Questions tagged [flashback]

*Flashback* is an Oracle technology that enables users to view previous states of the database.

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1 answer

Use of FLASHBACK in Oracle

I have searched for the flashback command. Somewhere it is written we can rollback the truncate operation, and somewhere it is written we can't rollback. Can the FLASHBACK command in Oracle used to ...
Yogesh Mittal's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to rollback my DB changes after a commit?

I did a DB update without using a where clause and commit without taking any backup. All the rows in the table are updated. Is there any way to rollback the changes? The DB is a Oracle SQL one. ...
Niketh Kovin's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to restore the data in a Oracle table?

I did a terrible mistake on my work, I executed an updated query on a oracle table without the 'where' clause and everything changed on this table, I was wondering if there is any way to restore the ...
Walter Colchado's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Tune Oracle Database for faster startup (flashback)

I'm using Oracle Database 11.2. I have a scenario where I issue FLASHBACK DATABASE quite often. It seems that a FLASHBACK DATABASE cycle does a reboot of the database instance which takes approx. 7 ...
MRalwasser's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Version Query Output after Insert, Update and Delete

Following is a question related to Oracle SQL Expert exam and have 4 choices. It says the correct answer is C. But I have a doubt and think that D should be the answer as this uses Oracle FlashBack ...
CAD's user avatar
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