Questions tagged [chatroom]

Chatrooms are places where multiple users can communicate online and talk about a specific topic.

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3 votes
3 answers

Xmpp IOS multiuser chat . i didnot find a way to accept the invitation from group ? how i can accept the incomming invitation

When I send an invitation this function is called, but I can't understand what line of code I should use for accept invitation. I am trying to create a multi user and multi groups invitation also ...
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0 answers

Implementing a Chat backend, what would be the best way to generate and retrieve room ids?

I wonder what are the pros and cons of the two approachs I am thinking about. 1/ Create room_id by combining users UUID (unique 32 chars) orderered ASCII wise so it would become: ...
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1 answer

Having trouble decrypting a message in server-client chat application

I'm attempting to create a chatroom in python with login and fernet encryption. For some reason I'm not able to get the client to decrypt the messages, however the server can. SERVER CODE: import ...
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1 answer

Elixir-socket receive problem in a chatroom project

Hi,im a beginner using Elixir to write a chatroom project, and I've been stuck on setting up the connection between client and server. My plan is to write 2 modules for client and server and had them ...
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0 answers

Flask SocketIO chat app works locally but not on Heroku

I am working on a chatroom full-stack web app with Python Flask SocketIO, where users can join a room with a provided code and chat together. The app works fine on my local machine, but it doesn’t ...
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0 answers

GKE notifications to gchat room via cloud functions and pub/sub

Setup is using the GKE notifications feature which uses a pub/sub topic, in return this will be using a cloud function to push the notifications (security, upgrade and upgrade available events) into a ...
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2 answers

how to print out message straight away? java chat room

I have a server/client chat room. When the client connects to the server, and sends a message, the client program prints out the message that it sent, but on another client program that is connected ...
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1 answer

I tried to create a chat room using PeerJS that can accommodate three or more people, but it doesn't work at all. What could be the problem?

I made a simple chat program like this. When I tried accessing the same page URL from another computer, there was no response. Is there a way to solve this problem? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> ...
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1 answer

How would I pair 2 random participants using Twilio Video?

I've asked this question before a few years back on the now defunct Twilio Community forums and I can no longer get to the insights provided there. Basically, I'm looking for a suggested approach to ...
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0 answers

Ejabberd contact list grouping and show contact list if its connected with parent entity

System has 2 type of Entities, EntityType1 EntityType2 Now system has for ex. 2 EntityType1 EntityType-1.1 - 5 Users - Mark wood EntityType-1.2 - 5 Users - Mark wood & 2 EntityType2 ...
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1 answer

Is there a way to update all active webpages once my firebase Realtime database gains more data?

Using firebase, I made a chatroom in HTML. It stores the data, names and messages, in a firebase real-time database. If you manually reload the page, it shows all sent messages, and if you send a new ...
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1 answer

Joining a room using invite code in flutter

I'm trying to create a simple game application using flutter. It has a page where users can enter an invite code and press a button to join the room. I have multiple rooms with different names on ...
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0 answers

Chatroom app only updates messages when send button is pressed

I've only just started using pyQt6 as of today, as tkinter was giving me some issues, however now that I have the base of the app working, I'm faced with an issue, my chat (self.output) will only ...
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0 answers

Creating a multi-room chat in C with socket programming

I'm developing a multi room chat for a University Project, using C. I managed to create a server, which listens to clients and everything works. But right now, what i made is a chat with a single room,...
1 vote
1 answer

Server creates room and specific url

I would like to create dynamic room by the server and personalize the URL like this: localhost:3000/path/path.php?roomId. I have a form for the user to enter their name, then they click a submit ...
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0 answers

How to get Socket Setup at specific URL with different roomId?

I am new to Sockets and trying to set up a Live Streaming website, and I need your help to set up the problems I am facing. I want to create multiple rooms for live stream, and my initial endpoint is /...
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0 answers
156 views Flexible Classroom roleType and Chat errors

I have few issues regarding the use of flexible classroom sdk version: Facing the following error when i change the "roleType"...
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0 answers

Google FireBase not storing chat messages in the real-time database?

Explanation: Line 48 is throwing an exception when trying to retrieve the user: val fromUser = intent.extras?.get("fromUser") as com.example....
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0 answers

Automatically generate chatroom when onclick button

I wanna make a chat app that when clients click on the button, they will connect and chat with the admin. Each admin has a button only and he can chat with many clients. Each client can chat with many ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why my messages are being displayed many times?

I made a chat room using electron. But when I send a message to the server and from there the message will be displayed to the users for some reason the message is being displayed multiple times. ...
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0 answers

Localstorage display only latest string of array

I followed a tutorial on how to make a live chat room. But now the problem is that the messages will dissapear after a refresh. So instead I tried to store those messages that get submitted by the ...
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0 answers

multi-user chatroom in java: code for inputting names in the server or client class? what about broadcasting of messages?

This is for a school project. So far, this code works for one server and one client. However, I'm still learning exactly how everything works. I'm not sure if the "server" would be ...
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0 answers

Why am I getting a timeout error while trying to send TCP packets over the internet?

I wanted to demonstrate Asynchronous Non-Blocking threads through an EventLoop using a chatroom that I coded out in Python. The chatroom is working fine when I simulate a server and clients on my ...
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2 answers

The current path, chat/room/1/, didn't match any of these

I am practicing with Django 3 and I have a chat project with the name of educa . I try to run the project by python runserver and access . I always get ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can I compile a list of the most upvoted comments in a chatroom at the top of the page in a ranked format?

So I just finished setting up an upvote system where every time someone clicks on a lightbulb sprite a counter is added too. This is called the 'lumen system'. I am now trying to compile all of the ...
1 vote
4 answers

Programming a Chatroom, where to start? [closed]

I want to create a chatroom, but I am not entirely sure where to start. I have programming experience in C and Java, and I am willing to learn. I would like to use either html5 or php, but this may ...
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4 answers

chat rooms implementation [closed]

Can you give me an idea on how to implement chat room using PHP and MySQL?
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1 answer

Is there a way to limit the number of messages/second the client is sending in a Python chatroom application?

I am making a python chatroom application for school with a functioning clientside and serverside script. I am now adding multiple functionalities to the chatroom to make it easier to use, one of ...
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0 answers

Display the chat room collection once navigating to the chatroom

I have made a chat app which seems kind of fine except that, once user1 press user2 name to chat with the chatroom appears #empty without all the messages in the collection in firestore The problem is ...
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1 answer

Multithreaded client/server Chat room with GUI

I'm trying to make a multithreaded client/server chatroom with a gui using Java. At the moment I am able to create a functioning registration page and login page which use the map I have implemented ...
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1 answer

How to create random page when user clicks on button?

Hello So I am trying to write a chat page (because i'm bored) and was wondering something. See, my chat room has two functions. You can either chat with everybody, or create your own chat room. The ...
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1 answer

How to be able to save data in a list and show them in recyclerview

I'm new to android and I've been tinkering with recycler view in a chatroom and showing text from EditText to TextView in a bubble chat. So! I just want to show every single text that I write in edit ...
1 vote
2 answers

Socket: When player in a room closes browser, how server can correctly emit to other sockets in that room?

Please, read to the end, help me! I'm developing a multiroom game using SocketIO, with a client-side (React) and a server-side (Node). I'm having a problem on handling this situation: Consider that at ...
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1 answer

Can't emit to specific room in Flask using SocketIO

I'm trying to join a room and emit for all members of the room but I'm having some trouble.When I change the line room = room to broadcast = True it works.Would really appreciate some help. Server-...
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0 answers

C++ chat client receives only after sending a message himself

I am trying to write a little tcp chatroom in c++. When I connect one client to the server, the server receives correctly and can answer/echo if wanted. When I connect a second client and send a ...
1 vote
0 answers

ChatFormController BorderLayout CENTER does not work , Ant-Problem compiler error - eclipse - ChatFormController e.g. link super(parent); Form f = new Form("My First Chat Room", new BorderLayout());...
9 votes
2 answers
9k views add user to room manually (node.js)

I have a chat application which is working privately.My implementation is : 1-A user come to another user profile page and write a message. After this I am creating a room for this conversation. ...
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2 answers

How to emit an array that updates across connected clients with

I'm trying to display the usernames of all connected clients in my chat room by adding their username to an array. Currently, my code will just update the user-list with the most recent username to ...
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0 answers

How to build a room where using can interact in a completely static website

For a project I am supposed to create a static website (to host on GitHub pages), but my goal was to create an in-browser game where users can play against each other in real time. This isn't too ...
12 votes
4 answers

SignalR multiple chat rooms

I am planning to create a chat application, and I've read that SignalR is one of the best technologies to apply. I've seen examples of it, but they only have a single chat room. I want to have ...
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2 answers

How to collect data of users and create table of online users?

I am trying to find a way to collect the details about the users logged in the website right now. Explain: user enter my website, choose a nickname (input box) and then there are more 5 buttons like ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to post a message to google chat room using C#? (**Error**: Request had insufficient authentication scopes)

Currently i am trying to send message from C# to Google chat Room ,tried Authentication using following code UserCredential credential; var jsonPath = ""; jsonPath = Path.Combine(...
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0 answers

socket io not emit event to all users in room

I am working on a chat using io socket using rooms. The problem I have is that when I add two users, the one who initiates the chat and a receptor user, when issuing an event does not reach the sender ...
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0 answers

Why isnt my python socket server receiving the messages?

so i am making a chatroom in python using sockets for practice. I have made the server code using threading so that i can have more clients. Ive also made the client code, and when i try to run two ...
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0 answers

How can I iterate through the rooms in Socket.IO?

I'm trying to create a list of buttons where each one of them represents an avaialable Room. So when the user clicks a button they will join that room. My problem is that I cannot find a way to ...
1 vote
1 answer

socket io send message to a user in a room

I am using nodejs and socketio. I made a private chat app which sends message to selected user. My current code is : chat_room.sockets.socket(user).emit( 'chat', ...
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0 answers

C# Creating chat rooms with multi client-server Sockets

Good afternoon, i've been trying to make a system kinda like skype in terms of convo groups, being able to enter a group and chatting with others that were online only within that group, issue is i ...
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1 answer

Unable to exit a user from a Multithreaded Java Chatroom

I have been following a tutorial on creating a GUI based chat room that uses multithreading. I want to add a keyword such as "\EXIT", so that when a user types it, they will be disconnected from the ...
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1 answer

Limit number of clients that can connect to the server at the same time

I need to limit the number of clients that can connect to the server . I only want 5 clients to be able to connect. When a 6th client tries to connect, he'll be added to the queue. Once one of the ...

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