Questions tagged [convolution]

A mathematical operation that combines two signals to generate a third signal. Convolution often arises in audio processing (e.g., filtering, reverb) and image processing (e.g., blurring, edge detection).

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Caffe ImageNet 32X32 images

So my problem consists of not being able to train the imagenet with smaller images (32X32) when i resize them to 256X256 everything starts training fine. So I know that the issue are my settings. i ...
Andriy Lysak's user avatar
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Why does correlation using DFT give unintuitive results?

I was trying to compare how similar 2 signals using correlation via DFT (Digital Fourier Transform) in Matlab, but the correlation function gives not really predictable results. For example, if I ...
Arsen's user avatar
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When would I want to set a stride in the batch or channel dimension for TensorFlow convolution?

Tensor flow implements a basic convolution operation with tf.nn.conv2d. I am specifically interested in the "strides" parameter, which lets you set the stride of the convolution filter -- ...
snickers10m's user avatar
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Combining convolutional layers and LSTM layers with variable-length sequences

I am trying to combine Conv2D layers with LSTM layers on images. The problem is that the Conv2D layers takes as input a 4D tensor including the number of channels, and my LSTM network needs a 3D ...
Cyprien RUFFINO's user avatar
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Why is there such a big difference in the execution time of the convolution operation with numpy?

Using the numpy convolution function, I found that convolution kernels of size 10000 or smaller perform much faster convolution time than kernels of size 10001 or larger. What is the reason for such a ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Why is using python scipy's convolve function on a series of vector pairs in a for loop faster than using fftconvolve on two equivalent matrices?

To give some background, I am performing matched filtering between two batches of signals. The transmitted signals (i.e. the kernel) and the received signals (the 'data') are then represented by two ...
spaghettibadger's user avatar
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Pytorch 2D convolution is somewhat slow

I am trying to replace a single 2D convolution layer with a relatively large kernel, with several 2D-Conv layers having much smaller kernels. Theoretically, the replacement should work much faster (in ...
Gil's user avatar
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How to implement convolution algorithm with SSE?

mkip's user avatar
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Calculating Convolution Only for a Certain Interval Using "conv()" in MATLAB

Below you can see the code for convolution of two continuous functions. There is a function called fx which I took as the square root of a Gaussian distribution. The convolution is calculated using 2 ...
Ali Pedram's user avatar
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Locally connected 2D layer without summation over colors - keras

I want to create a neural network with a locally connected layer but without summation over the 3rd dimension (colors) of the inputs. I saw in the docs of LocallyConnected2D that there is no "...
hihi's user avatar
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efficient SIMD dot product in rust

I'm trying to create efficient SIMD version of dot product to implement 2D convolution for i16 type for FIR filter. #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] use std::arch::x86_64::*; #[target_feature(...
user1685095's user avatar
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Implementation of FitzHugh-Nagumo diffusion model diverging by first iteration

I'm trying to implement the model described in this paper, which simulates the equation proposed by Alan Turing of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model in 2D as a model for forming animal skin patterns — in ...
micycle's user avatar
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Applying a mask to Conv2D kernel in Keras

I'm looking to apply a mask to the kernel of a Conv2D layer in Keras. I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding kernel shape. For kernel_size = 3, and filters = 1, the shape of the kernel is (3, 3, ...
Parham's user avatar
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Using CNN to get value from dartboard where dart landed

I want to use CNN in python to get values from dartboard (or the value of the field where dart landed) using pictures. I took 208 photos of dartboard, in each dart is in specific location. I want to ...
Samo Šimenko's user avatar
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How can I filter images together in 3 dimensions

I have a sequence of images and I want to filter them in 3 dimension. The spatial filter is gaussian filter and for temporal filtering I use sinc filter so as spatial an temporal kernels are separable,...
Brier_98's user avatar
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C# Convolution algorithm is producing a very loud .wav file

I am trying to create a convolution reverb algorithm that takes a sound input signal and convolves it in the frequency domain with an impulse response. I have been trying to debug the code for a week ...
M.Dyrholm's user avatar
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how to convert TensorFlow Conv2D with kernel_regularizer into PyTorch

hello I have a layer defined as bellow: tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=1, kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(l=0.05)) right now I would like to convert it into PyTorch but I ...
lbai's user avatar
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Bilinear interpolation by convolution

I tried to do the upsampling by transposed convolution.Since I was unable to figure out the kernel weights,I tried the following way. Upsample image by a factor of (using nearest neighbour method) ...
Knilakshan20's user avatar
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Evaluating convolution of two continuous functions using fftconvolve

I am trying to evaluate the convolution of two continuous functions using scipy.signal.fftconvolve. The scenario of the code is as following: I am trying to approximate the following double integral: ...
Sato's user avatar
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Unknown output dimension of dilated convolution produces error on downstream Concatenate Layer

I'm trying to implement a simplified module like wavenet with dilated convolutions. A simple example is below: import tensorflow as tf tfkl = tf.keras.layers output_dim = 3 def waveres(inpt, ...
Jed's user avatar
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Alternative implementation of sparse convolution in TensorFlow

I have a special convolution kernel: 1) it has a big size (600x600); 2) it is a sparse filter and consists of mostly 0 values and some 1s. I want to apply this kernel to another big image (2000x2000). ...
hsiaomichiu's user avatar
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Trying to get Convolution of Single Image

I am trying to get the result of a single convolution over an image using tf.keras.backend.conv2d. The specifications of the input are 227 pixels by 227 pixels, with a channel size of 3 (RGB image.) ...
CodeOnTheCob's user avatar
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Problem regarding the weights and biases in CNN

I am currently learning about CNN. Till now I have understood the following: We pass the image as an input. In the 1st Convolution layer, we apply all the filters to the 2d image and apply an ...
pr22's user avatar
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Convolving sobel operator in x direction in frequency domain

I implemented the code given by Cris Luengo for convolution in frequency in domain, however I'm not getting the intended gradient image in x direction. Image without flipping the kernel in x and y ...
Shivam Thakur's user avatar
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Group Convolution Weights in Pycaffe

I am trying to implement depth wise convolution in Mobilenet V2 in caffe. I do this by setting the parameter in conv_param num_output to be equal to the groups param. Taking 112x112x96 input ...
KL2208's user avatar
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Convolution using Matlab's conv() function

This is a supplementary question of this question. According to the documentation, len(output) = len(input) + len(kernel) - 1 So, I figured out In case of conv(u,v,"full"): len(pad) = len(...
user366312's user avatar
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Fitting an exponential decay using a convolution integral -

I'm fitting the following data where t: time (s), G: counts, f: impulse function: t G f -7200 4.7 0 -6300 5.17 0 -5400 4.93 0 -4500 4.38 0 -3600 4.47 0 -2700 4....
Gerard's user avatar
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Captcha Recognition using CNN not giving expected results

I tried to develop a Captcha Recognition program using TensorFlow in Python. When I started, I checked some articles on the internet and found that a Captcha image is segmented into individual digits ...
KayKay's user avatar
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Comparing numerical and analytical convolution

I am calculating the convolution of two functions, exp(-bt^2 + iat) and exp(-c|t| + iat). If try to analytically calculate it in Mathematica with Convolve[Exp[-b*t^2 + I*a*t], Exp[-c*Abs[t] + I*a*t],...
Medulla Oblongata's user avatar
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tf.nn.conv2d_transpose gives InvalidArgumentError: Conv2DCustomBackpropInput: input and filter must have the same depth

I'm facing issues with getting tf.nn.conv2d_transpose to work correctly. Here is a small reproduction of what I'm trying to do: import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np # Shape (2, 3, 3, 1) == (...
narrkey's user avatar
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Getting wrong prediction for cnn (Dogs Vs Cat ) Keras

I have programmed convolutional neural network in keras to predict whether the image is of a cat or a dog. I got an accuracy around 80%. I tried checking the prediction of my code for many images as ...
vidit02100's user avatar
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Transposed convolution TensorFlow padding for FCN style networks

I am implementing some variants of FCN for Segmentation. In particular, I have implemented a U-net architecture. Within the architecture, I am applying valid convolution with a 3x3 kernel and then I ...
simongraham's user avatar
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Tensorflow convolution vs. Tensorflow multiplication and sum vs. Numpy multiplication and sum

I am experiencing different results (on 16th least significant bit) while performing a single step of a dot product, implemented differently in TF and numpy. The inputs are float32 5x5 image and 5x5 ...
Contour's user avatar
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TensorFlow conv2d slow compared to others

I'm trying to use TF to do some filtering. I have 60 images of size 1740 x 2340 and a guassian filter of size 16 x 16. I ran a conv2d as strides = [1,1,1,1] data_ph = tf.constant(data,tf.float32) ...
user3347617's user avatar
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"IndexError: tuple index out of range" using keras backend in straightforward way

I just try to make convolution of my tensor with shape (1,18,18,1) with custom tensor kernel_x = K.variable([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]]) I use this: y_true_boundary_x = K.conv2d(y_true, ...
Alexey Bohovkin's user avatar
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What's wrong with my batch normalization in Tensorflow?

I was implementing a CNN for Digits Recognizer in Kaggle. The structure is: conv5x5(filters=32)-conv5x5(filters=32)-maxpool2x2-conv3x3(filters=64)-conv3x3(filters=64)-maxpool2x2-FC(512)-drop(keep ...
Daniel H. Leung's user avatar
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Tensorflow Conv2D SAME padding when Stride is larger than Kernel Size

I'm running into a weird issue trying to compare my implementation of a convolution operator with tensorflow's dealing with the SAME padding. According to this post the SAME padding is calculated as ...
Paul's user avatar
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YOLO Loss function decreasing accuracy

I am having some issues implementing the YOLO loss function. Everytime I train my model, my loss decreases but my accuracy also decreases. This leads me to believe that my loss function is not correct....
Michael Bawol's user avatar
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Decoder in Convolutional LSTM

I am trying to implement the convolution lstm network based on this paper:, I have implemented the encoder like this: def new_convLSTM_layer(input, # The ...
MRM's user avatar
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Simple convolution in nd4j

I can't get a simple convolution to work in nd4j and documentation regarding this specific topic is scarse. What I'm trying to do: INDArray values = Nd4j.create(new double[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,...
Anthony De Smet's user avatar
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Is there a C/C++ implementation of Tensorflow conv2d?

Is there a C/C++ implementation of the Tensorflow conv2d. I am looking for some code easy to read and not necessary optimized. There is a very brief description
GDG's user avatar
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Color change during Super-Resolution

I am working on a CNN that does Super-Resolution. The training goes well, there is no overfitting but when I try the trained network on a low-res image, the output image has changed its color : The ...
Nathan Hubens's user avatar
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Trying to calculate the mean of a sliding window of an image Python

I'm trying to pixelate (\mosaic) an image by calculate the mean of a (non overlap) sliding window over the image. For this I try to implement a "window size" and a "step" parameters. Assuming my step ...
Evya IL's user avatar
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pytorch inplace operation error. How to get around it?

Using PyTorch in python, I'm feeding-back one of my CNN's layers into input-space by using an inverse network that I'm training. However, I'm interested in the representation of only one channel. I ...
SumakuTension's user avatar
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CNN - What is every single kernels of the second conv-layer exactly convoluted with?

I'm a student in acoustics and really new at deep learning. My goal is to get a good understanding in how a CNN exactly works. There is one part that I don't understand. I can't find any precise ...
DanielH's user avatar
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Tensorflow: Define a conv2d-like operation

I want to define a new operation which should work the same way tf.conv2d works. Looking at the documentation, I should implement Compute(OpKernelContext* context) member method of my new operation ...
D.Badawi's user avatar
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TimeDistributed Model Not learning

I am trying to train model to play Chrome Dino (the offline game). The idea was to have 6 last screenshots of the game, use CNN on each separately (to extract features) and then put those features ...
P. Kon's user avatar
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tensorflow conv2d memory consumption explain?

output = tf.nn.conv2d(input, weights, strides = [1,3,3,1], padding = 'VALID') My input has shape 200x225x225x1, weights is 15x15x1x64. Hence, the output has shape 200x71x71x64 since (225-15)/3 + 1 = ...
Tu Bui's user avatar
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Merging two CNNs with an additional input vector to a resulting third CNN in keras

The architecture is two identical networks receiving different inputs. The first network receives a real-valued vector, the second receives a Boolean-valued vector. The first layer of each network is ...
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Implement a custom layer after a series of MPSCNNConvolution

I have a custom neural net here, made mostly of the usual building block (conv, relu, max pool, etc). But the last layer needs a sigmoid on some feature channels, and softmax on others (trying to ...
mtourne's user avatar
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