Questions tagged [computer-vision]

Use this tag for questions related to Computer Vision -- any aspect of software that enables computers to perceive, understand and react to their environment using cameras. For questions related to image filtering and quantification, use the tag [image-processing] instead.

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How to Correct Epipolar Lines in Stereo Vision Matching in python?

I'm encountering difficulties with the accuracy of my epipolar lines in stereo vision. Despite meticulous calibration and implementation of established algorithms, the generated epipolar lines seem to ...
midi sheep's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I make interpolation function that works with torch gradient [closed]

Are there any methods for making Down/Upscaling function that has gradient flow? I want to make this because of backpropagation for training Downscaling Factor Generation & Faster RCNN. I'm ...
supervised0000's user avatar
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Why does OpenCV findEssentialMat return different size for E?

I'm using the OpenCV findEssentialMat function which uses Nister's five point algorithm to estimate the essential matrix given two vectors of corresponding points. For some reason the matrix E I get ...
iohn's user avatar
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Remove small image from a larger image, where the larger image contains the small image in what might look like a water mark or noice

The idea is that the small image is superimposed on the large or original one, so I want to remove the small image and refill the space. Tried multiple solutions, but most of them are outdated and I ...
KratosGow's user avatar
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How to compare the similarity between real-world images and their binary representations?

I am working on the development of a defect detection task. When using a segmentation model for detection, I've found that it is not effective in detecting defects when copper lines are completely ...
Ian's user avatar
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Opencv VideoCapture() for Raspberry Pi cam working with Python 3.6 but not with Python 3.7

I am writing a little Python script in which I want to use OpenCV to capture images from my Raspberry Pi camera. I am initializing video capturing with the following line. cam=cv2.VideoCapture("...
Gray Fox's user avatar
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yolov8 where is console output being printed from?

I have the following code from ultralytics import YOLO import cv2 import math import os import time # Start webcam cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(3, 640) cap.set(4, 480) # Load custom model ...
Teddy Porfiris's user avatar
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Extracting object height from image

I would like to extract the height of the drone at the bottom from this image as precisely as possible. In this image for example, the drone is 10cm from the ground. Anyone know how to make this ...
Ruijia Li's user avatar
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Depth calculation for 3D-2D projections with different intrinsics and extrinsic matrices

I have an ikea manual and the 3D parts in the assembled state. For each step in the ikea manual I have calculated intrinsic and extrinsic matrices to project the part onto the manual. Currently the ...
Leon0402's user avatar
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Stereo system Depth map (NN) 3D reconstruction with two cameras giving bad mesh

I am making stereo system with two cameras and MiDas Deep learning model which returns depth map, each get calibrated at the same time and provide stereo map Code: import cv2 as cv import glob from ...
CupidONO's user avatar
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How to find camera's intrinsic matrix from focal length?

I have calculated focal length in pixels using: Focal length in pixel = (focal length in mm × image dimension in pixels)/sensor size in mm How do I compute the camera's internal matrix now? I was ...
Aayusha Odari's user avatar
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Image preparation before SIFT extracting features, or how to make SIFT work stable

I have a set of satellite images (which I'm going to index using SIFT) and there are also images from another source (drone) I extract the features from image made by the drone and try to find similar ...
Vitaly's user avatar
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Understanding the implementation of T-Net in the PointNet model

I reading the PointNet paper and I am trying to understand how I should implement the T-Net block of the model (it is the same idea for both input and feature transform). All the PyTorch ...
ado sar's user avatar
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Opencv : difference in brightness of the image when saved at different times

I am working a some basic OpenCV tutorials. I am using intel relsense 435i. I encountered a weird issue that when i save same opencv image 2 times at the same time the brightness of the images are ...
Muhammad Junaid's user avatar
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Reading and saving untouched .tiff-File with tifffile lib changes file-size and "StripOffsets" and "StripByteCounts" values

I am trying to work with .tiff files and I want to ensure that I don't alter the files more than intended, so if I don' make any changes, I expect a 100% identical output with same file-size. To ...
Syrio17's user avatar
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I have to calibrate the camera and 2D lidar and transform the coordinates from lidar to the camera coordinate. Has anyone any idea about it?

I researched about projecting lidar points onto the camera image but when I try collecting cloud point data then, the amount of data is a lot and I don't have any idea about how to project these many ...
Anupam Kshetri's user avatar
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segment the lungs region from X-ray images

I have imported a Kaggle dataset containing a large collection of X-ray images. I aim to detect the lung regions and the outer part of the rib cage, which I want to turn black. Initially, I attempted ...
Subhadeep98Ares's user avatar
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Detect text that overlaps with lines on a drawing using Computer Vision

I aim to detect text overlapped with lines on architectural drawings. My ideal is to detect all lines and record them. Next, I will attempt to detect text using OCR and record the bounding boxes of ...
Kyle's user avatar
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How to find intersection between a masked polygon and a line drawn using OpenCV?

Here is what I have got so far. I have tried to find the intersection between a masked polygon and the line drawn using OpenCV. import cv2 from ultralytics import YOLO import numpy as np from shapely....
không có tên ss's user avatar
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Calculate Surface area of a Table using computer vision

I want to calculate the area of the table surface with the help of stereo camera particularly Zed 2i camera. But the problem is table can be anywhere in the picture may be near to the camera (that ...
Aakash Goyal's user avatar
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How can i use get texture map of a reconstruction mesh made by a 3d morphable model ? I have .obj as reconstructed mesh

I have used a "Accurate 3D Face Reconstruction with Weakly-Supervised Learning: From Single Image to Image Set" in order to create a 3d morphable model out of an image . now I have got an ....
Mirpehr's user avatar
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"Offset" when tracking ball when using TrackNet on my video

I'm using TrackNet to track the ball in a tennis match, but the tracking of the ball is not on top of the ball, but next to the ball. It seems to follow the ball perfectly, but the circle is not on ...
Plewis's user avatar
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Is there any way to use os in python to go inside a directory and randomly pick k files without having to first load all file names using os.listdir?

I want to load a chunk of 64 images from inside a dataset. I have the dataset in my working directory inside of VSCode. VSCode crashes when I try to os.listdir() the contents of the directory. The end ...
Arpit Anand's user avatar
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How can I monitor the growth stage of a plant leaf using a phone?

I need to digitally capture the size of a plant leaf at regular intervals to determine its weekly growth rates. I aim for the pixels captured in images at different times to represent the same ...
user23446712's user avatar
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Compute the intersection of 3D rays

I'm working on a photogrammetry project with a sphere of image like this : . For each ray I have its origin and its direction such as : r(t) = o + dt. And I need to relatively quickly compute the ...
Broot's user avatar
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Laserline in freespace... and how I can detect the Line for further calculations?

I want to find a laser beam in different images. Example image: The Original one: I found different approaches, but somehow it doesn't seem to work. I have now also used a threshold: logicM = image &...
Samoth K's user avatar
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Detect concentric circles (python)

I want to detect circles in image as below: So, I tried with cv2.findContours and cv2.Houghcirclesin python, but there were some problems. Both methods were applied after image processing (Canny, ...
Haengyeong Kim's user avatar
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How to train Ultralytics YOLOv8 computer vision model using Apple M1 CPU/GPU using multithreading in Python

I have faced some problems with training my YOLOv8 computer vision model locally on my laptop. Laptop characteristics listed below: MacBook Air Year of production: 2021 CPU: Apple M1 Silicon with 8 ...
NULL_PTR_T's user avatar
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how can save model by tensorflowlite

i am try to save model by tesorflow lite but it give me this error how can solve this error or what it mean Summary on the non-converted ops: Accepted dialects: tfl, builtin, func Non-Converted Ops: ...
ibrahim ashraf's user avatar
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How to detect lines in an image using OpenCV in Python?

I'm looking for a way to detect lines in an image using Python with the OpenCV library. What OpenCV functions should I use to find and determine the positions of lines in the image? Specifically, how ...
MG VİDEO's user avatar
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OpenCV contour detection: Extract rectangular video element out of entire Youtube webpage

Working on extracting the rectangle hosting the Youtube video element out of the entire screenshot of webpage. I'm struggling to find any solution that works with good accuracy across different videos ...
yash mittal's user avatar
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Why do my predicted output tensors always return same class label? (have fairly balanced dataset, assuming its something to do with my class weights)

I am relatively new to Pytorch, and want to know why my predicted output tensors always return the same class label in my output tensor. Right now, its giving me class labels of 4; My class labels are ...
Sarim's user avatar
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OpenCV 3D Point Cloud rendering in strange ways

I am a beginner to OpenCV. I am trying to convert a disparity map to a 3D point cloud but, the output of my 3D point cloud looks nothing like a 3D render of the 2D images. I am not sure if this is ...
Evan Hammam's user avatar
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Why am i get error like this : "Python stopped working"

When i try to run any python camera or web request project. I get an error like this" The translation is: "Python stopped working". "A problem caused the program to stop working ...
İbLov's user avatar
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Hough Circle False Positve filtering

I am trying to create a footfall counter. The currently I have apply a canny filter and they a hough circle transform is applied to detect circles. In the image below you can see random circles ...
Saran's user avatar
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How do I calculate the accuracy of my Vision Transformer?

I'm new to PyTorch, and want to find the accuracy of each epoch. I know that accuracy is # of correct predictions / the total samples, but I don't know how to integrate this into my code.: for epoch ...
Sarim's user avatar
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Why does it seem necessary to rotate transformation matrix for mapping coordinates with scikit image?

I have a set of points that are effectively 3 vertices of a 45-45-90 right triangle and some other points, a, that should map to them. import numpy as np points = np.array([ ( 90, 416), (398, ...
lanery's user avatar
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Showing cloth on a tracked body using media pipe in Unity

recently I'm working on a project for showing cloth on a human body captured through Webcam (virtual fitting room ) ,I can track the body and move a humanoid character with it but I want to set the ...
Parham's user avatar
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OpenCV check powder level [closed]

what is the best way to check the level of the powder in the case with OpenCV? I tried HSV filtering to get the gery color of the powder. But only with bad results. Also tried with edge and blob ...
Ripper121's user avatar
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How to convert 3D images into the point clouds?

The point cloud, a set of points representing the external surface of objects, is commonly generated by 3D scanners or photogrammetry software. It alleviates the direct computational resource demands ...
Mehdi MA's user avatar
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Fréchet inception distance (FID) Score for same vectors is not zero

I was trying to use the implementation of FID score from this resource: but when I run the FID ...
Prince Patrick's user avatar
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How to obtain a 2d transformation matrix from two pairs of points?

OpenCV provides: getRotationMatrix2D to get a 2x3 transformation matrix (rotation, scale, shift) defined by center, angle and scale getAffineTransform to get a 2x3 transformation matrix (rotation, ...
Tobias Hermann's user avatar
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Finding standard deviation and mean for Normalize function from torchvision

I am wondering how to find the mean and standard deviation for lets say 3 images. This is to be used as inputs to the Normalize function in Pytorch (from torchvision.transforms import Normalize). In ...
imantha's user avatar
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Make file error while training YOLOv3-tiny image detection model

So im trying to train a custom yolov4-tiny model with google colab. At the point Makefile i get this Error Message: Compilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors. Makefile:162: recipe for target "...
Ameer Hamzah's user avatar
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client/server ipcameras over network usage at least cpu

I have 32 of ip cameras with 5 mp and high resolution and I send frames with this code over network but this code get many cpu usage and when frames receive to client loss some of frames , please give ...
mph's user avatar
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Transfer learning in Pytorch overfitting only during all stage

I am working on finetuning a CNN based multi-label classification model for a research project. This model was built and tweaked by several folks before me, and showed strong results based on the ...
tranch's user avatar
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High Reprojection Error despite Correct Translation and Rotation Matrices: Understanding cv2.stereoCalibrate

I've been working on stereo calibration using OpenCV's stereoCalibrate function. I'm performing stereo calibration for a simple stereo case, where the rotation between the two cameras is 0 and ...
Đỗ Ngọc Trâm's user avatar
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How to detect only contours that are within another contour in opencv?

I have the image shown below. How could I detect only the contours of the 4 squares that are inside? I have tried doing it, but I only managed to detect the squares that have contours within them, but ...
Tom Blums's user avatar
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Perspective Transform Acting Strangely in OpenCV Python

I am using the opencv module of Python for a research project. My current goal within this project is to apply a perspective transform that will correct imagery into a bird's eye view. This seems like ...
Philip Nicoll's user avatar
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Converting an RGB LUT to YUV and then use it to colour correct a UYVY frame?

I have an RGB colour space LUT(33x33x33x3) with me which I convert to YUV(or UYV for simplicity of use) after trilinear interpolation(so I basically have a 256x256x256x3 LUT). Then I have a video ...
Shikhin Dahikar's user avatar