Questions tagged [commit]

Questions about committing a transaction or "unit of work" to a database, application or version control system.

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Visual Studio Code 'Source Control' Incredibly Slow When Pushing/Pulling [Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS]

After adding a message and clicking on <Commit>, there's a loading bar that takes 1-2 minutes to push a change to my repository. It used to be instant. Also, if I click on <Sync Changes> (...
Mark Matlock's user avatar
11 votes
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Git takes username from global settings instead of local one

I have changed username and email in local repository that differes from global settings. Now my local /.git/config has new lines: [core] ... [user] name=user2 [email protected] I do project ...
vico's user avatar
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Is it possible to format only modified lines in pre-commit hooks

Using Prettier when we commit changes it formats all the code inside the file in Husky pre-commit. Is there any better method to change only modified lines of code in the file?.
Anand mishra's user avatar
10 votes
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how to use git commit template in tower

Is there a way tower uses git commit template that is setup in git config? I tried to execute below command and it create a template when trying to commit from command prompt however doesn't work with ...
Sam's user avatar
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7 votes
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git archive from a specific hash from remote

I am trying to get one directory from one remote repository but I only want to get that file from a specific hash. If I use git archive with HEAD everything is OK but when I try with a specific hash: ...
Fernanda Martins's user avatar
7 votes
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CommitDeniedException Spark : how to resolve this?

I am getting : org.apache.spark.SparkException: Task failed while writing rows. at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DefaultWriterContainer.writeRows(WriterContainer.scala:272) at ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Committing in git without changing the blame/author

First off I'll just start with a very similar problem, and flag this as not a duplicate: Git commit that doesn't override original authors in git blame It's incredibly similar to what I'd like ...
Max Colledge's user avatar
6 votes
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What commit message parameters does github support?

Github has functionality to interpret various things in your commit message. For example, the Co-authored-by: name <email> tag specifies multiple authors which then show up in the github commit ...
mid_kid's user avatar
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Why git is committing files not in my staging area?

I select some files with git add. I verify them with git status: $ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --staged &...
Ortomala Lokni's user avatar
5 votes
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How to optimize commit in atomikos global transaction manager

We have spring-boot application with atomikos transaction manager. Problem is that commit in XA transaction takes a lot of time when I compared it with weblogic solution. This are the metrics from ...
hudi's user avatar
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Is MySQL commit synchronous when executed from PHP PDO?

Using the PHP PDO interface to MySQL, suppose I have this code to end a transaction (assuming it was properly begun): $pdo->query('commit'); When the function returns, have writes to the log been ...
Marc Rochkind's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Android shared preferences assignments not persisting between emulator sessions

I am using the following code to save data to my Android application's shared preferences: private SharedPreferences getOurSharedPreferences() { return getSharedPreferences(...
Robert Oschler's user avatar
5 votes
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Remove a reference with a commit message on GitHub?

It is possible to reference a issue from an other issue with: reference #xxx Is it somehow possible to delete a reference from a issue with a commit? (like this one:)
FireEmerald's user avatar
4 votes
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Commits in Gitkraken appear in the wrong branch

I follow the standard practice of maintaining a "dev" branch in my software project and adding new features by first creating and checking out a new branch, writing the new feature, then ...
Mark Travers's user avatar
4 votes
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Show multiple Git diffs as a single, unified diff

I know that you can view a diff from git with git log -p, and you can also provide multiple commits to view their diffs. Is there any way to view the CUMULATIVE diff of multiple commits, all at once? ...
Zach Riggle's user avatar
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Subversion/Ankhsvn: How to change status from "copied and modified" to added

When implementing new stuff in my Visual Studio (2015) solutions, I often copy existing files and heavily modify their content, instead of starting completely from scratch. Now, when committing these ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Can git filter out certain lines before commit?

I have a repo on github that I am working out of and I often have comments on my .py files that starts with the "# TODO:" to keep a personal note of things to be done. # TODO: do this <code> I ...
Sugetha Chandhrasekar's user avatar
4 votes
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Can't push with Mercurial: abort: error: ''

I'm trying to push my changes into a Mercurial repository, but while pushing, suddenly it aborts with the following empty error: abort: error: '' What does it mean? How can I avoid ...
sgmonda's user avatar
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WPF DataGrid ComboBox retrieving value before commit

I've got a DataGrid in a WPF application (with Entity Framework) that has a ComboBox as one of the columns in it. This ComboBox is bound to a datasource that is using a joined reference to a table ...
Mike's user avatar
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Already installed Git but VSCode keeps suggesting to download it in Mac

I recently changed of laptop and got a Mac. I installed first VSCode and the Git version 2.39.2. However, VSCode Source Control section does not recognizes it but when I search for an extension, it ...
Luis Barajas's user avatar
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Next.js app - how do I pull + show the git version? - pulling github.sha (to show git version on UI) is always undefined

In a react app I worked on before, we would pull the github.sha from the HTML through a meta tag (also having the github.sha setup in the build files), but I'm not sure if that applies in a next.js ...
devS7's user avatar
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Github password authentication was removed. How to connect Git within RStudio to Github (Without terminal commands) using the Personal Access Token?

I am using the RStudio server and have connected the RStudio to Github. I used to commit and push the changes of files within RStudio. However, since 13 August I got the message that "Github ...
MK Huda's user avatar
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Is there a short syntax to add a link to a file on the current repository within a commit message?

GitHub has a syntax to add a link to a specific commit using its hash like bec0001 that can be used on a commit message. Is there a syntax to add a link to a file on the same repository? Something ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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How do I setup hg Mercurial to do an automatic commit on file save?

If I have a repository like this: C:\repository\ file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt how can I configure or setup hg such that every time I save any one of those files hg will automatically ...
skeetastax's user avatar
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Git commit button disabled on pycharm

I decided to upload my code to git. Created repository and pushed through Windows cmd. Now I want to work directly via Pycharm. I logged into my github account. When I change a file its name becomes ...
gozi's user avatar
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Spark Failed to rename S3AFileStatus

I'm writing spark (2.4.4) dataframe to S3 and get sporadic Failed to rename S3AFileStatus errors. Spark is unbundled installed over hadoop 3.1.3. The error is known and caused by ...
dovka's user avatar
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Django: Is it possible to open a transaction, ask a user for confirmation, then commit the transaction if confirmed or roll back

I've read the docs: But what's not clear to me, is whether a transaction can span HTTP requests. The idea is simple enough: user ...
Bernd Wechner's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to get git commit --verbose to show an updated diff when using pre-commit hooks?

So I'm currently setting up a git pre-commit hook to lint my python files with iSort, and python Black, the issue I'm running into is that when I use git commit --verbose the diff that shows up in the ...
DJ SymBiotiX's user avatar
3 votes
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Automatic generation of changeset / commit message (preferably for Mercurial)

Almost all of my commit messages include a list of files modified, then list of functions/classes in each file modified and then description of what has been changed. Something like: - ...
Lech Wiktor Piotrowski's user avatar
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TortoiseHg: How to split changes in commit dialog

Background: In the commit dialog of TortoiseHg all changes within a file are shown separate and can be selected/commited independendly. This works fine as long as different changes are not too near ...
Michael Hutter's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I get a log of ahead commits in SourceTree

In Git, you can call the command: git cherry -v to get a log of what you have comitted locally but not to origin. I am using SourceTree as the preferred GUI for Git, so does anybody know how I can ...
The Schwartz's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

JPA Transaction not commiting at the end of method

I have two methods: 1: @Transactional public Long add(Long clientId) { Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setClientId(clientId); contact.setValue('[email protected]'); contact....
user6291275's user avatar
3 votes
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COMMIT in Teradata Ansi Session Mode

I have a requirement to pull data from Teradata to which I am connected in ANSI session mode. The Teradata version is below 14, and therefore doesn't support more than one derived table using 'WITH' ...
idok's user avatar
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How to sign commits in SVN?

In GIT we can sign commits using the -S flag. (Here's some reading on why on earth you would want to do that.) Is it possible to sign commits in SVN as well?
user3371321's user avatar
3 votes
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How to detect implicit commit in MySQL?

I would like to know is it possible to detect broken transactions caused by implicit commit or no. Currently I don't know how to check if transactions in my application works without implicit commit. ...
user3328160's user avatar
3 votes
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determining which merge commit caused a specific commit to be merged into my branch

Given the following history: master A-B-C-D-E-F \ topic G-H-I What git command can I use to determine that C caused G to be merged into master? Said another way, ignoring the ...
Mike Sherov's user avatar
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JPA with dynamic datasource and CMT

I am using Java EE 6, JPA 2, JBoss 7.1.1 and EJB 3.1. In my application I only know on request time (EJB method call) which datasource is meant. In the examples the there are static entries in the ...
opfau's user avatar
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How to discover when Django emits COMMIT sql statements

I use Django and postgres. I need to examine Django SQL activity for optimization, but connection.queries doesn't include COMMIT statements. Does anybody know how I can find the way how transaction ...
boqapt's user avatar
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using svn log to extract commit messages between tags when revisions overlap across branches

I always use the svn log command, e.g.svn log -rXXXX:YYYY to get the commit messages between two tags in my SVN repository. The problem I sometimes find is that if I am doing a large release that ...
crmpicco's user avatar
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Is Microsoft's fopen commit mode flag broken on Windows 7?

I write the engine for our company's products, which are designed to run on our clients kiosks. This includes code to commit file writes to disk. We have no control over the client's choice of ...
subi211's user avatar
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svn odd behavior: hangs forever on a single file when importing into svn repository

I'm using netbeans and have exported a project in order to create a new project using its source on my svn repository. i am right clicking on the project name and clicking "import into subversion ...
user1214633's user avatar
3 votes
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SVN - Get commit size in start-commit hook?

Actually, I check the size of a commit in the pre-commit hook. But all the files are commited before I can refuse the commit in pre-commit. For example, if the size limit is 10 MB and the user sends ...
Jonathan Rioux's user avatar
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Commit the offset by manual using sarama library becomes very slow

When I use to simulate the producer sending 10,000 messages to a topic 't' with 2 partitions, and use the consumer code mentioned below with dfv1.CommitN set to 3, I ...
George's user avatar
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GPT Commit Generator for Visual Studio 2022

There are cool Visual Studio Code extensions for generating automatic commit messages using ChatGPT API. Like these... ...
esege's user avatar
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git vscode autostage files on change

I have various log files that I'm tracking through git, and because they're log files, they are constantly changing with every commit. I would like for these files to be automatically staged (git add ....
NFeruch - FreePalestine's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get files change of a given branch?

I struggle to find how to get the list of files that have been modified on my current branch (and ONLY on my current branch, not on the other branches). For example, I have a branch my_branch based on ...
lucas_v67's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to create a patch on one branch to apply to another branch if both branches share a common ancestor?

I'll be referencing the graphic I made: My question is: how do I generate patch Z to get from commit B to D? I want only the functionality I added in Patch X (to get from commit A to C), but because ...
ThomasPM's user avatar
2 votes
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Can Gitkraken mention conflicted files in commit message?

In Sourcetree, when merging results in conflicts, the conflicted files are automatically added to the commit message, like this Is this also possible with Gitkraken?
Joost van der Drift's user avatar
2 votes
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How to change/increment the date for all commits in git history?

I messed up with my computer's date and now I'd like to fast forward 2 days in all commits I've done in a given project. Since I've created this project while in the wrong date, I don't need to choose ...
Mark's user avatar
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The signing certificate or its chain could not be verified. Certificate subject

when I commit I get this when I look at commits GitHub I get an unverified badge with this information: The signing certificate or its chain could not be verified. Certificate subject CN 0b91490c-...
Mouhiidine Malik's user avatar

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