Questions tagged [gesture]

A gesture is a specific pattern of touch, cursor, or physical movement that may be recognized by an application to perform a specific task.

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3 votes
1 answer

How to get coordinates values while long tap/hold in ionic google maps

I am trying to get coordinates while tap or hold events in ionic from the Google Maps. While holding I am getting values in browser console not getting in device. How to clear this issue?. I need to ...
Anandh Sp's user avatar
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how to forward touch event in react-native?

Please see the demo code here. If i begin touch in blue view, scroll view not being scrolled, how should I do to make this work? Or if blue view is under the scroll view (and the content's ...
luffy's user avatar
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Add Gesture Recogniser to UISlider Thumb / Handle with Swift

I've been struggling with this for a few evenings. I want to add a gesture recogniser to the handle on a custom UISlider (Double-tapping it will reset the value). I've tried lots of different ...
Elliot's user avatar
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UITapGestureRecognizer not working on top points on UIView

I'm using a UIView with a UITapGestureRecognizer. On the other hand I have a tap recognizer on ViewController's container view, Now when i tap on my inner view, it calls handler, BUT when I tap on ...
Sina KH's user avatar
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2 answers

Xamarin Forms - Listview view cell swipe left and right events using xamal

I need to write code (or XAML) for listview viewcell swipe left and right gestures. When swiping left, delete the records from listview (or observable collection) list and update the remaining ...
user2159696's user avatar
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Xamarin forms gestures not working with a view

I'm having some trouble with gestures in xamarin forms. I've used an example I found from the web that wraps an Image control in a PanContainer which handles panning gestures: using System; using ...
Slade's user avatar
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Xamarin Pinch To Zoom and Pan Containers leaving their bounds

I have a label with a lot of text that I want to enable pinch-to-zoom and panning gesture recognizers in. I used the recipes from here and then nested them within each other. https://developer....
Chet at C2IT's user avatar
5 votes
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How to override activity's fullscreen exit gesture?

Is it possible to override the swipe-down gesture used to display the notification bar and the back-home-cards control buttons in a fullscreen android activity? I'm developing a baby-proof app and ...
antorqs's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do you access trackpad gestures in Delphi-Berlin?

I have 2 laptops with inbuilt multitouch capable Trackpads, one is an Acer Switch and the other an ASUS Zenbook and have been trying to make my Delphi apps gesture aware. I had thought that trackpad ...
Andy k's user avatar
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Add an item at a specific location in recycler view without refreshing the recyclerview completely

I need to show a list of data which can be expanded further. Here for showing the list, I've used RecyclerView, but I'm open to use any other widget too. This list should be able to do following tasks:...
Himanshu's user avatar
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iOS 9/Swift: Dilemma with tableView's scrollEnabled

I embeded a custom UIView class called DrawView into the contentView of tableView cells, this allows my users to draw paths (UIBezierPath) in each tableView cell with their finger tips. As you can ...
TonyW's user avatar
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Touch position not properly updated in Touch Gestures in windows form application

I have implemented a control with name SimpleControl. In this control, I have implemented the touch support using the touch gestures. In this touch position is not properly updated while doing the ...
Jagadeesan's user avatar
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Is there any way to send multitouch to Android emulator on PC?

I am doing an project on an Android mobile game. I run the Android virtual device on my PC and now I need to send a three finger touch to the android screen. Could anyone tell me how to implement it? ...
yyyyyyyyoung's user avatar
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Does Delphi 10 support multi-touch in traditional (non MetroUI) win 32/64 applications?

Does Delphi 10 support multi-touch in traditional (non MetroUI, non-FireMonkey) win 32/64 applications? I have researched this (and tried it) and it doesn't work. I would think I should be able to ...
X-Ray's user avatar
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Creating swipe gesture in swift to scroll through image stack

I'm a swift newbie. Any help is appreciated. I have a stack of 10 images. I want the user to be able to swipe up and down to update the the image view to new images. For example: the Image View ...
TCL's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Swipe control weird on android device

So I am making a simple Basketball Shoot game, that use the swipe gesture (swipe down to up to throw balls). When I use Unity remote 4 on my android device, everything works fine, when I swipe my ...
Ophélia's user avatar
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1 answer

Swift reset transitionInView

I have this function: func moveAxes(recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) { switch recognizer.state { case .Changed: var changePoint = recognizer.translationInView(self) ...
klaudas's user avatar
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1 answer

ios uiimagview tap gesture not recognised

The imageview inside tableview cell the tap gesture not working. following is code. (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ...
tushars's user avatar
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3 answers

Swift - Textview Identify Tapped Word Not Working

Long time user, first time poster, so my apologies if I make any errors in presenting my question. I have been working on this for hours and I've decided it is time to ask the experts. I have also ...
Jake Braden's user avatar
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Detecting Shake Gesture by CoreMotion

I want to detect device shake using coreMotion framework for iOS 7. Can anyone help me out how to do this ? I wrote code described below in my viewDidAppear CMMotionManager *motionManager = [[...
Sudha's user avatar
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2 answers

Create a sliding animation with Swift

I've made an app where using a slide gesture will take you from the current view to the next, however there is no animation. When you slide it just instantly replaces the screen with the new view. I ...
Nick's user avatar
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Swift - Rotate gesture and rotation increments of 90 degrees

I have a rotateView setup with a UIRotationGestureRecognizer. Works as intended, however I would like to only rotate in notches/increments of 90 degrees. The default behavior allows you to be very ...
Joe's user avatar
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Standard ListView with swipe feature

I'm trying to add swipe action to a standard WPF listview, but all I could find was support for swiping on UWP. Do you know of any framework implementations or 3rd party libraries that support this ...
omni96's user avatar
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3 answers

Best approach for 2D gesture recognition in VR?

I'm the developer on a game which uses gesture recognition with the HTC Vive roomscale VR headset, and I'm trying to improve the accuracy of our gesture recognition. (The game, for context: http://...
Hugh Hancock's user avatar
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How to set off screen gesture Programmatically?

I want to set OnGesturePerformedListeners. I created one service and one broadcast receiver when to set OnGesturePerformedListener. How to detect when I draw round gesture in off screen?
Nachiket's user avatar
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Getting the end points of a straight line drawn by gestures in android

Using android GestureOverlayView I want to detect the two end points of the gesture drawn. In the figure below I have to detect the points drawn in circle. Is it possible to do so or am I using ...
Shababb Karim's user avatar
-1 votes
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Leap Motion gets confused between different gesture types. How to optimize?

The swipe gestures Left,Right, Up and Down are not optimized. If a task has to be performed with an upward swipe, it would get confused with a left swipe and still perform it.Please suggest me the ...
Payal Kumar's user avatar
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Double tap listener is not working in fragments

Double tap listener is not working in fragment. Firstly I wrote the and implemented on sample project that is working fine in sample project.In sample project there is only one activity.But when I am ...
Abdul Waheed's user avatar
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How to handle long press with ViewGroup while handling tap with it's children views?

I have a view group that has several children. I want to open menu on long press any part of that view group while being able to tap it's children and handle this tap by them. How can I implement that ...
aleien's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to determine location of a tap in Xamarin Forms?

In Xamarin Forms how do I find out the location of a tap (within an image, say)?My code is: var tapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer(); tapGestureRecognizer.Tapped += ...
BillF's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Resize ImageView with only one finger movement instead of two

I'm trying to change an ImageView's height with only one finger movement (upside or downside). The code below changes height with two fingers (like pinching or reverse). How can I modify this code to ...
jason's user avatar
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Determining a fling from a pan in libgdx

I'm developing a game with LibGDX and I'm having trouble determining a fling from a pan. My GestureListener: @Override public boolean fling(float velocityX, float velocityY, int button) { //if (...
Townsfolk's user avatar
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I want to get notified on all gestures that happen in my iOS app

I am trying to get notified on all kinds of gesture that happen on my iOS app. To be precise: I want to see how my users are interacting with my app It helps me to see if my controls are well made ...
Alex Rondham's user avatar
0 votes
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Can't get pan gesture working

I'm trying to add a pan gesture using swift and I'm not able to get this working. In trouble shooting this, I can only confirm that the handler is not getting called. In have a subclass of ...
BPratt's user avatar
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Listen for touch events in background

Is there a legal way in Android to listen for ALL the touch events user makes, even outside my app. I mean to have something like a service that listens for screen gestures in a background.
Salivan's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

RecyclerView ItemTouchHelper Action Drag Ended

I need to listen to the user when he stops drag and drop on my RecyclerView (when he drops the selected item). Can I get this Information through my ItemTouchHelper? Thanks for helping Mark: At the ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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1 answer

Use Android Wear device to record hand gestures

Is there a way to use the android wear device to send the sensors data to watch and use this data as gesture recognition interpretation?
Plus7's user avatar
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Scroll a scroll View Manually in program with gesturesDetector?

I have 2 scrollable views above and below like 2 blocks. Both have to be scrolled. Now I want to scroll both of them with the same gesture on scrolling and not individually.I am not using Toolbars or ...
Shikhar's user avatar
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control user gesture on my map

I new in coding google map, my question is how i control the user gestur drag , zoom in and zoom out. because my code always back to the current location of user when i zoomin/out, nad when i drag/ ...
StepHanus Ckw's user avatar
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Simulating the iOS Assistive Gesture feature in Android

I was wondering if there was a way to implement the same type of functionality of iOS's Assistive Gesture in Android. I know that actions can be performed on behalf of the user through the ...
Kendall Fleming's user avatar
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Trying to apply pan gesture to UITableViewCell but failed, why?

So I learned how to make a pan gesture on a picture in view, moving it around. Then I try to do the same thing with TableViewCell: moving it horizontally with a pan gesture, it just fails to react: ...
Fate Riddle's user avatar
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A pan gesture without setTranslation strange behaviour

My code: @IBAction func handlePan(gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) { let transition = gesture.translationInView(self.view) switch gesture.state{ case .Changed: if let view = ...
Fate Riddle's user avatar
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Gesture in multiple views

I have used SWRevealViewController for slide menu feature and I added a gesture recognizer so that I can see the slide menu. I succeed in this with the following lines. = ...
mike vorisis's user avatar
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Swipe Gesture Recognizer not working

I am new to c#. I need to make my leap motion to swipe in different direction and each direction (Up, Down, Right and Left) should select some option(picture to navigate to next slide) on my ...
Payal Kumar's user avatar
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How to get Suggestion for a gesture in android?

Hello there I need to create a screen for digital signature. I need to have some suggestions after creating a sign. How can I achieve this functionality? Please help. Thank you.
ManishNegi's user avatar
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3 answers

How to prevent one click function to be called within two click function?

I am trying to add custom behaviour to my buttons. If clicked once - one action is performed. If clicked twice another one is performed. I saw such a solution in this answer and I have tried all ...
Anna-Lischen's user avatar
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React Native: How to disable navigator sceneconfig gestures on the fly?

I know it's possible to disable the scene gesture when pushing the scene with a sceneconfig where gestures are null like so: return { ...CustomNavigatorSceneConfigs.FloatFromBottom, gestures: {} }...
S Kraft's user avatar
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hand gesture haar classifier xml file

Dose anyone have haar cascade classifier xml file for hand gestures? how can I obtain this file, complete and with several gestures and backgrounds? I searched for finding xml file of haar cascade ...
Maryam's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms - How to Implement Gesture Recognizers in iOS for Gestures Other than Tap?

In Xamarin.Forms, apparently a tap gesture is the only cross-platform gesture. So how do I implement other gesture recognizers (example swipe and pan) for iOS?
jbyrd's user avatar
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which method is the best for finding region of interet for hand gesture recognition

I am testing several methods for finding region of interest in hand gesture. in opencv for example I found some methods like camshift (for tracking a interest object), some background extraction ...
Maryam's user avatar
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