Questions tagged [capistrano]

Capistrano is a developer tool for deploying web applications. It is typically installed on a workstation, and used to deploy code from your source code management (SCM) to one, or more servers.

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9 votes
2 answers

Autoscaling on EC2 with Rails & Capistrano Deployments

Is there a common strategy for setting up scripts on autoscaling to update the code in a capistrano deploy hierarchy to pull from your repository when the AMI is launched on an autoscaling event to ...
Jeremy Gailor's user avatar
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Having problems with setting up my Capistrano with Rails

I'm trying to deploy my Rails application using Capistrano. My deploy.rb file looks like this : require "bundler/capistrano" server "", :web, :db, :primary => true set :...
Eki Eqbal's user avatar
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After deploying my rails 3 app on ec2, it doesnt render my app

I am using capistrano, nginx and passenger to deploy my rails 3 app from github on ec2. This is my deploy.rb file: set :application, "my-Blog" set :repository, "
Shahrzad Faghihi's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

rbenv hanging while installing Ruby 1.9.3-p286 on Ubuntu 12.04

I'm having problems installing Ruby 1.9.3-p286 on a (blank) Ubuntu 12.04 box with Capistrano. What happens is: * executing "rbenv install 1.9.3-p286" servers: [""] [178.48.132....
Nicholas's user avatar
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Need access to current hostname in Capistrano configuration variable for delayed_job named queue

I'm using named queues within delayed_job to keep tasks isolated by server: subdomain = Socket.gethostname.split('.')[0] MyModel.delay(:queue => (subdomain + "_queue")).get_some_records When I ...
jordanpg's user avatar
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Limiting developer access to git repository for a website and how to deploy it

I am considering taking on a new developer for my rails based website but, because I do not know them, I do not want them to have complete read access to my code. I only want them to be able to read ...
00Kell's user avatar
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Nginx redirecting to IP

I recently used the Deploying to VPS Railscasts by Ryan Bates for one of my projects. Everything worked like a charm however there is one small issue which is bugging me regarding the nginx ...
Smoke's user avatar
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How to run Capistrano task on failed deploy

Using Capistrano I'd like to run a cleanup/teardown task on failed deploy, such as when a shell command fails. I couldn't find anything after a fairly extensive search. Can anyone help? Thanks
xnzac's user avatar
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where is the bundle:install command in capistrano deployment rails3.2 app?

I'm trying to deploy a rails 3.2 app using capistrano and rbenv on prod server. Bundle is failing so I want to override the bundle:install callback hook but I couldn't find the method in the ...
millisami's user avatar
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729 views cannot find app root on capistrano cold deploy

I am deploying Rails app and upon running cap deploy:cold I get the error saying * 2012-11-02 23:53:26 executing `deploy:migrate' * executing "cd /home/mr_deployer/apps/prjct_mngr/releases/...
oFca's user avatar
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Ruby application deployment symlink target location?

I'm attempting to deploy a very simple ruby (not rails) app using Capistrano on Site5 shared hosting, and so far my cap deploy:setup and cap deploy commands have succeeded so everything is deployed (I'...
Becky Green's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

From manual pull on server to Capistrano

I've always deployed my apps through SSH by manually logging in and running git pull origin master, running migrations and pre-compiling assets. Now i started to get more interested in Capistrano so ...
CodeOverload's user avatar
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Cannot call method 'charAt' of undefined

I am having rails3 application which running fine in my local ubuntu machine. I deployed my application using capistrano-unicorn to remote server via copy. The remote server is also having a same ...
Achaius's user avatar
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running cap deploy:cold command gives an error

So i've been trying to deploy my ruby on rails web site with the help of Capistrano and when I run cap deploy:cold this is what I get: C:\Sites\blog>cap deploy:cold * ←[32m2012-11-02 00:47:49 ...
Denys's user avatar
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5 answers

How to get Rails 3 to run in production mode on server w/ Passenger

Hi I'm running Passenger/mongo/Rails 3.2 (no activerecord or mysql) with a Capistrano deploy script. I'm trying to get my app to run in production mode on my linux server. In my apache config file i ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Trouble with rails multistage deployment on Ubuntu 11.10

I am trying to get a multistage deployment on my server and I am having trouble getting a staging and production configuration running. Server: Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux 3.0.0-19-server x86_64) Here ...
rjd's user avatar
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Rails app deployed using Rubber gem - Errors out

I have a Rails app running on an instance on Amazon ec2. It is being served via a load balancer. It was working fine the first time I deployed my app to it. Today I ran 'cap deploy' again. Ever since,...
Vighnesh's user avatar
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How to reuse the variables in capistrano unicorn

I configured my deploy.rb with certain variables. For example set :application, "rails3" I am deploying my application using unicorn server which has the configuration under config/unicorn/...
Achaius's user avatar
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"This account is currently not available" when running "cap deploy:setup" command

I want to deploy Ruby on Rails web site and using Capistrano for this purpose. After I had filled in the deploy.rb file and ran cap deploy:setup this is what I got C:\Sites\blog>cap deploy:setup ...
Denys's user avatar
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Capistrano complains when trying to deploy

$ bundle exec cap -S branch=master production deploy --dry-run /Users/myname/.rvm/lib/rvm/capistrano.rb:5: RVM - Capistrano integration was extracted to a separate gem, install: `gem install rvm-...
Shamoon's user avatar
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capistrano after hooks not firing

I have a Rails app running on a machine with Capistrano 2.5.18 and Rake Deployment works just fine. I have setup the same app on another machine that runs Capistrano 2.12.0 and Rake ...
dublxdad's user avatar
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Rails capistrano deployment cannot find rake

I am deploying my 1st Rails app using capistrano, unicorn, rbenv, nginx, linode, ubuntu 12.04. When I run bin/cap deploy:cold in my app root, I get the following error back: * 2012-10-31 01:19:...
oFca's user avatar
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Unicorn does not sever database connections properly after new deploy

I am currently having a problem with database connections after a Capistrano deploy. On the database server it seems like unicorn does not sever the previous connections and it just keeps adding on ...
nvd's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Deploying via Capistrano through Jenkins - SSH authentication failed

I've got a Jenkins build that runs a Capistrano deploy as a post-build action. Running the Capistrano task as the Jenkins user from the console works absolutely fine and without a password prompt (I'...
Burgi's user avatar
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Deploy error in Webistrano with bundler, capistrano and require 'bundler/capistrano' recipe

Recently I've been trying to upgrade Webistrano from a version that did not use bundler to manage the application gems to one that does. In order to deploy rails applications, we would use require '...
achinda99's user avatar
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4 votes
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Capistrano: cannot access `~/releases/' : No such file or directory

After I did bundle update both on my local machine and server, I am not able to deploy anymore. The error I get is kind of permissions, as I guess, but I can't get what's happening: cap deploy * ...
Yuri Sidorov's user avatar
2 votes
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Capistrano sudo password prompt

I have a problem with capistrano and sudo prompt password. When I run cap deploy it asks me for sudo password but I type it and hit enter but it seems that it is still waiting for more input. How can ...
Adrian Serafin's user avatar
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Capistrano not creating symlinks

I have created a cap file to deploy a site, it all works except the symlinks are not being created, I have recently formatted my computer so maybe the syntax has changed, I am not sure. namespace :...
ConquestXD's user avatar
4 votes
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How does Capistrano work by default?

Ok, before you downvote, hear me out... There are lots of walkthroughs online for deploying cakePHP/Wordpress/Drupal/Symfony via Capistrano and the projects own document is pretty good, but there's ...
kayaker243's user avatar
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Git clone stops working suddenly?

I use capistrano to deploy my rails app. Today I noticed that it failed, then rolled back. The specific error is: **[0:]: errno=Connection timed out ** fatal: unable to ...
Tallboy's user avatar
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Cap deploy error find_file_in_path: no such file foud

I'm using capyfony + symfony2. cap deploy /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/capistrano-2.13.4/lib/capistrano/configuration/loading.rb:183:in `find_file_in_load_path': no such file to load -- (LoadError) ...
etebar's user avatar
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Problems Deploying to Linode with Capistrano

I`m looking for any guidance on deploying to Linode with Capistrano. Everything seems fine until the point below: [ :: out] Password: Password: ** [ :: out] ** [ :...
Big_Bird's user avatar
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Capistrano Install and Mac folder permissions

I recently got a new MacBook Pro and I am trying to install Capistrano on it. When run "gem install capistrano" I get errors having to do with folder permissions even though I am the Admin on the ...
Brownie's user avatar
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How to get remote Gem path with Capistrano?

Hi I want to get a path to gem on remote machine with capistrano. I have the following : namespace :stanford do desc "Copy language assets" task :copy, :roles => :app do puts Gem::...
Stpn's user avatar
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deploy:assets:precompile Issue

I am trying to deploy a rails application to the rackspace server via capistrano. I have deployed many Rails application to Rackspace and Linode server and never encountered such weird issue. The ...
Smoke's user avatar
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capistrano cannot find previous release

I just deployed an old project using my capistrano and it deployed ok but I need to rollback. When I try to roll back using the command 'cap deploy:rollback' I get this error: [Deprecation Warning] ...
map7's user avatar
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cannot load such file -- puma/capistrano (LoadError)

I'm attempting to use the puma gem w/ Capistrano. When I do cap deploy however I get cannot load such file -- puma/capistrano (LoadError). What am I doing wrong here? Gemfile gem 'puma', :git => "...
Kyle Decot's user avatar
26 votes
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Deploying on Heroku with Capistrano?

I'm still getting used to the Rails development ecosystem. Recently I learned how to use capistrano for deploying to my servers using apache and passenger, and I love how I can put a rather complex ...
amatriain's user avatar
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Deploying Rails app with Capistrano

I just acquired a Media Temple (dv) 4.0 server to deploy a Rails app I created via a git repository. I'm new to Rails but Capistrano deployment seemed pretty straightforward. Nonetheless, I've been ...
Noah Portes Chaikin's user avatar
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How to restrict user access to only deployments via Capistrano? (deployment workflow issue)

I look for good practices for deploying with capistrano. I would like to start out with a short description how I used to do deployment. capistrano is installed locally on a developer's computer. I ...
com's user avatar
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How to drop to a shell during a Capistrano deployment

Occasionally, an error will occur during a Capistrano deployment that doesn't provide enough output to troubleshoot. For example: * executing "cd /apps/my_app/releases/20121019181838 && ...
jordanpg's user avatar
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deploy with capistrano using a pem file

We have a EC2 instance, and our capistrano setup requires ssh. To connect through ssh normally, I use a .pem file for connecting to the server. how do I utilize this .pem file when using capistrano ...
Tyler Jones's user avatar
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How to create an RVM environment on a server through net-ssh?

I have a script which is installing Ruby/RVM (and more) on my server to get an environment ready to deploy a Rails project. This script is in ruby and use the net-ssh lib to do the job. After having ...
Vincent Peres's user avatar
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Rails Deployment 101

I am about to deploy my 1st Rails app. I am stuck as I don't know what exactly I need to do. I know about Heroku, AWS, Capistrano and the like, but don't know exactly what they do, and what their ...
oFca's user avatar
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Rails: Queue Classic with Capistrano

I want to start Queue Classic (QC) within my Capistrano recipe: namespace :queue_classic do desc "Start QC worker" task :start, roles: :web do run "cd #{release_path} && RAILS_ENV=...
Railsana's user avatar
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Assets precompile fails on EC2: can't find jQuery

I'm configuring a new production deployment setup with a skeleton rails app, which I just generated using rails new with Rails 3.2.8. I have a production setup on my dev machine with apache2 and ...
Ian Dickinson's user avatar
30 votes
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Capistrano with PostgreSQL, error: database is being accessed by other users

I have a Rails app that uses PostgreSQL as a backend with a cert environment that tries to mimic production, except that it needs to have the database reset periodically for QA. When I attempt to ...
Graham Conzett's user avatar
2 votes
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Capistrano deploy assets precompile never compiles assets, why?

Using deploy.rb to precompile rails assets only when they change, this task is always skipping the compile of my assets :( namespace :assets do task :precompile, :roles => :web, :except => {:...
Rubytastic's user avatar
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What should be the URL after deploying with capistrano [closed]

I ran instructions on this website and everything went well. However, when I type in the URL, I get a 404 error. My server runs CentOS. Shouldn't I be able the access my Rails app via the URL I have ...
mpora's user avatar
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Issues with task in Capistrano deploy.rb file

I have the following in my deploy.rb file that I have taken from this tutorial and everything works exactly as it should with the exception of the touch command. Does anyone have any idea why this ...
jeffreynolte's user avatar
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