Questions tagged [escaping]

Escaping is the process of applying an alternate meaning to a character or set of characters.

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C++: How to replace single backslash with double backslash within pathnames?

I read pathnames from an input-file using strtok(). Then, within my program, I will get a char[] containing these pathnames, for example: "C:\docs\technical-manuals\printer\Brother_4155_manual....
Sergeant's user avatar
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How to Escape Double Quotes on Prolog Web Server

I used the following Prolog code to display an HTML form with info_server(8000). but it doesn't work when a form item contains double-quotes. How can I escape the double quotes? :- use_module(library(...
Lucian Green's user avatar
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Javascript - how to replace an escape character followed by a 'G' in a string

I have the following string 'Ganaway\Gannaway\Gansway' from a text file where I need to replace the escape character(s) with ' or '. I've found answers here on Stackoverflow that suggest: const name = ...
a4xrbj1's user avatar
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Input Transformer: handle special characters in AWS Event Bridge

I am having a hard time understanding why my input transformation is not working in Event Bridge. The following is the default input to a step function, which will intentionally cause my state machine ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Markdown: escape all backslashes in codeblock

In a Markdown code block I have many backslashes and other characters that I want to be displayed as is without being converted to another character, e.g. \2 will remain \2 and not be converted to STX....
James's user avatar
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Unity - Identify escape gesture

This is a simplified version of my code. The basic idea is to check for input. If the user presses escape the scene will change. If the user taps or clicks in an empty area a item will be placed in ...
Slade's user avatar
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I am having parameter limitations with pyodbc. How do I manually perform inserts or escape the values to insert?

Let's say I want to execute an insert in this connection, which is valid: import pyodbc CONNSTR = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};" ",...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
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replacement with multiples single and multiple quotes with a .bat file

I would like to replace server = "IPHONEDEROMAIN" with server = "test". I have used the following command: powershell -Command "(gc -replace 'server = "&...
FluidMechanics Potential Flows's user avatar
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How to escape string in TEC printer code?

I'm working with TEC Toshiba printer. I know I cannot print directly many special chars like {}();: and so on, how can I escape these chars? I think the solution is valud for all TEC printers, but now ...
Tobia's user avatar
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Decode json string to struct from response data in Swift

I have a test server written in python which produces json output on single path: '/' import json from fastapi import FastAPI from uvicorn import run app = FastAPI() @app.get('/') def main(): ...
darencorp's user avatar
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Function in capture list: "extraneous argument label" error

func customPrint(number: Int, via printingFunction: @escaping (Int) -> Void) { printingFunction(number) } class Temp { func tempPrintingFunction(number i: Int) { print(i) } ...
Roman's user avatar
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Is a switch function supposed to change the array I am trying to duplicate into another array with minor changes?

I am learning through K&R book and doing an exercise where I'm supposed to copy one array into another with minor changes (converting escape strings into the actual signs and letters) using a ...
unikatura's user avatar
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How can I unescape html in Java if the value stored is missing the semicolon?

I'm trying to convert an html value stored in a database to the corresponding special character when it prints to a file. The value stored in the database is &#174. If I execute ...
Jeff Fulton's user avatar
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SQL find '%' between %s

I need to find (exclude in fact) any results that contain '%' sign, wherever in a string field. That would mean ... WHERE string LIKE '%%%'. Googling about escaping gave me the following ideas. The ...
fishmong3r's user avatar
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Read CSV file escaping more than one character in Mulesoft

I have a CSV file with a header and these values: "20000160";"20000160";"177204930";"Zusammendruck ""Blumen"" nk 01.03.07";"2021";&...
mhery's user avatar
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Preventing Python from escaping characters in a list of strings

I need to create several strings using the format() method and store them in a list. (Ultimately, the strings will be used as regular expressions but that's not important at this stage.) I've defined ...
user1718097's user avatar
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Use of a literal "%" in a variable

I am trying to use the following statement: sssd_conf = \ 'enumerate = true\n' \ 'ldap_default_bind_dn = %(machines_ldap_dn)s\n' \ 'ldap_default_authtok_type = password\n' \ '...
Dave's user avatar
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C#- JSON escape \n character to \\n character

I want to replace the \n character in my JSON to \\n. I want to do this because the \n character in my JSON is getting parsed as a newline(whitespace) in the source where I am loading it. I want it to ...
Keshav Prasad's user avatar
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How do I remove quotation marks from java system properties

I have a bazinga property stored in an environment variable export OPTS="-Dbazinga=\"foo bar\"" -bash-4.1$ echo $OPTS -Dbazinga="foo bar" Also, there is an example java ...
jan.n.nowak's user avatar
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How to escape a double quote inside double quoted string in python?

I have a string stored in a database- "hello there, user "X", please help me solve this issue" I have written an API to fetch the this entry. Now, I want to escape the double ...
damn harshitha's user avatar
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How to interpret backslashes in a string?

I can find some guidance for this question for things like Bash, but not for C: I'm working with a string that contains the body of an email message and I noticed that it wasn't formatting the body, ...
InterLinked's user avatar
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Eclipse -Java Content assist issue

I got a problem with the content assist in the Java-Eclipse, Windows10. During my typing codes the pop-up window opens and jumps to the very top-left corner of my screen. I have to pres ESC to be able ...
John.K1's user avatar
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Carriage return not moving to beginning of the line

I am using carriage return in between a string. However, it is not working as expected. string = 'My website is Latracal \rSolution' print(string) Expected Output: Solutionte is Latracal Actual ...
meallhour's user avatar
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Are there reserved words/characters/phrases in QnA Maker and how to escape them

I have an operational QnA Maker that works without issue for almost all terms. However, I've noticed that certain terms do not generate chatbot responses even though the terms exist in the KB. ...
Kringle's user avatar
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jQuery escaping quotes

I'm trying to escape quotes in the text I need to change. The problem is that if I have quotes in #stuff (" or ' in CHANGE1 or CHANGE2) it keeps failing my whole request. Otherwise if I escape it ...
user2534787's user avatar
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Can you specify 6-digit unicode escape format for UTF-8?

Can I specify a 6-digit unicode escape format for a character in UTF-8? Example: U& \+000061 Or can that be used only for UTF-16?
Steve Fogel's user avatar
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How can I attach a file name containing a / with sp_send_mail?

I have a query that sends an email to me each month for the previous month's data that we receive. I'd like to include the last month and current year in the filename. I got the month and year to ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to Ignore Single Quote in SQL Searching

My database contains string entries with single quotes. Like Women's Property Rights. When a user searches in search field by typing exact Women's Property Rights title (Typing with single quote), ...
user2206637's user avatar
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showing tags in escape() from a database column containing strings with tags

I have this for each, the legend.value is a column in my table where all strings are tags $.each(response.all_legends, function (key, legend) { tbody+='<tr>'+ ...
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Replacing characters, Backslashes and Double quotes note fully working

I am trying to replace one backslash \ with two \\ however my double quotes is not working.. var json = { "DateToday": "2021-08-11", "MetaData": [ { ...
TWF's user avatar
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Impossible to escape blank space?

I am really desperate. I'm working under InstallShield to create an installer. At one point, I have to run an .exe file but specify the destination folder for the installation. Problem the destination ...
Meffapefecy's user avatar
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What can I do to help this batch script work normally?

I am making ascii art with batch but the script closed immediately after I run it. I tried to escape "!", " | ", and " * " but it didn't seem to work, what can I do now? ...
Snek's user avatar
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ASP.NET Web forms auto encode value in hidden field (against xss?) when received it from server

I maintain a web forms app and don't understand next behavior: i have the hidden field in the Web form: <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="HiddenJson" /> On the serverside, ...
Nexword's user avatar
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Output difference with successive RSA encryption and base64 encoding in php and ruby

My goal is to integrate an API service which wants me to generate a signature by following these steps. Retrieve your clientId. Append this with CURRENT UNIX timestamp separated by a period (.) ...
tambakoo's user avatar
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awk check column and get result

given the 2 files pri_seq and stb_seq for each number of the first column (file threads) I have to value the second column in ps and ss respectively and then make the difference outside the script the ...
Christian Frau's user avatar
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Why commands using a string that contains a file path, with scaped characters does not work in shell comands?

I'm using the command below in a bash terminal (after testing I'll add it to a bash script) to get the absolute path of the current parent folder path. It does add scape characters to the file path ...
Eduardo G's user avatar
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Escape an escape in Javascript

I'm building out lucene queries and having issues querying strings that contain escaped values (e.g., test\"string) My issue is when I try to encode or replace it, it ignores the escaped values. ...
harryBundles's user avatar
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Got HTTP response code 400 while sending escape string like "&amp;#"

I am sending the content of an XML to a HTTP server in this way: URL obj = new URL(targetURL); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); con.setRequestMethod("GET"); ...
chance's user avatar
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The field of a Data source has a forward slash '/' as part of the name. How do I include it in Power Apps Gallery using ThisItem?

In PowerApps, I'm using a data source from a SharePoint list that has a forward slash as part of the field name. For example, there is a column named 'Edit/Rework'. I have a Gallery in PowerApps ...
Ms. R.'s user avatar
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How to insert a backslash into a PHP string to escape an exclamation mark?

I'm trying to prepare a PHP cURL request to Salesforce REST API. The PHP-cURL header requires an authorization bearer string, which uses an 'access_token' derived from a previous OAuth call. This '...
Keith Clarke's user avatar
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YAML syntax for HTML span and underscore character

I'm using R, blowdown and Hugo to build a html site. There is text specified in the .yml file which should have a single underscore at the end like header1_. The line should be in color, while the ...
Roman's user avatar
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Why do people escape a URI three times?

I ask this question because I found an answer here and I am curious why people do that. For example, we have a URI below which is escaped 3 times. Why do people need to escape it 3 times instead of 1 ...
ikhvjs's user avatar
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solr streams shortestpath errors on id with colon

I have the following simple expression expr=shortestPath(core_data,from="https\://",to="https\://
KK1402's user avatar
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Auto escape in python string

I realised that python has some auto-escape mechanism for string when i exported my dataframe into a text file. Dataframe ID | Description 1 | fruitsbaskets 2 | apple orange"pear When i ...
yuzu's user avatar
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File Format issue in snowflake - Tilda (Field Delimiter), two double quotes

We are migrating from red shift to snowflake. There is a table in red shift that is loaded by S3 file. The syntax to load the file to red shift is copy edfenormalisedconfzone.address_1 from 's3://aws-...
Raja's user avatar
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How to pass parameters in HTML form to text box if value contains double quotes

As an integration test to a web service that reads in http POST body as graphQL, I want to be able to run an HTML file that contains a graphQL string in a parameter value. HTML file contents: <...
Markus's user avatar
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Jackson removes backslash from java string, why?

I need to parse json using jackson: String string = "{\"field\" : \" \\/ \"}"; JsonNode node = new ObjectMapper().readTree(string); String result = node.toString(); ...
Mr.Bere's user avatar
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bash use for loop index in variable name and replace empty value to 0

I have 1000 folders from 0000/ to 0999/. Each folder has a specific subfolder of the same name. That is my target folder. The target folder has numerous text files. What I wish to perform is: For ...
exsonic01's user avatar
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Importing and exporting netlogo worlds via python strings

I am running an ensemble of netlogo models through pynetlogo. Every few steps i export the world to file, perform some minor incantations and then import those worlds from file again and keep running ...
CarrKnight's user avatar
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Which encodings can I use for single quotes in sitemaps?

The XML schema for the sitemap protocol says that single quotes in URLs have to be escaped to &apos;. Handlebars "double-stash" ({{...}}) escapes single quotes into &#x27;. ...
RSeidelsohn's user avatar
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