Questions tagged [feature-detection]

Feature detection is a process in computer vision that aims to find visual features within the image with particular desirable properties. Detected features can be points, image regions or continuous curves in the image. Interesting properties can include invariance to noise, perspective transformations, or properties interesting for specific usages (e.g. tracking).

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how to reduce dimension of image feature vector(560 dimensions) for elasticsearch

I am working on an image search engine. I use an algorithm to extract features from images and get a 560 dimensions float vector. This dimension is too high for elasticsearch to index, es will be very ...
David's user avatar
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Checking if an color is similar to another [duplicate]

I have an Java program that checks on an image if each pixel has his color similar to an target. Up to the point to get each pixel, nothing wrong, but the things get hard when I need to check, with an ...
Taarak's user avatar
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How to transform feature matrix using Matlab's LDA (fitcdiscr)

I want to get LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) matrix (actually the eigenvector of separability matrix) and use it as a feature transform in my code or simply as Dimension Reduction. I've to use ...
SddS's user avatar
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OpenCV for web/ javascript

I have to use OpenCV in a web application. I know the Python and the C++ library but I need to use it with Express.js now. For this I need object detection, feature detection, preferably SIFT and ...
ryandon.s's user avatar
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Modernizr fails to detect scrollbar stylability

I'm using Modernizr to choose to hide all scrollbars when a page is being viewed in firefox. This is because I've styled the scrollbars using webkit's ::-webkit-scrollbar selectors and haven't found a ...
Swanijam's user avatar
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Feature detection and tracking on 2D images for displaying AR contents

I am developing an Android app in which I want to track a 2D image/a piece of paper, analyze what the user write/draw on it, and correctly display different 3D contents on it. I am working on the ...
stephen-mhc's user avatar
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Real time logo detection in live camera preview with OpenCV on Android

I am new to computer vision but I am trying to code an android app which does the following: Get the live camera preview and try to detect one logo in that (i have the logo in my resources). In real-...
marco56's user avatar
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OpenCV Dense SIFT block size

I know from other posts that I can extract dense features from image with following code(python): dense=cv2.FeatureDetector_create("Dense") kp=dense.detect(imgGray) kp,des=sift.compute(imgGray,kp) ...
Y. Hsu's user avatar
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OpenCV, Python: How to use mask parameter in ORB feature detector

By reading a few answers on stackoverflow, I've learned this much so far: The mask has to be a numpy array (which has the same shape as the image) with data type CV_8UC1 and have values from 0 to 255....
Victor Odouard's user avatar
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OpenCV C++ feature detection keypoint color from image pixel [duplicate]

I've looked into the Keypoint class but there are no attributes relative to the color of the keypoint. Is there a way to store the color of each keypoint that has been detected with SURF or SIFT? I ...
Sam's user avatar
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3 answers

How to define feature type through program argument in opencv?

Currently changing feature type is done by changing the name manually in the code. For example, for SURF detector and descriptor, I have to change the word "SURF" to some other name in the following ...
SK90's user avatar
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bit_pattern_31_[256*4] in opencv orb feature detector

I'm learning orb-slam and opencv source code, and inside the orb.cpp which lies on modules/features2d/src/ directory I see a bit pattern named as bit_pattern_31_[256*4] But I really don't know ...
wangzheqie's user avatar
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OpenCV, Python: How to stitch two images of different sizes and transparent backgrounds

I've been working on a project where I stitch together images from a drone flying in a lawn mower pattern. I am able to stitch together images from a single pass (thanks to many answers on ...
Victor Odouard's user avatar
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Cannot perform corner matching between two images

I'm using openCV 2.4, where I'm using FlannBasedMatcher to match keypoints. However, instead of using SurfFeatureDetector::detect()to extract keypoints, I'm passing the image corners as keypoints. ...
Krishna Chouthankar's user avatar
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Detecting a Partially Blurred Image

How would one go about creating an algorithm that detects the unblurred parts of a picture? For example, it would look at this picture: and realize the non blurred portion is: I saw over ...
Clangorous Chimera's user avatar
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OpenCv: Feature matching, match descriptors to knn filtered keypoints?

I have the following code, which I use to detect and match Keypoints detected in two images. I detect the keypoints, and store the descriptors in these: cv::Mat descCurrent; cv::Mat descCurrentR; ...
anti's user avatar
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OpenCV Error: Assertion failed ((unsigned)(pt.x * DataType<_Tp>::channels) < (unsigned)(size.p[1] * channels()))

I am trying to do the following tutorial: My code is: int main(int argc, char** argv) { Mat img_1, img_2; img_1 = imread(...
Grillteller's user avatar
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Adding global features to SIFT features to find image similarity

I'm currently using the SIFT features to find a measure of similarity between images. But I want to add more features to it so that the similarity measure can be improved. Right now, for a similar ...
akrama81's user avatar
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Returning a value of match in images from feature point detection [closed]

I'm using a feature point detection algorithm I found in a tutorial as shown below. The output of this code are lines drawn between the two images where feature points match. Here's what I would ...
akrama81's user avatar
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Find similar images from data set

I'm using the feature point detection tutorial found at the opencv python tutorial like the following: def drawMatches(img1, kp1, img2, kp2, matches): # Create a new output image that ...
akrama81's user avatar
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Getting error using drawMatches for feature point detection in OpenCv for Python

I'm trying to use the Feature Point Matching tutorial found here: But,...
akrama81's user avatar
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Detect ES6 import compatibility

I understand that you can detect features in javascript with something like this if(xmlhttprequest){ console.log("this browser is ajax compatible"); } I also understand that ES6 imports are nativly ...
megaman's user avatar
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Features matching OpenCV

I am using this code for matching features on two images. The output is not that accurate, have lots of positive negatives. How is it possible to increase the accuracy overall? output Main Image ...
Anastasiya's user avatar
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How does openCVs ORB achieve scale invariance?

After scrolling through the openCVs ORB implementation and reading the original paper: ORB achieves scale invariance by a ...
Vincent P's user avatar
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Error with pca and randomized lasso

There are two .csv files containing Tweets and a classification for each Tweet: pos, neg and neutral. class means classification and text a Tweet. This is my code: def prediction(): print("...
Max Fratane's user avatar
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How can I improve the accuracy of the character segmentation of my OCR system?

I am currently working on a Optical Character Recognition system for Japanese letters. I am already able to identify individual characters if the letter in question is seperated and in the right size. ...
dendelyne's user avatar
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Detecting sub-optimal objects and separate them from edges if necessary

I've been puzzled with this problem for quite a lot time. I went through a lot of topics and didn't find out exactly what I need. So I started this question. This is the test image I need to extract ...
TJ2017's user avatar
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How to find best match in OpenCV?

I have a library of 1000 ORB object descriptors. I got a new image and want to get what object am I am looking at. How to do such thing in OpenCV - is there some out-of-the-box i = matchDictionary(...
DuckQueen's user avatar
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Typescript feature detection without creating errors

I'm trying to implement feature detection in a typescript function, but I keep getting linting errors. It is obvious why I get them, because in some of the cases I'm checking against, the feature ...
ngstschr's user avatar
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OpenCV, Android, Android-Studio: Detecting Object from video URI

I'm pretty new to android app development, and I'm currently working on a school project that requires my application to capture a video using my android phone and then detect an object in this case ...
Tix's user avatar
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2 answers

It is really necessary to use Modernizr?

Especially if as JS feature detection can i use: if (localStorage in window) { // you have local storage } or even easier: if (crypto.subtle) { // you can encrypt document} And for css detection: ...
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Object Detection for 2-D Shapes using Feature Detection?

My objective - Input: A PNG floorplan (with many electrical equipment symbols on it), and a user who selects one of those symbols using a bounding box. Output: The same PNG floorplan but with all ...
Matthew Fishman's user avatar
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Algorithm to detect curved lines from list of 2D points

I am trying to extract horizontal lines from a set of 2D points generated from the photo of the model of a human torso: The points "mostly" form horizontal(ish) lines in a more or less regular way, ...
heltonbiker's user avatar
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Detect laser light dot of any colour using OpenCV in Android

I am trying to detect laser light dot of any colour of laser.and i have done some reference code from here OpenCV Android Track laser dot That code is running perfectly for Only RED colour detection ...
Vishal Thakkar's user avatar
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Using inRange() in OpenCV to detect colors in a range

I'm writing a C++ program with OpenCV for lunar crater detection which seems to detect only a small fraction of craters accurately. My strategy for this approach was to first convert the image to HSV, ...
Alexander Vallorosi's user avatar
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using sift features in matlab, How can I make features distributed evenly

I am using sift feature extractor for image stitching . using vl_sift in matlab. but the extracted features are not distributed evenly in pictures . in some point I have several of them while other ...
Sesoin's user avatar
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Different ways of detecting smile

I would like to know more about different ways of detecting smile on image. As far as I know, there are many libraries that are allowing to detect face and smile. The ones that I've tried are: ...
deem's user avatar
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OpenCV density of feature points

Using OpenCV SIFT algorithm i am able to get the matching and non matching feature points between 2 images. My solution is here The distribution of matched(green) and non-matched(red) feature points ...
uzair_syed's user avatar
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Sift vs Surf. Which is more accurate?

I am testing object to do Feature Matching with Sift and Surf with C++ & OpenCV. Surf claims to be faster and Sift claims can detect many keypoints than Surf. I want to determine which algorithm ...
Command14's user avatar
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How To Falsely Report Browser Features as existing or not existing

This site ( can be used to list browser features upon visiting. I'm using ElectronJS (Chromium-based) and I'd like to have control over the features that get reported ...
xendi's user avatar
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Developing an image frame sequence generator in MATLAB

I am doing a project where I have to create frames of images, to show a track path of an object and detect it. The end goal of my code is to create a line that shows the track path of the object as it ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Remove de-focus region on image by opencv

I have an image and 2 regions (focus region and de-focus region). I use Open CV, I want to detect near region. I apply watershed in OpenCV or Canny detector to detect the object. But the object ...
trongan93's user avatar
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Understanding a FastICA implementation

I'm trying to implement FastICA (independent component analysis) for blind signal separation of images, but first I thought I'd take a look at some examples from Github that produce good results. I'm ...
Austin's user avatar
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Image Similarity Detection : What alternative to Graphlab Create

I've been using the fabulous Graphlab Create API for few month now. Apple purchased Graphlab so I'm looking for an alternative capable of making a deep learning k-nearest neighbors model to find the ...
Alkia's user avatar
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Defining a threshold for feature matching in geometrical re-ranking

I'm implementing a cache for virtual reality applications: given an input image query, return the result associated to the most visually similar cached image (so a previously processed query) if the ...
justHelloWorld's user avatar
7 votes
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Measure of image similarity for feature matching?

I'm currently trying to work with a Brute Force feature matcher using SIFT in openCV, using python. I'm trying to utilise it for my image search function on my server, where I'm inputting an image and ...
Questionnaire's user avatar
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SIFT keypoints in sift.detect

How are keypoints stored using the sift.detect method in opencv ? Are they in the form of an array ? How to extract the (x,y) coordinates of each keypoint? ( I am using opencv 2.4.11)
Sammyak Sangai's user avatar
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OpenCV Error: Assertion failed using Bag of Words (BOW)

I'm trying to use SURF with Bag Of Words in c++ but OpenCV is throwing an exception that I don't know how to solve it. OpenCV Error: Assertion failed ((globalDescIdx>=0) && (globalDescIdx &...
cecelia's user avatar
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How does keypoint size relate to scale and octave in OpenCV SIFT?

I'm working with SIFT key-points and I need to know the exact relation between the size of the key-point and the scale (and octave?) where it was detected. I came across this size=scale*...
j.teixeira's user avatar
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Detecting the corners of an incomplete shape with OpenCV in python

I'm working on a program to detect the edges of a shape on a page, and then crop and wrap the image to zoom in on the shape. However, the problem is that my shape is bound by only a marker on each ...
agupta231's user avatar
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