Questions tagged [gnu-arm]

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Unrecognized options while configuring newlib

I'm trying to build newlib with the ARM option "mno-unaligned-access. I downloaded and built the GNU ARM toolchain from the gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10-src.tar.bz2 package on ARM's website. ...
user23322770's user avatar
1 vote
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GDB Continues Execution Unexpectedly After Linked Branch (ARM Assembly)

I have a simple ARM Assembly program (below) with a linked branch to a function, which pushes a register onto the stack and branches back to the return address in lr. main.S: .global _start .section ....
s7a19t4r's user avatar
1 vote
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How to enable warning in each occurrences "implicit declaration of function"?

I get "implicit declaration of function" for first occurrence in code but the other occurrences are not highlighted I would like to se all of them at once. As shown below. I am using: GNU ...
Jan Machálek's user avatar
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GNU ASM .section directive not working/linker issue

I'm trying to move my _start function to 0x0, as it is the bootloader. Flash ROM exists from 0x0 to the first 128MB (=1Gb), other memory is DDR3 RAM but we will map RAM to 0x80000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF. ...
Gregory Fenn's user avatar
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2 answers

STR (ARM gnu Assembly)cannot change memory in

I want to change some bits in memory by STR instruction. .text .equ ram_address,0x4000 .equ pattern,0x55 .equ counter,50 mov r0,#pattern mov r1,#counter mov r2,#ram_address ...
peyman khalili's user avatar
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Cycle through commandline arguments in Arm Assembler

I have a program which can read the first argument (after program name) and print it. But how do I access the next argument in the list, and subsequent ones? main: push {r4,r9, ip, lr} ...
Rick Dearman's user avatar
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Is it possible for gnu and gnu-arm compilers to coexist on the same system?

Is it possible to have gnu and gnu-arm compilers coexist on the same system? I first ran MinGW32 successfully on windows 10 to compile windows software, then I felt more and more that GNU series ...
anti-gravity's user avatar
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Assertion Failed: The toolchain is unable to build a dummy C file

A number of students + myself have been attempting to set up a Zephyr RTOS build environment under Windows 10, to build applications that target various ARM Cortex M boards. We have each followed the ...
John Scolaro's user avatar
1 vote
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How to change makefile diagnostic message when compiling [ GNU ARM GCC, Eclipse make.exe]

I'm building a program for STM32F4 by using GNU-ARM-Gcc and Eclipse_make.exe to build the project. Everything works fine but the diagnostic message show on the terminal when compiling is too long and ...
loi.efy's user avatar
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I am facing error "The toolchain is unable to build a dummy C file" while building simple hello world application on cmd

I am facing error "The toolchain is unable to build a dummy C file" while building simple hello world application on cmd. I have Windows 10 64 bit machine. I have installed all necessary ...
J R's user avatar
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GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain | arm-none-eabi-gcc options: What is a difference between Thumb (-mthumb) and Arm (-marm) state?

I have a maybe trivial question, but what is a difference between Thumb (-mthumb) and Arm (-marm) state and why most of the tutorials recommend to use Thumb state? I am curious what exactly does it ...
JStand Jakub Standarski's user avatar
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Assembly file(.S) throw errors with GNU ARM toolchain in Eclipse Photon

I ported an assembly file from ARMCC syntax to GNU syntax, but it is throwing an error during compilation. Environment: GNU ARM toolchain for ARM7 in Eclipse 4.8 (Photon). Requirement: Porting from ...
Utsav's user avatar
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How could SSCANF provide so strange results?

I am in 4-day fight with this code: unsigned long baudrate = 0; unsigned char databits = 0; unsigned char stop_bits = 0; char parity_text[10]; char flowctrl_text[4]; const char xformat[]...
mixerito's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I leave memory uninitialized in GNU ARM assembly?

I'm using GCC on my Raspberry Pi to compile some assembly code for a course I'm taking. It is my understanding from information in the GNU Assembler Reference that I can reproduce the following C code ...
Aaron Beaudoin's user avatar
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arm-none-eabi global initialized variable incorrect value

I try to make some example for stm32f334 (just led blink). I had a problem with the linker when I want to constrain using .data section (by use initialized global variable) I got a problem. Global ...
Lazor's user avatar
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STM32 Boot from specific NOR block

I've ported an STM32F4 project from Keil uVision5 to Eclipse (GNU MCU Plugin). In my Keil uVision5 project, I used to use 7th block (0x080E0000) for my boot code (I verify that using STM32 ST-LINK ...
sanchop22's user avatar
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How to setup a cmocka example with arm-none-eabi-gcc + cmake?

I am developing firmware for stm32f4xx based systems. For that I setup a toolchain based on the arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain form ARM and cmake. This toolchain works on Ubuntu. I can x-compile and ...
Stefan Jaritz's user avatar
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STM32F3 C programming: Stuck at channel selection while implementing ADC

Short version: Need help with C programming to select channel/s for ADC in STM32F3(Dicovery board). Please find the code that I have written as of now at the end of the question. It would be great if ...
easwaran's user avatar
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Is it possible to compile a firmware targeting minimum difference from previous version?

I am using gnu-arm to generate the .hex files for my MCU. I want to send firmware updates over the air, using a limited bandwidth channel, so the idea is to just send an incremental update, using the ...
Vitomakes's user avatar
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Break at address "0xXXXXXX" with no debug information available, or outside of program code

Configuration: Using Nucleo-L476RG. Using GNU ARM Eclipse. I have generated a minimalist code from STM32CubeMX. I have flashed J-link driver in my on board ST-Link. Have been trying to run debugger ...
Abhishek Behera's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

Different Static Global Variables Share the Same Memory Address

Summary I have several C source files that all declare individual identically named static global variables. My understanding is that the static global variable in each file should be visible only ...
helsmore's user avatar
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what is IMPORT alternative in arm gnu assembler?

I am reading the book for learning ARM and ARM assembly.. examples in book is based on armcc compiler but I am using arm-none-eabi-gcc. so how can change this peace of code to gnu assembler?? IMPORT |...
peyman khalili's user avatar
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GNU make stops without error before makefile is finished

Good morning, I am trying to cross-compile for an Atmel AT92SAM using Eclipse with the GNU-Arm toolchain under Windows 7. My Problem is, that the building process stops after the linker finished, ...
DrJohn's user avatar
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GNU assembler: creating a symbol using macro argument

I have a macro which creates labels, but I only want to create those labels if they aren't already defined. The problem is that the label is built using a macro argument, and the assembler doesn't ...
bja1288's user avatar
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Function sscanf must be assigned to variable otherwise strange behavior

Consider this code: #define TRANSLATOR_requestElectricityMeterWrite() do{addr = word_getAddress(); value = word_getValue(); }while(0) uint16_t value; uint8_t addr; bool dispatcher(void) { ...
Hairi's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is it possible to have multiple connections to gdbserver?

I am using Eclipse CDT and the GNU ARM QEMU simulator. Eclipse starts it own gdb session with the gdbserver running on QEMU. I want to also be able to connect from an OSX terminal for more fine tuned ...
vaughan's user avatar
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12 votes
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Declaring abstract class (pure virtual method) increase binary size substantially

Here is the story: I am developing C++ software for ARM Cortex-M0 processor in Linux with AC6 Toolpack. Before I was using Keil (in windows) (who has their own toolchain) and I have migrated to GNU-...
ifyalciner's user avatar
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arm gcc by default compiling its libc

I am trying to compile an SDK with the an embedded arm gcc compiler in cygwin. It is a makefile based SDK. My target is a cortex m3 device. My problem is, the SDK has a custom libc implementation ...
Ryan's user avatar
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STM32 CubeMX/GNU/Eclipse-Toolchain Retargeting (newlib and libgloss)

I set up a Windows-based tool-chain for a STM32F401C Discovery Board using Eclipse CDT 4.5.1 (Mars), ARM GCC 4.9 2015q3, GnuArmEclipse-Plugin by Liviu Ionescu, OpenOCD 0.9.0 and STM32CubeMX 4.11.0. ...
Dino's user avatar
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Error due to GNU ARM toolchain usage in IAR workbench

I recently started programming with STM32F4Discovery board and am using IAR workbench as the IDE. I am supposed to use an already developed program in Eclipse as a part of my project. When I imported ...
smyslov's user avatar
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how does decimal to hex conversion work in assembly?

I am trying to figure out how 12345 in decimal produces 0x39 0x30 in hex. Can anyone explain this? It has been a while since intro to assembly. The suggested posts helped me a bit, but none have an ...
user3326293's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I align stack to the end of SRAM?

I have a STM32F103VCT6 microcontroller with 48kb of SRAM, and recently i've got a memory collision: I have some static variable (lets call it A) located in heap with size of 0x7000 and I wrote some ...
desertkun's user avatar
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Excluding GNU as (GAS) standard startup code [closed]

I want the GCC to exclude the startup code it link automatically with building process what should i do? So that i have my Own Startup assembly code defining labels (_start, _exit,..etc)
iwahdan's user avatar
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10 votes
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GNU ARM - nano.specs not found

Last days I've been trying to compile a STM32F4xx project with Ubuntu 14.04LTS, Eclipse and GNU ARM plugin for Eclipse. Now it says that nano.specs is missing. Here is my build log: 14:39:35 **** ...
Jacajack's user avatar
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Problems with GNU Arm and Eclipse [duplicate]

Last days I've been trying to set up GNU ARM plugin with Eclipse on Linux. The problem is I can't properly compile for my STM32 Discovery F4 board. There are no problems with compiling normal gcc ARM ...
Jacajack's user avatar
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how to set or replace a file on project explorer on gnu arm eclipse or cdt?

I'm studying eclipse cdt plug-in development use gnuarmeclipse. previous question. I need to set or replace a file(such a linkerscript) in project explorer. I know it change on project properties ->...
WhiteCat's user avatar
4 votes
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g++: Using singleton in an embedded application

I'm developing an embedded application for Cortex M3 with GCC 4.8 from GNU ARM toolchain in C++. The application uses some singletons that are instantiated via function local static variable, like ...
Pavel Kirienko's user avatar
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#pragma for GNU ARM

I want to enclose an entire C file in a output section, Here is the example code I am trying: #include<stdio.h> #pragma arm section code = ".sec_ro" int main(void) { printf("Hi\n"); } #pragma ...
user2807984's user avatar
2 votes
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Unexpected warning on GNU ARM Assembler

I am writing some bare metal code for the Raspberry Pi and am getting an unexpected warning from the ARM cross assembler on Windows. The instructions causing the warnings were: stmdb sp!,{r0-r14}^ ...
williamssimonp's user avatar
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Understanding multiple declaration of a variable in a program and GCC compiler behavior

I tried these three versions of a small program and I got some interesting results. Can anyone please help me understand compiler behaviour in each case. version 1.0 int A; int A; int A; int main ...
Satpal Parmar's user avatar
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Gnu arm giving error on UBFX, Bad instruction

My arm assembly code is: mov r1, #5 UBFX r0, r1, #1, #1 When I try to compile it with arm-elf-gcc file.s It gives following error: ass2_sample.s: Assembler messages: ass2_sample.s:42: Error: bad ...
Harshveer Singh's user avatar
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Where is declaration for get_pc() in GNU ARM?

I'm building legacy code using the GNUARM C compiler and trying to resolve all the implicit declarations of functions. I've come across some ARM specific functions and can't find the header file ...
Thomas Matthews's user avatar
3 votes
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Where is UNS_32 defined?

I'm using Doxygen on a client's source code and Doxygen can't find a symbol UNS_32. The client's code compiles without errors using the GNU ARM compiler. I have searched the client's code base and ...
Thomas Matthews's user avatar