Questions tagged [button]

Buttons are simple elements in graphical user interfaces that take mouse clicks or finger taps (on touch devices) as input.

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2 answers

PushButton handler does noch work after disable -> enable in GWT

I disable a button and enable this button with a timer (like this sample), i dont move the mouse pointer down from the button. the result is, the button is enabled, but some times i can't click on it ...
tomkpunkt's user avatar
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css: ie shifts button's text value and background

I've got a submit button in a list: <ul> <li><input type="submit" value="Pls don't shift" /></li> </ul> The li and the input have different backgrounds, ...
Burnee's user avatar
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Rounded corners on all Buttons in Theme - how to override?

I have been looking around for an easy way to make all buttons in my entire app have rounded corners. I haven't succeeded, so I thought I'd ask =) My AndroidManifest.xml: <application android:...
Ted's user avatar
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How to play a sound file from a web URL when a button is clicked

I have this sound file in; how can I make it play when a button is clicked, using a Media Player? Example: b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @...
yes's user avatar
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800 views button doesn't cause post back when clicked repeatedly

If I click a button very fast after page load, the post back won't be fired. The following example illustrates this (you have to click the button twice and very fast): <form id="form1" runat="...
Caroline's user avatar
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How to detect mouse click and hold in Android browser?

I am writing a webpage that is intended to be viewed on Android phones and hopefully other mobile devices. I am going with a webpage as opposed to an App because it is more platform independent. I ...
PICyourBrain's user avatar
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How to add "Like" button to a facebook page's iframe app tab?

I created an iframe tab app which pulls hot photos from my facebook page's wall. Here is my app: I want to add a ...
Shea's user avatar
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Jquery datepicker throwing too much recursion error

Im trying to modify the jquery datepicker with done button as clear button. but it is throwing too much recursion error... my code is, function datePickerToCompareTwoFields(){ var dformat = ...
user685115's user avatar
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Add onClick to button inside custom status bar view

So I've got the following custom view in my status: How do I make the buttons (1, 2, 3, 4) clickable with onClick functions? Plus how do I make the icon in the notification bar go away since this is ...
mlevit's user avatar
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How to handle touch gesture for press-hold-slide-release between 2 buttons

I am trying to create a menu that will behave much like the on-screen keypad of Android, wherein when press-holding a key with accented characters like "i", a popup menu for the accented characters is ...
gravija_flare's user avatar
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How do I draw a custom button on an Aero theme caption bar without extending non-client area?

I'm trying to figure out how to draw a custom button on the caption bar of windows when using the Aero theme in Vista or Win7. I need to apply this to a number of different applications without ...
Warner Young's user avatar
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Facebook like button (XFBML version) height

I'm having a problem with the height of the Facebook Like button. I use the XFBML version with this tag <fb:like layout="standard" show_faces="true" width="440" action="recommend" colorscheme="...
Lukáš Voda's user avatar
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Disable Ribbon Button

I want to disable and NOT hide a ribbon button (specifically Ribbon.ListItem.New.NewListItem) on a particular List type. On web I could find a lot many posts showing me ways to remove/hide buttons but ...
Raghu's user avatar
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TextBox and Button - Binding and Command

I am using MVVM pattern. I have a Text box whose Text property is bound to ViewModel's(VM supports INotifyProperyChange) Text property Button whose command is bound to VM's ICommand property type ...
byte's user avatar
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wpf edit item in listbox when a button is clicked somwhere on the form

Using this question (Inline editing TextBlock in a ListBox with DataTemplate (WPF) I now have a ListBox that can be doubleclicked to edit the items in it. What I want now is to have a Button on the ...
Marius's user avatar
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Outer and Inner Glow with transparent WPF Buttons

I want my WPF Button to get an outer glow effect when the mouse hovers over it. How can I achieve this when the Button is transparent? When I use a BitmapEffect such as a DropShadow or OuterGlow the ...
FantaMango77's user avatar
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Flutter button without Material anymore?

I was trying to include button without Material or Cupertino with no luck. I used WidgetsApp as base. Then I found this: Does it mean Button ...
d3im's user avatar
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4 answers

How to stop text in a button control from breaking the word up onto multiple lines in Winforms?

I have a Windows Forms project that sets button text based on variables. The font is quite large for readability, but it means that some words are too long to fit in the button nicely, and the last ...
Ben's user avatar
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MFMailComposeViewController send button disable

I present the MFMailComposeViewController according API,generally, the interface is normal, but some users of our app complaint the problem that the send button on the top-right is gray(it becomes ...
dormitory219's user avatar
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Setting Button Color

This works to change colour of button: myButton.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.button_grey); this doesn't int myColor = R.drawable.button_grey; myButton.setBackgroundResource(myColor); Doesn't ...
James B's user avatar
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Removing displacement of button on IE when clicking

When you click on a button on IE, the text moves slightly to the bottom and right, in order to give the effect of it being pressed. However, if you customize your button and add, say, a background ...
Óscar's user avatar
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How to set the minimum size of the button in Flutter?

I'm building a Flutter web app in which I have a button which contains an icon and some text in a row. My problem is, that whenever the user resizes the window to a smaller size, the button gets too ...
jdsflk's user avatar
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resize button controls on windows form to fixed size as per screen resolution

i have a specific requirement where -in size of buttons on my form should remain of particular size at different screen resolution. Example as seen in above form, i have buttons "ON" and "OFF" &...
sia's user avatar
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Unactive links and not clickable elements in Google Chrome

Sometimes I have problem when few elements on page are not clickable. For example if I hover on button clickable can be image on this button, but not a text. I have the last version of Google Chrome ...
Denyk's user avatar
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1 answer

grails: specify form action with button vs input type=submit / g:actionSubmit

I have a form with multiple buttons which submit the form to different controller actions. This works fine for <g:actionSubmit, but I would like to use <button type="submit" so I can ...
zack's user avatar
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.Net Maui .Net7 - Button View: I can not wrap text. LineBreakMode is not working for me

I need a button with more than 1 line of text, in .Net Maui (using .Net7). I used the property LineBreakMode = "WordWrap", but text ("wrap me if you can") does not wrap. I followed ...
Ignotus's user avatar
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SFSafariViewController Done Button Tappable Area Too Small

There is another post on SO regarding this issue but it's from a while back and only deals with UIKit, not SwiftUI. I have SFSafariViewController working perfectly, and am using it via a programmatic ...
kittonian's user avatar
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How can I display the data piece by piece through the API?

I have 5 buttons. With Fetch, the API is fetched and written to the screen. I want the top 50 countries to be listed when I click on button 1. After that, when you press button number 2, the countries ...
Pasha 's user avatar
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Google add on setOnChangeAction is not instantaneous : is it normal or am I doing something wrong?

I am trying to build a google add on for drive, and I want the displayed card to refresh and show different data depending on the value of a switch. I am setting a setOnChangeAction to the switch with ...
Quentin Escaron's user avatar
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Force external browser from Facebook

I need help opening links from Facebook. I would like to create an HTML button that if clicked from Facebook mobile does not open the link on its browser, but is redirected directly to Chroome or the ...
Cesare Spani's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating a custom button from an image with rounded sides in Flutter

I would like to create a custom button from an image in Flutter. I've created the following image to be used as the background for the button: As you can see, the sides of the button image have a ...
Scooby-Doo's user avatar
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Trying to make one button for two different pages, login and profile page in android studio

I need help with this code. My intention is for if the user has not login yet, they click on the button, and login page will be displayed. Once they login then the app will display the profile page ...
Nadia Nasir's user avatar
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React Native- Function Call hangs and cause delay in app

I am new to React native and I am generating a token using node-forge library. I am using this token in each API as headers. So, I need to generate this token every time when app makes a call to ...
deepanshi gupta's user avatar
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Excel ActiveX command button text changes size on each click

The problem is, as the title reads; every time the button is clicked, the font inside gets larger until only the upper-left part of the first character can be seen. The font size in the Properties ...
GTaylor's user avatar
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1 answer

Tailwind Button ignoring background colour

I have a laravel component for a submit button in Tailwind. The button code is: <div class="{{ $position }} mt-4"> <button type="submit" class="inline-flex items-...
Jim's user avatar
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How to verify a mailto link behind a button using Selenium WebDriver?

There is a Contact Us button in a website which when clicked opens up the default mail client using the mailto link attached to it through Javascript. How can I verify the mailto link tagged to the ...
Arghya's user avatar
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How can I achieve a design like this

I want to achieve something like this It opens up a bottom sheet which is something I can do P.S Also this arrow up changes its direction to arrow down. I also want to know how to achieve that
Raven Ben's user avatar
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Kivy button does not dismiss a popup when it should

I have made a button that when released opens a popup in kivy, which contains a Float Layout. I want the layout to contain a filechooser, so the user can select a folder to save something, and ...
newprogeman's user avatar
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Buttons that insert text into word document no longer work after implementing drop down menu that hides buttons based on different selections

I am brand new to coding and cannot figure out why this is not working. In brief, I want to make a Word add-in where I can click a button and it will insert a sentence into the Word document at the ...
CasusBelli's user avatar
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ant-design button displaying with spinning icon

In my nextjs project, i use ant-design. However, whenever i use the Button component, it displays with a spinning icon near it. I can manually remove the spinning icon using display: none; etc but i ...
ImportError's user avatar
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Not getting headset play/pause event using audio_service

I have a Flutter app running on iOS and I want to use the play/pause button on a wired headset to serve as a way to remotely trigger an action in my app. It's not a music app, so my implementation is ...
error910's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 Accordion button (arrow) missing

I've copied the example from Bootstrap 5.1 docs. When I pasted it into my .html it looked clunky (and was missing the default arrow) so I did some minor css to clean it up. As you can see in the code ...
Haawq's user avatar
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Change image brightness while on hover

How can I edit a code for two main_menu buttons to lower their brightness while mouse cursor is on them? I have already imported images starton and stopon, in which the brightness is lower, however, I ...
Filip Grubeša's user avatar
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React : Enter key click on the unexpected button

First of all, I am a beginner in React and React Native, and I am taking on a project. So, sorry if you don't have al the details, ask me what you need if you have an idea of the issue. And I am not ...
solene's user avatar
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React makeStyle is not working properly and causes other components to disappear

I looked at a tutorial and wrote exact same code in my App.js to create styled button using makeStyles but it didn't work. whenever I'm using makeStyles it causes other components to disappear. I ...
muller's user avatar
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keep focus of css style even if other button clicked

I found similar questions like: How to keep focuse css style after clicking a button Keep style of button after click But the style will still change with this solutions, if a other button is ...
Burak's user avatar
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How to add custom buttons to Notepad ++ (64-bit)?

Like in this question, I have a desire to add custom buttons in Notepad ++ to speed up my workflow. It suggests that we first need to install a 'Pluggins Manager' that has since been removed, but ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
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Plotly Chart Size Changing When Hiding and Showing Div

I have a Plotly plot that needs to be hidden when the page loads and then be shown when a button is pressed. I tried to do so by setting the div that the plot goes inside as display = none & ...
Eesh Naik's user avatar
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I'm trying to detect if the caption button is clicked on google meet

I was trying to see if there's a way to detect if the caption button was clicked on google meet using a chrome extension. Here's what I currently have let button = document.getElementsByClassName('...
studentOfTheCode's user avatar
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show picker view content on tap of button or picker itself in swiftui?

Unable to click on Image, picker is oopening ontap of Choose but not on drowDown image as shown in image. I tried to place button too inplace of Image, but unable to acheive it. Below is the enum ...
user1960279's user avatar

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