Questions tagged [call]

Do not use this ambiguous tag. For the action of invoking a subroutine of code, an external program or a script, use the tag [method-call]. For the topic of making phone calls, use the tag [phone-call].

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3 answers

How do I write a method which is supposed to get data from database to show on a form in C# [closed]

I'm a beginner to .net and could you guide me to right direction. My problem is based on the following code. Here I have 4 variations of same method and all 4 variations are working fine. I just want ...
CAD's user avatar
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Chaining dependencies from submake to its parent

I made a small example to illustrate my issue: I have several projects and one principal Makefile to rule them all. /+ |+ Makefile |+ Project A | + Makefile |+ Project B | + Makefile |... ...
nowox's user avatar
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2 answers

Call statements

I am trying to use call statements in Visual Studio and having some issues understanding the logic. I am trying to create a windows form program to calculate "Net Pay" in a payroll situation. Just ...
tbeauregard1's user avatar
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1 answer

ajax call async issue

i just have a problem with the async mode. in my ajax call i create a pdf, which takes a while (10 - 45 seconds) and in the success section of ajax i call'path of pdf') to show the ...
illmaxon's user avatar
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1 answer

How to reload fresh data from web in background

in my Android app I have a ContactList downloaded from web. I need it in many parts of the app, so i download it at login. This call is paginated, so i need to call the method many times (depends of ...
Alessio Crestani's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating a method which receives polymorphic input

I want to call a specific method named "center" which I use to print the centres of the objects as a string. I want this method to accept any object from these classes. The centres of the object are ...
alxmke's user avatar
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3 answers

call function inside $ (function () {...}) jquery [closed]

call function inside $ (function () {...}) example: $ (function () {      makeAlert function (text) {          alert (text)      } }); I want to call "makeAlert" function from any block. ...
user3413238's user avatar
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1 answer

Prompting to print all of that type, and calculate the total of that type

I have a file that is needed to be read: public static int start_program1(int rcount,int[]reservation_code,int[]fl_number,String[]last_name,String[]first_name,String[]seat_type,double[]seat_cost) { ...
user3426607's user avatar
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PHP environment problems

when i develop my web, i get a crazy problem, i cant find the solution for this. if ( $this->client == null ) { $this->client = Client::getInstance(); } i run x-debug with my project, and ...
Makio's user avatar
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1 answer

Android Call Recording

setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_CALL); setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_DOWNLINK); setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_UPLINK); I am new to android and i am ...
Azmat Karim Khan's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to call a function within a constructor? PHP

Is it possible to call a function within a constructor? For example: class Foo { public $bars = array(); public function __construct($string) { fetchBars($string); } ...
Khanji's user avatar
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2 answers

java remove punctuation recursive method

I made a method to remove some punctuation from a String but its just returning the word passed in the parameter w/ the punctuation included, can anyone spot what's wrong? public static String ...
user3189506's user avatar
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Cloning $(this) in a javascript object?

I'm learning how to use objects to help organize my code and give it some structure but I've run into a problem. I don't understand how to set the $(this) from inside of one function to the $(this) of ...
EmptyPockets's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can i define functions in a loop statement? [closed]

I use code like the below in javascript. Is it wrong? for(i=0;i<5;i++){ function somefunction(){ /*function code here*/ } somefunction();//call that function inside the loop }//end of for loop ...
Dchris's user avatar
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2 answers

Call function directly after init

I have a function, for example: $(window).scroll(function(e){ // my stuff }); Is there a way to call the function directy after the init? I know this syntax to call a function directly after the ...
user3292653's user avatar
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1 answer

Getting the AudioCall in a Lync Conference via UCMA

I'm looking for a way to get a references to AudioCalls in existing conferences via a Lync UCMA application so that I can change the audio routing for participants of a conference without them having ...
Paul Hodgson's user avatar
2 votes
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Icefaces How to add multiple calls in JavascriptContext?

To run multiple calls I know i can do this: String call1 = "doSomething1();"; String call2 = "doSomething2();"; JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall(currentInstance, call1 + call2); But i want to add ...
user1960954's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there any way to search for, and then call a method in java from a String?

I'm asking for if there is a way where I could obtain a string (ie ";" ), and search my jvm for the class Foo and call the static method bar? If so, may you share it?
Geoffroi's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How to make Meteor methods synchronous?

I need a way for a meteor call to be synchronous so that when a call is run, the code waits for a result to be done so it can continue to the next line of code on the client. for example: ...
cronicryo's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I trace all local function calls and exits, and record it to a file to review

I want to trace a C program under Linux, and record all function calls and returns in a format of tree. For example, the source code: void a () { printf("a\n"); } void b () { printf("b\n"); } ...
river's user avatar
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How to call class from a controller MVC

I want to all class from controller like this: public void POSR(Item model) { //some code... db.SaveChanges(); // class Printer Printer pr = new Printer(); //call ...
user3399213's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Call axis function causing problems D3

I am just starting to learn D3, and have been following a tutorial to create this piece of code. I created a couple of bars and intend to create an x axis for my graph. The problem is when I add the "...
Sina Sohi's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Android Call Application "how to"

i have this very basic code that should work as a call application. everything is hardcoded. i don't find usefull tutorials according to this application i need / want to create. my question is ...
SeeSharp's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why call javascript from server side?

I am new to I know javascript is client-side scripting language. Then what is a benefit to call it from server side using RegisterClientScriptBlock method. Please explain...
Karna's user avatar
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1 answer

stty RAW console in C

I'm trying to build my own console and I'm using the below statement to get RAW access so I can implement some advanced features such as implementing the auto suggest feature that's implemented in a ...
DangerousDave23's user avatar
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using linux system call "read" to read one character of a file

So I'm trying to read through a file one character at a time using the linux system call read with nasm, but no matter what I specify my count to be, it reads the entire file. I know read takes 3 ...
user3444202's user avatar
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Android - On click hangup outgoing call

I am writing a code to customize outgoing call screen. I have successfully shown my activity on outgoing calls which overrides default android UI using broadcast. Now I want to set some buttons on my ...
Niraj Chauhan's user avatar
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How to call method from model?

I'm trying to call a method from my model with: <p> <strong>Holidays this year:</strong> <%= Country.all_holidays_in(2014) %> </p> I have also tried putting my methods ...
Saggex's user avatar
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Checking if function was not called for x amount of time

I didn't find this kind of question anywhere so I'm going to ask it here. How can I check if some specific function written by me wasn't called for some x amount of time?
Satoshi's user avatar
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call javascript function from onmouse event within svg file

I have a svg file that contains this... <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 162.7803 192.52)" font-family="'Helvetica'" font-size="11">30</text> If I modify that string so it would look like ...
MTplus's user avatar
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How can a Sub update it parameters?

I have some simple code and I understand what it does but not why. I have a Sub and it calls another Sub called CheckIfNothing(oList). oList is a List(Of String). The Sub CheckIfNothing checks each ...
Krowi's user avatar
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Calling PageMethod using jQuery AJAX in 4.5 Web Form Site

Aspx <%@ Item Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="...
user3431606's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to callthe first float in a list in Python

In Python if I have numerous lines of data containing both strings and floats (sample below) which I have tokenized, how can I call the first float value in each line if this position is not constant? ...
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4 answers

How to call a method from an already running python script

I need to check if the python script is already running then calling a method from the same running python script. But it must be on same process(pid), no new process. Is this possible? I tried some ...
empax's user avatar
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2 answers

Android find contact by name unrelated to Charcase

I want to make a code which will find a contact and call him either if the contact is equals to the search or if it is in low case or up case This is the code i currently use ContentResolver cr = ...
Rosenpin's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating an unevaluated function call with unevaluated arguments

If we call a function directly in R, lazy evaluation takes place, so that the function arguments are not evaluated until they are encountered in the function body. An effect of this is that using ...
Wolfgang Pößnecker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Make a Call from Sleep

I made an App which Monitors the Accelerometer of the Phone and when it's tilted it should call a certain Number. I got everythung running so far and it even does the call, but only after I unlock ...
Splitframe's user avatar
2 votes
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Custom setters and getters in Laravel

Here's a tricky question. I am building a framework in Laravel and I want my objects to interact with Rackspace in a transparent way. From now on I made it possible to upload/delete objects without ...
Juanjo Lainez Reche's user avatar
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How to call an activity to foreground when we receiving a call?

I am stuck in a process. What i am trying to implement is setting a video as caller Id when somebody call on my mobile. Here is my sample code: public class MainActivity extends Activity { ...
Amit Chandra's user avatar
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Passing zero parameters to call_user_func_array

Consider the following situation: call_user_func_array(array($this, 'method'), array()); This works fine, but I'm wondering whether this is the right way to pass zero parameters to the method. I've ...
Onion's user avatar
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How to display view contact on call screen and get info comming call?

I want to display a view on call screen of iPhone and get info comming call but I can't. I found one link access private API but it saying that apple will not approve this, But i saw some ...
thachonline's user avatar
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instance has no __call__ method

I have written to the code below as an exercise and to do some vector algebra with an application of mine. from math import acos class Vector: def __init__(self,x,y,z): self.x = x; self....
zamk's user avatar
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Call function not working for all sub-classes

I'm trying to use the __call function to execute instructions before a specific action. But when I use this code I only get __call working once, while I need it to be executed for every run() call. ...
user638564's user avatar
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Obj C Modal box with options to call or email

Hi everyoneI need some direction on how to go about accomplishing a task. I have a app with 5 tab bar items I need to program one of the tabs to call a modal dialog box that has three options. 1. ...
user2506891's user avatar
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2 answers

Call image url into magento admin

hope you can help me - I seem unable to recall the url needed from the image folder in magento to allow thumbnail images to appear in admin: $p = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($row->...
user3313215's user avatar
2 votes
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Perl: How to pass ARGV parameters to another script?

I wrote a Perl script that launches another program and I want it to pass the exact ARGV parameters it received to the launched program. Currently I use this code: my $cmd = "" my $...
SomethingSomething's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How come my C program can call functions from C++ file without including the header?

For example, suppose I have the following files: hello.cpp, hello.h, and main.c In hello.cpp say I have the following: #include "hello.h" extern "C" void test_func(int &a, int b){ some stuff ...
user3385863's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can someone explain this "passing arguments" in javascript example?

I'm reading through Javascript Garden, and I'm trying to wrap my head around the following example: Passing Arguments The following is the recommended way of passing arguments from one ...
Andrew Aponte's user avatar
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Unity Animation Event Function Call

I have a main script running, using GUI and starting animation (which is part of another game object). In this animation I want to have events which should call some function in the same script. But ...
Michal Krča's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Escape PIPE character in a function call windows Batch script

I am writing a function to execute shell commands and capture its output in a batch script. :runShellCmd setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion SET lf=- FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('%~1') DO if "%out%"...
Jatin Kumar's user avatar
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