Questions tagged [cron]

Cron is a time-based job scheduler running as a daemon process in Unix-like computer operating systems. Questions about configuring cron for systems or administration are OFF TOPIC.

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AWS equivalent to cron for updating an S3 site based on python script every few hours?

I'm new to using AWS so bear with me. I have a site hosted on S3 - it's an updating weather tracker map: index.html, data folder, and a python script to scrape and download files into that data folder....
Dani J's user avatar
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Why the minute cronjob configuration in cpanel changed itself

I have a cronjob configuration that runs once every 3 minutes, as follows */3 * * * * The command is the artisan queue command in Laravel /usr/local/bin/php /home/shalltea/public_html/...
nikkiSix's user avatar
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Drupal google analytics counter module failing cron run hence data is not fetched

The plan is to use the google analytics counter module to show the view count of some belonging to a certain content type. So i followed the documentation that is being provided (https://www.drupal....
javelin's user avatar
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How to download ICS (iCal) file perioticly without too much duplicate?

I found out, that I can enable a URL to download Google Calendar events using ISC. I got a url like this[email protected]/private-xxx/basic.ics. This url gives ...
Akxe's user avatar
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Laravel Artisan command launched by cron job fails without error message

I have a Laravel 9 application with some artisan commands to do some background tasks. One of these commands updates a data warehouse (update:dwh). This command runs without problems from the command ...
wanderlusted's user avatar
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Cron job execution triggered by drone always delay

I set a cron job with my self hosting drone server. The cron job was always delayed to execute for around 5 minutes. When I switch timezone from UTC to NZST, the delay period expand to around 10 ...
Fahn Liu's user avatar
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I have a wordpress plugin that uses a cron and that cron does not run when nobody accesses the page

Context: I am making a wordpress plugin that receives two parameters, a title and a prompt, and generates an article that should be published in a random time of between 120 and 180 seconds. More than ...
Lucho Piehl's user avatar
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How can I ensure a cron task is executed only once in NestJS?

I'm using NestJS. I have a cron task that needs to run every 10 seconds. However, I need to ensure that the second task doesn't start if the first task is still running. In other words, the task ...
Максим's user avatar
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Cron syntax what does # sign mean

I am looking at the cron file in the /etc/cron.d, I am wondering what does the # sign in for one the jobs means: #50 23 * * * is not translating it
blackstone's user avatar
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Oracle Always Free Cloud Instance (How to correctly setup a cron job)

I have an always free ubuntu oracle cloud instance on which I am attempting to schedule a python job that can run at a scheduled time using crontab. I installed crontab, started the cron service, and ...
sid576's user avatar
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Schedule job on GCP to copy data from SFTP server to GCS Bucket

I have access to an SFTP server from GCP containing several folders with a number of .csv files. A few times every day, a new .csv file is uploaded to some of these folders on the server. I have ...
Berra's user avatar
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3 answers

Python script Permission Denied from shell script when invoked from Crontab

I have to schedule some tasks for which I invoke a shell script in my home directory. I try to run a python script from this Shell script but it doesn't work. I have tried the following till now. I ...
Dsp guy sam's user avatar
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WordPress / Advanced Ads tracking - capping not calculated

I’m working on a multi-site WordPress website which uses Advanced Ads Pro to manage its ads. I’m facing an issue with the capping option of the plugin. The hourly limits are never calculated, even if ...
Raphaël Titol's user avatar
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Bash script works properly, but not by cron

I wrote a small script, which checks exit code status of program, and perform actions depending on which exit code status it got. The script works perfectly if to run it from command line, but when ...
VmeansVendetta's user avatar
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NestJS Cron unit test with deleteCronJob()

I created a unit test for a NestJS according to: How to write a unit test for CronJob in Nestjs @Injectable() export class CronService { private readonly logger = new Logger( ...
user2625247's user avatar
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Odoo 15 Scheduler not running automatically or even with clicking Run Manually

I have a problem with running a scheduler in Odoo 15. I have a function python like this for sending messages to chat: def action_send_notification(self): today_date = for i ...
Satrio Lantip's user avatar
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Trouble to deploy Python application in Google Cloud

I'm trying to deploy a Python application in Google Cloud, using an Ubuntu virtual machine. The script should be executed every 1 minute. I have already deployed it, and when I execute it manually, it ...
Henrique Rick's user avatar
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Is there a way to delay a query in cronjob if the previous doesn't finsh yet? [duplicate]

I have a cron job that fetches data from the MsSQL database and stores it in the MySQL database, sometimes it starts executing while the previous one has not finished yet. I tried to coordinate the ...
Younes's user avatar
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CouchDB caching clean on views

I use CouchDB in order to be able to import data into InfluxDB from the same time changes are made to the CouchDB view. The problem with CouchDB is that it persistently caches data, i.e. if I have a ...
port8080's user avatar
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Kubernetes Cronjobs leave the pod behind in Not Ready State after completing the execution

In AKS,my cronjobs are getting triggered, executed & completed but the Pod is left behind in a Not Ready state. I've been using successfulJobsHistoryLimit and failedJobsHistoryLimit as 0. I want ...
sumit anand's user avatar
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Node js scheduled tasks are not executed after i restart the server

I'm using the node-schedule library to schedule tasks in my Node.js application. The tasks are scheduled to run at specific times, but I've noticed that they work fine as long as the server remains ...
Ghost's user avatar
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Cannot find module './index.ts' ts-node when launching two scripts simultaniously

I have two scripts that I both launch on my VPS with a .sh script that runs ts-node if the js script is not running: #!/bin/sh PROCESS_NAME_REGEX="process_name" TS_NODE_EXECUTABLE="./...
Dmitry Larin's user avatar
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Cron Job runs multiple times in Laravel - Production Server

I have a project in Laravel 8 as the backend deployed on EC2 with ubuntu. I have scheduled few functions as cron jobs at specific time. But, the same cron job seems to run multiple times. So i put a ...
aseel's user avatar
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Quartz Job not triggering from IIS Server and not inserting jobs into database

I have done schedule jobs and jobs running on Visual studio 2022 public class NotificationJob : IHostedService { readonly ILogger<NotificationJob> _logger; // private IScheduler ...
oggy oggy's user avatar
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How to run cron jobs in IST in hostinger

I created a cron job for my laravel application in hostinger , but my server is UTC , i want to run it in IST . protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('...
Vara Prasad's user avatar
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Allow only 2 concurrect cronjobs kubernetes

Is there a way to allow cronjobs to run at maximum 2 jobs at the same time? I can easily set this to 1 by setting concurrencyPolicy: Forbid. And if I set concurrencyPolicy: Allow then it could go to ...
maxisme's user avatar
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Is there any way to reload multiple cron job Task Schedular

So I have multiple cron jobs scheduled based on properties with Task Schedular, now I want to move those properties to DB. When any properties or job got update from UI , I will send DirectExchange ...
prguptadev's user avatar
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Run a script before Postgres docker container start

My goal is to extend the official docker image, but to also enable a cron job for running backups. I am able to achieve this by extending the Docker image and then ssh into the container and run the ...
Ivaylo Toskov's user avatar
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How to command scripts in cronjob file and how to creat it

I'm confused with Cronjob, my posts are not going to Google and I don't know how to set them up, I'm asking for help very quickly This issue has been very difficult for me, so I am asking you to help ...
Eliya Hamis's user avatar
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Optimal script to copy a Letsencrypt certificate everytime it renews to another directory on Ubuntu server

My letsencrypt certificate renews every 60 days or so and when it does my application crashes which is stored on same server in opt directory I would like to create a cronjob and/or script which ...
DevOps_N_Training's user avatar
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Spring Boot @Scheduled annotation: Start and end at top of hour?

I'm using the @Scheduled annotation with a cron expression to schedule recurring tasks during the work day. What I would like to do is to run the first job at 8:00, then every 15 minutes ending at 17:...
Wintermute's user avatar
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Laravel Optimize developer experience for cron jobs and scheduler

I have created a Laravel app and its main functionality is getting data from another API, feeding the Laravel app database tables and as of now, i have achieved so by writing methods inside my ...
John Gkouziotis's user avatar
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Need advice: 30+ cron jobs on my PHP, MySQL, JS project. Looking for PHP background worker or alternatives since no Laravel/class components

I currently have a server running more than 30 cron jobs. These cron jobs are used for various tasks, such as processing receipts after placing orders, generating static reports, resetting credit, and ...
Chuah Wei Hang's user avatar
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schedule a job everyday, everyhour using jil

I have to schedule a job that have to run every day every hour using jil script? Can I write start_time:"00:00,01:00,02:00,03:00,04:00,05:00,06:00...,22:00,23:00" Is the above format right?
user22477852's user avatar
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how to delete entry from root cron which is already existing not created through chef cron resource

My cron entry : [root@server1 ~]# cat /var/spool/cron/root 0 21 * * * /bin/bash -c "sleep $[RANDOM \% 60 + 1]m"; nice -n 10 /opt/snow/snowagent -w /opt/snow/ >/dev/null 2>&1 # Chef ...
Hema's user avatar
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Plesk scheduled Task from cs-cart

I have create many cronjobs in cPanel but I can not in Plesk. The command I want is like this: /usr/local/bin/ea-php74 /home/user_domain/public_html/admin.php -p --dispatch=controller_name.mode_name ...
Kiriakos Grhgoriadhs's user avatar
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R cron job cannot edit googlesheet - authorization issue

I have a cron job which edits a googlesheet using functions range_clear and sheet_write from the googlesheets4 package. Here is how i set up the permissions: library(googlesheets4) # Set ...
Romain's user avatar
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How to schedule a job in AWS to trigger a Lambda at 7:00PM everyday?

How to schedule a job in AWS to trigger a Lambda at 7:00PM everyday? My use-case is to send push notifications to specific users. I have users in India and US. After processing the DB to identify ...
retr0's user avatar
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run a docker-compose from crontab

I have a command docker-compose -f docker-compose-deploy.yml run --rm app sh -c "python runcrons" that works if I run it from terminal. Now I want to run this command from a ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to have an environment variable with quotes in crontab

I have a minimum example of my problem, which is trying to install a crontab that looks like this: FOO="foo\"bar\"bin" 0 0 1 * * ls by running crontab crontab (I have it in a ...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
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Cron-parser settings for every second(n) week node js

I'm using the cron-parser library in Node.js to handle cron scheduling in my application. I have a requirement where I need to set up a cron job that runs every two weeks, specifically on Mondays and ...
testINGHUb's user avatar
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CRON expression, nearest Friday to your day

I need a complex cron expression, wonder can i do it and how. I need to CRON work like this: Every 20th day of the every month if it's not Sunday or Saturday If it's Saturday, then 19th day of the ...
Dmitry Laevskih's user avatar
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Scheduled Backup Influx Data Inside Docker using Cron

I have this interesting problem at work involving an influxDB image for Docker (version 2.2). The objective is using a CRON scheduler to execute a Bash script that backups all data, considering that ...
Marcellus T. Biancardi's user avatar
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Why raise '504 Gateway Timeout'

When I do a test call ti my website, got an 504 error in, why? I even did set up CORS to avaind any issues. Seems that the endpoint is triggered, but then why not response ...
János's user avatar
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Scheduling Jobs Using node-cron in Next.js Deployed on Vercel Not Working

I've been trying to schedule background jobs in a Next.js application deployed on Vercel using the node-cron library, but I'm encountering an issue where the scheduled jobs are not being executed. I'...
János's user avatar
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Creating cronjobs with saltstack from a file

So I'm trying to import multiple cronjobs with a salt formula. The idea is to have a file for every server in the formula itself and import all cronjobs on state apply. I checked the documentation, ...
tlo's user avatar
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Django Crontab Job Not Executing Within Docker Container

I am facing an issue with running Django crontab jobs within a Docker container. The crontab jobs work perfectly in my local development environment, but when I dockerize my Django app and attempt to ...
Zaman Kazimov's user avatar
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Java Springboot Job Flow to execute two steps simultaneously

I want to write a Batch job which has steps (let's say A, B, C, D). The batch should execute in following way: A | B and C | D But current setup is: A -> B -> C -> D. I want ...
Lokesh Parihar's user avatar
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Change time of WordPress cron with php code

I am writing a plugin which should automatically send email at certain time a day. This time should the user be able change in setting. I have currently a textbox with the requested time and when a ...
Vlado's user avatar
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