android Boot-Up BroadCast Not invoking

I am currently trying to make a broadcast receiver which will invoke after android device boots and then will run a background service. I have tried many examples but don't know where I'm going wrong. ...
Awais Tariq's user avatar
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Network discovery in Java Multicast/Broadcast Java

Here's what I'm trying to do- A server sends out "Alive message to all the PCs on the network and the PCs which are up and running, respond to the call by sending their IP. I'm looking at a ...
P R's user avatar
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36 votes
3 answers

Difference between Service and Broadcast receivers in android

I want to know the difference between services and broadcast receivers, can anyone point out an example that can be observed on android mobile devices. Thanks
prago's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

Turn on screen on device

How can I turn the sceen on ? I tried something like this adb -d shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON It really should work, I send broadcast intent it is received by the system, ...
Lukap's user avatar
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Can UDP broadcasts be received by multiple apps on the same computer?

As an example, suppose I have a 'smart' thermometer that broadcasts the current temperature as a UDP datagram every N seconds. Now, I can write a client that listens for those messages and displays ...
Roddy's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to use getApplicationContext in BroadcastReceiver class?

I am using the broadcaster class to listen to sms messages using this code package com.escortme.basic; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android....
omega's user avatar
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10 votes
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Spark broadcasted variable returns NullPointerException when run in Amazon EMR cluster

The variables I share via broadcast are null in the cluster. My application is quite complex, but I have written this small example that works flawlessly when I run it locally, but it fails in the ...
Gonzalo Pezzi's user avatar
9 votes
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Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts?

I am trying to create multiple proximity alerts but I cant get it to work... I think that the broadcast receiver gets overwritten and thus is handling only the last broadcast. So if I had two points ...
mixkat's user avatar
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Is it possible to send data with BLE broadcast mode?

I would like to kindly ask you if it's possible to send data (a string) in broadcast mode from a BLE device (like a Raspberry Pi, Onion or Arduino with a bluetooth dongle) to another device (like a ...
Henry's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Aborting/Cancelling Broadcasts

What I want: I want to be the first to receive the Sms Broadcast and I want to cancel the broadcast if SMS is of my interest only, so that The broadcast doesn't reach any other app/receiver (Default ...
hassanadnan's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Socket IO send to specified user ID

I want to send data to the specified user, and no one else. currently to broadcast to everyone I do: socket.on('newChatMessage', function (message) { socket.broadcast.emit('newChatMessage_response', ...
Dylan Cross's user avatar
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4 answers

For UDP broadcast gurus: Problems achieving high-bandwidth audio UDP broadcast over WiFi (802.11N and 802.11G)

I'm attempting to send multichannel audio over WiFi from one server to multiple client computers using UDP broadcast on a private network. I'm using software called Pure Data, with a UDP broadcast ...
Nick's user avatar
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I have an int I intend to broadcast from root (rank==(FIELD=0)). int winner if (rank == FIELD) { winner = something; } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&winner, 1, MPI_INT, FIELD, ...
Jiew Meng's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Sending broadcast in Python

I am trying to learn to code sockets (in Python 3), I am simply trying to send a broadcast from a server and receive it from a client. My problem is that whenever I try to send the packets to 255.255....
Bastien D's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

BroadcastCopyBlock for TPL Dataflow with guaranteed delivery

I would be glad for some input on the following implementation of a BroadcastCopyBlock in TPL Dataflow, which copies a received message to all consumers, that registered to the BroadcastCopyBlock and ...
crazy_crank's user avatar
4 votes
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How to receive continuous chunk of video as a blob array and set to video tag dynamically in Websocket

I am trying to make my own broadcasting architecture. In this system i am using Websocket to transfer data since i know it is suitable for continuous data transfer. In my system there is a Host who ...
sushant097's user avatar
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C# Android: Get Broadcast Receiver on a service?

I'm developing an accessibility service in all is fine, but I want the broadcast receiver on the service. I know that I'll have to derive my accessibility service from broadcast ...
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Android: AlarmIntent gets killed when App is force closed on API 23 Lenovo Device - any workaround?

i have a few AlarmIntents that are registered in the Manifest and therefore can run, even if the App itself not running. Everything is working fine on my API 26 Emulator, no matter if i clear the ...
Florian Walther's user avatar
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How could Flink broadcast state be initialized?

We're trying to build a use case where data from a stream is run through a calculation formula, but the formula itself should also (rarely) be updateable. From reading the documentation, it seems to ...
Ton van Bart's user avatar
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Akka (java), non blocking broadcast to all children

Let's say I have a Region Actor, and each region has a certain number of people inside it. How do you broadcast a message to everyone, knowing that the list of people can change over time, broadcast ...
popo joe's user avatar
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Evaluate the max size for a spark broadcast variable

I'm trying to measure the max size of variable I can broadcast using spark broadcast. I didn't find any explanation regarding this issue. did someone measure it? does spark has configuration for ...
apolak's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I send a broadcast message in Delphi

I want to send a broadcast UDP message in my LAN, the application is client/server. I desire to update the user interface, this way any computer send a message to update the others. Can I use ...
Jean Ambrosio's user avatar
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Send broadcast intent from service to Application Class

Is it possible to send an intent from a service to an Application class? Not Activity? I wouldn't know what activity would be running at a particular time, so I am adding a boolean flag in the ...
Bezaleel's user avatar
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Broadcasting error when forming numpy array with elements as two other numpy arrays

I am trying to generate a numpy array with elements as two other numpy arrays, as below. W1b1 = np.zeros((256, 161)) W2b2 = np.zeros((256, 257)) Wx = np.array([W1b1, W2b2], dtype=np.object) this ...
Gaurav Srivastava's user avatar
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MPI_Bcast deadlock

I have this code, where master sends initial data to his slaves. It uses MPI_Bcast (broadcast) function but when the Broadcast is called, the master continues but the slaves are stuck in deadlock. ...
Eramol's user avatar
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Datagram (UDP) receiver not working - not receiving broadcast packets

I had a problem with UDP Datagrams in that I could not receive UDP packets from a server but I could send them. I looked through many examples but could not figure out what was wrong with my code. I ...
Assay's user avatar
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Trying to broadcast message to all connected sockets in e.g. room

Challenge: I would like to use SailsJS, and be able to join a room, by means of, and receive unsolicited messages from this room, not just when one enters or leaves the room but also ...
kaasdude's user avatar
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25 votes
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Multicast vs Broadcast in LAN

Is there any advantage to using a multicast group to send messages rather than just broadcasting them to a specific port? I understand that when broadcasting, other computers that don't want the ...
slartibartfast's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

angularJS $on event handler trigger order

I was wondering two things, in the context of angularJS event handling. How is defined the order in which handlers listening to the same event are triggered? Is it a sign of a bad design if you ...
Renaud's user avatar
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Bluetooth broadcasting

I want to broadcast data from one device using Bluetooth to numerous nearby devices. Now, I know Bluetooth broadcasting exists, but is it possible using Android's existing API? If not, are there any ...
Jong's user avatar
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Python UDP Broadcast not sending

I am trying to UDP broadcast from a Python program to two LabView programs. I cannot seem to get the broadcast to send and I am not sure where my socket initialization is wrong, broadcasting seems ...
TDK's user avatar
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3 answers

Network UDP broadcast design?

I am working on a C++ server/.NET client applications couple in which my server (which runs the c++ on linux) broadcasts a message to show it's alive to the whole network and my .NET program listens ...
Andrei Zisu's user avatar
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3 answers

AngularJs/ .provider / how to get the rootScope to make a broadcast?

Now my task is to rewrite $exceptionHandler provider so that it will output modal dialog with message and stop default event. What I do: in project init I use method .provider: .provider('$...
Stepan Suvorov's user avatar
15 votes
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Broadcasting over Wi-Fi Direct

I'm looking at the possibility to broadcast over a Wi-Fi Direct connection between multiple Android devices. I've created a simple message broadcasting application to test whether or not it works, but ...
KatoStoelen's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Broadcasting UDP packets using multiple NICs

I'm building an embedded system for a camera controller in Linux (not real-time). I'm having a problem getting the networking to do what I want it to do. The system has 3 NICs, 1 100base-T and 2 ...
user1044200's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How are custom broadcast events implemented in JavaScript (or jQuery)?

I want to implement a custom event that can be "broadcast", rather than sent to specific targets. Only those elements that have registered themselves as listeners for such events will receive them. ...
kjo's user avatar
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Python pandas : Merge two tables without keys (Multiply 2 dataframes with broadcasting all elements; NxN dataframe)

I want to merge 2 dataframes with broadcast relationship: No common index, just want to find all pairs of the rows in the 2 dataframes. So want to make N row dataframe x M row dataframe = N*M row ...
notilas's user avatar
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2 answers

Dart - Send an UDP broadcast

I'm asking for help since it seems I cannot find a way to send an UDP broadcast inside a local network using Dart. So far I managed to communicate using UDP with RawDatagramSocket. I'm able to send a ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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Getting wifi broadcast address in Android wifi hotspot

I'm developing an app that uses wifi to broadcast UDP messages between all the mobiles that are in the same network that have my app. I managed to send/receive packets from many cellphones having an ...
olivarra1's user avatar
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How can chrome.socket be used for broadcasting or multicasting?

I want to create a Chrome Packaged App used for LAN only, where one instance serves as a server (session host) and other instances must discover the server and join the session. Can this be achieved ...
hlidka's user avatar
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4 answers

Broadcast receiver highest priority not working

I'm doing an application using ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON handler, but it appears it is always intercepted by MX Player or Apollo and I get no Intent I've tried both 1000 and 2147483647 priority set in tag ...
Max The Cat's user avatar
9 votes
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receiving UDP packets send to when using SO_REUSEADDR

I am trying to make a set of applications discover each other using UDP and broadcasting messages. The applications will periodically send out an UDP packet saying who they are and what they can do. ...
Ritsaert Hornstra's user avatar
8 votes
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Android - sendOrderedBroadcast help

I am trying to use a sendOrderedBroadcast in my Android app. I want to be able to send the Intent from one of my applications to another and I then want to get data back from the Application that ...
Donal Rafferty's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Little problem with AsyncUdpSocket receiving data after connecting to broadcast instead of server

I have a problem with AsyncUdpSocket. I used to connect to a server, send some data and get some response. Now since I do not know the actual address of the server I had to change my code and send ...
eemceebee's user avatar
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Connecting a Docker container to a network interface / device instead of an IP address

After careful research, testing, and fiddling, I've only been able to find away to connect a Docker container to a given interface by forwarding from an IP/port. This can be accomplished by adding -p ...
tryexceptpass's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes - inverse_transform- Python

I know ValueError question has been asked many times. I am still struggling to find an answer because I am using inverse_transform in my code. Say I have an array a a.shape > (100,20) and ...
user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Java DatagramSocket listening on a broadcast address

I have written the simple test class which is meant to listen on Eth and receive all UDP packets, which go to port 5001: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws ...
rcs-34's user avatar
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How do you get host's broadcast address of the default network adapter? C#

Let's say that I want to send an udp message to every host in my subnet (and then receive an udp message from any host in my subnet): at the moment I do: IPAddress broadcast = IPAddress.Parse("192....
Carlo Arnaboldi's user avatar
7 votes
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UDP broadcasting for LAN computer discovery & server setup

I'm working on a small, networked game prototype which will be played on LANs using UDP. For the discovery of other computers on the network, I've been investigating broadcasting. However, I'm still ...
Gemini14's user avatar
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Receiving response(s) from N number of clients in reply to a broadcast request over UDP

I am implementing a kind of IP finder for a particular type of network multimedia device. I want to find out all the alive devices of that type in the LAN, with their IP address and other details. ...
puffadder's user avatar
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