Questions tagged [equivalent]

This tag is used for questions about similarities between any of various programming constructs. Comparisons include correspondences between API, functionality, syntax, features, methodologies and the like.

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2 answers

PHP equivalent of javascript JSON.stringify()

As I notice PHP's json_encode($array) mess things up on diacritics. If I update my database column type text with javascript-created JSON passed over HTTP, everything looks good. but when I create the ...
Mihai Galan's user avatar
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4 answers

PHP equivalent of JavaScript bind

First excuse my english I'm not a native speaker and sorry if it looks rough, this is the first time that I post on this site. My problem is quite simple I think. Let's say, we have : class A { ...
user3292788's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to remove similar elements from a Dart list?

I'd like to remove similar elements from a dart list, where similarity is given by some boolean function. For example in Mathematica I would achieve that as follows: Union[{2, -2, 1, 3, 1}, SameTest -...
Victor Ermolaev's user avatar
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4 answers


I have a tables contains null values. In ORDER table i have 2 null in PART_ID section and 2 null values in CUSTOMER_ID. And i have that kind of query: SELECT O.ORDER_ID , O.ORDER_DATE , O.CUST_ID, ...
developerCoder's user avatar
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String Pattern Matching for Limited, Ltd, Incorporated, Inc, Etc

We're doing a LOT of work towards trying to reconcile about 1,000 duplicate manufacturer names and 1,000,000 duplicate part numbers. One thing that has come up is how to "match" things like "Limited" ...
bopapa_1979's user avatar
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2 answers

Prototype Equivalent JQuery's offset()

I would like to know if there is any prototype equivalent to the JQuery's .offset() function? Thanks for your help.
Steffi's user avatar
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Yoda condition with "not x is None"

The previous dev has left a really strange not x is None yoda condition in the code: >>> x = None >>> not x is None False >>> x = 1 >>> not x is None True After ...
alvas's user avatar
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2 answers

\subparagraph{} equivalent in html

I have my habits with LaTeX, then in HTML I don’t know which element can replace the LaTeX’s \subparagraph{} command. <br /> isn’t a good idea because it is the equivalent of the blank line in ...
fauve's user avatar
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2 answers

JavaScript equivalent of SwingUtilities.invokeLater()

Is there any equivalent of Java's invokeLater() method of SwingUtilities in Javascript? UPDATE 1 So, will setTimeout() with zero delay do exactly the same as invokeLater()?
Dims's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the Equivalent code From array_push in java?

Hi guys I need the equivalent java code of this PHP code: <?php $stack = array("orange", "banana"); array_push($stack, "apple", "raspberry"); print_r($stack); ?> the Output is: Array ( ...
José Francisco Lara Aguilar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Python equivalent function of solve() in R

What equivalent function can I can in Python that is equivalent to solve() in R? In R, if I call solve(a, b), it will return me the x as in a*x = b where a is my covariance matrix.
Jasper's user avatar
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Windows Desktop Duplication API Equivalent IOS

I'm looking for an equivalent of Windows Desktop Duplication API on MacOS. The goal of the Windows API is to detect ...
X6Entrepreneur's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it bad to use `equals` for length comparison for different units?

In another question, my code has such a equals method: public class Length { private final double value; private final Unit unit; public Length(double value, Unit unit) { this....
Freewind's user avatar
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3 answers

Java Equivalent of Oracle translate

Is there any equivalent string function or library in java that behaves the way oracle translate function does? In oracle I can do this: select translate( '23423k!(dfgd){sdf};', '(){}k!', '{}()' ...
johan.i.zahri's user avatar
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PHP Equivalent of Envers

I would like to know if there is any equivalent to JBoss Envers for php.
Roch's user avatar
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What's the R equivalent of Stata's _n function?

I am wondering whether there is a function in R like in Stata, where you are able to use the value of the observation n numbers before or after each observation. For instance if I need to multiply or ...
Jakob Jul Elben's user avatar
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Is there any equivalent of JVisualVM on DotNET?

I would like to know if there is an equivalent of the excellent Java JVisualVM (included with JDK, the command is "jvisualvm") on the DotNet platform ? JVisualVM is a great tool that allows ...
Kedare's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent to Java Media Framework in C#?

Is there an equivalent to Java Media Framework in C#?
luvieere's user avatar
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Python equivalent of php's virtual()

Do you know if there is a python equivalent of php's virtual() ? My configuration is python, djanogo, mod_wsgi, apache Trying to include a script that has only examples for php using the above ...
Mecca's user avatar
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2 answers

numpy.tile did not work as Matlab repmat

According to What is the equivalent of MATLAB's repmat in NumPy, I tried to build 3x3x5 array from 3x3 array using python. In Matlab, this work as I expected. a = [1,1,1;1,2,1;1,1,1]; a_= repmat(...
TinyEpic's user avatar
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Kotlin ternary operator [duplicate]

How can I convert the following code from Java to Kotlin? Boolean mBoolean = false view.setVisibility(mBoolean ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
petrrr33's user avatar
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operators equivalent in delphi

I would like to know Delphi equivalent of the following operators. ++i/--i i++/i-- i+=1/i-=1 I am aware of just Inc(i) for i++ and Dec(i) for i--. Also under the notion that Inc(i,1) for i+=1 and ...
Shirish11's user avatar
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3 answers

What is C# Equivalent to C++ STL fill method

In C++, we can set a range of values of an array(and other similar containers) using fill. For example, fill(number, number+n,10); The above code will set the first n values of the array number ...
Shamim Hafiz - MSFT's user avatar
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What is a equivalent of Delphi "shl" in C#?

I'm making an application in C#, based on Delphi (converting code), but I found a command that I do not recognize (shl), and i want to know if there is any equivalent to C#. Thanks in advance.
Daas Cook's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent of C#´s | operator in VB.Net?

Is there an equivalent of the C#'s pipe operator (|) in VB.Net? I have some code from here How to grant full permission to a file created by my application for ALL users? It is in C# and i want to ...
T. P. 's user avatar
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1 answer

__VA_ARGS__ runtime equivalent?

I'm trying to make a function similar to this: #define printf_copy(s, ...) printf(s, ##__VA_ARGS__) // acceptable! but that's a preprocessor, I need one for runtime, like this: + (NSString *)...
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4 answers

What's the equivalent for pred and succ in C#?

Pascal is my study language and I am curious whether C# also has the functions pred and succ. This is what I have done in Pascal that I want to try in C# // in Pascal: pred(3) = 2 succ(False) = True ...
Marie Curie's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a C++ equivalent of the variable discard '_' in C#?

In C#, there's a convenient feature using the underscore _ as a discard variable when one wants to explicitly ignore the result of an operation. I'm currently looking for an equivalent feature or ...
TimoFran's user avatar
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3 answers

JavaScript equivalent of PHP $array[$i][]

I have a problem with the creation of a multidimensional array in JavaScript. The PHP code looks like this: <?php $matches = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 3); foreach($matches as $match) { ...
Krzysztof Malinowski's user avatar
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Javascript push_array and in_array

What is the equivalents of php functions push_array and in_array in javascript? Arrays are simple (not multidimensional). Haven't found something native.
James's user avatar
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What is the Delphi equivalent of C#'s PropertyGrid?

Is there a Delphi equivalent to C#'s PropertyGrid? I want to implement something similar to the Object Inspector in RAD Studio.
John Zane's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the .NET equivalent of a COM LocalServer?

In VB6, it was a simple matter to write applications that served up COM classes, the application would run as a system-wide singleton and would be able to serve COM classes to multiple processes. I ...
Tim Long's user avatar
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3 answers

equivalent number of instruction

I've a question (just like me)... but...if I've a choosen algorithm written in C or C++ or whatever code you want...fixed a compiler I can determine the number of instructions but these intructions ...
Marco Scappatura's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to do a ls -d in powershell

I need to list existing directories without listing files into them : PS C:\Users\myHomeDIR> cat .\toto.txt .\.config C:\DA FI PS C:\Users\myHomeDIR> cat .\toto.txt | dir | % FullName C:\Users\...
SebMa's user avatar
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What is the c# equivalent for progressive HMACSHA256?

In Java we have progressive hmac like so: Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256"); mac.init(macKey); mac.update(part(0)); mac.update(part(1)); ... byte[] fullMac = mac.doFinal(part(n)) Please what ...
Charles Okwuagwu's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Help me translate the C++ code to Delphi [closed]

im having hardtime in memset and memcpy. can somebody trasnlate this for me, or suggestion on how this thing work? do{ memset(szSpeechBuf, 0x0, sizeof(char)*QSIZE); if((nBufIter+1)*QSIZE > ...
XBasic3000's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the equivalent of Ruby require?

I am coming to Python from Ruby. What is the equivalent statement of require in Python?
abhishek's user avatar
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4 answers

C++ .NET equivalent to java public static void main()?

In java I can simply test classes directly with public static void main() I then just add quick code and under Eclipse "Run" the class. Is there anything similar in C++ .NET ? Right now I have to ...
Eric's user avatar
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2 answers

R's equivalent of Python's, choices)

I'm trying to create a new column in an R dataframe based on a set of conditions that are mutually exclusive. There is a clever way to achieve this on python using, choices), ...
dsqubitdo's user avatar
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Understanding Mathematica contour lines extraction

My Professor sent me a Mathematica Notebook, where he plots a 2d contour and then extracts the contour as lines (i.e. a list of lists of coordinate-tuples). The specific code segment looks like this: ...
Banana's user avatar
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Matlab equivalent of Python's 'reduce' function

I have a bunch of matrices of the same size m*n: a, b, c, d, and I'd like to find the maximum of them elementwise, like: mx = max(a, max(b, max(c, d))); apparently the code above is not concise ...
zhangxaochen's user avatar
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openssl equivalent for AES256EncryptWithKey method

How to get the same result as the following objective-c encrypting method with the command line openssl ? - (NSData *)AES256EncryptWithKey:(NSString *)key { NSData *returnData = nil; char ...
DevonDahon's user avatar
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Is there a Microsoft SQL Server Profiler equivalent for Progress OpenEdge ABL?

I am looking for an equivalent of Microsoft SQL Profiler for a Progress 4GL database.
Daria Trainor's user avatar
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5 answers

Load field 1 and print at the END{} equivalent awk in Perl

I have the following AWK script that counts occurences of elements in field 1 and when finishes to read entire file, prints each element and the times of repetitions. awk '{a[$1]++} END{ for(i in a){...
Ger Cas's user avatar
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1 answer

Equivalent to Eclipse Classpath Container in Intellij IDEA

I've written an Eclipse plug-in that provides a classpath container (just for the sake of completeness - the CPC gets its knowledge from the local development server). Now I was asked to provide the ...
Udo's user avatar
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Problem with equivalence of a few things while porting encryption code from java to c#

I am trying to port the below Java code to C#, but I am having some difficulty figuring out what would be the equivalent for: SecretKey skey SecretKeySpec skey_spec IvParameterSpec iv_spec KeyPair ...
Guapo's user avatar
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2 answers

Java equivalent of Python's "construct" library [closed]

Is there a Java equivalent of Python's "construct" library? I want to write "structs" like so: message = Struct("message", UBInt8("protocol"), UBInt16("length"), MetaField("data", lambda ...
someguy's user avatar
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How do I check two Typescript object arrays for equivalence when some objects have multiple equivalencies?

I am coding a cost function for a game. Players have a hand of n < 14 Resources of the following possible types: Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Good, Evil, Law, Chaos, Void These are subdivided into two ...
GreatDane's user avatar
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Inequivalent output from tf.nn.conv2d and keras.layers.Conv2D

I've been reading the Hands-On Machine Learning textbook (2nd edition) by Aurélien Géron (textbook publisher webpage here). I've gotten into the content that applies CNNs to images. In the section ...
Greg's user avatar
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SQL Server checking for non-equivalent column/rows with grouping

I would like to process some data in SQL SERVER, do a little QA and get the 'answer' at the same time. The table represents a test and if the test did not give a 100% match, it was run in duplicate. ...
user918967's user avatar
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