Questions tagged [center]

The center tag in HTML causes its contents to be centered within the parent element. It is deprecated and should no longer be used.

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0 votes
1 answer

how to get path of rule (folder structure) using java

i'm trying to get folder structure of a rule using java TEAMSERVER API . IlrSessionFactory factory = new IlrRemoteSessionFactory(); try { factory.connect(login, password, serverUrl, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Tooltipster plugin - position tooltip on center

I am using Tooltipster plugin( to display my tooltips on hover. However the tooltip is only displaying at the top/bottom of the element i am hovering. This is ...
0 votes
1 answer

centering text in an responsive div

I am trying to vertically center some text in a responsive div. I was not able to figure it out. I would appreciate if I can get some help. Thank you. <style> ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Centering a Display:inline; element

I can´t center this element. I believe it is because of display:inline; in the CSS block. Does anyone have an idea? <p class="mr">Monatliche Rate </p> <a class="info"> <div ...
0 votes
2 answers

Frameset won't work in IE8

I have constructed a frameset which is meant to center a webpage in the middle of the browser window. <html> <frameset rows="100%,567px,100%" border="0"> <frame src="blank....
0 votes
1 answer

align elements in center and to the left

I need to align my list items like in the picture(in the bottom that dropdown). As you can see they are centered but alson aligned in a line vertically. How can I achive this? Here is my code: <...
3 votes
1 answer

Center the main Word from D3-WordCloud horizontally

I have the following WordCloud. The original Code is from Jason Davies D3-JavaScript-WordCloud Example. Most of the Code below ...
0 votes
1 answer

Center Box with HTML5

I have problem to center textbox area using html5 Here is my code `<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head&...
0 votes
2 answers

How to center text vertically inside a div with dynamically changing height?

I am trying to make a website navbar using divs instead of the usual lists. The divs are inline-blocks and on hover, the navbar expands. This should cause all the inner divs to expand (height:100%), ...
0 votes
3 answers

Put DIVS on one line then center

I have a form with 2 inputs and a submit button. They are in different DIVS, so I'm using a left float to get them all in one line. I have the whole thing contained in a larger DIV, and I'm using ...
4 votes
2 answers

How center text of the column headers in SlickGrid?

there any way to center text in a column header Any ideas how to do this or what ccs must be changed ?
1 vote
4 answers

Adjust fieldset width and adjust to center

I am just a beginner for sencha touch technology. Now I got a simple question. How can I adjust the fieldset width and align to center only? I only get the fieldset which are setting for fullscreen ...
0 votes
3 answers

Center div with jQuery

I'm trying to center a set of divs (1 class) at the center of the screen. My problem is that each div has different dimensions. I've followed some guidelines I found to center the divs with jQuery: $(...
2 votes
2 answers

Centered in Chrome - Is on the left in Firefox

I've been designing my site re-learning CSS after taking a long time, and have been essentially creating a website (integrated with WordPress) by basically doing as little as possible with the HTML/...
0 votes
2 answers

How to Center your Foundation Nav bar/ Top-bar

There are loads of posts about this asking for an answer, most are half right or just don't work. You can use the example nav-bar and add acouple of edits which will be in the answer below.
0 votes
2 answers

Center a popup div

I'm doing a custom gallery for my website and I've got the overview part working with all the thumbnails. When a thumbnail is clicked, the full picture appears on the screen, but I'm having problems ...
2 votes
2 answers

Centering a DIV containing floated images

I'm having trouble centering this on my page, I've done some research and it seems that using "inline-block" may be the way to go, but I'm not sure how to implement it. Here is my code: CSS .bar ...
0 votes
2 answers

Center background gradient

I am a newbie to web development and I have just started coding for my own personal website. I absolutely do not know any syntax for html nor css. From reading and watching tutorials online, I have ...
0 votes
3 answers

CSS centered tiles (adjustable width)

I would like to create a page containing an arbitrary number of tiles of a fixed size where the number of tiles in each row will adjust according to the width of the window. I have created this ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to center images/paragraphs/buttons - HTML & CSS [duplicate]

How can I center paragraphs, buttons on a page? I did it via text-align and centered, but I just can't figure out how to center it vertically too... I achieved it with padding but the position changes ...
0 votes
2 answers

JLabel, FlowLayout. Centering the JLabel?

So I'm creating this "Lottery" and I've tried some various things to Center the text my JLabel but it just goes from the right on the middle of the screen. Here is my code and a picture of what I mean....
0 votes
1 answer

vertical align of some inline-block divs with different content

i want to center some inline-block divs. I want to create a responsive design, so if the screen size is too small, the horizontal elements should be under each other. How can i center them vertical, ...
0 votes
1 answer

CSS div not floating next to a centered div

I am a bit of a css noob, so I apologize in advance if my vocabulary isn't the best when it comes to this topic. I am working on a website, with a ticker div vertically centered inside another div. I ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to make the text center vertical in a line in TextView of Android

I have a multi-line edit text with a 100dp lineSpacingExtra. Now the text is shown at the top of a line. And the cursor's height is same as line height , it's much taller than the text's height. How ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to center an image .logo via css? [duplicate]

I made over the content management a image as logo, I tried to center it in many ways, also replaced some floats before. its just impossible. This is the untouched content of style.css from the ...
0 votes
3 answers

Nav Bar with Centered Logo

So I've seen several answers to this question here and around the web, but I cannot seem to get it to work for me. This is first time coding anything beyond the basics (and I only have a week to do ...
0 votes
2 answers

Center align site logo in resposive blog theme

I am using the responsive blog theme and having a tough time centering my site logo. This is what my site-logo in style.css looks like (according to inspect element): #header img { margin: 0 0....
1 vote
1 answer

How to center cells in JTable

I'm having an specific problem with my code. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import*; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import ...
1 vote
3 answers

Center 2 different images in css

How can I insert two images in css, center them ? I would like to have something like that: link My actual css look like this, with one image centered : position: absolute; top: 0; bottom:0; ...
0 votes
1 answer

Center a Rhombus created by transform rotate

I created a Rhombus using transform css propriety however it seems like the center point of my Rhombus is on the right side instead of being in the middle. Anyone knows how I could fix it ? Here is ...
0 votes
2 answers

Setting the background of my textView as a color from 3 integers

public void changeColor(){ TextView changeColorText = (TextView) findViewById(; changeColorText.setBackgroundColor(0xFFFF0000); } My goal here is to take 3 integers and make ...
-1 votes
2 answers

How to center a button vertically and horizontally using twitter bootstrap 3

I am basically trying to center a bootstrap button both HORIZONTALLY and VERTICALLY.
1 vote
2 answers

Center .page-desc button created with CSS

I'm trying to center a button, in Squarespace, made from CSS and a link in the page description. I've used the code provided at This Squarespace Question . It gets the button perfectly, but it ends ...
0 votes
2 answers

Android center of view in other view [closed]

I want to positioning the blue square like above picture, the center of blue view is on the corner of the other view. How to do that?
0 votes
2 answers

horizontally centering an image(s) in an iframe within a div

I have looked all over and tried all sorts of different coding with defining the width and display; block and nothing seems to work. I am trying to center any image I put within this iframe that is ...
1 vote
2 answers

Center align entire webpage [duplicate]

I'm having trouble center aligning my entire webpage template, I've created a basic mock up of what I want my pages to look like but cannot seem to center it. The code is as follows HTML <!...
1 vote
5 answers

Need to cutoff img left and right

I have a div and it's width is 950px. I've inserted an img inside the div. The img width is 960px. So my question is if I inserted 960px width image inside the div want to crop 5px from right and 5px ...
0 votes
2 answers

center ul inside my div

I would like to center my ul container inside my div. So my div has got a width of 100% and margin set to auto. For the ul It has a width of 98% and a margin set to auto width: 98%; margin: auto; ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Centering a Div on a page

So I'm making a website as a final project for a web design class and I can't seem to get a div to center on the page. This is how I sort of have it set up. Main Body Div{ div1{} } I want Div1 ...
5 votes
6 answers

vertical center an image without knowing dimensions

I have centered a lot of stuff in my webdevelopment career, but I was wondering if there is a simple way to centering an image vertically without knowing the image's dimensions. Imagine a thumbnail ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to set a proper layout

I want to set the layout as the following: 1 column and 5 rows and in the center. I tried using GridLayout(5,0) but it remains in the left, any suggestions how to make it center? import java.awt.*; ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Centre a 4 Horizontally DIV Block Using CSS [duplicate]

I have four div blocks and I want to Centre the Horizontally, they keep stacking under each other.. any ideas how I can do this. <div class="container"> <div style="width:78%; margin:0 ...
0 votes
3 answers

How do I center a jQuery Coda-Slider?

I am using Coda-slider as a jQuery slider plugin, and I am making a website for somebody. I ran past a problem: Ignore the domain, I am waiting for my TLD to properly change ...
1 vote
6 answers

HTML Centering Form

I am having trouble centering the following form: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/Pages.css"> <title>Sign Up</...
1 vote
1 answer

Trouble centering page links within nav-bar

I've been searching all over, and found plenty of results, but not getting the effect or any change at all as to what I'm seeking. Also, reaching out to the author hasn't refunded an answer yet either....
0 votes
1 answer

responsive absolute center within flexslider plugin

I have installed Flexslider jquery plugin. I have some images inside my slides and over each image I want to add some content which will be horizontally and vertically centered regardless screen sizes ...
0 votes
0 answers

Freexing an iFrame's content in the center

I am trying to embed a phpBB forum into a wordpress page, but I cannot make the page any wider, and because there is a large blue area either side of the main content, most of the actual content is ...
0 votes
3 answers

javascript horizontal center

Im trying to use java script to center a page horizontally. So far i got this: <body onload="scrollBy((document.body['scrollWidth'] - 0) / 2, 0)"> It kinda works, but not very good. I have a ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to add custom GUI to Game Center to match the look and feel of the iphone game?

Does anyone has any idea how to create custom leaderboard and achievements view in game center so that it matches the view of the original game..?
1 vote
3 answers

Center image with forced size without stretching

Within a surrounding div I want to center an image. This image should have a forced size but without stretching. So if the div container is 100px*100px and the image 200px*200px, 50px should be ...

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