Questions tagged [dependencies]

A dependency exists between two elements if changes to the definition of one element may cause changes to the other.

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React Dependency Upgrade - Is there any practice which we should follow to upgrade the dependencies?

Here are the list of dependencies and devDependencies which are required to be updated they are pretty old some are already deprecated. "dependencies": "axios": "0.16.2&...
Sagar's user avatar
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How to keep from linking different "versions" of nested libraries?

Suppose I have the following two libraries which implement the type (i.e., struct) Lib. Library A //library.hpp struct Lib { unsigned int a; unsigned int b; }; Library B //library.hpp struct ...
Patrick Wright's user avatar
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How do i insert correctly retrofit?

When I try to insert retrofit dependencies it shows an error of too much expressions in a single line of code. But it's just the same dependency that is written in the Retrofit web page. I try to ...
Rage_Dragon's user avatar
2 votes
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Data dependencies and caching

I have a complex python function which computes a level based on various sub functions and data dependencies. What are the best ways to control the data dependencies and have reproducible calculations?...
crixus's user avatar
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How do I use a Python virtual environment to manage dependencies for my project?

How do I use a Python virtual environment to manage dependencies for my project? How I manage dependencies by python for my project? By using a virtual environment, you create an isolated environment ...
Happy Kumar's user avatar
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Flutter build errors when adding app_settings to pubspec.yaml in pristine project

Created a new project with flutter: flutter create testje Then add "app_settings: ^5.1.1" to dependencies of pubspec.yaml. Then flutter clean flutter build apk --target-platform android-...
Sietse Achterop's user avatar
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Expo-doctor --fix-dependencies not working deprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated

Expo doctor FIX dependencies not working npx expo-doctor --fix-dependencies (node:11556) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead. (...
samsamradas's user avatar
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npm: could not resolve dependency tree (conflict)

I'm building React UI library and I bumped into a problem resolving dependencies between my packages. My current package depends on my other packages and now I'm trying to install all dependencies ...
Ivan Post's user avatar
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Error running openai python script on Azure Automation runbook

I'm just starting out with Azure Automation runbooks, because I would like to schedule some python scripts, which will use openAI GPT via the official openai Python package. I have this script working ...
Arvid0's user avatar
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Dependency issue when migrating ios package from swift package manager to cocoapods: try increasing the minimum deployment target

I have to build a flutter sdk over an ios package. Flutter is currently not handling packages from swift project manager ( ) so I need to migrate it to ...
hawkbee's user avatar
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What do I have to change when I get the Circular Dependency Error with the code below?

I want to group various items within category, but when I try to group I get the Circular Dependency error about Item Group Code, I am using the code below to create the Item Group Code. Can someone ...
Thom's user avatar
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Unable to retrieve jenkins related dependencies (jar)

I am unable to import few jenkins dependencies, for example we find this on mvnrepo: <!-- --> <...
user2668735's user avatar
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Vite unexpected token error at runtime, in png file exported by dependency

I am trying to upgrade a large legacy React application from Razzle to Vite. I have bootstrapped using this template: We have ...
Vectorspace's user avatar
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Using multiple node_modules

In a React.js project I have 2 node_modules folders, one of them is in the root folder, and one of them is in the client folder. The node_modules folder in the root folder is related to the server, ...
Ehsan Aryan's user avatar
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Control M timefrom Dependency removal

I want to remove TIMEFROM="HH:MM" and TIMETO=">" dependency from my control M job and wants to only trigger job once predecessor job completed. I have put INCOND criteria in the ...
RAHUL MAHESHWARI's user avatar
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How do I set up dependencies in vscode C++ with or without CMake? (Target lib is glfw)

I am trying to set up an glfw project in vscode and I can't seem to get the dependencies working. I can't find anything that helps me on the web. This is my main.cpp file: #include <iostream> #...
SandwichDevelopment's user avatar
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How to open js file as content file in NuGet package

I made a package of an empty class library project in visual studio. there is a folder at the root directory named "js" which contains js files with build action "Content" as well ...
Philippe Vermeulen's user avatar
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Why does `mvn dependency:copy-dependencies` then `mvn package` download more and different dependencies than just `mvn package`?

I have a java project using maven, which I'm going to build as part of building a docker image. To optimize the docker build process, I'd like to download dependencies in a separate step before ...
Sparr's user avatar
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Where can I find a list of TomEE 9.x / tomcat 10.0 provided jars?

I am using TomEE webprofile. When building a WAR file for deployment, my POM includes "provided" dependencies. So, for example, the jakarta.platform is "provided". But also, I ...
Chris Powell's user avatar
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Why is a NoClassDefFound error not being fixed with upgraded dependency versions?

I am trying to upgrade an existing spring boot service from 1.4.0 to 2.2.7. I have updated my pom to point the the appropriate version for multiple dependencies and have also changed the name of the ...
Kaushik Mahadevan's user avatar
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How can I solve conflict issue installing pymc3?

I've tried to install pymc3 but the dependency issue still remained. C:\Users\sykan>conda install -c conda-forge pymc3 Channels: - conda-forge - defaults Platform: win-64 Collecting package ...
kang yep sng's user avatar
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Conventional Commit type when upgrading a library dependency

What is the best Conventional Commit type (fix, feat, build, chore, ci, docs, style, refactor, perf, test, ...) when upgrading a library dependency? For example: build.gradle: implementation 'org....
haba713's user avatar
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React Native Expo - RNCWebView could not be found (development build)

I'm using React Native Expo and I need to use react-native-webview for my app. WebView works fine when I use Expo Go but if I switch in development build I get these errors ERROR Invariant Violation: ...
Angelo Cutelli's user avatar
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Where to find Python package CPU architecture compatibility?

Python packages that contain compiled code will sometimes not work on certain CPU architectures (x86, arm64 etc). This problem often pops up when you install Python dependencies on Raspberry Pi, Apple ...
Niels Bom's user avatar
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Unable to use FetchContent to add dependency target to project

I'm trying to use CMake's FetchContent to automate dependency fetching when not found / unavailable locally, but I'm currently facing an issue when installing / exporting my project for 3rd-party use. ...
joaocandre's user avatar
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How to make dependency auto-install in pyproject.toml? [duplicate]

Description I have new Python project containing 1 package with 1 dependency. I uploaded the package to PyPI (test) and when trying to install it using pip I get errors. However, if I install the ...
mrprikol's user avatar
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Alternative Way of Declaring AndroidX Libraries

I have seen some Kotlin DSL repos just declare Androidx Artifacts with this simple format. dependencies { implementation(AndroidX.core.ktx) implementation(AndroidX.compose.ui) ... } However,...
Tonnie's user avatar
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Publish C# WPF application with Webview 2

I have a C# WPF Application which uses Webview2. The application works fine on most computers, however on freshly installed windows 10 Pro machines, it does not load as its missing Webview2. (the ...
Michael's user avatar
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SpringBoot project Could not transfer artifact

I have created a new SpringBoot 3.1.5 project with SpringInitializer. When I try to build with Intellij I get the following error: Could not transfer artifact org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-...
claudiaM's user avatar
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My React JS Development Server is not loading, I'm getting these errors while adding "react-showdown dependency"

Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported at new Hash (node:internal/crypto/hash:69:19) at Object.createHash (node:crypto:133:10) at module.exports (D:\NoteApp in ReactJS\my-app\...
Rutaba Shamshad's user avatar
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GOINSECURE not working, it still use https, after go mod download,it report: parse no go-import meta tags

I have a go, place at my private gitlab,which use HTTP protocol My GOENV(go env): GOVERSION="go1.19.13" GOPRIVATE="" GOINSECURE="...
milk-Tang's user avatar
-2 votes
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Calculation based on the value selected in the drop down list in google sheet

I have a google sheet with a dependant drop down list based on the values selected in 2 different drop down list. I have managed to get the values in the dependant list but now based on the value ...
Arzan Malegamwalla's user avatar
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Dependant drop down list based on multiple dropdown list in google sheets

I have a google sheet in which I have 3 drop down fields. In the first 2 dropdown list, the values are only Yes and No but based on the combination selected, I have to auto populate the values in the ...
Arzan Malegamwalla's user avatar
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Typescript version mismatch with nx monorepo (NestJS + Angular)

I am new to angular and nestjs, even more new to nx monorepos. Currently, I am trying to follow this tutorial. Basically, it starts with a nx project setup with nest: npx create-nx-workspace@latest --...
VPNer's user avatar
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How should this table of platforms of dependencies be read? says A dependency is said to be propagated when some of its other-transitive (non-immediate) downstream dependencies also ...
Tim's user avatar
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Compatibility error with React Native - the whole error here

my java version in my system is 1.8.0 gradle version is 8.4 kotlin is 1.9.0 Groovy is 3.0.17 now the read the whole error which I am getting whether I run ./gralew clean or ./gradlew assembleDebug or ...
Umanand Tripathi's user avatar
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Where is the AWS deletion-dependency graph documented?

Is the AWS deletion-dependency graph documented somewhere? In other words, documentation that says that if you want to delete resource A, you must first delete resource B, which A somehow depends on? ...
Joshua Fox's user avatar
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Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:3.2.0:clean (default-clean) on project control

I'm using java 8 and STS for my project, but when trying maven clean it gives me the following error: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:3.2.0:clean (default-...
Lina Elemam's user avatar
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The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=14.x.x <=16.x.x". Got "18.18.2"

I'm trying to install on my macOS. Following are the steps $ node -v v18.18.2 $ yarn -v 1.22.21 git clone cd ...
Raymond's user avatar
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Best design for summarizing Rally dependency data

Rally API documentation for reference I am using looking to use the Rally SDK to build an interactive, User Story dependency report. I am struggling to figure out the best way to structure the data in ...
Andrew Steiger's user avatar
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Errors when trying to install an old version of sf() in R

I recently got a new work laptop and am in the midst of re-configuring R to fit a package I use quite frequently (glatos package for telemetry data). I already downloaded and installed archived ...
fishlakeslimno's user avatar
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What are the "host and target platforms" of a dependency? says: Dependencies can be broken down along three axes: their host and target platforms relative to the new derivation’s, ...
Tim's user avatar
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What is propagation of a dependency? says A dependency is said to be propagated when some of its other-transitive (non-immediate) downstream dependencies also need it as ...
Tim's user avatar
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Passing function pointer from one struct to another without adding dependency

I have two structs Foo and Bar, i want to store function callback of one struct (Foo) in the other (Bar), so that they don't know about each other. Is it possible in rust without Bar knowing that Foo ...
dovahin's user avatar
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Crate dependency cylce when using optional dependencies

I have two crate which need functions from each other. I know this is bad practice, but is there a way to do this? I made two crate with the following configs: for crate A: [dependencies] B = {path = &...
jk_games's user avatar
2 votes
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Databricks ImportError: cannot import name 'override' from 'typing_extensions' [closed]

I am trying to use a databricks notebook to finetune the Llama2 model. The code for this is here. I'm running into an error at lines 219-231: from trl import SFTTrainer max_seq_length = 512 trainer =...
Livia Seiler's user avatar
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Why does running Python import fails on first run but works on subsequent ones (noisereduce package)?

Working with VS Code and Jupyter notebook extension (among others), in a virtual environment that is properly activated. I am trying to run the following import: import noisereduce The first time I ...
evilmandarine's user avatar
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Error running Java EE application with GlassFish: NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory

When trying to run a Java EE application with GlassFish, I encounter the following error on the server: Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory at org....
Miguel's user avatar
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graphene federation causing dependency issue

Trying to use Flask-GraphQL, graphene, starlette-graphene3 and graphene-federation to integrate python code with an existing graphql server. The code worked before trying to install graphene-...
developer169's user avatar
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Error while emulating due to dependency conflicts

I need help. When I am emulating my app, the following error occurs. What can I do? Launching lib\main.dart on SM A032M in debug mode... ../../AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/
LÓPEZ H's user avatar

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