Questions tagged [couchbase]

Use for Couchbase Server or Couchbase Capella only (NOT CouchDB or Couchbase Lite). Couchbase Server is a distributed database engineered for performance, scalability, availability and flexible query. It enables developers to build applications easier and faster with both the power of SQL and the flexibility of JSON.

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Updating metadata with using Couchbase eventing

I cannot find anything related on the document. I just simply want to modify metadata (or extended attributes) and add new field for tracking if eventing OnUpdate function worked for source document ...
sarah's user avatar
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Return flat couchbase array for query over multiple documents

I have a couchbase query SELECT DISTINCT(itemID) FROM main_bucket._default._default WHERE createdDateTime> "2023-01-01T00:00:00" returns the array [ { "itemID ": "...
ciaran haines's user avatar
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What does sync gateway reset option does in the replicator.start(reset:true)

In the replicator we have a option to reset the checkpoints, by setting reset:true, what is the functionality of it, does it actually restart the whole replication operation, deleting the previously ...
Karan Kumar Sah's user avatar
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Couchbase Sink Kafka Connector Ignore Error and Continue

I created a sink connector from Kafka to Couchbase. It writes all events to Couchbase successfully until an event that has empty key came. It stuck at that point with failure on the task. Error in the ...
javac's user avatar
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Accessing Couchbase Transaction response outside lambda

I am trying to use java sdk (java-client v3.4.3). Since I need transactions, I am using transactional flavor of cluster object cluster.reactive().transactions().run((ctx) -> {}); Both sync/ async ...
uzumas's user avatar
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Couchbase bucket won't remove metadata with Full Ejection Mode

I can't understand how Couchbase bucket ejection methods exactly works. Db version is 7.0.3 enterprise. It has two methods as value-only and full. It says with full ejection, everything is deleted ...
sarah's user avatar
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Using scope with TTL in Couchbase

I have a couple of questions in couchbase 7 version : What will a TTL set on scope do ? I assume it will delete the data and collections within it because its not clearly described. What will a TTL ...
Raghuveer's user avatar
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Couchbase module cannot be found in Android studio

I'm trying to build a project using couchbase. The thing is, the system cannot even locate the package. Thus when I try import; // or any other of the below import ...
Juser's user avatar
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How to run CouchbaseBackupRestore only once

I define a CoucbaseBackupRestore resource for my kubernetes cluster. Managed with flux and kustomize (gitops) The restore goes well. But when it is finished it starts another restore. I want it to run ...
Fundhor's user avatar
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2 answers

Reactor subscriber not executed in the specified scheduler

I'm starting with java reactor and facing an issue when testing a code that is querying couchbase and processing result documents. My code looks like that Flux<String> documentIds = ...
Zizou's user avatar
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SYNC gateway couldn't connect to couchbase server in a docker environment

I am trying to put CB and Sync Gateway instances in docker. I managed to launch CB Server (defined buckets, users and etc) but when SG fails with the following error message after I do the following ...
Nie Selam's user avatar
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CBLite Replicator not re-syncing after purging documents

We have an iOS application using Sync Gateway and Couchbase Server to synchronize data between our mobile clients. Now we have a use case where we are syncing Documents, by specifying Channels to ...
Tushar Sharma's user avatar
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doing bulk insert in Couchbase

I am trying to do bulk insert in Couchbase but it is not working. Below is the query snippet what I have tried :- INSERT INTO `sk_status` (KEY,VALUE) VALUES ("key1",{"type":"...
Sweta Sharma's user avatar
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How to connect dotnet to couchbase from another server?

I have a couchbase windows that's installed on server development, the problem is when i tried to connecting it to dotnet it doesn't connect at all here is my installed server development It is just ...
Appem's user avatar
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Query Couchbase for missing document where no index exists

I need to query a Couchbase collection for all documents that are missing a particular field. e.g. SELECT * FROM Bucket01 WHERE Field IS MISSING; However, I have some annoying limitations: There is ...
person0's user avatar
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Delete unused keys from CB

We have approx 1 million keys in CB and each key has expiry time of 10 days. Basically after every 10 days we run a schedular to re-insert data in CB for these 1 million keys. Out of these there are ...
Vipin Gupta's user avatar
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Bulk Upsert in Couchbase with using Golang

I'm new to Golang Please help with understanding I want to use bulk upsert operation via gocb.collection_bulk.go. How does it work if at the time of replacing the document, it will be blocked Is this ...
oliaaa_s's user avatar
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N1QL choose the latest timestamp records for the conditions

Hi I have an application that runs the below N1QL please observe the letting clause , for the lowest value of the env we are picking other details. with a change in the application we are getting ...
hemanth's user avatar
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Couchbase XDCR getting duplicate replication id

In createReplication call keep getting same replication id all the time. How to get unique Id? The requirement is need to check metrics per replication created. Say we are programmatically creating ...
user2425109's user avatar
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Approach to selecting a document

I am using Couchbase in a node app. Every time I insert a document, I am using a random UUID. It inserts fine and I could retrieve data based on this id. But in reality, I actually want to search by a ...
appa's user avatar
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Return value inside a collection is returned as undefined but works as a response send

I have the following GET call which works as intended, connecting to a couchbase db and performing some updates. databaseRouter.put('/update/:id', (req, res) => { updateDocument(req, res); }); ...
kar's user avatar
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Compare two flux

When I try to compare two flux obtained from reactive couchbase repository facing timeout issue. I am trying to get all the cars from vehicle collection. Flux<Vehicles> vehicles = vehicleRepo....
Mahendravarman M's user avatar
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How to connect couchbase db located in cluster from localhost using port forwarding in my app?

I need your help. So, we have couchbase cluster on AWS. I need to connect this db from my web application to test it on my local machine. Our app is developed using Golang. I need to debug my app on ...
Zeevac's user avatar
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Define Couchbase collection name based on property

I have the below Repository that extends CrudRepository. Now based on a property called "scopeName", we need to inject the collection name using @Collection("collectionName"). So ...
Akib Ali's user avatar
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How to check and set up the Couchbase timeout using the Python SDK?

I'm searching a way how to check the current value of Couchbase cluster timeout, and how to set up a desired timeout using the Python SDK. I know the method to set up a timeout using ...
slazur83's user avatar
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Installation of Couchbase Python SDK 3.0.10 failing on python 3.8.5

I am unable to install Couchbase Python SDK of version 3.0.10 (I specifically need this version). I am using Ubuntu 22.04 and with pyenv set global python to 3.8.5. I am also using poetry with venv. (...
Dave's user avatar
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How to handle field injection to Couchbase repository

In order to add functionality to the couchbase repository I implemented the below class. Inside this class is another @componenet name extensionHelper. Since this class is not standard spring bean I ...
Mortova's user avatar
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Upsert Document with a generic json field

Using spring-data-couchbase I want to define a document with a field settings with generic JSON. To do this, I create a class @Document public class SampleDoc { @Id @NotNull protected String id; ...
serkanz's user avatar
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Service ‘memcached’ exited with status 139. Restarting. Messages (Couchbase)

I am facing below error most of time and at same time bucket appear down(1 node pending). This error facing just after setting up and Couchbase server even not accessed yet. Service 'memcached' exited ...
hitesh balar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to write a N1QL query for the below requirement

I have the below project records. "projectkey1" : { "name" : "project name", "productDetails" :{ "productKey1":"requested", "...
hemanth's user avatar
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Is it advisable to run Couchbase with 'EFS Elastic Throughput' instead of EBS?

We run Couchbase in Kubernetes platform in AWS cloud. As per the 'Couchbase on AWS' best practices, it is suggested to use EBS 'gp3' or EBS 'io1' based on the following link. (https://docs.couchbase....
Ganesh N's user avatar
2 votes
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Couchbase N1QL query with dictionary

In Couchbase I have documents that contain a dictionary structured like this: { "...": "...", "members": { "*USERID*": { "...&...
PlutoHDDev's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

N1QL Query to join array fields with an array in another document

I have 3 documents types : Data { "formId": "7508e7b2-bcf7-437b-a206-9fee87256d01", "dataValues": [ { "questionId": "...
serkanz's user avatar
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How can I extract returned lastUpdatedTime field from the following N1QL query in Couchbase version 7.0.3 and use it in an update query

I have the following query; SELECT b.lastUpdatedTime FROM `bag` b WHERE b.staticBar='ABC1234511991' ORDER BY b.lastUpdatedTime DESC LIMIT 1 Which returns the following response [ { &...
hakansander's user avatar
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N1QL query dropping records after join with a subquery

The Below Query is dropping records when i join 2 N1QL sub queries - We are using couchbase and using N1QL queries. Full Query - select t3.appName, t3.uuid_proj as uuid, t3.description, t3.env, t3....
hemanth's user avatar
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getting permission denied error while executing N1QL query on couchbase 7.1 if result set is big

I am executing following query statement whose result set contains 10000 documents, while running the query I get permission denied error. If the result sets are small then this error does not come. ...
hitesh's user avatar
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How can we access nested object using n1ql by applying filter to object name

Sample JSON: { "id":"idValue", "rank":{ "1":{ "city":"Mumbai" }, "2":{ "city":&...
Paranav's user avatar
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What is the correct syntax for Prepared Statement at Couchbase?

I'm trying to create Prepared Statement with named parameter at Couchbase 7.1 as follows: PREPARE index_1 AS SELECT DISTINCT $column FROM bucket_name; EXECUTE index_1 USING {'column': 'Name'}; I ...
slazur83's user avatar
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High Disk Write failure in Couchbase

Couchbase: 6.5 Cluster Size: Node A: 16 GB, 4 Core Node B: 16 GB, 4 Core Total Buckets: 20 Bucket Type: Couchabse For some buckets seeing thousands of Disk Write Failure [ep_data_write_failed] on Node ...
Bidyut's user avatar
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Couchbase / Python Access to sample project throws error UnAmbiguousTimeoutException error code 14

I am trying to wrap my head arround couchbase DB. For that I am starting a couchbase cluster via docker-compose. version: "3.7" services: couchbase1: # Starts a ...
NameVergessen's user avatar
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How to obtain Couchbase Server version using the Couchbase Python SDK?

I'm trying to get Couchbase Server version using the Couchbase Python SDK. I can do this using couchbase-cli but I need to get this information using Python. I tried to use following code but returned ...
slazur83's user avatar
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Adding filter expression in collection mapping rules XDCR with Java client

I am integrating XDCR via JAVA Sdk. If I need to setup filter expression per collection mapping rule how to do in java? say collection mapping rule 1 has one filter expression, collection mapping rule ...
user2425109's user avatar
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How to create an index for fields which can be missing at Couchbase 7.1

I'm trying to create an index for fields which can be missing at Couchbase 7.1 Even if I use an example from the Couchbase documentation, I have a syntax error: INCLUDE (reserved word) CREATE INDEX ...
slazur83's user avatar
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What data is stored inside of a Couchbase Index?

Situation I'm working w/ a Couchbase database that keeps running into OOM issues, a lot of the time it's with the Index Service running out of memory. When I fire up the Couchbase dashboard to get ...
Scott Sword's user avatar
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Couchbase retrieving all documents from all collections in scope

Is it possible to retrieve all documents from all collections in a scope without N1QL query. Because of huge volume we are trying to avoid index creation hence can not execute N1QL. The cluster where ...
user2425109's user avatar
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couchbase: how to add sr number to the results in asc order

I want to add one column in the first which shows the (sequence number) in ascending order. example: (here the sequence number will not be order, rather follow the order of plan_year) SELECT ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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Couchbase Query to shard data in collections

I have millions of records in legacy couchbase bucket. Post migration to couchbase 7.0 it will be copied to _default scope and collection now If I need to shard it across collections. Say collections ...
user2425109's user avatar
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How to add a primary key on a bucket in couchbase?

I have created a couchbase cluster with 1 node. and I have 2 buckets with data in it. when i'm trying to run a select command in the query section, i am getting this error I have tried a few ways ...
Varun Pandey's user avatar
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Kubernetes cron job to run a query on couchbase database

I require to run a N1QL query on a couchbase cluster via Kubernetes job periodically. Can CBQ tool be used? is there any such reference implementation available?
user2425109's user avatar
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Kubernetes job for creating couchbase collections dynamically

I am looking for approach how to create collections in existing scope of couchbase dynamically. Requirement is it should be periodic and should NOT be done via spring application but via some ...
user2425109's user avatar

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