Questions tagged [dos]

A family of disk-based operating systems (Disk Operating System) for mainframes and minicomputers in the 1960s and 1970s, and subsequently IBM PCs and compatibles of the 1980s and 1990s, including MS-DOS. DO NOT USE THIS TAG FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THE WINDOWS COMMAND PROMPT! Instead, use the [windows], [batch-file], [windows-console], and/or [cmd] tags. For questions about denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, use [denial-of-service].

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1 answer

JavaScript run a DOS command using java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime()

I am trying to run a DIR command (on a folder stored in Source variable) which is called from JavaScript: var Source = 'C:\\Test\\Files'; var CmdCommand= 'dir ' +Source+' /s /b /a-D > c:\\file.txt'...
user3566591's user avatar
1 vote
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Interacting with the MS DOS window in .NET

I have to run a console program to transfer files from a local network drive to an off-site account. I'm at a standstill for automating this because the console program doesn't provide a password ...
user3541092's user avatar
3 votes
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x86 segmentation, DOS, MZ file format, and disassembling

I'm disassembling "Test Drive III". It's a 1990 DOS game. The *.EXE has MZ format. I've never dealt with segmentation or DOS, so I would be grateful if you answered some of my questions. 1) The game'...
ScumCoder's user avatar
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Getting file path within dos batch file within for loop

I'm trying to create a batch file that will go into a directory and look for log files and then search the log files to see if the word "ERROR:" is in the start of a line. That part I have figured ...
user3523871's user avatar
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How to process a list of files in a batch file

I have to write a windows batch script that performs the following take a folder as a input variable take a list of filenames as an input variable take an output folder as an input variable then ...
user1414413's user avatar
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Remote access to DOS command line from Unix

I'm looking for a way to develop some Unix scripts that will connect to a DOS box (Windows server 2012) and interactively execute DOS commands. I'm comfortable with the Unix side (I'll almost ...
Chap's user avatar
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How do I emulate a "wrapper script" on Windows?

On Linux, when I want to prepare the environment of a program before starting it, I'm using a wrapper script: export JAVA_HOME=... cd /some/folder exec ./tool "$@" How would I do the last line, ...
Aaron Digulla's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

windows cmd(clink) doskey, how to copy the current directory to clipboard, prepended by "cd"?

It is ok to do this in the command line: C:\Users\ken.chen>echo|set /p=cd %cd%|clip C:\Users\ken.chen>cd C:\Users\ken.chen C:\Users\ken.chen\nuts\notes>echo|set /p=cd %cd%|clip C:\Users\...
thinker3's user avatar
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How to break out of for-loop using condition statement in batch file?

I am doing some processing of a large number of files, and I want to limit what I'm doing to the first 9 files found. I have tried this in a batch file and it does not work. It processes for all the ...
Patrick Q's user avatar
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Freedos Blinking Cursor after install

Just went through the FreeDOS install and installed to C:\ from a CD drive. After boot, I get just the blinking cursor. How can I get it to boot?
Simply  Seth's user avatar
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Color command not working using system() function in c

System command is used to execute the dos shell commands using the c program asif they were executed directly on command prompt itself. color command working on the dos shell when applied directly ...
OshoParth's user avatar
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Batch File backup - compare current file to most recent differently named file in irregularly named child DIRs

Along with Dropbox's Packrat I have a Batch file that I have scheduled to request to run on Mon, Wed and Friday to backup my current project's Photoshop, Fireworks and PHP/WWW files onto a server. ...
ZZ9's user avatar
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Dos batch file to find a specific value in first 6 columns

I have to create a dos batch file that will look at a text file and check if the word ERRORS is in columns 123456 ERRORS The word appears in other parts of the text file but those are not an issue. ...
user3523871's user avatar
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How to maximize current command prompt using command

In windows I can maximize current window by keyboard shortcut Alt+space then x. When I working on command prompt, can I do same thing using commands (without using shortcuts)? Simply I need to create ...
Nayana Adassuriya's user avatar
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as3 Hex Value to Timestamp Conversion from Hex to MS-DOS: 32 bit Hex Value decimal

i am trying to understand how to convert/decode a Hex Value in the MS-DOS: 32 bit format into human readable Date & Time. i have found a way to do this with Unix Hex timestamp/epoch to a normal ...
K-G's user avatar
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Timer in DOS batch file with actions

Can someone point me to a way to create a bat file that count the time and after certain hours perform an action?, And if you close it and open it again to continue where you left off.
user3880335's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Can the Unix/Linux shell be considered an Operating System in addition to a programming language? [closed]

When comparing it to DOS it seems like it has the same functionality and more. Therefore, I was wondering if I could consider shells like Bourne shell or bash to be equivalent to DOS and consider it a ...
BluePython's user avatar
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Batch File: works under cmd-Windows , NOT under MS-DOS

I made these codes to backup files : set p=C:\Users\ for /f %%a in ('dir C:\Users\ /b') do ( if not "%%a"=="Public", ( set fileDest=C:\Backup-%%a_%date:~7,2%.%date:~4,2%.%date:~10,4% If Not Exist "%...
eawedat's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

batch file to copy a file to multiple computers by iteration?

I have below batch script to copy file from my computer to many computers. @echo off xcopy D:\some.txt \\\texts xcopy D:\some.txt \\\testfolder pause In the script, i have ...
user755806's user avatar
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I need to delete multiple files in multiple directories with batch file

This is what a Basic script would look like. For directory = 643 to 776 step 1 *** Loop 1 cd directory cd 165 *** Loop 2 for FD1=405 to 494 step 1 del FD1.* FD1 = FD +1 *** Loop 2 End *** ...
Andy Hall's user avatar
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3 answers

Batch file CSV string to pyramid

I am working on one of the batch file and I have a specific requirement where I have a string "text1,text2,text3,text4...etc" & I would like to have my output as a pyramid like text1 text1,...
gbabu's user avatar
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Why in Batch/DOS (or whatsoever language),REM does make a difference?

Why in Batch/DOS (or whatsoever language), "To avoid this pitfall force CommandBlock2 to succeed, i.e. using a simple REM as last block command: Command1 && (CommandBlock2 & REM) || (...
Tongcheng's user avatar
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1 answer

Print a text file using printer object in .net

I am creating one utility to print text file in using printer object in dotmetrilx printer. When we print any text file using our application it took around 10 sec to print 25 lines. And when ...
Brijesh Patel's user avatar
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Delete writable file with windows batch script

Is seems to be a simple question but I didn't find any answer on google. Simple del /Q abc/stub/file.txt doesn't work. Error says Parameter format not correct - "stub".
Mady's user avatar
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Change Filename Case DOS Batchfile

I have worked out to change the case of filenames to lowercase using a DOS batch file using the code below, but I was wondering if someone could help me add to include code to capitalise the first ...
georgemackenzie's user avatar
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2 answers

how to fix the output for x86 turbo assembly language

DOSSEG .MODEL SMALL .STACK 100h .DATA UserName db "Name: $" CLRF db 10,13,"$" inputName db 24 dup ("$") CurYear db "Current Year: $" inputCurrentYear dw 8 dup ("$") BirYear db "...
user3803626's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Batch File script

Can this looping process be done in a batch file. Variable that is incremented in the loop then concatenated to do the following VAR=1 Begin Loop if exist ACHOU.VAR ren ACHOU.VAR ACHOU.VAR.ACE VAR=...
user3242622's user avatar
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How to open an executable from the selected file in a file list?

I am using visual basic for dos, on my form i have a file list, I need to know how to execute the selected file in the file list ex, .com,.bat or .exe The file list name is "File1" I am new to ...
GeriatricJacob's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Cannot run the program on the command prompt but can in IPython

I have written a program: import pylab as pl import numpy as np from random import random pl.figure() r = np.array([ random() - 0.5 for xx in range(1000) ]) for i in range(20): print i ...
ssm's user avatar
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Move files to folder name contained in the file name

I am trying to move files that has partial data in its name to new folder of that string in the filename! myfiles[sql-data-2232]sql.dat [want to move it and create folder sql-data-2232] myfiles[jpg-...
meYnot's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to use a gnu command in c#

I have a problem using a porting of the Gnu "find" in my c# app. Let me explain better: in my winform application i have a button. When i press this button i need to launch this command (in cmd.exe ...
R3DLINE's user avatar
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how to move files based on size using .bat

I am new here. I Want to create batch file to move all file less then 3kb to another folder. Anyone can help me? Thanks
Liufman Alan's user avatar
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assembly illegal instruction ".model small"

my code : .MODEL SMALL .CODE ORG 100H Label1 : JMP Label2 +---------------------+ | TEMPAT DATA PROGRAM | +---------------------+ Label2 : +---------------------+ | TEMPAT PROGRAM | +----------...
Samuel Ricky's user avatar
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Batch file: Need to search for and copy files from an input list

I'm not very good with programming anything, even batch files. I've created a batch file that will copy files from a big folder full of images, based on the number I input. However, I'd like to be ...
BevansDesign's user avatar
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Assembly calculate sine example. nasm 16 dos

I'm looking for example how to calculate sine using coprocessor. I've found function: CalcSin fld long [angle] ; st(0) = angle fsin ; st(0) ...
kkkkk's user avatar
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rm command in Visual Studio 2012 Command Prompt

I have two machines the first one is Machine A : Windows 7 professional with service pack 1 and VS2012 Machine B : Windows 8.1 and VS2012 Now Machine A gives the following result E:\>rm rm: too ...
Rajeshwar's user avatar
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How to mass rename files with multiple dots in Batch file?

I have the following folders structure: C:\Database C:\Database\Tables C:\Database\Stored Procedures C:\Database\Views C:\Database\Functions There will lots of files in each of the Tables, Stored ...
user1533274's user avatar
-1 votes
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Win32 Batch Script, Search a String Data and Determine the Group Name

I have a data text file in which data is divided into groups as follow: [Group 1] string-1 string-2 string-3 [Group 2] string-4 string-5 string-6 string-7 string-8 [Group 3] string-9 ...
user3754282's user avatar
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Copy Files From Folders and SubFolders Automatically

How would I go about copying all *.mp3 files from all folders and subfolder to another folder? I would also want this to automatically overwrite any existing file with the same name without being ...
crjunk's user avatar
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FindStr with regex

I have a system log file like following: </t>Processed 8 rows.<LF> </t>Success: 8<LF> </t>Skip: 0<LF> </t>Error: 0<LF> </t>...
Prisoner's user avatar
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Compile with long argument list (exceed 128 character) in MS-DOS

I am maintaining hardware monitor program, which will be executed in 16-bit MS-DOS. I use dosbox with TurboC(tcc.exe) as build environment While the dos command line can't accept command exceed 128 ...
Brightshine's user avatar
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Assembly system time DOS

I wrote some code: petla: mov ah,2 int 1ah mov[sekunda], dh mov ah, [sekunda] mov cl, 4 and ah, 11110000b shr ah, cl mov dl, ah add dl, '0' mov ah, 2 int 21h mov ah, [sekunda] and ah, 00001111b ...
user3763588's user avatar
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Rename file based on folder parent name [closed]

I'm looking for a batch-script which transforms a file named "" into the name of the folder it is in. For example if the file is in the folder "instruction" I want the batch-file to ...
Sangreal's user avatar
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scripting - delayedexpansion - outside of the for loop

I am trying to use the variable outside of the For loop. The echo inside the loop gives the result as expected. it is not working when i echo the variable outside of the loop. below is the script- '...
user3759129's user avatar
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Change border at nasm

I'm using NASM (assembly x86) at REAL mode and i'm trying to change my border color, i've great success changing all background but my objective is to change only the border of one line (cursor line). ...
user3339539's user avatar
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MS-DOS standard output interrupt and function

I need to write a resident program which grabs console output to the file. To do this I have to know what interrupt and function DOS uses to print its output to console, to rewrite this interrupt. But ...
Nikita Kunevich's user avatar
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Batch rename folders to files

I have a parent folder with lots of folders (movies) underneath. Each folder has 1 file (the actual movie). I would like some advice on a batch script that I can run to rename the folders to the file ...
user627289's user avatar
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How to set texts in a hosts file (found in C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc folder) using command prompt or a batch file?

I want my system to automatically type certain statements in the host file in a sheduled time. To do that I need to execute a batch file which contains the required commands for setting the statements ...
jNerd's user avatar
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Run batch file on remote computer inside Java program

I have a program right now that uses the "net use" command to access a shared drive on a network computer at my work. This works fabulously and I'm able to copy a file from the remote machine onto my ...
Tastybrownies's user avatar
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Findstr:Batch to find String (all lines) between two fixed characters

I am totally new to DOS. Infact I am a Java guy. I need to do some string search operations but unfortunately string search & file search operation in java is considerably slow. And its very fast ...
krishna_java's user avatar

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