Questions tagged [directory]

A directory or folder is a container within a digital file system, in which groups of computer files and other directories can be kept and organized.

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DirectoryInfo.GetFiles with wildcard bahaves differently on C and D drive

I have an issue similar to the issue mention in the below link. .NET DirectoryInfo.GetFiles with wildcard bahaves differently on different drives In a folder I have file with .xls and .xlsx extensions,...
Priyanka's user avatar
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Incorrect Numbering of WebP Files in Directory Traverse Script

I wanted to create a code that would go through my directory and for folders in a specific position of the path, it would insert in a .txt, it creates in each different child folder, the number that ...
Gianni's user avatar
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How to display the default path to a folder

The application is written in Electron using React. I'm working on a feature so that the user can select a folder to download files on their PC. At the moment I have created: a field in which if ...
Paul's user avatar
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How to use flexsearch to search text within the list of .txt files

I have a folder wherein I keep multiple .txt files. I want to perform flexsearch within that folder files and bring the search results. For example, the folder is 'data'; inside are txt files called ...
user2613946's user avatar
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Restrict access to confidential files on server [duplicate]

There might be a pretty straight forward solutions that i'm not seeing and I would really appreciate some help: I have an admin online website for my client He wishes to make some confidential files ...
TheGix's user avatar
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Get the path of a directory in HTA [duplicate]

I want the user to provide the path of a folder or directory via an input tag that is created as below: var newinput = document.createElement('input'); newinput.type = "file"; newinput....
Hawimhaks's user avatar
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Is it possible to get WP to recognize added (past) year/month directories to /uploads?

I have 50,000 image files to upload and want to segment them into directories that I added to /uploads that match Wordpress' year/month directory naming and structure: 2010 -01 -02 -03 ... These are ...
Swapot's user avatar
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Java gives filealreadyexistsexception when trying to copy files and directories recursively

I'm working on creating a recursive function that will allow me to copy contents of a directory including sub directories and their contents. The function I have written seems to copy everything, but ...
Vince's user avatar
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Loop directory to return multiple PDF Files

I need to fill in pdf form fields using itext7. My logic is generating 1 file but i need it to generate all the PDFs placed inside the given folder, at a time. My working is as follows: [HttpPost] ...
Xs_'s user avatar
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check if the folder does not exist or is not accessible

Within my code I have this function that goes through a list in which there are files that are not detected locally but are registered in the database and it deletes the files from the database and ...
Hugo Jiménez's user avatar
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Batch commands to search directory

I'm trying to search a directory for the latest file (specified by filename) and then copy that latest file to another directory. The following code had worked before but I'm not exactly sure why its ...
user1898629's user avatar
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Django app deployment on heroku wsgi module not found

I'm trying to deploy my app and gunicorn works locally but on heroku it doesn't work and it returns a module not found error. Locally, I have noticed that when I run gunicorn locally it works when I'm ...
Salamander 27's user avatar
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src/main/java-generated not showing up on project explorer

I was wondering why Eclipse is not picking up my folder I just created. resources folder is showing as src/main/resources, but my java-generated folder is not showing up as src/main/java-generated. I ...
e_wards's user avatar
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VBA - Copy Files with Prefix to Multiple Destinations Based on Cell Value

First time on this forum and was hoping someone could help me out... I am trying to copy any and all pdf files with a prefix of TT Plan from a single source folder (specified in cell C3) to a series ...
Chase Hammer's user avatar
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ORACLE 11G External Table Error ORA-29913

I created a folder named "datosext2" on C:\ I created a .txt file named "estados" on C:\datosext2 On sqldeveloper, I created a directory said folder GRANT CREATE ANY DIRECTORY TO ...
Luis Emilio González Ruiz's user avatar
-1 votes
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windows: how to delete all folders containing less than X files

I have a folder with a lot of subfolders (AI experiments and each parameter change generates a new folder with sometimes only 1 or 2 files). How can I delete all folders containing less than X files? ...
TauTau's user avatar
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JCIFS Watch Directory

I've been using JCIFS to watch an SMB directory for changes by polling the directory timestamp. However, that timestamp isn't always updated when the directory CONTENTS are updated (e.g. a file gets a ...
mstoreysmith's user avatar
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I am trying to take multiple images from an html form into my Flask function and then save those images to a dynamically created file path

This is my html page: {% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %} Add Venue {% endblock %} {% block main %} <h2>Add Venue</h2> <p>List a venue for hire here!...
Bleached's user avatar
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network path for direcotries and files longer than 260 character, : errorcode string maybefullpath,

I enabled reg key for longPpathEnabled = 1 and restarted the desktop where I am running c# code, but still getting same error, If I tried to pass \?\ along with network path, it thows error as it ...
Hasmukh Tandel's user avatar
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File referencing using relative paths on Ruby

I just completed a CTF machine, but my brain has a hard time figuring out why this worked, so I thought to ask because I won't be able to sleep until I know! My question is regarding the use of the ...
xhi4m's user avatar
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Dir.bat equivalent that recognises Chinese characters

When I use either my dir.bat file or the below command, it works but if there are Chinese characters, it'll replace them with "?". cmd /c dir /b > "%temp%\Dir.txt" & ...
Deuteronomy93's user avatar
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SU into other user, but can't use LS

raf@XPS15:~$ su Jose $ ls ls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied Why can't I do it? I can add Jose to the sudo group and use sudo ls, but not regular ls. Why and how can I fix this?µ I'm ...
Jef's user avatar
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FLUTTER - Android Clearing data or cache another application in my own application

i have some problem when develop my application using flutter. So i have my application flow like this User login to my application There is dashboard after login showing some apps like (YouTube, ...
Christian Budiono's user avatar
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How do I call a plotting function with a possible parameter that specifies the path where the files should be saved in python?

I have a plotting function that outputs a matplotlib plot as a pdf or a jpg: Currently they are automatically saved to the root directory in a specific file. Now I would like the option to call the ...
Rosarosa's user avatar
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How do I access my Apache Directory Listing on my site hosted by Hostgator

I recently deployed and am hosting a site through Hostgator. I would like to access the sites apache directory listing, but am unsure the steps how. I have tried finding videos on setting up a apache ...
very_stupid_1's user avatar
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Using python to add an additional sheet with formulas to each xlsb file in a folder

I have a folder with 73 xlsb files. I need to do the following to each of these files: Add a new sheet to each of these files and rename it to "Data Values". Into the newly created sheet, I ...
Tipo33's user avatar
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ErrorException. App\Http\Controllers\UserController@user_change_password

mkdir(): No such file or directory vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/DiskKeyCache.php:241 Please help me anyone vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/...
Mr softech Solution's user avatar
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TensorFlow Error: OP_REQUIRES failed at - Not a directory

I'm encountering an issue while using TensorFlow's TensorBoard callback in my code. I have a section of code dedicated to training and saving a model, and I'm trying to use the TensorBoard callback ...
Larry's user avatar
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How does one find the "user/owner" of a file/directory and "Date Modified" via PowerShell?

Trying to create a Get-Child command that lists Mode, File (path\name), CreationTime, LastWriteTime, LastAccessTime, Length, and the User/Owner of the file/directories listed. I need to do this both ...
deep_submerge42's user avatar
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How to create a folder in filezilla after root directory using code

I need to create a folder after root directory in filezill. I have used the code to create folder in exe deployed folder.Its working fine in local system.But if i put the same code in azure the ...
Dilip Athreya's user avatar
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Is there a way to reformat CMD's DIR /W command output such that I doesn't show Volume Info?

I want to output all .wad and .zip files in a folder in columns. I want only the filenames. Here is how I did it: dir /w *.wad *.zip And here's the output: Volume in drive C has no label. Volume ...
ilker's user avatar
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Gimp Preferences/Folders shows no script folder

Gimp 2.10.36 on Windows 11. Edit/Preferences/Folders shows only a Swap folder and a Temp folder, no Scripts or Plug-ins folder. I don't know where to put my .py script. I expected to find more ...
Suurb's user avatar
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Open multiple files from different mainfolders and subfolders at once without opening folders using cmd

I want to open multiple files, for examples excel b, excel g and excel k at once from different mainfolders and subfolders without opening folders using cmd, but I am not sure which mainfolder that ...
Mohd Shafik's user avatar
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Azure repo showing specific folder but not displaying when cloned on local

I can see one specific folder("Src") on azure repo(that needs to remove) but now showing on local folder srtucture post clone it in the system. Actually that folder needs to remove from ...
krunal's user avatar
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What am I getting a file access error using `DeviceIoControl`?

I am recursing a folder structure in Windows, getting the unique filesystem identifiers for each file and folder. For each folder, I am using the CreateFile() and DeviceIoControl() WinAPI functions to ...
J Collins's user avatar
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Can someone help me get my firebase static site running?

I followed all the prompts and instruction and everything and it brings me here. { "hosting": { "public": "public", "ignore": [ "firebase.json", "...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Simple Python Script to Rename and Move Images in a folder in an Ascending Order(0-n)

This solution is designed to make it easier to organize and manage image folders. I had a very unorganized image folder for training a machine learning model. I needed to sort it and rename all the ...
Einav Kesem S.'s user avatar
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Python code that lets me lookup the name and ID from a text file

employees = {} def load_employees(): with open("employees.txt") as file: for line in file: id_num, full_name = line.strip().split(",") ...
user12860710's user avatar
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How do I make the code ask me to choose the folder I want to save a file in?

import os import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog def add_numbers(): attempts = 0 results = [] while attempts < 3: try: num1 = float(input("Enter ...
user12860710's user avatar
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3 answers

How to import a file into another python file without it registering as a module

on my desktop i have a folder called 'programming', in that folder there is another folder called 'Chessbot', and inside that folder there are two files, '' and ''. I am ...
EmperorLarry's user avatar
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Fastest way to delete folder that has complex structure

I need more fast way to delete complex folder structure. I have tried this one, can you improve that? Function Fast-Delete { Param( [Parameter(Valuefrompipeline=$True, Mandatory=$True)] [...
Fatih UÇAR's user avatar
-1 votes
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C# Fastest Way to Get Total Directory Size With 75,00 Files

I am looking for a faster way to get the total size of all files in subfolders with over 75,000 files with C#. The following takes about 8 seconds on my laptop with an SSD drive. FileInfo[] files; ...
Jim D's user avatar
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I can't see any folder in my IntellIJ project, only the files

I can't really see any folder, just files at the project root: (This actually has happened before with many IDEA based IDEs) I've tried removing the .idea/modules folder and .idea/modules.xml file, ...
Francisco Solis's user avatar
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Getting The System's Folder Icon With SHGetFileInfo() - Getting Wrong Icon

I'm trying to retrieve the system's standard folder icon. An answer here does indeed retrieve the icon in the hIcon member of the structure, but for me it gets the [system] drive icon, not the folder ...
Nick Gris's user avatar
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Non-Printable Character when creating directory with WSL

First time WSL user. When I run this bash script in WSL that creates a directory there is a non-printable character tacked on to the end. It doesn't matter if I'm in /mnt/e /mnt/c or mnt/e/...
Ray H's user avatar
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How do I remove a specific part of a filename in Python?

I have the folder that contains of several images (let's say 10) in .jpg format. The names of the files are the following: IM001 IM002 IM003 etc. Is there a way to remove certain part of the filename ...
Keithx's user avatar
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Can't print out a list of files in a folder using os.listdir ("...") error Python [duplicate]

I'm trying to get a list of all the files in this folder then print them but I keep getting an error (using python). import os files = os.listdir("C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\Channel") Error - ...
Alex's user avatar
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Tailwind Utility Classes

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ export default { content: [ "./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js, ts, jsx, tsx}", ], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], } The above ...
Tarushi's user avatar
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Watch change in folder using windows API, Function being called two times, instead of one

having problem in VBA project, in which it watch a folder, as file change notifies using Windows API. The issue I'm facing is that the WatchChangeAction function is being called twice for a single ...
VBAbyMBA's user avatar
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Pick all documents and send to server

How I fetch all the documents from different different directories and after how I send to server by using swift language Please answer me of my question because I am new here and I got this task but ...
Ds Pattaiya's user avatar