Questions tagged [connection-leaks]

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28 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Glassfish database connection leak caused by jms exception

I'm using Glassfish v2.1.1, MySQL 5.1 and ActiveMQ 5.4.2 incl. its resource adapter. If the ActiveMQ resource adapter throws an exception when participating in a XATransaction including both a ...
Trym's user avatar
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SQL Azure Request Limits and a possible connection leak

I have an interesting problem going on. I recently moved 2 SQL databases to SQL Azure for a client and all seemed to be going first. Mid-morning I get a spike of error emails for various ...
rickers's user avatar
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3 votes
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log4jdbc not writing to log files

I am trying to debug connection leak in my Struts application and have set-up log4jdbc. I am able to see log4jdbc logs in console but I wish to have jdbc connection open/close events being written to ...
Ravi Gupta's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Gateway memory leak with non-standart response content-type

We are facing strange memory leak in Spring Cloud Gateway that only appears in one route, that points to a regular Spring Web Rest service that returns response with non standart content-type: "...
Andrey Cage's user avatar
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302 views, established connections are increasing

My server has deploying via aws ec2 instances. and there are some network tuning configs. echo 1024 65535 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range echo 60 > /proc/sys/net/...
user3438823's user avatar
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Database connection leak, hibernate 4.3 + spring webflow 2.3.1

I'm currently facing the following known issue : I using Oracle9 and Ikaricp as connection pool. (At first i thought it was an issue with apache dbcp, this is ...
Quent's user avatar
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Mongodb Connection leak using mongo-go driver

I'm developing a Go application that integrates with MongoDB to create, read, and delete images. I've set the connection pool to 4 for testing purposes, but I've noticed that the number of connections ...
ODawah's user avatar
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Npgsql connection not releasing

I have a client app using Entity Framework Core 5 with Npgsql to access PostgreSQL. The client app may make multiple connections to the database. The problem is, after we killed the client app and ...
Tien Dinh's user avatar
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Tcp connection leak issue

Observed an issue in which system is throwing - "too many open files" after working fine for few hours. Observed that there are many tcp connection stuck in "CLOSE_WAIT" state. sudo lsof | grep ":...
vaibhav.g's user avatar
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jdbc connections in clojure are garbage collected prematurely

I am using the [com.impossibl.pgjdbc-ng/pgjdbc-ng "0.7.1"] library to connect to a postgres database. The connection is saved inside an atom. I then arm multiple listeners like so: (doto (....
WeGi's user avatar
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okhttp client throwing connection leak warning

I see that the connection leak warning is thrown when response.body() isn't closed. Below is the code snippet that is throwing the warning. Request request = (new okhttp3.Request.Builder()).get()....
hemanik's user avatar
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Connections do not return to the pool (JBoss EAP 6 AND SQL Server 2012)

I have an application running under jboss eap 6.3 and connecting to a SQL SERVER 2012 datasource through jTDS driver. The problem is the connections are opened and never return to the pool. at first, ...
Cateno Viglio's user avatar
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Connection leakage issue when static method called from spring transactional method

I have a transactional method at Service layer which call a static method where i am starting a thread for some async task(again some database operation). Does calling a static method from ...
TECH007's user avatar
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Activity has leaked ServiceConnection eroror in Android

My application is developed through Phone-Gap. But when we turn-on TALK_BACK option from accessibility then I am getting the error message like below and the application is crashing for some time (but ...
Sampath Kumar's user avatar
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Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider and avoiding database leaks

I have implemented the class found in this question: CursorLoader usage without ContentProvider It is a means of using the LoaderManager and CursorLoader without a content resolver. I am using it to ...
Demonofloom's user avatar
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Connection Leak Issue with SSIS 2014 & Postgres ODBC

I'm working on a project for a client that involves a pretty huge ETL process to move data from MSSQL Server to Postgres. We are using SSIS 2014 with the ODBC drivers provided on, and ...
Brendan Mulcahy's user avatar
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Wildfly detection database connection leaks

I have application, deployed in wildfly. And sometimes in application occurs db connection leaks. I really cannot find them in debugger. But they are shown in WildFly Management Console in datasource ...
Alex T's user avatar
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Spring 5 WebClient Mono.subscribe with handle leak

Update: it's a bug of springboot. I'm a beginner in springframe. There are some problems when using webclient. I can get the desired return ...
Maomao Guo's user avatar
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Hive JDBC - connection leakage when getConnection fails

I am using cloudera hive jdbc Sometimes, when the calling of getConnection() fails (not always, depends on server stability), it ...
yelliver's user avatar
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Detect connection leaks in pooled DataSource

I am writing code in order to detect whether my application is leaking connections or not. I use c3p0 as connection pool. In my unit tests, I have tried to create a @Rule that checks, at the end of ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
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Jetty 9 leaks threads and connections and stops responding

We use Jetty 9 as embedded web server in a Java 8 VM. On occasion, the following happens: The thread count of the (Windows) process starts to increase at a steady rate Some time after this, Jetty ...
De Villiers de Wet's user avatar
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JDBC PreparedStatement call within another JDBC PreparedStatement Connection Leak?

I have some code I'm maintaining that makes an embedded JDBC call within another. This smells wrong to me but more importantly I'm wondering if this will cause a connection leak? public Table1 ...
cassidius's user avatar
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Every time I source my R script it leaks a db connection

I cannot paste the entire script here, but I am explaining the situation. If you have ever got leaked DB connections then you would be knowing what I am talking about. I have an R script file that ...
Lazarus Thurston's user avatar
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SQL Server connection handling, connection pooling, lifetime and leaked connections

I am trying to identify SQL connection leaks in my application. After some operations, when my application is idle (user not doing any activity), I see 7 connections with my database in the result set ...
Learner's user avatar
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How can I solve a max pool size - ASP.NET

Public Function QueryDataSet(ByVal strSQL As String) As DataSet Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dtAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter objConn = New SqlConnection With objConn ....
Nakarin Karnsubwedchkij's user avatar
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OkHttpClient leaking connection when using byteStream

I keep getting a connection leaked warning in my Logcat messages, even though I've closed every single body of every request I send out. I have two wrapper methods for GET and POST requests, which ...
Andrew Senner's user avatar
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Android emulator failing to install any apk file and showing

I am getting following error when trying to run any android applications in emulator with Android API 4.2(17) in eclipse ADT .Earlier my apps were running fine,but this problem started after ...
Samrat's user avatar
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Connection leak causing java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException

I am developing an ETL application which should periodically. For testing purposes I have set the period to 5 minutes but in production it will be bigger. I am using Spring framework for both ...
Gary Greenberg's user avatar