Questions tagged [email]

Use this tag for questions involving code to send or receive email messages. Posting to ask why the emails you send are marked as spam is off-topic for Stack Overflow. Questions about configuration of mail servers belong on Server Fault.

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5 answers

Automatic Mail Sending on specific Dates in PHP

I am having some mail ids in my database. I have to send mail to those mail ids automatically on some specific dates that i have mentioned in my database.How to do that in php.
S Vinesh's user avatar
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CentOS PostFix let's me connect, will not greet

This is the output of PostFix when I connect via telnet: [root@mail ~]# telnet localhost smtp Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. nothing here no response ??? ^] ...
JavaProphet's user avatar
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Do SMTP/IMAP servers save the email address for an existing email account? Can it be retrieved?

Do the mail servers keep the address for an existing account? Can the address be queried? For example, if I have an existing account and its user name (login name) and password, but I forgot/lost ...
user3610414's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why is my || (OR) behaving like an && (and)? [closed]

I am hoping some one can help me here: I want to validate the user input (email address) on an HTML form. I want both an '@' (at sign) and '.' (period) to present in the user input string. Here is ...
Mike's user avatar
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3 answers

Unknown email code from CDO.Message send method

I'm trying to send an email via vbscript. Here's my email code: I've hidden the email address of course. In my actual code I'm using a valid email address. Dim objCDO Set objCDO = Server....
user3669653's user avatar
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Php - Mail subscribe Form

I have 2 files: Index.html sendmail.php The code is working fine, except I'm trying to echo the message on the same page without flipping to another or getting redirected automatically to index.html....
Jokersss007's user avatar
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Custom URL Scheme for Support URL

When submitting app to AppStore you must provide a Support URL. According to docs: A URL that provides support for the app you are adding. This will be visible to customers on the App Store ...'s user avatar
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JavaMail: Searching for emails

I'm busying trying to implement/play around with the Oracle's JavaMail. I'm essentially using it to index large quantities of emails via IMAP (As I need the folder structure). I'll cut to the chase: ...
user2522815's user avatar
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How to send email notification to newly created user in Active Directory using C#

I have implemented a web application which manage all the operations(User Creation, User modification, User termination) on Active directory(@server.local). I want to send a email from @server.local ...
Suryakavitha's user avatar
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Correct settings for PHPMailer via a gmail account

I am trying to set up a simple email function on my site with PHPMailer. I am testing out using my own gmail account and simply sending a test email to myself. I am running MAMP PRO on a Mac. I have ...
GhostRider's user avatar
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Printing email headers into a file in python

I have a file with each line containing the subject of an e-mail, probably encoded in utf-8 or big-5. I would like to decode these subjects in python and print them to a file. I am using Python's ...
user765195's user avatar
-1 votes
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Email not send using Gmail smtp on host

I've used this code to sending emails. When I test this code in LOCALHOST, it works correctly, but in host, I get this error: Failure sending mail.few My code is: Dim MailMsg As New MailMessage(...
Mohammad's user avatar
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6 answers

is cron job what should be used in this case?

Here is the 'use case': Admin goes to the newsletter.php, fills in the form for email, i.e the subject, group of users to whom email is sent, writes the message and clicks the "Send" button. ...
Jahongir Rahmonov's user avatar
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Java mail runnable jar not running

I am developing a monitoring program, which sends periodic emails. Every thing went fine until I tried to make it a runnable jar. The mailing part is working fine in eclipse and I am able to send ...
avinandan012's user avatar
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Mail from contact form without date

after many trials and errors i finally got a php contact form working the way i want, sending the correct information to my hosting mail address. And all appears well except for the Date, it doesn't ...
Crani0's user avatar
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How to resize embedded images in email

I have the following piece of code which is working fine, I am being able to send the email with the attachment. I am trying to resize the image to width of 100px; msg.IsBodyHtml = true; Attachment ...
user829174's user avatar
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mail() in foreach loop

mail() is used to send email to users in the array provided to foreach loop. I want to put limit to the number of emails sent per hour. Besides, I need to keep track of how many emails sent and not ...
Jahongir Rahmonov's user avatar
2 votes
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Play Framework 2 Java - Fire And Forget

I have a signup where on successful registration I send the user an email to welcome them to the software. Currently the emails are not sent asynchronously, this causes the application to wait until ...
adamtrousdale's user avatar
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Can't send email with proxy server

I'm having a problem inside work, trying to send an email. I think this is because we use a Proxy Server, however I can't find anyway of programming a proxy into, any helpers? I keep getting ...
Graham Jones's user avatar
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Should I call deliver method when sending mail using rails?

In rails guide, I see the way to deliver email is calling like this: UserMailer.welcome(@user).deliver But in our codebase, I see code like this using sidekiq: UserMailer.delay.welcome(@user) And ...
Sefier Tang's user avatar
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How to avoid remote images blocking into email

I yet read some posts on the argument, but I'd like to know if there are some "new" best practice to follow to avoid email clients (thunderbird, Outlook, gmail, ect) block remote images in a html ...
drenda's user avatar
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tool to accomplish complex email sending in PHP ( possibly in Yii )

Here is the task: Send email to a group of users Set limit to the number of emails sent per hour Track the progress and things like that. What is a good library or anything else to do this? I am ...
Jahongir Rahmonov's user avatar
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How to send mail programmatically using RPC over HTTP? [closed]

How to send mail programmatically using RPC over HTTP, what are the configurations needed for that ?
Sathyaraj Palanisamy's user avatar
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two column table layout

I'm creating an e-mail template to send out but for some reason, I am unable to create two simple columns in the footer area. Layout: Code: <div style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"> <table ...
user1752759's user avatar
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Email Attachments Not making it through

I have a c# program that uses a fileuploader control to collect a path to a file name for attachment to an email. When I run the webpage with an attachment in debug, all is fine and the email comes ...
rigamonk's user avatar
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Loop for resending smtp email on failure to send

I have a service that sends an email after a user registers. Every once in a while, a user contacts support with the complaint that they aren't receiving the email, so I've made a list of possible ...
Rex_C's user avatar
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Send email in Java via relay server

I am running a Java web application and attempting to send email notifications from it. When we were hosting this application on one of our servers it worked perfectly fine. We pointed it to smtp....
Sunga's user avatar
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zend_mime_message class not found error

I'm getting class not found error Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Mime_Message' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\Zend\library\Zend\Mail.php on line 53 I initially had Zend framework 1.11 only for smtp mail. ...
user1828605's user avatar
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How do I create a mail-enabled public folder in Exchange 2010?

I've tried to do this but I'm obviously not doing it correctly. I would just like a folder for certain users and redirect mail from a distribution group into it. How do I do this?
TFK's user avatar
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Linux : mail multiple files returned from grep

I want to grep for ora- errors in the log file. grep -L ora- *.log suppose it returns abc.log and xyz.log Then, I want to cat content of each file and mail it dynamically (like cat abc.log|mail ...
snowrock's user avatar
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javax.mail exception running a Grails app on heroku

I have a Grails app on Heroku and suddenly I started getting this exception, when ever an email was sent: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, ...
Ana Franco's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013: Design workflow: Send Email

I'm beginning learning how to to design some basic workflow with sharepoint designer 2013. I have a workflow that: when a property is verified for a list item it is dupplicated in another custom ...
Refresh It Solutions's user avatar
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Download only the attachments from E-mails using JavaMail 1.4

I have the following code in my attempt to download the attachments from emails and I have the next error "Could not connect to the message store". Anyone, any help? *ERROR run: javax.mail....
user3752851's user avatar
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Why SMTP sendmail works fast in local but very slow in my dev server Django 1.6

I am using SMTP sendmail in my project and tried to send a mail using SMTP sendmail. Its works fine and sends mail in 3-4 seconds. But the same code takes around 5 Minutes in dev server. Can you ...
Gaurav Nagpal's user avatar
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Zend mail code in my php code?

I've got some php code handling emails (not self written) which I want to integrate in my own self written system. In it, two Classes are used: Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3($params) Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap(...
kramer65's user avatar
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Simple PHP contact form on Amazon Web Services EC2

I'm looking for a simple solution to get a simple PHP contact form to work on a Amazon EC2 LAMP stack. It seems like Amazon don't give you this functionality (mail()) and having searched around, the ...
MrDerek's user avatar
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How to Bold/format AppendLine text?

Hi I would like to ask if anyone knows how to format for the AppendLine Method which would be then converted into a email via the SmtpCilent method. The following are my codes/data which needs to be ...
AskingQnsPro's user avatar
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3 answers

Outlook - Forward/Reply remove display:none inline-style [duplicate]

I've created a Mail-Template for a Sharepoint WebPart which includes a div element with inline style display: none. Like this: <div style="display: none"> This Text should NOT be visible</...
Ratan's user avatar
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yii smtp mail extension web application error

In my yii config file I used the following smtp configuration settings: 'Smtpmail'=>array( 'class'=>'application.extensions.smtpmail.PHPMailer', 'Host'=>"secure....
NitheesBavesh's user avatar
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Android - How to embed an image from assets folder in the email body

So, I have this toHtml function: public String toHtml() { Uri imageUri = Uri.fromFile(new File("android_asset/" + getFullAssetsFilepath())); String html = getString(R.string.email_image, ...
Joanne Chow's user avatar
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Automatic mail sending error using timer api in struts 2 web application

i am working on a Struts2 web application and currently have a task of sending automatic mail in CSV, EXCEL, PDF format. I started up with Timer api to send automatic mail (which can schedule tasks ...
techGaurdian's user avatar
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Accept email address from user and send email to that address

public function send_mail() { $this->email->from('[email protected]', 'My Name'); $this->email->to('[email protected]'); $this->email->cc('[email protected]'); $this->email-&...
mamba08's user avatar
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PHP mail() not sending

I have a WebFaction server and the following code: $to = "[email protected]"; $reply_to = "From: " . $_POST['email']; $name = $_POST['name']; $subject = "Outreach Request Session for " . $_POST['...
vishalkal's user avatar
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Easy implementation of UTM Tracking via email

So here is the deal: I understand UTM tracking very well but am wondering anyones experience with implementation in scenarios where a business has many different email notifications that are sent out ...
lcm's user avatar
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send predefined email templates via phpmailer

Sorry for the repeated questions. I haven't figured it out to solve this problem. My Question: I have a form to send both predefined and custom written templates to the user. In that form, I've got ...
harry_beginner's user avatar
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shortcode Conditional Form - PHP

I am attempting to build a simple contact form inside of a function so that I may add it as a shortcode later. I wish to change the mailto address based on a "select" value. function ...
RoosterSauce's user avatar
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PHP Mail, multiple additional paramaters

I have a small mail script I'm developing for work and need to set multiple additional parameters in the mail() function. I currently have it looking like this: mail($too,$subject,$message,$headers,"...
user3750017's user avatar
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Can't send mail via c# using monodevelop on linux mint

I have a function in a large c# project that receives an email and a confirmation code and needs to send an email to that address: public int sendVerificationEmail (string email, int randomNumber) { ...
Javi's user avatar
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outlook vba add recipient to outgoing emails

I need to add a specific email address to the CC field of every new email draft. The address needs to show up in the CC field so it can be removed if needed. How can I do this in VBA? Existing code ...
nuts-n-beer's user avatar
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Send anonymous mail from local machine

I was using Python for sending an email using an external SMTP server. In the code below, I tried using to send an email from a gmail id to some other id. I was able to produce the ...
Nidhin Joseph's user avatar

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