Questions tagged [emacs]

GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting text editor, which can be extended with Lisp code. Although Emacs is a general-purpose editor, questions may be on-topic here if they are about extending Emacs itself (usually by writing Emacs Lisp functions) or about specific programming modes. Otherwise (and perhaps also in those cases), consider asking your question on Emacs Stack Exchange.

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Elpy initializing and working as intended, except for the error highlighting feature

So I am new to emacs, just enabled elpy along with others, after creating init.el as follows: ;; .emacs.d/init.el ;; =================================== ;; MELPA Package Support ;; ================...
computronium's user avatar
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redirect the error to results within org src

I am writing a demonstrate some errors reported within org src #+begin_src ipython :session alinbx :results output 11 / 0 #+end_src It report ZeroDivisionError in a fresh buffer ...
Wizard's user avatar
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Emacs is unable to run code in swift-mode since upgrading to Catalina

When I try to run code in emacs swift-mode with C-c C-z, I receive the following message: 'warning: unable to find and load segment named '__OBJC_RO' at 0x7fff6e030000 in '/usr/lib/libobjc.A....
nomadj's user avatar
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Trouble running Common Music in Emacs

I am a 4th year bachelor student composition who recently came across the GitHub repositories of Prof. Orm Finnendahl. I was wondering if anyone could help me setup Common Music 2.12.0 with Emacs on ...
Viktor's user avatar
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Why is Emacs complaining about risky file-local variables?

Trying to use purescript-mode with GNU Emacs 24.5.1, whenever I return a newline in a purescript file, Emacs opens a new window to tell me: purescript-mode-hook is a variable defined in `purescript-...
b4c3's user avatar
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Is there a way to change org-mode source code background color with the option `:body-only t`?

I used org-html-publish-to-html to publish org to html, and use jekyll to build my blog. The problem is the background-color of the source code part is published to white by default and my blog theme ...
Kimi Chen's user avatar
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Copying/yanking to the system clipboard in spacemacs (Ubuntu)

I cannot seem to figure out how to copy text from an open emacs file in the terminal to my system clipboard (e.g., to copy into an email). I've read a number of other questions and have the following ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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How to map SPC-b-b or SPC-p-b to an umlaut like ä,ö,ü

I'd like to shortcut some very often used keystroke combinations in spacemacs to my umlauts (as they are unused otherwise). I mapped all my umlauts in vim easily, so I thought, this should be easy in ...
hanfried's user avatar
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Displaying images in an Emacs process running within iTerm2

I want to display inline images in a Emacs process running in iTerm2. Here is a demonstration of what I'm expecting, using imgcat (a iTerm2 shell integration utility). To begin with, I executed the ...
nalzok's user avatar
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Automatic todo scheduling in emacs org-mode using estimate

I use the fantastic emacs org-mode to manage my todos and also import my calendar into org-agenda. Most of my todos have a time estimate in org-mode. Question 1. Is there a way to have emacs suggest/...
Stephan's user avatar
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org-babel python environment setup

I've tried to setup a python virtual environment following the top answer here: I tried activating the ...
debby's user avatar
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using flycheck with compile_commands.json

I've looked around at some open question, but I cannot figure out how to use flycheck-clangcheck mode to read the include dirs from the compile_commands.json db. I currently have a largish c++ ...
clo_jur's user avatar
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Issue compiling Chicken files in Geiser/Emacs

I installed Geiser in Emacs. In a scheme buffer, if I run C-c C-s, I can choose Chicken as the implementation. If I run C-c C-z, it starts an REPL and switches to it. My buffer seems to be correctly ...
Gradient's user avatar
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Is there a fopen-like function in elisp

I am aware of insert-file-contents idiom: (defun read-lines (filePath) (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents filePath) (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t))) But is there a more natural ...
ivaigult's user avatar
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emacs, projectile and symbolic link

I am using emacs and projectile for managing a C/C++ project. and now I am running into an issue related to symbolic links. The root directory of my project is /export/work, and it only contains a ...
pchrys's user avatar
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lsp mode for dart support on spacemacs

I want to setup dart support on spacemacs, android studio takes up too much resource and I already have spacemacs keybindings on muscle memory. I have had a look at Averrins's implementation which is ...
Sigu Magwa's user avatar
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how to make emacs ido not rotate the whole list of options?

In emacs ido options, the currently selected option is always shown first in the list. When we change e.g. by arrow keys, or C-s / C-r : the whole list is rotated instead of currently selected option ...
Jeeves's user avatar
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prompt missing running delve using gud in emacs?

Here is the experience running delve from the command line on my Windows 10 desktop using MSYS-2: Now here is the experience running delve from GNU emacs (W64) version 25.1.1 - ShellPrompt> emacs -nw ...
Arvind Parthasarathy's user avatar
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Named column formulas in an org mode table

I have the following emacs org mode table. |---+-----+-----+-----+-----| | ! | foo | bar | baz | duu | | # | -5 | 2 | | | To calculate the values of baz and duu I have the formulas #+...
Lavender's user avatar
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Does the ediff mode of Emacs support synchronization points?

I have been using the ediff mode of Emacs for many years now, and I just realized that whenever I need synchronization points (*) to make sense of a diff, I fall back to Meld or KDiff3. Isn't there ...
Markus's user avatar
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How do I handle multi-file projects with org-babel?

I'm trying to handle multiple files which have source blocks which depend on each other. For example, I have a file with some common Python decorators that I use frequently, and that I'...
GlennS's user avatar
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Emacs ediff-buffers copy *all* diffs from a to b (or vice versa)

When using ediff-buffers is there a means to copy all diffs from a to b (or from b to a) with one key rather than having to go through every diff individually with the 'a' or 'b' key?
bph's user avatar
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Emacs - Is it possible to debug multi containers (docker-compose)?

I've found some information regarding debugging Node applications using: Webstorm: Vscode: How do ...
SupimpaAllTheWay's user avatar
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What is the best major mode to use in Emacs for Laravel + Vuejs

Hello I am now practicing to use emacs as my primary editor in developing Laravel app. Together with Vue.js. When I research online I found out that some are using "web-mode". Are there any ...
Yves Gonzaga's user avatar
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Magit with-editor issue

I have installed magit-2.11.0 and I can run magit-status fine. However when I do magit-commit I run into this error: "Symbol’s function definition is void: magit-run-git-with-editor" I see ...
aartist's user avatar
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why doesn't ctrl+d exit ghci in emacs shell ... but does exit for the python REPL?

When using the emacs shell buffer, the control-d keystroke doesn't exit from the ghci REPL but does exit the python REPL. Rather than exiting, gchi reports lexical error at character '\EOT'. How can ...
Rick Majpruz's user avatar
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"Table not found here" error exporting emacs to HTML

I get an error in the minibuffer Table not found here when exporting to HTML using the following commands: C-c C-e (to export, of course) C-v (visible only) h (for HTML) h (to create ...
SeaDude's user avatar
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Make Alt-Enter insert new similar line in emacs rather than make the window full screen

I just installed emacs in wsl and Alt-Enter causes the window to go full-screen rather than to insert a new similar line (eg. new bullet point below). Any suggestions on how to make this behavior go ...
Alejandro Braun's user avatar
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Python debugging with PyCharm like style

I'm using Emacs for my Python code. However from time to time I leave my Emacs and try for a few days other editors, just to see if I'm not missing something really cool out there. With no particular ...
Marcin Magnus's user avatar
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Emacs Semantic Won't Parse File Correctly On Windows

Recently I was switching my programming environment from CentOS to Windows. I am a fan of Emacs, so I want to use Emacs to program on Windows too. Everything goes on smoothly but when I use emacs ...
ChangXiaoduan's user avatar
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Equivalent of vim mksession on emacs

I started working on vim about a year ago, and decided to try out emacs. I really like it so far but there is a functionnality I'm missing on emacs : the ability to save your session as it is right ...
Wazam's user avatar
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Emacs org mode 9.x refile not working with ido

Since I upgraded orgmode to 9.x, refile is no longer working with ido. According to, all options related to ido and iswitchb have been removed. It also mentions "...
Jerome's user avatar
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Org-Mode: Todo state "NEW" not tracked

I want to track the state changes of my TODO-items, including the date/time an item was created. I've found out that you can add an exclamation mark while defining the TODO states (e.g. TODO(t!)) and ...
matthjes's user avatar
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Report of completed Repeated Tasks in Orgmode

In orgmode, I am able to get the list of tasks completed for the month by having a custom command like (add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands '("rm" "Current Month review" ...
George Zachariah's user avatar
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R and Rstudio using wrong pdflatex

I've googled a ton on this and can't seem to find a solution: I have Miktex 2.9 as my LaTeX environment (and I want to run pdflatex), but I can't get R to use it. Here are the R variables: > Sys....
slammaster's user avatar
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why does syntax highlighting disable when I use web-mode in emacs?

This is my init.el (require 'web-mode) (setq web-mode-tag-auto-close-style 1) (setq web-mode-enable-auto-closing t) What should I do?
faara's user avatar
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How to export a org file to R, commenting everything except R code?

I want to convert an org file to an R file by commenting all the lines except those with R code, using the export functionality if possible. I have come across org-export-generic.el (http://orgmode....
Rodrigo's user avatar
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How to customize Emacs vc-annotate command in Git

I find Emacs standard vc-annotate command very useful used together with Git. However in command line Git I can run git blame -w to ignore whitespace changes. By default this switch is not used in ...
kungjohan's user avatar
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Why is global-auto-revert-mode not reverting my buffer?

global-auto-revert-mode sometimes doesn't revert my buffers. These are regular files (source code), and this happens most often when messing around in source control (e.g. stashing changes, rolling ...
Martin C. Martin's user avatar
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Is it possible in emacs intero-mode to start a session on a remote host

I have: mac laptop (running emacs, haskell-mode intero installed) linux cluster (don't have root access) can mount home partition using sshfs stack installed and running in user mode Would it be ...
Pieter Laeremans's user avatar
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OrgMode show schedules in calendar for date selection

I have the following problem/question: I am using OrgMode in emacs to schedule all my appointments. I usually do this in the following way: * Some Headline ** Appointment 1 <2016-10-27 09:00--10:...
A. Schmidt's user avatar
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Is there a way to change the default Swift REPL prompt?

I've been using the swift-mode and the Swift REPL under Emacs to program in Swift. Unfortunately, the Swift REPL doesn't expect a "dumb terminal" and issues a lot of ESC terminal control sequences to ...
The Dude's user avatar
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Emacs: magit status failed on ssh remote server repo

I'm using ssh to connect to a remote server. On the server there is a git repo called MRFLSSVM. However, when I execute magit-status on: /ssh:qmServer:/home/Chang/qmCodeLab/MRFLSSVM/ Magit asks me ...
spacegoing's user avatar
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Does `evil-mode` have vim like `changes` function?

As per vim wiki: Vim remembers the locations where changes occurred. Each position (column number, line number) is recorded in a change list, and each buffer has a separate change list that ...
user3156459's user avatar
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In emacs, how to colorize a row in a CSV based on value in a column?

I have created a major-mode for emacs that I use for data analysis. This mode works great for me but it's drab and I don't take advantage of color the way I should. The data being analyzed is in a ...
unclejamil's user avatar
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Can Emacs' org-mode recognize tags within (instead of just at the endof ) a headline

I am learning how to use Emacs and org-mode, and am wondering whether Emacs can support tags within rather than just at the end of headlines (whether natively or through a package or configuration in ~...
J L's user avatar
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How to keep the minibuffer in Emacs to not be cleared?

I sometimes need to keep the minibuffer in Emacs unchanged to see the displayed information as a reference. For example, when looking for type information of an expression in OCaml, I want at least ...
Trung Ta's user avatar
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In Emacs, how to highlight newly added text automatically with 'highlight-regexp'?

When I use 'highlight-regexp', highlighting is only applied to current text. So, the newly added text isn't highlighted at all, though it contains the same regular expression. How can the newly added ...
dhnam's user avatar
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org-mode - hiding blank lines when cycling plain lists

I have noticed that trailing blank lines only get folded under headings but not under plain lists. For example: * Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit... * Heading 2 * ...
Adam's user avatar
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Org-mode: Limit number of entries in a LOGBOOK drawer

I have a number of repeating tasks set up in my org-mode file. I also have org-log-into-drawer set to t (see here). This works nicely so that after a while I have something like this: * TODO My ...
FixMaker's user avatar
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