Questions tagged [cakephp-bootstrap-ui]

An API that transparently use Twitter Bootstrap 3 with CakePHP 3.

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firends of cake bootstrap-ui change color

I installed the plugin with the install command. I'd like to change the primary color, where is the right place to do this?
eliane86's user avatar
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How to use own element file for flash instead of Bootstrap-ui's default, CakePHP 3?

I am using bootstrap-ui plugin for Form but it automatically loads flash. I want to use my own element file for Success/Error/Warning etc but bootstrap-ui automatically uses its default.ctp element ...
bikash.bilz's user avatar
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while displaying it is ignoring first row of table

It is ignoring first row of table. What am I doing wrong? $sql = "SELECT * FROM combo1 group by id "; $result = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if ($result && mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { ...
shruti Akki's user avatar
1 vote
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UI Bootstrap carousel not rendering images

ui-bootstrap seems not to render my images. -When using regular <img ng-source =""> The images rendering just fine like they suppose to. - When using angular ui Carousel they seem not to ...
kkdeveloper7's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to display error message for cakephp3 bootstrap-ui

[x] bug BootstrapUI Version: v0.5.0 Bootstrap Framework Version: v3.3.6 jQuery: 3.0.0-rc1 Platform and Target: Google Chrome, Apache What you did App\View namespace App\View; use Cake\View\View;...
Kven Ho's user avatar
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cakephp 3 bootstrap-ui change prev/next text

I have FriendsofCake Bootstrap-ui plugin. I see in the source that it accepts text for the pagination prev and next labels. I am not sure how to exactly set the config option though. PaginatorHelper....
Keith Power's user avatar