Questions tagged [bundling-and-minification]

Bundling and minification are used to optimize web content by reducing the number of requests to the server and as well as the size of requested assets (such as CSS and JavaScript).

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How to avoid VS Web-Essentials 2013 changing encoding when minify JS files?

All my js files are encoding in "Western (Windows 1252)" when WebEssentials minify my js files the .min.js encoding change to "UTF-8 with BOM" i didn't found any options to keep the same file encoding ...
Fab's user avatar
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7 votes
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Get MVC Bundle Querystring

Is it possible to detect a bundle querystring in ASP.NET MVC? For example if I have the following bundle request: /css/bundles/mybundle.css?v=4Z9jKRKGzlz-D5dJi5VZtpy4QJep62o6A-xNjSBmKwU1 Is it ...
Curtis's user avatar
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16 votes
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Prevent bundle from responding if cache buster doesn't match content

I'm using Bundling and Minification across a server farm where there is a cross-over period of old and new servers. The issue I have is that the old servers are caching the content of the new bundle ...
Curtis's user avatar
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When are bundle Date Modified values created?

With ASP.NET Bundling and Minification at what point is the Date Modified Header Response value created? Assuming I'm not using a caching service and have browser cache disabled, are the bundles ...
Curtis's user avatar
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External CSS shows up in head tag, rather than separate file

PLATFORM * Webforms - C# * .Net 4.5 * Azure Web Hosting * Chrome (43.0.2357.134 m) - Latest PROBLEM I am currently bundling CSS and Javascript using the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework. ...
Nilson13's user avatar
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How to get jspm/webpack/browserify/requirejs bundling working with msdeploy?

I currently use jspm but the same issue applies with any other build-time bundling tool. I can't figure out how to get these to play well with msdeploy. Here's the issue: I run jspm to produce one ...
George Mauer's user avatar
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Java script files are not loading with IP address (angular js with mvc + bundling)

We have created angular js application with MVC (js files bundling). Site is working fine with server name (https://servername/site). But if we open the site with IP address (
Hussain Reddy Yatam's user avatar
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Can the Bundle.config include ScriptBundles?

Can I include scripts in my Bundle.config file, or is it only for style bundles? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <bundles version="1.0"> <styleBundle path="~/Content/css"> ...
sazr's user avatar
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Include Directory in Bundle.config

Is it possible to include a whole directory rather than just a path in Bundle.config? Its much easier than explicitly stating each file. I've typed in directory as an attribute for the include tag ...
sazr's user avatar
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How to copy, concatenate and minify multiple js and scss files to one using Gulp on Windows?

I'am a new adept of Gulp. Dear gurus, please help me to organize my project on windows. The structure of this project is: root | bower_components | | bootstrap-sass | | | assets | | | | ...
max's user avatar
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MVC bundles and IIS virtual directories (URL rewrite)

I'm hosting multiple applications on IIS server virtual directories and I'm using URL Rewrite to facilitate them. All images and other assets that are manually written like this "~/path/to/my/content" ...
skmasq's user avatar
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performance surprises with browserify

I'm migrating my build process from a list of concatenated scripts to Browserify. Old version All vendor scripts from Bower build: concatenate all scripts and minify (uglifyjs) the results New ...
Valentin Waeselynck's user avatar
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Modify minified js file after minification

I have minification applied in javascript file. I want to wrap that minified file with (function(){ file content here })() . OR Any other way I can achieve this. Basically I want my files to be ...
Akshay's user avatar
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.NET Minification and adding new bundles at runtime

I've read through some other posts and tried some different methods but none of them worked. I want to rebuild the .NET Minification BundleTable without restarting the website so that I can add new ...
Michael Urvan's user avatar
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bundling not working

I am new to flask and angularjs. I am trying to use bundle(assets) according to instructions provided here. I have installed the required jsmin and am calling my filter in the html part accordingly {...
user3528608's user avatar
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What is a good fallback for when MVC Bundling Fails?

In production an MVC site occasionally ends up with a broken bundle: <link href="/bundles/css/global.css?v=" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="/bundles/js/combined.js?v="></script> ...
NikolaiDante's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: $(...).initialize is not a function after bundling

I'm using System.Web.Optimization.dll to bundle my javascript file I had 2 different Bundle var jsBundle = new ScriptBundle("~/Content/scripts/jsBundle") .Include("~/Content/...
Mini's user avatar
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ScriptBundle and jQuery minification causes issues with addEventListener

I'm putting this up as a way to save people time. I'm using jQuery 1.11.3, and MVC with ScriptBundle On large pages I started getting errors calling addEventListener in ready.promise Funnily ...
Roger Willcocks's user avatar
3 votes
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Session access disable for bundle requests

I am using and MVC4 for my application and also i am using bundling for css and js files. When i look into my trace files, i observed that all my bundle requests are using session. i.e, all ...
Sriram's user avatar
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How to inject dependencies to a named angular directive controller?

If I have code similar to this question on injecting another controller to a directive: angular.module('paramApp', []); angular.module('paramApp').controller('ParamCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', ...
StuperUser's user avatar
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Load resources via CDN or minifiy/concat and serve yourself? [closed]

When serving static css/js/etc resources one has the option to use a cdn or to use your own server. With a CDN you include many includes but they can already be minified. Alternatively you may minify ...
TheOne's user avatar
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Why bundle optimizations are no longer a concern in HTTP/2

I read in bundling parts of systemjs documentation that bundling optimizations no longer needed in HTTP/2: Over HTTP/2 this approach may be preferable as it allows files to be individually cached ...
alisabzevari's user avatar
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Accessing bundles/jquery externally "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"

I have website which using Visual Studio 4 (.NET Framework 4) and bundling, and it runs locally on my machine (from Visual Studio) and also runs locally on the server just fine (using ...localhost/...
faujong's user avatar
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Bundling and minification issue in MVC

I am using ASP.NET MVC. I have bundled my js files, which run fine on dev environment. However on QA we have couple of issues. of few files like "jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js", "jquery....
Arnet11's user avatar
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How to include a file multiple times in an ASP.NET MVC5 script bundle?

In ASP.NET minification and bundling feature, I have a script that cleans up certain things and has to be run after loading multiple independent files. So I create a bundle, new ScriptBundle(...
artfuldev's user avatar
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CSS Bundling output file not generating

um using SquishIt to bundle css in a particular folder and my code is as follows public class HomeController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { var stsring = Bundle.Css()...
not 0x12's user avatar
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Inlining web components built with polymer inside one HTML file

I have the following web component built with Polymer: <link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"></link> <script> // register a new element Polymer(...
tugberk's user avatar
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.Net MVC adding async to bundles

I am coming to the end of a project which entails speeding up pages. to do this I have been using page speed insights by google ( To appease the ...
Benji40's user avatar
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MVC Bundles - force minification even if a .min file is present

Consider the following scenario: I use Web Essentials, thus my .less files get compiled into .css, .map en -min.css files. I also use MVC StyleBundles. Expectation: In release builds, the ...
Nico Beemster's user avatar
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"403 - Forbidden: Access is denied" error while minification and bundling of CSS in ASP.NET Web Forms

I recently transferred my ASP.NET web forms application from a managed VPS to AWS EC2 using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. When I was using my web app in managed VPS, the bundling and minification was working ...
Aishwarya Shiva's user avatar
12 votes
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Stylesheets and scripts bundles not working in Mono

Background: I am migrating an ASP.NET MVC 5 application (developed in Windows 8.1, VS2013 Community, .NET 4.5.1, MySql custom membership and role provider) project to Monodevelop (in Ubuntu 14.4, ...
Zameer Ansari's user avatar
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ASP.NET ToolkitScriptManager removes teleric scripts in RELEASE mode

My site is based on ASP.NET WebForms and I use Telerik.Web.UI controls. I added bundling for the whole site (.NET Web.optimization). And when I turned on bundling scripts which must be generated for ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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CSS changes on MVC App not working

I created an MVC app using VS Express for web. It it will only use the default built in CSS file that VS Express comes with. Example: If I modify the bootstrap.css file (change jumbotron color), and ...
dave317's user avatar
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Does the bundler automatically minify files?

I'm using MVC 4. Like the question states, if I put a bunch of JS files (or CSS, for that matter) into a bundle, will it automatically be minified? For example, should my bundle read: ...
AlbatrossCafe's user avatar
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AngularJS minification

EDIT 3 : The problem was absolutely not dependencie injection but with angular-mock. See 'Pierre Gayvallet' answer below. I'd like to avoid using ngmin, ngAnnotate or others grunt plugin when i ...
maxime1992's user avatar
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Defining CDN path for multiple files included in a bundle

This is my first time that I want to use bundling and minification. And I found examples and explanations for almost everything but using a cdn path for a bunch of files included in a bundle. all ...
Ashkan Mobayen Khiabani's user avatar
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Get Latest Js and Css files after new deployment

Please guide me the way, how to get latest files after new deployment. I have used mvc bundling for Js and Css files. Every time I change the version in the url like this "
Amna's user avatar
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SignalR not loaded on bundling the js

I have been using Bundling and Minification concept in my application. i have following code in global.asax void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Web....
Rajeev Kumar's user avatar
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Does web essentials offer a way to use the bundled js file in production but individual js files in development?

The Setup: I have a large SPA app using many JavaScript files that are bundled using Web Essentials bundling in Visual Studio 2013. I then include the minified js files generated by Web Essentials on ...
codetoast's user avatar
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Load minified files generated by WebEssentials with RequireJS

I used WebEssential tool to generate some minified version typescript files, so right now i have all the .min.js files. Now I want to use that minified files version on the project, but they was ...
mmarques's user avatar
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Ignoring files in MVC Bundles

We are using feature flags (set in Web.Config) to toggle the visibility in the UI of certain features that aren't yet complete. I'd also like my MVC bundles to NOT include the related JS files since ...
Chris Barr's user avatar
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Bundling files in different directories?

I recently came across an issue on a website where the styling on a page was really messed up but only in IE. My boss told me it is likely to be because the CSS Bundle being rendered contains CSS ...
Srb1313711's user avatar
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Prevent circumventing ASP.NET minification

I've got some ASP.NET that I'm deploying as an Azure cloud service. The javascript files have comments in them that I'd like not to be visible to anyone consuming the JS. I'm taking advantage of ASP....
BenjiFB's user avatar
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Bundling, RequireJS, and CDNs - Do they cancel each other out?

I know what you're all thinking, can't he just use all 3? Yes, I could, but my question is this: do they not cancel each other out? tl;dr Does bundling make RequireJS obsolete? Does bundling make ...
Matt Johnson's user avatar
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Why would both regular and minified Bootstrap CSS be referenced in code?

I am trying to implement a third-party script which references the following in its demo template: <link href="/css/bootstrap-image-gallery.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/css/...
Dave's user avatar
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Automatically switching to minified CSS & JS files in different environments

I am using ASP.Net MVC 5 and also taking advantage of WebEssentials LESS and bundle features. WebEssentials is setup to create minified css and js files on save. This is a feature I want because I ...
beloud's user avatar
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Closure compiler export Typescript classes and functions

I am trying to use closure compiler advanced mode on typescript generated classes with no success. Is there anyone who has accomplished such things. Typescript Class class TestData { BlogName: ...
anandaravindan's user avatar
9 votes
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RequireJS - ASP.NET MVC Bundle Script

I have two questions. I am trying to learn RequireJS and use it along with ASP.NET MVC bundling & minification. I am using a separate config file for RequireJS which holds the bundling ...
MPM's user avatar
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is it possible to include Scripts and Styles in same Bundle ?( mvc5)

Attempting to use css and js files with same virtualpath bundle name 1 - is it possible ? (tried:but failed. cant define same virtual path name both for script and style) 2 - it it possible to ...
Zen Of Kursat's user avatar
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CSS & JS files not rendered when deploy of ASP.Net MVC application on IIS 8 (Windows 8)

I'm having an issue when deploying my Asp.NET MVC 5 web application on a remote IIS 8 ! when i'm starting the server, the application works well, but no css or js file is working ! my local machine : ...
NTinkicht's user avatar
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