Questions tagged [conjunctive-normal-form]

In Boolean logic, a formula is in conjunctive normal form (CNF) if it is a conjunction of clauses, where a clause is a disjunction of literals, where a literal and its complement cannot appear in the same clause.

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How to convert a CNF file (in Dimacs format) to NNF file using any python library? [closed]

Sorry if I didn't mention what I tried before with PyEDA. I have a CNF(Conjunctive Normal Form) file in dimacs format and want to convert it or to represent it into a NNF (Negation Normal Form) file ...
flessent's user avatar
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How can I simplify a conjunction of disjunctions (CNF) statement if I can introduce extra variables?

I have a CNF statement.such as $(x_{1} \lor x_2 \lor \lnot x_3 \lor \lnot x_4) \land (x_1 \lor \lnot x_2 \lor x_3 \lor \lnot x_4) \land (x_1 \lor \lnot x_2 \lor \lnot x_3 \lor x_4) \land (x_1 \lor \...
mini minions's user avatar
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The way Sat4j actually solves CNF clauses

I have two .cnf files containing CNF clauses. Both these files solve one problem, which means that the CNF clauses in the two files are the same, but the order of CNF clauses in each file is different....
Anh's user avatar
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How can I simplify the following CNF

(¬p ∨ ¬q ∨ ¬r) ∧ (¬p ∨ q ∨ ¬r) ∧ (p ∨ ¬q ∨ ¬r) ∧ (p ∨ ¬q ∨ r) ∧ (p ∨ q ∨ ¬r) I could not simplify the above CNF. Could anyone please help me to simplify the statement
Fahin Miah's user avatar
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Dimacs cnf expression not satisfiable, why?

I am a new cs student and I have a hard time understanding satisfiability fully. I have made 2 expressions for a SAT solver. Seperately, they are satisfiable, but together they're not. I don't ...
Karim Loberg's user avatar
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Creating random CNF formulas prolog

For my thesis, I am looking at specific properties of knowledge bases and how this affects argumentation tree sizes. I need a sat solver in prolog which I already have, but I also need an algorithm ...
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Generating DIMACS CNF file using bc2cnf is missing AND

I tried using the bc2cnf tool to generate the DIMACS CNF file of a boolean equation. The input file contains the equation of an AND gate as shown below : BC1.1 f := A & B; ASSIGN f; Command used: ...
Partha's user avatar
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Algorithm implementation to convert propositional formula into conjunctive normal form in JavaScript?

I saw How to convert a propositional formula to conjunctive normal form (CNF)? but it doesn't go into implementation details. So I was lucky to find this which shows the types: abstract class Formula {...
Lance's user avatar
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Is an empty clause within another empty clause is equivalent to an empty clause ?(In CNF form)

Is the clause { { } } ≡ { } ? The clauses are In CNF form.I tried thinking about it , so the final solution, according to me should be that the statement is true. Is the understanding correct?
Carmello Jones's user avatar
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How to get the span of a conjunct in spacy?

I use spacy, token.conjuncts to get the conjuncts of each token. However, the return type of the token.conjuncts is tuple, but I want to get the span type, for example: import spacy nlp = spacy.load(&...
Melina's user avatar
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How are objective functions represented in SAT solvers?

SAT solvers can be used to solve the traveling salesman problem, where the sum of costs between chosen edges is important. I understand that you then ask the solver to go again finding a lesser cost. ...
joeforker's user avatar
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Which of the following is TRUE about formulae in Conjunctive Normal Form?

Which of the following is TRUE about formulae in Conjunctive Normal Form? A. For any formula, there is a truth assignment for which at least half the clauses evaluate to true. B. For any formula, ...
Sanjay Verma's user avatar
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Print all solutions of the N-Queens problem using a SAT solver

I'm doing a project were I have to create a program who solves the N queens problem using a SAT solver. I have already transformed the constraints into conjunctive normal form and I'm now writing the ...
Sotiris Kettenis's user avatar
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How to using CNFs to describe addition

Many papers are using SAT, but few mentioned how to convert an addition to CNF. Since CNF only allows AND OR NOT operation, it is difficult to describe addition operation. For example, x1 + x2 + x3 +...
Yi Tu's user avatar
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Converting first-order logic to CNF without exponential blowup

When attempting to solve logic problems on a computer, it is usual to first convert them to CNF, because the best solving algorithms expect CNF as input. For propositional logic, the textbook rules ...
rwallace's user avatar
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Why a Boolean Logic Statement Needs to be in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)

Most things I've seen on processing boolean logic formulas says first to convert it to CNF or DNF form. Wikipedia says it is "useful in automated theorem proving", but not much more. Wondering why it ...
Lance's user avatar
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MAX-3SAT: Best data structure

I am implementing a MAX-3SAT solver in C. Obviously, there is a lot of literature regarding boolean formulae in conjunctive normal form. I was planning to store them in the format: int **formulae; ...
dylhunn's user avatar
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Name of unsigned literals in clause normal form

The elements of a logical statement in clause normal form, are called literals. For example, given the clause {a, !b} The literals are a , !b. But suppose you want to obtain the set of elements ...
rwallace's user avatar
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Optimize SAT constraints of puzzle from DNF

I am currently trying to solve the puzzle "Kuromasu" with a SAT solver, that takes input in the common DIMACS format, i.e. as Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF). In Kuromasu, you have a rectangular board ...
RunOrVeith's user avatar
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recursively checking conjunctive normal form

I am using Dr Racket to check if an expression passed is in Conjunctive normal form. The code checks if the expression is in Negative normal form first. (define (is-nnf? expr) (cond [ (is-...
anush95's user avatar
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CNF Simplification Algorithm

Given that a boolean expression is in conjunctive normal form: is there a "simple" algorithm to simplify it while keeping it in CNF? In particular, what property of the following expression causes ...
Stephen Lasky's user avatar
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How to read .cnf file in java

I have a .cnf file which contains numbers as Conjunctive Normal Form. I need to read and store them in a data structure (matrix or list) to be able to work with them as index. (I need this to solve a ...
PEN's user avatar
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First Order Logic to CNF

There is a Bear. The Bear either sleeps in its cave or hunts in the forest. If the Bear is hungry then it does not sleep. If the Bear is tired then it does not hunt. Question A Formulate the ...
TheRapture87's user avatar
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Python: Reducing the RAM usage in a large file read-store-operate-write program

I have a python program here that converts a DIMACS cnf format file to PLA format. I am reading the CNF clauses from a file and storing them in a list and then running operations on the list elements. ...
Shubhankar_Goswami's user avatar
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Solving conjunctive normal forms in C

I'm seeking help for an assignment. I have to write (in C) an algorithm that solves a conjunctive normal formula (cnf) and after quite a few hours I can't make it work... My program implements DPLL, ...
Alexandre Léonardi's user avatar
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Writing conditions in Conjunctive Normal Form

Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) is a standardized notation for propositional formulas that dictate that every formula should be written as a conjunction of disjunctions. Every boolean formula can be ...
wvdz's user avatar
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Convert this logic sentence to Conjunctive Normal Form

I am struggling to convert this sentence to CNF: (A ∨ B) ⇔ (C ∧ D). I have already tried to use the Biconditional elimination logic rule to eliminate the ⇔. (A ∨ B) → (C ∧ D) ∧ (C ∧ D) → (A ∨ B). ...
Silence's user avatar
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Conjunctive normal form of Game Of life

I want to use minisat to solve a 7 * 7 size game of life, to get the stable generations. Here I simplify the rule of live and death: Von Neumann de rayon 1 The cell who has south, east and north ...
doulmi's user avatar
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Convert logic formula to conjunctive normal form in C++

I'm going to implement a CNF generator in C++, using Boots/Spirit. but after finish "the order of precedence" and "eliminating equivalences & implications" these two parts, I can't figure out how ...
Eric Tsai's user avatar
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SQL where clause with seperataed IN expression to implement CNF

I need to query users according to thier dynamically added properties (transposed table) I have 4 tables users - for users propertyGroup - for groups of properties, groups can be added dynamically ...
yossico's user avatar
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Proof by resolution - Artificial Intelligence

I'm working with an exercise where I need to show that KB |= ~D. And I know that the Knowledge Base is: - (B v ¬C) => ¬A - (¬A v D) => B - A ∧ C After converting to CNF: A ∧ C ∧ (¬A v ¬B)...
Malinga's user avatar
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Querying in SQL Alchemy Using Conjuctions

I am trying to take a list of strings and query based an or combination of all the strings in the list. I want to know if something like this can be done below. def filters(self,filter_company = ["...
bud's user avatar
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How to convert formula to CNF? [closed]

I know the 4 rules to convert the formulas to CNF, but I'm not quite sure how to apply them to this formula ((x v y) ^ ¬ z) ->w Could someone give me a hand and a bit of an explanation? Thanks!
user3713929's user avatar
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Can a conjunctive/disjunctive normal form be represented in a binary tree?

I could find this relative question Distributing AND over OR in a binary tree (Conjunctive Normal Form) I'm not quite sure what would be the out come of the CNF binary tree representation for the ...
Adi GuN's user avatar
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Conversion to CNF (stuck)

I've managed to simplify an expression to the following (both the original expression and the version below resolve to the same CNF according to WolphramAlpha). What next? (~C || C || ~A) &&...
Leon's user avatar
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Reasoning with Conjunctive Normal Forms

I have this code, which I need to translate into the CNF (this is in preparation for the exam, so not a homework!): p,q r :- q false :- p , s s :- t t Here's what I did: p ^ q ^ (r V ~q) ^ (~p V ~...
user3614293's user avatar
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Why don't Standardize variables just violate completeness of resolution

I have been reading some notes on converting first order logic (FOL) sentences to conjunctive normal form (CNF), and then performing resolution. One of the steps of converting to CNF, is Standardize ...
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Is it possible to configure Solr so that the cardinalities in queryResponse.getFacetFields() reflect a query in conjunctive normal form?

The Apache Solr API for faceted searching is very intutive. With SolrQuery class it is easy to build AND-concatenated queries, execute theme against the repository and process results. As very nice ...
Alexander Mühlbauer's user avatar
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Remove Spaces From List of Lists in Racket

I'm working on a PL logic resolver, and I need to make sure the input either has no spaces, or evenly spaced. I think removing the spaces will be easier. So I'm writing a function that removes the ...
user1846359's user avatar
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How to convert it into CNF(Conjunctive normal form )

i faced a expression which is below A ∨ (B ∧ C) ∨ (D ∧ E ∧ ¬ (A ∨ B)) how to Convert into CNF(Conjunctive normal form)?
KarachiCoder's user avatar
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How can i do cnf operator in java?

I'm trying to do CNF operator in Java and I have an error with equality. Firstly, I did most of the software but I didn't do totally. My codes are here : import acm.program.*; public class split ...
CWOmer's user avatar
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how to convert a propositional logical tree into conjunction normal form (CNF) tree

I have a string like string s="(=> P (OR (AND A (NOT B)) (AND B (NOT A))))"; and convert it output the CNF of this string,like ( OR ( NOT P ) ( OR A B ) ) ( OR ( NOT P ) ( OR ( NOT B ) ( ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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Checking satisfiability of expression tree

I'm trying to look for a practical way (e.g. in terms of engineering effort) of solving a problem, where I have a bunch of unknown values: val a: Int32 = ??? val c: Int32 = ??? val d: Bool = ??? and ...
Heptic's user avatar
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Recursive function in Lisp

I have to build a function which determines if I have a conjunction of well-formed formulas built in this way : cong ::= '(' and wff wff ...')' Let's suppose I have the code which determines if a ...
Ester's user avatar
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SAT Solving for Optimization

Suppose you have a CNF formula with some variables marked special. Is there a way to make a SAT Solver (say, minisat) find a solution maximizing the number of special variables assigned to true?
Joseph Victor's user avatar
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XOR Clauses for Z3 SAT Solver

I am using Z3 to solve satisfiability problems including several hundred XOR clauses with 22 inputs each. To code the XOR clauses in DIMACS form, I am using Tseitin encoding. My conversion breaks the ...
Axel Kemper's user avatar
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Predicate Logic and CNF [closed]

One given example, two questions, two ideas: ∃t ∀s learn(s, t, a) and not distracted(s) => passExam(s, a) 1) What means that in natural language? There is a t(opic), when a s(tudent) learns ...
Michael Dorner's user avatar
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load a file for conjunctive normal form into a list of lists

I have written some code to load a cnf from a file which store the cnf according to the standard described here. the file is: c simple_v3_c2.cnf // lines bigining by c are comments c p cnf ...
edelans's user avatar
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Algorithm for evaluating nested logical expression

I have a logical expression that I would like to evaluate. The expression can be nested and consists of T (True) or F (False) and parenthesis. The parenthesis "(" means "logical OR". Two terms TF ...
Traveling Salesman's user avatar
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Compression of a positive DNF

I would like to compress positive propositional formulas in disjunctive normal form (DNF). I am only assuming simple DNF for the moment without negated literals. The reverse process, the ...
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