Questions tagged [capistrano3]

Capistrano is an open source tool for running scripts on multiple servers; its main use is deploying web applications. It automates the process of making a new version of an application available on one or more web servers, including supporting tasks such as changing databases.

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Capistrano 3 can't access rbenv ruby on remote server or shell

Can't get capistrano 3 to make use or remote server rbenv ruby: Capistrano Version: 3.6.1 (Rake Version: 11.3.0) /Users/victorstan/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/sshkit-1.11.4/lib/...
Victor S's user avatar
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Rails deployment to AWS ECS container service through Capistrano

I am investigating the possibilities to deploy my Rails application to ECS containers instead of Amazon EC2. I currently have configured a Capistrano deployment on an Amazon elastic load balancer, I ...
Cyril Duchon-Doris's user avatar
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Capistrano 3 Start Server Error (Rails 4.2)

This is my spec for deployment to my staging: Rails 4.2.5 Capistrano 3.4.1 Thin 1.7.0 Nginx 1.4.6 Everything works fine, capistrano also able to deploy and run the server BUT When I try to access ...
Sam Ch's user avatar
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Capistrano Deploy from Remote Server

I'm using Dotenv to populate my environment when deploying and I have a deployment server that contains all the secrets. I want to be able to do a cap production deploy from my localhost which ...
Iaan Krynauw's user avatar
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Puma won't start through capistrano

Puma fails all the time when trying to install with capistrano but when i try the same command capistrano uses in the current directory puma starts successfully. bundle exec puma -C /home/deploy/apps/...
Petros Kyriakou's user avatar
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Mountpoint error in Ruby on Rails server using Capistrano

I am trying to automate app deployment using capistrano. I have almost completed all the tasks except s3 mounting and unmounting recipe. Here is the recipe which I have written, it works in certain ...
Sahil's user avatar
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How can I restore my Rails 5 binstubs?

I'm working in a Rails 5 app on macOS Sierra and everything was going well until I was ready for production to a Digital Ocean VPS. I followed one of the most famous Deploy Rails app tutorial using ...
alexventuraio's user avatar
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Capistrano 3 - fetch from multiple Git repositories

I have an app that is composed of front-end and back-end code-bases, each in different Git repositories. I want to deploy both components to a single server using Capistrano v3. How can I go about ...
Katya Kuper's user avatar
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Capistrano 3 deploy failure - Rails 3.2

I've got a Rails app that I deploy using capistrano 3. The app has deployed successfully for over a year now but today after making a few changes to html files the deployment fails with the following ...
user2967603's user avatar
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Prevent capistrano to run migration in deploy

I am using capistrano rails gem in my application. When I run cap production deploy it deploys my changes and at the same time it runs my db:migrate and runs all my pending migrations. For a testing ...
Rubioli's user avatar
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Resque not starting after cap:deploy in Rails 3 app

I have recently added capistrano to my test rails app to understand the working of capistrano. I am able to deploy the app using it but my resque commands are not getting executed. It does not show ...
Sahil's user avatar
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How to use Capistrano with Rails and Docker-compose?

I'm deploying a Rails Application with Capistrano. It doesn't have any problem in normally way with Nginx and Passenger. Now, I move to use docker-compose. Capfile # Load DSL and set up stages ...
NamLe's user avatar
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Capistrano cap production deploy fails on migration but cap production deploy:migrate passes

I've come across a strange problem with Capistrano while getting a production server ready. When I run cap production deploy, it always fails on the deploy:migrate step with ActiveRecord::...
gwnp's user avatar
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Capistrano linked_dirs doubles end of path

I recently upgraded to rails 5 and capistrano 3.5. Now im facing the issue, that every folder in :linked_dirs gets double-symlinked: In my deploy.rb set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('...
Simon Dohmen's user avatar
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the user cannot destroy a record in a rail 5 application after deployment with Capistrano?

I have developed a very simple apps for trying out deployment on AWS server with Rails and ruby 2.3.1. As a user, I can delete a record without any problems on my localhost:3000. However I ...
Danli Denny Deng's user avatar
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Capistrano 3 + rbenv + sidekiq: Command not found

I'm upgrading to Capistrano 3, and during deploy sidekiq should start. But I'm getting the following error: 00:23 sidekiq:start 01 $HOME/.rbenv/bin/rbenv exec sidekiq --index 0 --pidfile /var/...
23tux's user avatar
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Rails, Capistrano, Nginx, Unicorn - Application has been already initialized

I followed ChuckJHardy example on how to deploy a rails app to a VPS using Capistrano, Nginx, Unicorn. The deployment process passed from my local machine but my rails application is not loading fine. ...
Alex Onozor's user avatar
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Interactive Shell with Mina and Capistrano

Capistrano Doc says ssh me@remote "[[ $- == *i* ]] && echo 'Interactive' || echo '...
Viren's user avatar
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Capistrano 3 rbenv issue: no such file to load -- rubygems (LoadError)

I'm having issues with running ruby gem commands while using Capistrano 3 with capistrano-rbenv (I'm assuming it can't find the ruby interpreter), specifically delayed_job. I've posted the necessary ...
icantbecool's user avatar
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Rails: An unhandled lowlevel error occurred. The application logs may have details

I made this on my server: deploy@ubuntu-512mb-ams2-01:~/applications/spa_backend/current$ bundle exec rake secret 4b921910** deploy@ubuntu-512mb-ams2-01:~/applications/spa_backend/current$ export ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed while deploying Rails 4.2.x application using capistrano 3.6.1

When I try to deploy the application with capistrano 3.6.1 and ruby 2.3.1, I get following error for Rails 4.2.x amit@amit:~/smart-recruit$ cap production doctor (Backtrace restricted to imported ...
Amit Patel's user avatar
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Capistrano intervals between restarts of the servers to ensure service continuity

I know the best practice for pushing changes to production is to have sets of servers A and B, to have A serve the website for the client, to push the update on B and then switch A<->B to ensure ...
Cyril Duchon-Doris's user avatar
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Devise secret_key not set, even though it's present in profile

The first line of my ~/.profile file is: export DEVISE_TOKEN_AUTH_SECRET_KEY="secrethere" When I SSH in to my deployer account, echo $DEVISE_TOKEN_AUTH_SECRET_KEY prints the secret key normally. ...
user6689604's user avatar
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How to run sudo command with password in capistrano

I want to run my Httpd service to restart by Capistano, so I write this code for that namespace :deploy do task :restart do on roles(:app), in: :sequence, wait: 1 do within current_path ...
TechCompose's user avatar
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How to deploy gem with related branch for different environments using Capistrano?

I'm using Capistrano 3 to deploy a RoR application. I already have deployment scripts for different environments: stage, production, etc. But I need possibility to deploy on these environments with ...
Nike0's user avatar
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Capistrano deployment error - "config/database.yml: No such file or directory"

Not sure what Capistrano is trying to do or what's wrong. I have already set the file and folder permission on my server with user "deploy4" and all the necessary things as mention in here: https://...
Shirish K.'s user avatar
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Capistrano uses the wrong user to fetch remote repo. Permission denied (publickey)

I've configured the public key on BitBucket and it works from SSH, but using Capistrano it defaults to the wrong user: INFO [813163d1] Running /usr/bin/env git ls-remote --heads \ [email protected]:...
Pedro Bernardes's user avatar
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How to integrate Capistrano with Docker for deployment?

I am not sure my question is relevant as I may try to mix tools (Capistrano and Docker) that should not be mixed. I have recently dockerized an application that is deployed with Capistrano. Docker ...
Michaël Perrin's user avatar
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Capistrano: Checkout files from two different repository

I have two repositories in BitBucket. One is my normal repository which I would like to deploy with first, a Laravel installation, I would like to deploy all the files within the branch. My ...
Sworup Shakya's user avatar
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Sidekiq looking for en.yml file in older capistrano release

I am running sidekiq in production and I deploy my app using capistrano. While processing background job, I am getting following error I18n::InvalidLocaleData: can not load translations from /path/to/...
r3b00t's user avatar
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Restarting delayed_job with Capistrano

I'm attempting to restart my delayed_job worker like so: task :restart_dj do on roles(:app) do execute "RAILS_ENV=production #{File.join(current_path,'bin','delayed_job')} restart" ...
bevanb's user avatar
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rails4 deployment logs out all users

got some strange behavior since quite a while. After deployment (with capistarano) all users need to sign in again! happens in several apps, since Rails 4.x .. here some versions: Rails: 4.2.5 / 4.2....
twetzel's user avatar
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Capistrano deploy to all servers but run some tasks on only one

I was deploying my Symfony2 application on one server only for a few month and it was perfect, but as I've added more servers, I'm stuck when I want to update all my servers at the same time, but run ...
LaurentG's user avatar
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Capistrano Ruby: Refactoring Reused String Values

I have a couple tasks within my deploy.rb file that execute within my theme folder. I currently define them as follows: namespace :deploy do desc 'NPM Build Production' task :...
christian's user avatar
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Exists a way to configure capistrano 3 to use a git repository via ssh with username / password authentication?

Well.. I'm not saying it's a great a idea.. but it can be done? 01 git ls-remote --heads ssh://git@host/srv/git/repo.git 01 Permission denied (publickey,password). 01 fatal: Could not ...
pragmatic_programmer's user avatar
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Rails 5 deploy to VPS - capistrano error "Don't know how to build task 'deploy:setup' "

This is my first deploy - all steps I've made according to GoRails Tutorial: After "cap production deploy" command I receive that error message: MacBook-Pro:...
Evgeny S's user avatar
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Assets Precompile Capistrano 3.4

I am a newbie in deploying, Using capistrano 3.4 for deploying I am trying to deploy for staging environment, using this task for precompile desc "assets precompile" task :precompile do on ...
Gourav's user avatar
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Capistrano 3.7 new SCM declaration is throwing errors

Based on the Readme here Updating the Gemfile and running bundle install works correctly. However, removing the :scm variable ...
Vincent Listrani's user avatar
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Rails secrets.yml VS Dotenv VS Figaro with Capistrano on AWS

There are several posts ans Stack Overflow questions about how to manage API tokens on the web, but I see a lot of people repeat what they read somewhere else, often with contradictions... How do you ...
Cyril Duchon-Doris's user avatar
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Capistrano 3 Unicorn Start returning a strange error in the last step

I ran $ cap production deploy on my rails 5 application. It worked fine right up to the last step: Seems like a permission issue to me, but it was working normally earlier. unicorn:restart 01 ...
Marvin Danig's user avatar
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Capistrano 3 failing with rails 5

I have a rails 5 app (after upgrade) that uses the following capistrano 3.0 plugins: # Deployments gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.6' gem 'capistrano-rails', '~> 1.1' gem 'capistrano-bundler', '...
Marvin Danig's user avatar
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11 votes
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Unable to deploy Rails App to DigitalOcean because of unsupported key type

I have configured the droplet in DO and nginx is up and running successfully. I followed the guide on DO on deploying to server via Capistrano. I can ssh into the server without entering my password. ...
tekina's user avatar
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sudo user doesn't have correct mysql permissions

I am trying to use wp-deploy (which makes use of Capistrano) to deploy my Wordpress site to a Digital Ocean Droplet. I think I have everything configured properly but when I try to run the ... ...
5k313t0r's user avatar
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Why is capistrano asset precompile throwing ci/reporter/rake/rspec error?

Capistrano deploy is throwing following error, on assets precompile step. rake aborted! LoadError: cannot load such file -- ci/reporter/rake/rspec /home/ubuntu/github/my_app/releases/20160806071639/...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Rails app with passenger and capistrano picking wrong gemset

I am trying to deploy rails app with Capistrano. App is deployed, bundle install is run in ~/.rvm/bin/rvm default do bundle install --path /home/pro/www/shared/bundle --without development test --...
user3185333's user avatar
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Copy Figaro's application.yml with Capistrano Deploy - Rails

I am trying to deploy my Rails application to a staging server with Capistrano, nginx and Puma. I am using the Figaro gem to setting ENV variables. When deploying, the standard Capistrano ...
simonlehmann's user avatar
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NoMethodError: undefined method `within' for main:Object

I'm trying to make Capistrano deploy script. In my Capfile I make sure all rake tasks are included # Load tasks Dir.glob('config/capistrano_tasks/*.rake').each { |r| import r } Next I have a '...
Christian Vermeulen's user avatar
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scm setup for copying project from windows to ubuntu using capistrano

I want to deploy my sample project from ubuntu to windows I have succesfully make a ssh key on ubuntu. Now I want to do this via only copying files from the windows to the ubuntu remotely. When I ...
Eleazar E's user avatar
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Development in Windows and Deploy to Ubuntu 16.04 locally using capistrano

I am finish developing my website in windows. I am using YII framework. Then I am deploying it on the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. This is physical server I am working on my office. My question can I deploy the ...
Eleazar E's user avatar
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Getting host information in capistrano task

given task :test do on roles(:app), in: :parallel do |host| puts host end end How can I use host (or some other way) to get the hosts's capistrano details such as what stage the ...
Nick Ginanto's user avatar
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