Questions tagged [database-restore]

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"Error: Unable to create database user: Database user name is invalid." when trying to restore SQL Server database

I backed up a database and then did some necessary modification in the same offline, after all work is done, I am trying to restore it back onto my website. I am using Parallels Plesk control panel. ...
Naveen Kumar Sharma's user avatar
9 votes
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RDS snapshot restore taking too long

As part of our blue-green deployment strategy we are snapshoting the prod RDS instance and then restoring this snapshot into a new instance applying db migrations after it and linking the newly Green ...
user1990009's user avatar
4 votes
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How to Restore data in File group databases?

I have a database with two file groups: 1- PrimaryFileGroup 2- ArchiveFileGroup now I have a backup from first filegroup: Primary.bak. and restore with below script : USE [master] GO ALTER DATABASE ...
Nima Rostami's user avatar
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Cannot restore database with .mdf extension in sql server

I have back-up my database from LocalDB server which is .mdf file: C:\THESIS - SOURCE CODE\SIS-JEN\SIS\APP_DATA\SIS_DB.MDF and it was successfully backed-up with an extension of .bak: C:\THESIS - ...
Jen143Me's user avatar
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Restored database from backup file apparently not "recognised" by SQL Server

I have restored the Northwind database( from a backup file, I have successfully executed a trivial query, but, apparently there are some errors. This is the ...
Andrei's user avatar
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Can you create a certificate from its thumbprint?

its more of a concern than a problem. Here it goes; I am trying to restore a TDE enabled SQL Server backup on a separate server. While restoring I got an error this error Cannot find server ...
Pradip's user avatar
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mysql-cluser ndb_restore issue

I've been trying with intermittent success to restore my ndb_backups to a new cluster. We have a 6 NDB node cluster with 3 API nodes. When I run an ndb_restore, usually the first 2 or 3 node backups ...
99454's user avatar
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Restore selected tables from .bak file

Is their any possibility to restore selected tables from a .bak file using Microsoft SQL server management studio. By using query browser i am able to open back-up file in script tab and hence select ...
sujith karivelil's user avatar
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Howto restart mysql after innodb recovery

I installed a complete backup of my strator server and had to use the "innodb_force_recovery=1" in my.cnf in order to start my database. I, howewver, cannot write/alter to the database/tables and ...
Roland Ndaka Fru's user avatar
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SSMS: Restore a DB from a .bak file located on another VM

I am working on a VM (say "abc123"). SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) is installed on this machine. Now, on SSMS, I have connected another VM/server (say "def456"). I want to restore a DB using a ....
John's user avatar
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Restoring SQL Server 2014 database in SQL Server 2005

I am trying to restore a SQL Server 2014 database in SQL Server 2005. I am doing by generating the complete script (with schema and data) from SQL Server 2014. I get an error saying 'INSERT ...
MaxPayne999's user avatar
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Unable to restore a SQL Server 2008 database from multiple bak files using SSMS

I am trying to restore a SQL SERVER 2008 database from multiple .bak files using SSMS, but I am getting the following error: "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: File 'D:\SQL2008_R2L1\MSSQL10_50....
Hermes1160's user avatar
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OrientDB Database import failed

I've created an OrientDB backup with the following command: ./ plocal:../databases/DemoDB demo demo Now, to test if my backup succeeded, I've removed and recreated my database, and ...
Erik Pragt's user avatar
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Restore SQL Server database I accidently replaced?

I restored a SQL server database from a backup file, but I accidentally replaced a database I needed and override it. Is there a way to somehow get it back? I know the answer will probably be no, ...
Y.S's user avatar
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Cannot restore database as file is being used by another process

I have developed this application for a store owner.I want to allow the owner to backup and restore database by using the application.the backup runs fine but the restore is causing an exception which ...
user5552042's user avatar
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Restore Oracle Database From Oradata Folder

I have lost my database on the server because the computer has been formatted on drive C. But the oracle folder was located on Drive E, like oradata, etc. Can I restore oracle database like before?
Melkikun's user avatar
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Error while restoring db from Enterprise to BI edition of SQL Server

Every day we restore backups from production on 3 different servers. Same process has been used for months and it always works. Recently we decided to start restoring backups from production server on ...
QWE's user avatar
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Restoring SQL Server 2008 R2 *.bak databases on SQL Server 2014 Express

I recently changed my SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.1600.1) to SQL Server 2014 Express (12.0.4100.1 - with service pack 1). Now I would like to restore *.bak files that I have created on SQL Server 2008 ...
Dear Deer's user avatar
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I'm using MS SQL 2008 R2 (10.50.1600) I wonder why my database which is very tiny (nearly 1200 rows, only 2 tables) is restoring so slow (12-15 sec). I suppose it's involved with log file within ...
Dear Deer's user avatar
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script to restore database sql server from bak file, doesn't work

I have an empty database: DB_Clients And I want to restore the database from a .bak file: OldDBClients.bak This is the path: C:\OldDBClients.bak And this is my script: USE [master] GO ...
Esraa_92's user avatar
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Restoring database from ruby backup gem backup

I have managed to do scheduled backups for my web app's database using the backup gem for ruby on rails. How do I restore to the latest backup if the system crashes or if anything happens to the app? ...
helloworld's user avatar
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How to restore databse SQL 2008 in C#?

I want to restore database in C#, use file type .BAK var db = new QLTDEntities(); var con = ((SqlConnection)db.Database.Connection); con.Open(); string stringquery = "RESTORE DATABASE TEST FROM DISK =...
Brian Crist's user avatar
6 votes
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sqlcmd not showing RESTORE database stats

The following command in a cmd window sqlcmd -S. -Usa -Ppass -dmaster -Q "RESTORE DATABASE [MYDATABASE] FROM DISK = 'D:\SQL Server\MYDATABASE.BAK' WITH FILE = 1, NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10&...
natenho's user avatar
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Restore database in SQL LocalDB using VB.NET

I have a project developed in VB.NET and SQL Server 2012 LocalDB (v11) and I am need backup/restore facility in my application. Backup part is complete but I am stuck at restore part. This is the ...
Mahadev's user avatar
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Restore DB2 backup to another DB2 database with different name

I have a DB2 10 database backup file that I would like to restore to another environment. The problem is that the database has been setup with a different name and the restore complains because the ...
user3165854's user avatar
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My stored procedure randomly fails due to invalid object in a swapping database instance

I have a stored procedure in my database (say it is CustomerDB) which joins with a table function in a different database (say it is dbPerformance), the sp is something like: select something from ...
daxu's user avatar
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Unable to find Restore Database Option in SSMS

I am trying to restore a .bak file in my SQL Server using SSMS. However I am unable to find the Restore Database option in the menu bar, when I right-clicked on Database. What can be the possible ...
Pratik Bhattacharya's user avatar
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DB2- restore from another server

My problem is very similar to this post. I have tried numerous combinations to no avail. On ServerA, I created a backup with this command: db2 backup db mydb user myuser using mypass online to c:\db-...
ben_979's user avatar
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Back up and restore all databases and users with Mysql Workbench

I am trying to migrate all our sites over to a new server, and each database has a different user specific to that database. Is there a way to back up all the databases and users in one giant file to ...
Jhorra's user avatar
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Deleting records from all tables, what's wrong here?

So I'm running the SqlRestore utility created by AppHarbor, which can be found here: The first step of the utility is to wipe out the data ...
ganders's user avatar
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bash: /usr/sbin/mysqld: No such file or directory

I'm using this tutorial on How to recover MySQL data from Innodb which provides the following steps: Restore data (ibdata1, ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1 files) into the normal MySQL data directory (...
ikuchris's user avatar
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Error in restoring backup of database

I know it may seem a duplicate question but previous questions could not solve my problem. I used this code to restore the backup that I have created. public string conrestore = "Data Source=.;...
hamed's user avatar
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Restoring a MySql table from a .sql file; why is the corresponding .idb file so much larger?

I am restoring a 10 GB table using MySql 5.6 Workbench. I noticed that there is a .idb file with a name that corresponds to the table name in c:\ProgramData....\Mysql\data and that file is increasing ...
user3465796's user avatar
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SQL Server Express backup and restore to other database batch

I am trying to outsource some processes from my live database where a third party tool is importing data which first have to run through some scripts/changes because of quality before being ...
veritaS's user avatar
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Restoring MySQL Database in Cloud9 IDE?

I'm working on a Wordpress site and accidentally ended up modifying the Database via PHPMyAdmin in a way that affected all the posts on the website negatively. I regret the fact that I should have ...
Abhishek Tirkey's user avatar
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A lot of "invalid command \N" when I try to restore PostgreSQL dump

I made a backup of a database on my mac and tried to restore it on a computer with ubuntu. When I execute psql -U uname -d dbname -f ~/dump_from_mac I have a lot of error messages like "invalid ...
Andrey's user avatar
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backup database task in SSIS

I am new to SSIS ,and I am trying to make a package that automatically creates a backup of the Prod server and restores it on Dev server. For that I am using a backup database task in control flow . ...
samiee_11's user avatar
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Restore RavenDB backup

i'm trying to restore RavenDB from it's back up file, i write this query Raven.Server.exe -src 'D:\documents\RavenDB\RavenDB' -dest TestRavenDB -restore but it's not restoring database from the ...
Amit Sharma's user avatar
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Recover mysql innodb with frm files

I need to recover a full database, I have the whole mysql folder but copying and pasting has not worked for me. In folder of database I have .frm files and .opt files. I have also ib_logfile0, ...
Cmarfil's user avatar
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script how to get last backup to restore from AZURE

I want to restore the last backup from mu AZURE server. I have one script but just I achieve to take the backup with current date but not the last one. Do you have any idea how to get it? `USE [...
Raúl Alfonso Jiménez Morocho's user avatar
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How to Restore Sqlserver .bak file with New database name using c#

I tried to create Database backup and restore into another Database ,Backup is working but Restore is fail, Cause while I create backup it create database name also like , USe Master Create Database ...
Victor Athoti.'s user avatar
160 votes
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Postgresql - backup database and restore on different owner?

I did backup on database on different server and that has different role than I need, with this command: pg_dump -Fc db_name -f db_name.dump Then I copied backup to another server where I need to ...
Andrius's user avatar
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Best way to repeat a process and continue even if it fails

I have a program that restores databases. Basically the program reads from a file and restores one database at a time. The program runs 1 time per database. I need a way to repeat this until all ...
John's user avatar
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Geo-restore in Azure

In the event of a data center outage and I want to restore a SQL database using Azure's geo-restore capabilities, how recent would this backup be? Some sources explicitly say that it's a daily backup ...
Tom's user avatar
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Data execution plan ended with error on DB restore

I was trying to execute a script on power Shell which had to backup a database on one Azure server and then restore it in another server (always Azure). The script is going wrong in 2 points: When i ...
Ange1's user avatar
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Attach database using old .MDF file but current .LDF file

I backed up a database 2 days ago (but I only have the .mdf file and not the .ldf file). I want to now create a different database on the same server, using that .mdf file (so I can compare data ...
pkr's user avatar
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Restore database from backup in asp mvc

i am new in asp mvc and i am trying to make actions that backup database and restore it from the backup file here the code public class BackupController : Controller { private RemasEntities1 db = ...
NoName's user avatar
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Can't connect to database after restoring database from backup

I restored my local developing database with a backup file made from production database with SQL Server Management Studio. I overwrited my local database on that restore. Now I can't connect to the ...
Steve Waters's user avatar
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MongoDB FailedToParse: Bad characters in value

I have a simple mongodb database. I'm dumping using mongodump. dump command mongodump --db user_profiles --out /data/dumps/user-profiles Here is the content of the user_profiles database. It has ...
Andy E's user avatar
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Sql database recover and saving history copy yearly

I have a database of 25 tables read and write by C# code, some of tables should closed yearly and clear to refill in the new year, but a history copy should save for any later check or report. So, ...
MMJZ's user avatar
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