Questions tagged [detect]

"Detect" is overbroad and should not be used. Tag with the specific sort of detection you mean: collision-detection, face-detection, feature-detection, browser-detection, etc, etc.

291 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Detect / Block Screen sharing by mac app : Swift

I want to check screen sharing is enable by another app like TeamViewer or any remote connect app. And disable all the screen sharing and screen recording when my mac app is launch. In iOS UIScreen....
Krunal Nagvadia's user avatar
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onGpsStatusChanged called only once

Okay I realized my original code was nearly 400 lines, so I formatted it a bit leaving only most vital parts in, so I hope somebody can help. So basically I am running LocationListener in background ...
arleitiss's user avatar
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How to detect a NaN in list directed input in fortran

I read real valued data from an input file with list directed input. What is the best way to detect a NaN via iostat=iostatus? As an example for the input for a large program I need to read a file ...
Reinhard's user avatar
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how to detect android application using namespace?

I'm Trying to detect whether specified app is available on device or not, by using namespace. I have tried using intent but it's not working for UC browser. <a href="intent://scan/#Intent;scheme=...
PHP_RIDER's user avatar
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How to detect perspective distortion from single image in OpenCV?

I am making a program that recognizes horizontal/vertically straight lines from an image file and creates a bunch of line data for other purpose. However I got a problem that when I take pictures ...
Suhyeon Lee's user avatar
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How could I know when someone attaches a removable disk on my computer?

I would like to know how can I detect when the user attaches a removable drive on a computer ( in a Windows XP environment ) . There surely has to be a better way than constantly checking to see if ...
Geo's user avatar
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How I can detect recognize text in а shape

Need your help. Now I'm writing python script to recognize text in a shape. This shape can be captured from RTSP (IP Camera) at any angle. For the example see attached file. My code is here, but ...
hasanovmax's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS force Detect One GPU

I have ASUS Laptop X53BR-SX013V with 2 GPU: IGD: AMD Radeon HD 6320 DGD: AMD Radeon HD 7470M The first is compatible with radeon driver module, the second not and the Ati driver is not developed ...
Fabio Dania's user avatar
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Detect coordinates of touchpad

I want to develop something like Synaptics touchpad gesture application. The Synaptics settings show x and y coordinates. Is there any software I can use? Like this code: $x_start = 300 $y_start = ...
shunz19's user avatar
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How to catch screen capture event on Android devices?

In my Android app, I need to detect the screen capture event. How do I do this?
TOP's user avatar
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java application tcp connection loss detect differs in windows 7?

I have a java application running on Windows XP and also on Windows 7. This application has an open tcp connection to another computer. Now comes the point: On an XP machine unpugging the network ...
GVerse's user avatar
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2 answers

How to detect WebKit Inspector?

I know how to detect Firebug in FF (if (window.console && window.console.firebug) alert ('Buu'); ) but how detect or disable Web Inspector in WebKit??
lenon's user avatar
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Mac: How to get the status of a status icon on the menu bar of screen?

For a Chinese or Japanese user, we all need to input text other than English. Therefore we have an icon on the menu bar to show what is the current input mode. There are 2 or more icon faces for our ...
Charles Jie's user avatar
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How to detect App installed on device using getInstalledRelatedApps()

Am trying to use this script found here to detect if my app has been installed on a phone. If so, it should prompt them to open app, if not, it should prompt them to download app. I've followed the ...
Jay Smoke's user avatar
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Detecting an item in a package

I am not 12 years old, I am just practicing my Python and OpenCV skills. I have two images, one of the “Bundle” or so-called “package”, and another one of one “item”. I want to detect if the item is ...
lucacel's user avatar
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Detect tap on empty area in List

How can I detect a tap on empty area in List ? I tried using List.onTapGesture {} which kind of works but it overrides the tap on the rows. I only want it to trigger for the empty area not occupied by ...
Peter Warbo's user avatar
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Detect when loading AMP environment from javascript within an <amp-iframe>

I have a javascript file that is deployed across different websites and I would like to be able to detect from the javascript, those instances which are loading within the AMP environment. If I wasn'...
Oli C's user avatar
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How to detect Daylight Saving transition in android

I need to intercept the event that occurs at the daylight saving time change. I thought using a BroadcastReceiver with filter on TIMEZONE_CHANGED. Everything works if the user change time zone, the ...
kata32's user avatar
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twilio: detecting that a dial target is busy?

I'm using the twilio REST interface via flask under python3. I am using the dial method to route incoming calls to another number (stored in the target variable), as follows: resp = VoiceResponse() ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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php 7.1/7.0 default timezone issue

i am a bit confused while investigating default timezone detection in php 7.1/7.0: WE have a simple php CLI code : php -r "var_dump(ini_get('date.timezone'),date_default_timezone_get());" and ...
programmer's user avatar
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Detect hardware keyboard

I'm looking for a solution to detect if the device accessing my webapp is using a hardware keyboard or not. Some background: We are developing a webapp which is used in a logistical environment to ...
El_Stevo's user avatar
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Android: How to detect a Task Killer (e.g. Clean Master) with accessibility services?

How can I programmatically tell whether any task killer (e.g. Clean Master) is installed and has accessibility privileges to force-stop other apps? Example for task killers that can force stop apps: ...
Meymann's user avatar
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Detect and delete line break directly out of mysql query

im trying to detect and delete a line break out of a subject (called m.subject) mail information retrieved via CONCAT out of a mysql database. That said, the linebreak may or may not occur in the ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Detecting Each of Curve in Opencv

I have an image and image has lots of curves I want to detect each of curve and I want to save these curves coordinates Firstly I used contour but I cant separet each of curve I want find detect ...
j.doe's user avatar
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Android Wear(Watch). Is there any way to detect that wear is connected to any device or not, from the wear only?

I have search around the web but no luck. Everywhere there is a solution available for the mobile device only not from the wear. I just want to check from the wear that any android device is connected ...
android_griezmann's user avatar
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detect language of text using c++ or shared object

i'm new to c++ and need a way for detecting the language of the text. i searched for any plugin to do that and only found the chromum open source code. there is many ...
amr's user avatar
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Bullet Proof Way To Tell If the Device Is A Mobile

I need to be able to load some mp4s but only make them available if the device is a mobile. I am currently using. var IsMobile = false; if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera ...
user1503606's user avatar
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jQuery detect scroll on unscrollable element

I want to be able to detect $.scroll(); on unscrollable elements. Example of such element might be something with overflow:hidden; but specificly it's absolute div, width 100% height and width. I want ...
Naiixx's user avatar
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Scan, detect and decode UPC code from an image

I am working on Android development where once I get byte array from Google Glass frame, I am trying to scan array using Zxing library and trying to detect 1d barcode(UPC code). I have tried this code ...
user3735642's user avatar
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My Windows Phone 8 is not detected in WMWare

I've installed Windows 8 OS in VMWare, Visual Studio 2012 and Windows Phone SDKs in my workPC. I've similar environment in an other PC, my homePC. I was able to unlock my Windows Phone 8 and install ...
liisa's user avatar
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How to detect whether headphone is connected to Mac or disconnected

As is known,you can easily get to know whether the headphone is connected to iOS devices.But I fail to find information about when it is applied to Mac.But some apps like is an amazing ...
PhilCai's user avatar
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Cascade Classifier Method

I want to use the Cascade Classifier Method to compare a found round shape (from the image set where a face has been detected) and a reference circle that I define first so that I can match those two ...
mtatty89's user avatar
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js script to detect debug version of flash player IE

With swfobject.js I can get the version of the installed flash player, I can get release and build numbers, but I don't know if it is the debug or standard version. I could find out with AS3 (flash....
user1883136's user avatar
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How to test for multiple features in Modernizr

I was wondering how you could test for multiple features in modernizr. I know you can do: if(Modernizr.websockets) { // has websockets } else { // no websockets } But I was wondering how to test for ...
ModernDesigner's user avatar
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How can I detect postback event in web browser control in VB.NET?

Actually I found some examples in Java or C#, I need simple way of detecting postback event. I want to send many request to web site sequentally and write all responses to listbox or something else. ...
Ferit Yazgan's user avatar
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C# Detect if an Iphone plug-in

I'm developing in VS2010/C#.. Can anyone please help me to figure how can I detect when Iphone plug in?? I've tried this System.IO.DriveInfo[] drives = System.IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives(); try ...
TEST ME's user avatar
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Detect if a user liked my fanpage

EDIT: Finally after a long search, I found a solution to this: heres my code: <html xmlns:fb=""> <head> <script src="
Nick's user avatar
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Detect if keyboard is open from Service

I know it's kind of tricky to even detect or know when the soft keyboard is open in an activity. I'm just wondering if there is a way to detect whether or not the keyboard is open from a service. I ...
Brian's user avatar
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generically detecting html position changes using jquery?

I'm using the excellent BeautyTips plugin as a means of indicating validation failures to end users and I'm running into positioning problems whenever page content is dynamically added, removed, or ...
Mitch A's user avatar
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Detect multiple connected devices in Java

I want to write Java codes that will meet the following requirements: Detect multiple devices (removable storage) connected to the laptop List down all devices connected to the laptop Allow users to ...
user3847620's user avatar
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How to Detect Shapes in Images in Python using OpenCV?

I'm trying to read the shapes in the image and print them to my array, but I can't succeed. It doesn't form exactly correctly. import numpy as np import cv2 shapes=[] img = cv2.imread('objects.png') ...
yvz123's user avatar
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Predressed key detection using Python

Can the ability to detect keys that have been pressed due to software, hardware, drivers, etc. be used as specific modules or implemented with Python? ex) import @@@ @@@.pressed_key() >>> [&...
fg0a9dasds's user avatar
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How to know if images from a game window are matching with my images bank? ( Python )

In the game there are some "characters icons". They are always at the same position on the window, but I need my program to check all of them and return me information about them. So it ...
Mitri Chantilly's user avatar
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Flutter on browser, detect device

I am running a Flutter web only app. I need to know the device on which the browser is. How do I achieve this? Platform.isAndroid nor Platform.isIOS does not work in the browser, since it is not an ...
user3808307's user avatar
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Reading and detecting images, and save in folder

Firstly, I am simply reading images from the folder that contains different image formats. Secondly, the YOLO model detects the class, draws a rectangle and fills it with color only detected part, and ...
Khawar Islam's user avatar
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Problem detecting USB connection - disconnecting macOS using Swift code

I tried this article, *How to implement IOServiceMatchingCallBack in Swift, and it runs fine. When I plug the iPhone device into my macOS computer, it doesn't work as expected Output: Matched ...
Kênh Vui Để Học's user avatar
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Php Array Splice does not compare size

The array should push new item in array instead of increasing quantity when size is different, but it increases quantity and overwrites size of the previous item. Has anybody a constructive solution ...
Said's user avatar
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How can I close window when the download is finished?

I am using a recent version of ANGULAR and all I want to achieve is to close the window when the download is finished. It is supposed to work like this: when the user clicks on a link it opens this ...
João Mauricio's user avatar
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iOS14 - CMMotionActivityManager startActivityUpdatesToQueue not working

On iOS 14 I call 'startActivityUpdatesToQueue withHandler' from CMMotionActivityManager and my handler block (with CMMotionActivity parameter) is not called at all. On iOS 12 the same code work ...
anri's user avatar
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Is there a way to detect if a window is making noise?

I’m trying to make a simple node.js project which would log when a window (not browser window) made any auditable noise. According to other questions it seems not possible in browser, but I’m curious ...
Tango's user avatar
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