Questions tagged [frameset]

In HTML, the frameset element is a container for dividing a browser window into rectangular subspaces called frames. Whilst user agents are still required to render them, Framesets are considered obsolete in HTML5.

149 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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IE9 browser crashes if we close the window before it finishes loading

I have a situation here, when I am closing the IE9 browser window before it finishes loading, then the browser is getting closed and reopen. This results in my web application to crash. After some ...
Eldhose Abraham's user avatar
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How to target specific components through Links in react-router?

I want to insert links throughout the content of a React app, where links trigger 'navigation' only within specific Components in the tree. Ideally I would use a react library to do this, rather than ...
cefn's user avatar
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Setting an icon from inside a frameset

I am using GoDaddy to have a mask of my website. When a user goes directly to the actual address of the site, the icon shows in the browser tab. When they go to the GoDaddy address, it doesn't show. ...
pepperjack's user avatar
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Manipulating an HTML frame to extend larger than the browser window in order to screenshot its full content

I need to take a full-page screenshot from a site which is in a frameset: frame 1 houses some kind of control and is 1 pixel tall frame 2 takes up the rest of the page and holds the content I want to ...
Matt Morrison's user avatar
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window.myframeid.location.href is not working on google chrome

I have a page that uses an iframe. Underneath that there is a frameset which has two frames. One of the frame id is myframeid. Here is the code snippet. <html> <head></head> <...
Blair's user avatar
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bootstrap issue inside frameset frame

Am currently developing a page with Bootstrap 3.1.1 that will be delivered through an Enterprise LMS (CSOD) as a learning module and am experiencing an issue with how it scales on IOS devices. Once ...
cjohnno1984's user avatar
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window.location.hash = ""; forces frameset reload on Chrome and Safari

I have the following page: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var hash = window.location.hash; var src = hash.substring(1); //remove # ...
Fred's user avatar
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Allow resizing of HTML frames while adding frameBorder=0 attribute?

Before the comments start screaming "frames are evil", let me add a disclaimer: "I am just porting a legacy application and don't have the time to get rid of frames!" :-) There's a frameset ...
Venkat's user avatar
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making visible from one frame by another frame

here im using 2 frames in a frameset 1.<frame name="leftmenu" src="left.aspx" /> 2.<frame name="mainpage" src="main.aspx" /> in leftmenu in having treeveiw and one button(button name = ...
vasagam's user avatar
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Internet Explorer quirk - Frameset rows & cols properties when dragging/resizing frames

Salut all, I'll try and keep this brief: In one of the visually gnarlier areas of the web app I'm responsible for I've written a couple of simple JS functions to store and recall the positions of ...
Chris Herbert's user avatar
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Frameset isn't working in IE

First of all, why use a frame set in the first place you ask? answer: Because my boss told me. That been said, I have 2 files. Index.html and Head.html. Contents of index.html: <!DOCTYPE HTML ...
Cameroon's user avatar
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target="_top" emulation using JavaScript

Suppose we have frameset of with 2 frames, one frame is kind a tiny horizontal header and second is kind of "content" frame with 3rd-party html page inside. When user clicks on some link inside "...
Andriy Kopachevskyy's user avatar
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How can I submit a form from frame 1 to frame 2 using PHP

I'm doing an assessment that requires the use of frames and php and am currently having trouble trying to submit a form from the left frame to the right without it refreshing the whole frameset At the ...
Tom Good's user avatar
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Frameset not working in EDGE but works fine Mozilla/IE

I have a problem with an old website that is only used in the company INTRANET. The site works without problems with Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, but with the Edge Browser it is not ...
Blue Wolf's user avatar
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Not able to inspect an element inside a frame in python

I have a link to be clicked (Expand All) which is inside a frame I tried switching to the frame first and then the element but am getting exception "unable to locate element". I have tried locating ...
Itzme M's user avatar
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Frameset: how to start fullscreen mode/fullscreen not working?

I have a page that is embedded in a frameset. I cannot/want not to influence the page that defines the frameset. From the inner-page (within the frame), I would like to start the full screen mode. ...
Andreas's user avatar
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How can I use iframe tag to create a full-height, "sticky" side navigation instead of using deprecated frameset tag?

I want to use iframe tag instead of deprecated frameset tag to create a full-height, sticky side navigation? This can be set up easily with frameset tag using its cols attribute. I found some useful ...
Ali Safari's user avatar
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IE11 frameset image loading is not coming out from page

In IE 11, loading image is not coming out, always loading only. Please find the following code. if (typeof isaTop == 'function' && isaTop().header) { isaTop().header....
Srinivas's user avatar
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How to add div to frameset and show it

I have a frames with top menu and bottom content, when I clock menu, I want to add link and script lines as below to frameset's head: <link href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/maintenance/...
mikezang's user avatar
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How to click a link with AutoIt in a frame of a frameset in Internet Explorer?

The Internet Explorer opens and nothing more happens, how can I click the link Rubrik 1? autoit code: #include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IECreate("C:\Development\internet explorer frames\frames.html")...
foobarbaz's user avatar
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Frameset does not diplay pages

I have web page which has 2 horizontal <frame>s. The 2nd <frameset> is divided in to a 2 column <frameset>. Now when I click on an external link of 1st <frame> it should load ...
Mr x's user avatar
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HTML5 <Frameset>

Hey everyone I'm trying to learn PHP and I am using this tutorial right now: But at the 10:50 mark in the video the following code is used: <FRAMESET ...
Cian OT's user avatar
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How to access an inner frame Html?

I am trying to call a function from another frame but I can't seem to travel through the dom right? Am I doing something wrong? indes.html code: <frameset rows="25%, 75%"> <frame src="...
Beto's user avatar
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Javascript : calling function in one frame from another frame

I don't think this question is as difficult as I think. I have read a lot of articles and posts about framesets and frames and calling function of one frame from another frame and all. What I am ...
Sreejith's user avatar
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Access previous frameset id in other frameset using javascript

Can anyone help to solve this issue, i have few framesets and frames in a single html page like, <frameset id="MainFrame" rows="110,*,0,0" frameborder="0" border="0" onload="FrameonLoad()"> ...
Basky's user avatar
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Sessions stop to work properly with frames

I'm working on my website with frames and sessions. It has 1 frame, where all session data is displayed, and 2 other frames with just random stuff. After time passes session data stops displaying and ...
user3033398's user avatar
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RWD page embed in frameset without meta viewport

I made a RWD page with meta viewport, but it was embed in frameset, and the outer frameset page doesn't have meta viewport. so the RWD page become out of control. But I don't have premission to edit ...
user3160227's user avatar
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How to insert datepicker in BIRT frameset?

I am using BIRT runtime 4.3.2. I want to modify birt framset with datepicker. So after selecting date from date picker, I can limit the result accordingly. If anyone has implemented it then please let ...
PranavJ's user avatar
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Access form elements on different Frames in VBScript

I have these three frames on a website. <frame scrolling="AUTO" src="../../vix/thalada/Rangasamy?MokkaKumuta1234567" name="AAN"> <frame scrolling="AUTO" src="../../vix/thalada/Rangasamy?...
user3408723's user avatar
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Scrolling down to an anchor in an HTML frame

I've created an HTML document which is composed of 6 frames: <xsl:result-document href="frameset.html" method="html"> <html> <frameset cols="15%,*,15%"> <...
Choppin Broccoli's user avatar
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Moving a site gradually form an asp + aspx mix pages web app to use new front end techniques like bootstramp, any advice?

Iam working for a new client and It has a very old web app with some pages on asp (render as quirks mode IE 5.5) and some in aspx (render as IE7), the app only works on IE. Iam the only fonrt end ...
alexisdwd's user avatar
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Developing website for iPad only - force all links to be opened in app mode

I'm building a small website that will be always be viewed on an iPad, I am using the meta tag: <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> And adding the site to the homepage to ...
DGibbs's user avatar
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Resizable iframes jquery

I want to have a <frameset> while using HTML5 and I managed to create something using html code and I want to make the two iframes resizable but also stay side by side and I have a problem ...
snekk's user avatar
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Frame diplay Issue: 1st Frame content gets hide behing 2nd frame

<head> <title>Lead Management System</title> </head> <frameset rows="13%,*,3%" border="0" frameborder="0" style="z-index:4"> <frame name="navigation" target="main" ...
sidhesh's user avatar
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does WebChromeClient unsupport php iframe tag?

i load an url given by other system in webview.but it doesn't display all contents,it leaves a blank window in the page.i check the source code,it has a frameset tag and some iframe tags. att src is ...
kevin's user avatar
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iframe containing frameset document not expanding to full height of browser window

Have a problem that's been bugging me now for the past two days :( I have set up an HTML web page that contains an iFrame that loads a frameset document. Yes I know, frames are ancient tech and ...
DJ Eddie J's user avatar
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IE9 Document Mode in a frameset frame

I support an old, very large app with antiquated tabs, tree views, context menus, and a frameset. It is laid out with navigation tabs and tree views in a left frame and a data entry frame on the ...
user1867852's user avatar
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Positioning a frameset or frame

First of all: I know that it is not smart to use a frameset or frame, I know that, but this is a special case and I want to have just one simple answer: Can I position a frame or frameset, which is ...
user1814289's user avatar
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Dragging from one view to another in a frameset does not execute PostDragDrop

I have two side-by-side views in a frameset, one outline view and one calendar view. On the calendar view, I can drag between dates, my code perfectly executing. However, when I try to drag from my ...
PRNDL Development Studios's user avatar
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Dijit ContentPane does not render a frame or frameset

I came across a problem today when I trying to render content from an external source into a dijit.layout.ContentPane. HTML <div id="someId"></div> JS var cp = new dijit.layout....
Sheldon Fernandes's user avatar
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how to restrict the page content becoming large at the time of split the old frame into multiple frames?

I have the frameset like this, index.html <frameset rows="137px,*" border="0" > <frame src="first.html" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize"/> <frame src="second.html" noresize="...
RoCkStUnNeRs's user avatar
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Frames Not Adhering to Set Size

Just doing a small PHP assignment in which I am making use of frames to set apart a user interface. The frames themselves are working fine, however the three columns I have defined as 150,700,200 ...
Aelexe's user avatar
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Calling a page from one frame into another doesn't run my jquery functions

I have a page that has a content specific menu bar on it. This page has an iframe that loads the actual content into it, which i then run a height and width jquery function on to fill the remainder ...
Pazrul's user avatar
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How to add a globally frameset backgound image for a main page?

I want to add a backgound page for my Jsp page, In this i used a frameset when i used a backgound image for a main frameset its showing problem in FF and IE, Code Is: <frameset cols="*,1020px,*" ...
Mayur Mate's user avatar
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Registering the onload event for a frame using addEventListener/attachEvent

I add an event to a frame using the inline syntax: <FRAME SRC="s.htm" NAME="WINCONTENT" onload="alert( this )"> This works (=the event fires whenever a new URL is loaded), except that I'd ...
user292152's user avatar
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Why page_load is called twice in my web application?

I have already gone through some of the posts in many websites regarding page_load being called twice but my problem is little bit different from those. My problem is with the landing page of my web ...
Hari's user avatar
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How can I make both Img and Frameset work?

I am new at coding and I have an assignment of creating a social media layout. It is similar to the Facebook layout where you have a cover picture at the top and three columns below. I can make the ...
Egg's user avatar
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HTML frame tag not supporting style="overflow: xyz"?

It seems that the HTML <frame> tag does not support overflow styles like for example style="overflow: hidden". <frame name="menu" src="menu.html" style="...
David.P's user avatar
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Can rows exist after columns in html?

i'm trying ot make a page where there are 2 columns to the left using then have the space to the right be occupied by 2 rows in the top and the bottom of the page, but whenever i load the page the 2 ...
Satchmo's user avatar
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How to I calculate absolute position of individual frames inside a frameset (Javascript)

I have to support a website that still supports framesets. My use case is to find the absolute position of a frame in the frameset. I can get its width and height, but I also need its left and top ...
user3908730's user avatar