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Questions tagged [ejabberd]

ejabberd is a Jabber/XMPP instant messaging server, licensed under GPLv2 (Free and Open Source), written in Erlang/OTP. Among other features, ejabberd is cross-platform, fault-tolerant, clusterable and modular.

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Unknown host exception while connecting with Ejabberd Server hosted on server machine from Android API

I am using SMACK API 4.1.4 for communicating with Ejabberd server for chatting from my Android app. My Ejabberd server is hosted over domain name i.e:- "". I am getting Unknown host ...
Parveen yadav's user avatar
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How to install and use mysql connector/odbc on a linux instance on AWS server

I have a application that connects through the database through ODBC connectivity to connect to the mysql database. I had a server called ejabberd installed on my system(Windows 10). I had the ...
abhishek ranjan's user avatar
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Requested Contact not displaying in the conversejs web client

I have added a friend request (Add To Contact) with the following command. sudo ejabberdctl add_rosteritem rohit localhost test localhost test none none And While getting the contact it showing as ...
Ghost Rider's user avatar
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How to query xmpp archive to get latest 20 message per user

If I have 20 users, each user have 100 archived messages. How can I get the latest 20 archived messages of all 20 users in one query? This query doesn't work that way... <iq type='set' id='test1'&...
CodingTT's user avatar
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how to connect to ejabberd server from an other machie in my lan?

i have two linux machines (PC1 and PC2) in my LAN: in PC1: I installed the latest ejabberd using: ejabberd-17.04-linux-x86_64-installer server and created localhost.local domain. then i created two ...
Dhibi.H's user avatar
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How can I connect an android client to my XMPP (ejabberd) server, hosted on my local machine (Windows based OS)?

I want to test my ejabberd (xmpp) server, which I've hosted on my laptop, which is working on windows 10 based OS. I want to connect my android client to this server. So I went on to the internet, and ...
Sarthak Joshi's user avatar
4 votes
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Does ejabberd "Community server" support Push notifications?

Ejabbered server has 3 versions - "Ejabberd Community Server", "Ejabberd SaaS" and "Ejabberd Business Edition". Only the first one is open source. My question is whether the "Ejabberd Community ...
Archit Sinha's user avatar
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Ejabberd external autorization with NodeJS

I am developing ejabberd external authorization with ejabberd but it does not seem to work I used ejabberd-auth npm module and set ejabberd.yml as follows auth_method: external extauth_program: "...
Hassnain Alvi's user avatar
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Offline message are not coming to user for one to one chat

Case 1 When user connect for first time. It send the presence available to server. Chat works fine in this case. Presence recieved : <presence xmlns="jabber:client" from="***a52ce0a@localhost/...
Bhupesh Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

Ejabberd erlang and async task

in a ejabberd module I use this method: httpc:request(post, {Url, Header It seems not to be async, is there a way with erlang to launch this on a separated thread???
Luca Becchetti's user avatar
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Enabling PEP on ejabberd server

I'm creating a chat app using the Electron Framework and node-xmpp module for XMPP communication. I have managed to do almost everything except making Personal Eventing Protocol to work. Specifically ...
Eduardo Pérez's user avatar
2 votes
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Not able to get response from smack

I am using the smack to connect ejabbard server. TO connect with ejabbard server through smack using following code val config=XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.builder() ....
Ankur Khandelwal's user avatar
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Starting a service during Docker build

I would like start a service during the Docker build. I do not need this service to continue running after the build process has finished necessarily (or I know I can use the CMD command for that), ...
melaniejb's user avatar
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How to Use ejabberd register module for custom login

I am new to ejabberd and erlang and have created a basic application that first checks that whether the user has login or not. So basically it checks the mnesia table of login and confirms this. Now ...
abhishek ranjan's user avatar
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ejabberd: can't seem to enable Stream Management

Heyo, I'm having a bit of a headache trying to get Stream Management (XEP-0198) working in ejabberd 17.04 in Ubuntu 16.10, though I've had this problem since ejabberd 17.03, and in spite of searching ...
Jo Jerrica Decker's user avatar
-1 votes
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Get registered users from my contact list using smack api android with ejabberd 17.1

I am creating a chat messenger using smack api on android with ejabberd server. Want to synchronize my contacts list. There may be several users on server do not want to fetch data for all. Just want ...
Ali Subhan Kazmi's user avatar
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3 answers

400 bad request error while calling ejabberd api

I am getting 400 bad request error while calling "/api/get_roster" endpoint of ejabberd. I had kept "get_roster" in the scope while requesting the oauth token. 400 bad request error in ejabberd I ...
Vikas Roy's user avatar
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unable to acquire access token from ejabberd oauth

I am trying to configure oauth in ejabberd 16.01. I managed to get the "/oauth/authorize_token" page, but as I fill the data in the form and click on "Accept" button it reloads the page with error "...
Vikas Roy's user avatar
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ejabberd xml_rpc module not working

Whenever trying to start xml_rpc module that time its execute like below error. Code : Result : abc:4560/RPC2): failed to open stream: No such file or directory I follow same steps as explain on ...
Ankit Doshi's user avatar
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smack connect to xmpp server with previous stream id

I'm building a chat application using xmpp over Ejabbered for server and smack for android client I've established connecting , login , send and receiving messages ,then I've faced a problem with ...
Ahmed na's user avatar
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No s2s connection found in ejabberd android for usersearchManager return 503 in android App

I'm new to ejabberd android. I can send and receive the messages successfully but I m not able to search user details using UserSearchManager in android it returns 503 error code is below: ...
Ashokan M's user avatar
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Can I query ejabberd database for online users

I have ejabberd 16.03, I would like to query the database to get online users that are shown in admin panel. Can someone help me? Which table do I have to query? I think I can do something like: ...
Luca Becchetti's user avatar
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How to change ejabberd MUC subject

I've tried to change MUC subject using ejabberd API but didn't work. I use Postman to work with the API api : /api/change_room_option request body : { "name": "testgroup", "service": "...
shkhssn's user avatar
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Connection closed on error smack 4.2

I implemented new Smack 4.2 with Ejabberd I'm getting connection closed on error if I don't login or register as I want to create a connection before login or register. The same code is working fine ...
Neha's user avatar
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Ejabberd 16.09 Mod_Rest installation

I'm using ejabberd 16.09 and I've tried to make a fresh install today.(download the deb package from website) Then I 've executed the following commands to install mod_rest ejabberdctl ...
tolgatanriverdi's user avatar
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Ejabberd custom module memory leak

I'm not well experienced in erlang but need to resolve some task. We are using Ejabberd for messaging and we want to send push notification to user mobile device when user is offline. For DB we are ...
Laslo Horvat's user avatar
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How to resume session - ejabberd

For session resumption I am following xep-0198( stream management in XMPP framework). It only works for 300 seconds. If the user doesn't open chat app for more than 300 seconds, the connection lost ...
KSR's user avatar
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ejabberd my browser client is not connecting to server

I am trying to connect my ejabberd but it is not connecting.I checked the ejabberd.log file but i am not getting the issue what it is exactly? I am new here so if anybody knows then please help me in ...
user1912026's user avatar
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Accessing ejabberd ReST API through node js app

I have an ejabberd (16.01) server running on Ubuntu 16.04. I have another NodeJs application running on different server. Through NodeJs application, I wish to add users, add rosters, etc by using ...
Ankit Gomkale's user avatar
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Ejabberd mod_muc and mod_muc_room differentiation

Im looking at ejabberd code and realized that there are two modules that left me very confusing. mod_muc.erl and mod_muc_room.erl. Im not really sure how to differentiate between them. Any inputs or ...
sad's user avatar
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The expected Ejabberd filter_packet function not being called

The ejabberd module I'm using, mod_pottymouth is not filtering messages as expected. After adding logging I see a generic handler method being called instead of the one that does the actual filtering....
bwsmith's user avatar
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How to create a muc private chat room with existing room name?

I can create a muc room. But if i gave the room name as existing one in the database, the server rejects it.So is it possible to create two rooms with same name in ejabberd server(MYSQl backend)? If ...
KSR's user avatar
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How to retrieve chat history from ejabberd using Strophe and Intel XDK?

I am trying to understand how should I retrieve chat history from ejabberd between 2 users? I am using Strophe client and Intel XDK. I am successfully sending the message, and the other user ...
Sandy's user avatar
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Strophe MAM does not return messages after first run

I have written a function to get archived messages between two dates from ejabberd server. It returns messages when it first run but does not return any message after first run. Here is my code: ...
hdayi's user avatar
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MUC/Sub Remove user subscription automatically

I am trying to develop a chat app using Ejabberd 16.09, the only way i find to unsubscribe a user is <iq from='[email protected]' to='[email protected]' type='set' id='E6E10350-...
Douglas Silva's user avatar
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How is ejabberd external auth supposed to work?

If I use my custom PHP script as auth_method: external, all isuser and auth calls are redirected to my script, right? So if whatever process (ejabberdctl, web dashboard, ejabberdctl) tries to register ...
John's user avatar
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ejabberd 2.01's module "mod_eventful" could not be loaded

We are using Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS on which we have installed ejabbered 2.1 but given plugin mod_eventful is not working. We have checked error log under var/www/ejabbered/ejabberd.log and found below ...
Shashank Shah's user avatar
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strophe xmpp client with ejabberd server getting repeated rid error (Getting 504 - timed out response for polling)

We have a system setup where we use Stophe to connect to ejabberd over BOSH running through HA-Proxy. When our clients are idle, they seem to be hitting the timeout (@ 1.1 * 60 seconds), which aborts ...
Hansika Penugonda's user avatar
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XMPP - Roster Subscription Explaination

Consider I've 2 users Alice and Bob on my Jabber Server. To add into the rosters with subscription as both, I need to do the following steps: Alice sends a subscription request to Bob. When Bob ...
Praful Bagai's user avatar
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ejabberd MUC/Sub: Force-removing a user from MUC Room

I've incorporated MUC/Sub in my ejabberd client implementation and want an MUC owner to be able to remove another user (who has a participant role and a member affiliation, and is also subscribed to ...
vikram17000's user avatar
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ejabberd server not starting in windows

i have installed ejabberd 17.01 on windows 8.1 using binary installer but when i try to start the server( using desktop icon, start.cmd in bin dir and ejabberdctl start ) it takes me to the error page ...
atx's user avatar
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User is still Online although user is not connected to the server. And failed to reconnecting to the server

I am using smack client in my chat application. Everything is going to be fine but when connection aborted for some reason, my server is showing online for that user JID. My problem is that how to ...
begginer's user avatar
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How to create a new ejabberd virtual host with REST API?

I am trying to setup a ejabberd server for my app. we have a saas model which needs to be separated based on subdomain. I am wondering if it is possible to create a virtual host in ejabberd with REST ...
kanhaic's user avatar
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XmlRpcException while passing params to the ejabberd command

I am trying to call the Ejabberd command create_room_with_opts via XMLRPC using the apache XMLRPC api. The following is the code I am using. XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl(...
greenPadawan's user avatar
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Is there a .net client for administering ejabberd server?

I am looking to be able to control the ejabberd server using a simple .net wrapper over the ejabberd xml-rpc API. Apparently there is already a Java library for this purpose, in addition to Perl (see ...
Najeeb's user avatar
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Ejabberd Resource Constraint: Users are not allowed to register accounts so fast from same ip

I am getting an error during register multiple users on Ejabberd server from same mobile user but able to register from different devices so quickly, which is: </query>\n <error code=\"...
singh.indolia's user avatar
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Does ejabberd 16.12.34 supports mod_push? Any alternative for sending push notifications through ejabberd?

I am following these instructions: git clone copy the source code folder to the module sources folder of your ejabberd installation (may be different on ...
KSR's user avatar
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ejabberd 17.01 1st message is lost on reconnection

I have ejabberd 17.01 with offline push notification working. App (XMPPFramework for iOS) Goes background and gets disconnected and I see jabbered logs "Waiting for resumption of stream for " ...
For Guru's user avatar
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retrieve newest messages xmpp?

I recently create a chat application (ejabberd and smack). Everything is ok but 2 problem that I can't resolve. I would like to get list of recent messages (list of conversations) from xmpp. But I ...
Mai Quang Tuan's user avatar
5 votes
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ejabberd How to use MUC/SUB with xmppframework

We are using ejabberd 17.01 for an iOS and Android application. We need to create a persistent room where user shall be able to receive messages while they are not connected / joined in the room. We ...
For Guru's user avatar
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