Questions tagged [cron-task]

cron-task is a task (command or shell script) executed periodically at certain times or dates by the cron scheduler.

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2 answers

Scheduled task after server restart or crash

I have some question related to the @Scheduled task in spring boot application I have some microservice that send an email every month. I have @Scheduled(cron="every month expression"). But just ...
alex.miller's user avatar
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How to manage the time of a cron in the BO (admin part)

I have a symfony 4 project with some CRON manage by the Shapecode bundle and I want to manage them from the back office. Concretely I want to get the CronJob time (30 10 * * 1-5 for example) from my ...
Romain LANCIA's user avatar
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How to setup CRON job to run every 10 minutes exactly from 9:24:59 to 15:14:59?

I need to setup 2 cron jobs with very precise timing for my PHP code. Cron 1: Run cron job every 10 minutes, every day between 9:24:59 to 15:14:59. i.e cron job starting from every morning 9 hours ...
Lokeswaran Selvaraj's user avatar
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How to remove empty folders and subfolders using cronjob

I found a script online that works when entered into custom cronjobs on cpanel. When i run this script, the code deletes the folder and everything within it. rm -rf public_html/storage_area/images/ ...
GIDUBZ86's user avatar
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How can we allow user to set a cron JOB from frontend in Laravel?

I have a setting section in my laravel application. In this section I have a setting for defining a sync time. So the user can set their preferred time for sync data from laravel application to a ...
Kishor Patidar's user avatar
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AWS cron job run after deploy

I have an AWS cron job which I have scheduled to run once every 3 hours. Schedule expression: rate(3 hours) How do I ensure that it is run immediately after I deploy it along with it's scheduled ...
Mateen-Hussain's user avatar
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What is wrong with this cron job?

03 20 * * * do_snapshot --digital-ocean-access-token notreallymyaccesstoken96notreallymyaccesstoken3 --only 52713483 -k 3 -c -v Running do_snapshot to take snapshot of my digital ocean droplet. I am ...
akhilesh's user avatar
-4 votes
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My PHP function works perfectly when browse manually but not working properly from cron

I'm developing a web based program and i have several cron jobs for this on my cPanel. Every one of them works perfectly from cron and manually except one. I'm using Codeigniter. The PHP function ...
Emre Çay's user avatar
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avoiding Event records to duplicate in a table when using cron.schedule

Hope someone here could help me with some logic and code when using cron.schedule. My issue what I am trying to is kind of flagging a event to not store a duplicate event in a table every minute, ...
Jon-pierre Pretorius's user avatar
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Cron job for running task every second week

I want to create cron job for external application to run every second week starting from Thursday Eg - 9:00 pm,23/5/2019 9:00 pm,6/6/2019 Cron Expression which I can modify 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
Ayush Goyal's user avatar
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AWS Cloudwatch event rule schedule UTC time example

I've configured CloudWatch events to run every 1AM Myanmar time and 8AM Myanmar time as follows: run 1am Myanmar Time 30 18 * * ? * run 8am Myanmar Time 30 1 * * ? * Unfortunately, CloudWatch is ...
PPShein's user avatar
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mongo db scheduled backup in kubernetes

I need to run a scheduled cron task in kubernetes to take mongodb back up and upload it to S3 bucket. Looking for a way to do it just via yaml file.
ThatMan's user avatar
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different behaviour on double click on batch file and execute it in cronjob

I'm learning how to create an automatic script in python (3.7) and I've noticed of these different behaviours: (The python script is not relevant in this question but it works quite well so that I'm ...
cooper's user avatar
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wordpress live site : suggestion to schedule daily jobs via cpanel

I have a wordpress site live , I would like to schedule a daily job via cpanel to feed a custom stats table. I am a new to the concept of croning job. I would like some suggestion, also I noticed that ...
Youssef's user avatar
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How to set flux cron expression for seconds to schedule an event?

I would like to schedule an event for every 15 seconds and must use flux library. Using '0 0 +15' I'm able to set a schedule to run every 15 minutes, However, when I tried for 15 sec my event is ...
deepakp's user avatar
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AWS EC2 Ubuntu16.04 crontab not working at specified time

As titled, i have read through a lot different online resources, but still not be able to make crontab work at specified time, it only works when the the job is specified for every minute. p.s I have ...
Edison Lo's user avatar
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Celery and django does not work as expected

Celery and django does not work as expected. I'm trying to create a little task to get to know Celery better. Implemented a simple print to analyze the output and nothing happens. What am I doing ...'s user avatar
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shell job to compress & delete logs, once in a month

I am trying to run a schedule job on centOS to .gz and delete a whole month of logs from a directory. The logs are named somelogfile_12Apr19_18_19_41.log, somelogfile_28Mar19_07_08_20.log I can run ...
user11358025's user avatar
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Add crontab job EC2 instance Operation not permitted

I'm trying to add new job to crontab using crontab -e with root user on linux ec2 instance. However I'm getting Operation not permitted while I'm trying to save my changes. And I got same error while ...
Islam's user avatar
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subprocess.Popen: does not retun complete output , when run through crontab

I am calling some java binary in unix environment wrapped inside python script When I call script from bash, output comes clean and also being stored in desired variable , However when i run the same ...
Kintul's user avatar
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Creating a one off cron job using firebase and app engine

I'm creating an app where a user can create a piece of data that could be presented in the ui at a later date. I'm trying to find a way to create cron entries dynamically using either java code (for ...
Joel J.'s user avatar
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Cron Job to trigger AWS Lambda not working as expected

I want to trigger my AWS lambda function on 15th of every month but my function is triggering after every 30 minutes. My function in Serverless.yml is monthlyTbAlert: warmup: true handler: ...
Shikher Garg's user avatar
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Problem with python croniter with all asterisks

I have made a script in python to perform FTP transfers that will run in crontab every minute. The script queries the mysql database and translates the cron language with the croniter library. If the ...
Lafayette's user avatar
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Cron Job in Firebase

How can I create a cron job in firebase real time database, i have an application for android and the app has a reward , whe the user get a reward in the backend i update a bool var Gift to true and ...
Bryansq2nt's user avatar
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How to run R script through multiple directories via windows Task Scheduler

I'm trying to automate some reports in R through the Windows Task Scheduler. The issue is that I keep getting 0x1 error codes and I believe it is because the automated script is using the source() ...
Jonathan Rummel's user avatar
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How to achieve Google App engine redundancy with NodeJs

I have a NodeJs project on app engine (GAE) . Whenever there is an unexpected crash in a service call the NodeJs has to restart (I believe this is normal) , however, this leaves the whole server ...
htafoya's user avatar
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Cron service not starting with docker container

I have been trying to run a cron job within my docker container and I can't seem to get the cron service to run when the container is started. I can remote into the running container and run "cron" to ...
Sam Munroe's user avatar
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Problem with cron job which has to run every 15 minutes but not at 15,30,45

So i have a cron job that runs and executes fine (hence why no path is shown) at: */15 * * * * but I don't want that as it means it runs at every fifteen minutes past 0 of the hour according to ...
MartinJJ's user avatar
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4 answers

How to repeatedly stop a program after x minutes and re run it changing one variable in python?

I have a program written in python which goes as follows: for i in range(4954): ........ save("/Downloads/pos_" + str(i) + ".h5") The fact is the program running time increases exponentially(...
Fasty's user avatar
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If one Cron Job fails, carry on to next job

I've set up my Crontab to execute a selection of Python scripts in order to interrogate a solar inverter and upload the results to PVOutput: */5 * * * * cd /home/Pi/; python; */5 * * *...
Phil's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I create a cronjob for these commands?

I want to a up a cron job to run a python script each day within a virtual environment. So I've tried to set up a cron job but it does not seem to execute. If I were to run the program from terminal ...
r00t's user avatar
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Cron job to create backup of database and mail to me

[email protected] 54 1 * * * pg_dump -U postgres db_name > ~/backup/bck.bak * * * * * ~/backup/bck.bak I am using the above cron job in PostgreSQL. The backup is created ...
Tushar Goel's user avatar
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Should app to send daily digest be a part of website solution?

I am developing a website using Django framework. I have built a solution "blogsite". I am sending daily mails as digest to subscribers. I have a python app which is being scheduled using cron-tab. ...
Priyanshu Gautam's user avatar
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Scheduling a cron job in python to run a python script every day at 10 am through APSCHEDULER

I want to schedule a cron job in python that runs a python script every day at 10 am. I am using apscheduler to achieve this functionality. I am trying to use apscheduler functionality to schedule a ...
Nakul Sharma's user avatar
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3 answers

Run Cron Every 15 minutes between 7am to 7 pm

I want to make run fron every 15 minutes,it can be achieve by */15 * * * *. But It can be possible it runs only between 7am to 7pm at morning?
Ketan Borada's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to run a cronjob every 50 minutes? [duplicate]

I want to run cron job in following manner 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 and so on how can i setup cron tab so it works like this
Arslan Ali's user avatar
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Cron wont import pandas module to execute python script. ```ImportError: No module named pandas```

I am using xubuntu 18.01 I have a python program that that scrapes weather data and saves the files as a csv. It works perfectly running the command weatherdata in terminal after i gave it permission ...
Lucas Muller's user avatar
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How do I limit API requests to one per user at the same time?

I have created a site for social marketing. Services are provided by an API. When the user requests the service, more than one request is sent by the API. How to make it request the service only once? ...
EVERY THING's user avatar
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Cronjob running more frequently than expected

I have a cron job that is set to run at 1:30am every morning # Run at 1:30am every morning 30 1 * * * /usr/bin/wget http://167.99.XXX.XXX/cron-script-here >/dev/null 2>&1 And yet when I ...
JamesNZ's user avatar
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react js cron jobs how to set in fixed time date

There is no solution for React to support cron jobs. Could you please share your solutions/alternatives for scheduling events in React? Any ideas? Thanks!
Anil's user avatar
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Cron running every minute, instead of running every 15

I wish to run the following cron every 15 minutes, but for some reason it tries running the command every minute, which then forces the server to run very slow as it starts completing multiple backups ...
Tom's user avatar
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Change the PHP version with CRON (on GoDaddy shared server)?

I have GoDaddy shared business hosting and have 15 sites running on it, all created in the latest version of Joomla. Most of the time, everything runs well and resource usage is barely anything with a ...
Bryan Earl's user avatar
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Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Console\Command' not found

I've been trying to run a cron task in my server using Laravel. The problem is that I'm getting this error every time. Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Console\Command' not found I've been trying ...
Daniel Hernandez's user avatar
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Can we schedule cron job in the php script?

I'm new to this cronjobs and I want few emails (2k to 3k mails to be more precise) to be sent at specific time and date which are in the database table.Currently to achieve this, I'm calling my mail ...
srikar reddy's user avatar
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CronTab files dump on home directory on Ubuntu server

I have configured a custom script to the crontabs on my Ubuntu 14.04 server as below and cron jobs are working fine. * * * * * wget However, I have noticed that ...
Ewall Team's user avatar
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Cron job every 5 minutes before 30 minutes

I am trying to create a cron job that fires every 5 minutes before 30, for example: 10:25, 10:55, 11:25, 11:55 etc. I tried */25,55 * * * * but this also sends messages at 10:50 and I'm not sure why, ...
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Python script fails to run using a Cronjob but executes from browser

The python file begins to get executed but them, error I get is - Time : 2018-12-26 13:00:01.751099 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/", line 13, ...
Manish Rathee's user avatar
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bash mount works but not with cron

I have a bash script that backups my files. so I need to mount an external network drive first before I backup. backupMount="/Users/[user]/Volumes/Router_HDD" # Mount the backupdrive mount -t smbfs /...
Ralph Schipper's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP script keeps "restarting" creating new instances of itself

I developed a site using Zend Framework 2. It is basically a price comparison site that integrates with many of the top affiliate networks out there. I wrote a script that checks prices from each ...
Cody's user avatar
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Crontab task to launch script that needs sudo permissions

I'm currently using the following script : #!/bin/sh mount -t nfs /mnt/NAS_DFG echo >> ~/Documents/Crontab_logs/logs.txt date >> ~/Documents/Crontab_logs/...
Liris's user avatar
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