Questions tagged [corba]

CORBA is an object-oriented middleware standard, defined by the OMG. It enables software components written in different languages to communicate with each other. Server components implement interfaces defined in IDL and register them with an Object Adapter, and clients can access those services using an ORB (Object Request Broker).

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1 answer

CORBA broker / proxy over HTTP or accessible via sockets (for PHP)?

I'm looking at connecting an existing PHP codebase to a remote CORBA service. All actual data is passed via XML so I don't think I need an IDL to PHP mapping for remote invocation. I just need to ...
Fanis Hatzidakis's user avatar
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3 answers

How to install implementation of Corba on my computer and then program using any language compatible with Corba

I have to do a project in Corba.I have absolutely zero knowledge of corba.Things that I've to do is first is to install a corba implementation on my PC.After that I have to develop a Photo Printing ...
gizgok's user avatar
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Java CORBA Client Disconnects Immediately

I have built a Java CORBA application that subscribes to an event server. The application connects to and narrows on the context just fine, but as soon as an event is sent to the client, it breaks ...
Benny's user avatar
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Attempting to connect to a CORBA Service using corbaloc url

String[] orbargs= {}; org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(orbargs, null); org.omg.CORBA.Object cobj = orb.string_to_object("corbaloc:iiop:"); ...
Megasaur's user avatar
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orbd equivalent in GlassFish CORBA / Start GlassFish ORB

I try to migrate from JDK8 to JDK11. So I use glassfish-corba as replacement for the CORBA implementation, which is not shipped anymore with JDK11. I found the GlassFish IDL Compiler as executable ...
mihca's user avatar
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Error: Unable to initialize main class StartServer Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/omg/PortableServer/Servant

The structure of my project When I try to run my server code, the error shows up "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.2\bin\java.exe" "-javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA ...
Naren's user avatar
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1 answer

openorb: How to publish IP in ior

I want to set particular ip in IOR file, I am doing it as below: props.put("iiop.publishIP", "auto"); props.put("iiop.port", "60003"); props.put("iiop.hostname", ""); props.put("iiop....
coder's user avatar
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org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: initial and forwarded IOR inaccessible

I am using Lotus Notes API (NCSOW.jar) to connect to a remote Domino server from my java class and then write to the Lotus Notes database. But I am getting a particular error which suggests that it ...
muswain's user avatar
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2 answers

Java CORBA Client Disconnects When Event Fires

I have built a Java CORBA application that subscribes to an event server. The application narrows and logs on just fine, but as soon as an event is sent to the client, it breaks with the error below. ...
Benny's user avatar
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ASP.Net WebAPI replacement for CORBA?

I am in need of some guidance on a project I am working on. We are looking for a replacement for CORBA server setup. In a nutshell we currently run a CORBA deamon service that hosts 10 instances of ...
DennisC's user avatar
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7 answers

Duplicate casting

My colleague asks me a question which I can't find the final answer myself, the question is about object casting. Say I have a class A, and a Factory class, In the factory class, I want to create the ...
Thinhbk's user avatar
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Exception inside CORBA when accessing a remote bean

On Windows Server with Glassfish 4.0 and JDK 1.7_55 I getting NoClassDefFoundError and ClassNotFoundException then invoking remote bean methods. StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet.service() for ...
Aleksandr Tsyganov's user avatar
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using an EJB 3.1 bean through a remote java stand-alone application

I have been trying to use Java EE 6 to create an Application Server based app which is to receive Job objects from a GWT Web Application and those Jobs would be pulled from a Java stand-alone ...
Yehonatan Levi's user avatar
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4 answers

Does any C++ Component Framework beyond Corba Components exist?

I'm looking for a C++ Component Framework like EJB3 (sure, it's Java only) or Corba Components. But I'm not looking for Corba Components. My requirements are portable (linux, unix, optional Windows) ...
tuergeist's user avatar
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org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: Server-side Exception: null

I'm trying to register to a CORBA CosNotification Service. In the documentation of the service I'm trying to connect to, it says I have to a CosNotifyComm::SequencePushConsumer object, and attach it ...
PTBG's user avatar
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1 answer

Using Corba string_dup versus using pointer to const

There is something I don't get, please enlighten me. Is there a difference between the following (client side code)? 1) blah = (const char *)"dummy"; 2) blah = CORBA::string_dup("dummy"); ... just ...
Adrian Rosoga's user avatar
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how to implement an idl-to-java compiler

I need to implement an idl-to-java compiler. In fact, it's not idl-to-java. Interface definition language is extended. So I need to implement a compiler which can generates java source file. I know ...
Xiaotian Pei's user avatar
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5 answers

Is there anything better than CORBA for interlanguage program communication?

I'm on a project using CORBA to read the data of objects that could be implemented in C++ or Java but conform to the same IDL. The pros are the idlj compiler and all the necessary code came free with ...
mring's user avatar
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CORBA: omniORB vs. TAO vs. MICO vs. Orbit

I want to use CORBA for a C application and thus I wanted to compare the various implementations available on the internet, e.g. the ones mentioned in the title. However, I can't find any comparison ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

Access Java Corba NameService

Is there any way to access the corba nameservice from a running Java (1.5) program. I would like to see which other processes are registered to a given one. I do know, that there are three tools ...
Christian's user avatar
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CORBA exception in EJB application

I've got a problem with EJB/Glassfish. I'm working on a client-server application in which the client creates an entity object and must send it to the server application, which must persist the entity ...
user2811222's user avatar
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InvalidName exception in jacorb

I am using Jacorb for corba implementation. I have started the NS on port 900. When I am trying to start the server I am getting following exception D:\eclipse_workspace\WorkSpace\corba\bin>jaco ...
sabu's user avatar
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3 answers

idlj-maven-plugin and package translation

I am trying to include a Corba .idl file in a Maven project with idlj-maven-plugin. The .idl file specifies a certain module, say module Tester { interface Test { void sayHello(); } } and I ...
Andrea Bergia's user avatar
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2 answers

Installing CORBA orbd-Name Service as Windows Service

I developed CORBA server/client with use of Java IDL component of Java SE platform. I want start this application as service on Windows Platform, so i used Java Service wrapper , and installed ...
ajduke's user avatar
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4 answers

Ideas for computer science project with CORBA or ICE

We have to perform a semester project with distributed computing using CORBA or ICE. It is a single-person project and we have a couple of months of time. For the programming language I'd like to ...
codymanix's user avatar
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Compile Java 11 with jacorb

I need to compile my java CORBA applications in java 11, which no longer includes an ORB implementation. I have included jacorb.jar in the CLASSPATH, but I'm still getting errors while compiling, not ...
dummyhead's user avatar
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How to define optional field in OMG IDL struct?

Is optional field supported in IDL defined by OMG? If not, is using sequence or fixed size array to wrap it a good practice? Or just leave it to be null at the runtime without further hint at the IDL ...
Beeno Tung's user avatar
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How can I have make build intermediate C++ files in a scratch directory with the IDL compiler?

I have a build process that invokes the CORBA IDL compiler to generate .cc files as an intermediate step, and I'd like for these files to be created in a scratch directory to make cleanup easier with ...
stix's user avatar
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Python: Installing OmniOrbpy in Windows64(Windows 7) environment

I'd like to experiment with a Python (v2.7) app accessing a CORBA API, but I keep going around in circles about which OmniOrb pieces are necessary and where they should be placed. I've downloaded ...
user1148257's user avatar
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How to init ORB from property file?

I would like to init my ORB from property file (normally I init it like this, while running my examples: ./app -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc::localhost:2809/NameService) I wrote a simple code: ...
yak's user avatar
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Runtime object reference

If CORBA doesn't know about an object at compile time, how does CORBA identify an object passed to it at runtime? How does it access that object at runtime?
user1247412's user avatar
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CORBA Client/Server application, getting info from server (null values)

I created a simple application in Java and C++ in CORBA, client-server app, take a look: interface Task { string getThingToDo(); }; #include "Task.idl" interface Employee { typedef sequence ...
yak's user avatar
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Does idjl (Sun IDL compiler) support forward declaration?

I have to use idlj for my school project but in my idl files I also need to use forward declaration. Does anybody know if idlj support forward declaration? I tried to do this, but it gives errors: ...
mazix's user avatar
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IDL interface, C++, CORBA, I'm dealing with "conflicting return type specified for" and "invalid abstract return type for member function ‘virtual..."

For over 3 days I've been dealing with CORBA and C++ and my app interface written in IDL. My app interface looks like this: #ifndef __FORUM_INTERFACE_IDL__ #define __FORUM_INTERFACE_IDL__ #include "...
mazix's user avatar
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CORBA.COMM_FAILURE on calling an EJB method

We run a WebSphere server with a few clients using different EJBs. One of the clients SOMETIMES fails on one specific method call (a KeepAlive method running every minute). We see the following ...
Eugene Marin's user avatar
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IDL to Type Library

Is there a way in Delphi 7 to generate a tlb from an idl? Or even from a class/ interface definition?
Asher's user avatar
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CORBA on Mac OS X (Cocoa)

I am currently looking into different ways to support distributed model objects (that is, a computational model that runs on several different computers) in a project that initially focuses on Mac OS ...
user8472's user avatar
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communication between 2 programs written in different language - Serialization?

when is serialization,marshaling etc required during communication between programs residing across 2 different machines /network/Internet? Suppose I have a client program in java/flash and a server ...
user319280's user avatar
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how to make remote calls using IIOP and omniORB

I have installed omniORB successfully on Windows Server 2012. I have two IDL files which I compiled using the omniidl compiler and now have a header file and source file for the two IDL files. How ...
Jonathan Kittell's user avatar
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Pass generic template class as functor parameter

I want to improve the following code snippet: THNNetIPInfoIter last = std::unique(fist, end, HNInfoIPComparator()); where currently HNInfoIPComparator() is implemented as following: // equal ...
likern's user avatar
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How can I make boost program options ignore certain inputs to be processed by another interpreter?

I'd like to use boost program options in a program I'm writing. This program also uses CORBA, which is designed to accept CORBA-specific command line inputs. I'd like to make boost program options ...
stix's user avatar
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CORBA/Webstart application doesn't work with Java7u55 anymore

My CORBA/Webstart application using an alternative ORB implementation (OpenORB) doesn't work with Java7u55 anymore. The following exception occurs: Error org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE: can't instantiate ...
irrenderreiter's user avatar
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How to implement CORBA client behind NAT

I have following interfaces. interface Server { void subscribe(in Client client); }; interface Client { void ping(); void pong(); }; On initialization, client will connect to server and ...
user2091330's user avatar
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idl2java does not work with 64bit JVM? Error loading jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

vbroker52\bin\idl2java.exe -verbose -VBJdebug -VBJjavavm D:\tools\java\jdk1.6.0_37_32\jre\bin\java.exe JVM: Loaded JVM dll D:\tools\java\jdk1.6.0_37_32\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll ...
Volodymyr Bezuglyy's user avatar
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How to pass an object from Corba Client to Corba Server

Using Java as a programming language , i have this question regards how to send an object from Corba client to Corba server noting that i am using POA and the following idl file :- // BackupServer....
Eng .. Abdalmonem's user avatar
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Accessing variables and arguments in IDL + Java

I am investigating distributed systems right now, so... I have to learn that IDL thingy. :D I have this requirement: Define in IDL - an account as an struct - accounts as a sequence of account’s - ...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
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org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST when trying to get the root naming context "NameService"

I'm trying to create a java client/server application that uses CORBA to interact. I followed this example and was able to get it to work using the 'Java IDL Object Request Broker Daemon, orbd'. But ...
lightswitch05's user avatar
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Authentication/access control in CORBA

I'm writing an application that gives access to some imaginary laboratory with various devices. I use Java with CORBA. The problem is that many users can simultaneously try to access those devices. ...
Pawel Batko's user avatar
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4 answers

Drop-in replacement for MICO Corba?

We are currently using MICO to establish the communication between a server and a client, where the client is a simulator written in C++ and the server is a java program displaying an animation of ...
evnu's user avatar
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Is CORBA still being widely used today? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is Corba Legacy? I am asking this question because I don't see any new books on CORBA in recent years. I am really new to CORBA, and I am not sure if I still need to learn it. ...
user646161's user avatar

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