Questions tagged [google-chrome]

[google-chrome] is for questions related to development with Google Chrome, a web browser that uses the Blink rendering engine. Warning! General support for the browser is off-topic: questions about using or configuring the browser should be posted on Chrome OS and Chromium are off-topic: questions about [google-chrome-os] or [chromium] should use those tags.

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2 answers

how to set upgrade-insecur-requests based on nginx

I have changed my site to https,but I used the cdn of static files in the code. it can't work and the chrome console show the errors like this: Mixed Content: The page at '
J.Woo's user avatar
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Convert Google-chart web component to an image

I'm using the google-chart web component and I was wondering if there was a way to convert the chart into an image please. thanks, Example of the code : <google-chart type='pie' options='{"...
mahaSaez's user avatar
1 vote
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Chrome extension install parameter

My team and I are developing chrome extension. We have this parameter called Session ID which is unique for every user and should be generated during extension installation process. This extension ...
Ilija's user avatar
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1 answer

IFrame same origin policy vaiolation

I'm trying to load an iframe in url from a subdomain Inorder to avoid SOP violation, im setting the document.domain attriute to ...
ido se's user avatar
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Unable to change proxy settings

From today I don't know what the hell happened? My network adapter is not allowing me to change proxy setting. Anyone has got idea?
Edison's user avatar
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Chrome is showing black screen with tabs named untitled?

Suddenly Chrome is showing a black screen with tabs named Untitled. Even the settings page won't work. Here is the image of what's happening. I tried reinstalling but it's the same.
ashwin murthy's user avatar
2 votes
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update manifest.json version using gitversion on commit

I have a Google Chrome extension which has a manifest.json. Recently I started using gitversion, and I like it. Is there a way that I can smartly increment the version in my manifest.json whenever it ...
tofutim's user avatar
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Chrome extension: access one of many values with the same key

I'm trying to write a Google Chrome extension and I am using the API. I am storing the url of a page using:{'url': document.URL}); But this function is ...
hollaholl's user avatar
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Chrome Extension OAUTH with Spotify API

I've been writing a chrome extension using the Spotify API and just got to the part where I need OAUTH to finish it up. I've been looking at the spotify oath page (
pkothar2's user avatar
0 votes
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How to force chrome to load a local Javascript file instead of a remote one?

I know how to do this with Fiddler (define rules and etc.) but my problem is that Fiddler crashes usually, is there any other stable method?
Iman's user avatar
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4 votes
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Chrome extension create new tab and send message from popup.js to content script of new tab

I am developing a chrome extension where my popup.js receives a message from a content script on the current page and creates an array. Then on a button press, popup.js creates a new tab (which has a ...
lava200's user avatar
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Selenium element id not found

I am trying to write a Java program for my job that logs into Paychex (via Chrome) and downloads reports for me. My code navigates to the website, but I'm stuck at that point. I am using Selenium ...
JMarotta's user avatar
-2 votes
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replace span class with other span class

It's kind of hard to explain. basically I want to change the span text in a class to the span text of another text in a chrome extension. The website code looks like this: enter image description here ...
Jwiggiff's user avatar
7 votes
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min-height inside a flex item is being ignored in chrome [duplicate]

I have a flex container with flex-direction: row and some flex items. The flex items, on their own would have various heights, but because of the default align-items: stretch, they all fill the flex ...
Luke's user avatar
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php file browser, can browse but can't download files in Chrome...ok in IE (Windows - php code)

Below there is some code extracted from a file browser written in PHP. Actually the file browsing works and all the rest too but, after a recent Google Chrome update, downloads wouldn't work only on ...
Sascha's user avatar
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Google HTML 5 Geolocation 'use my location' only working in Firefox

I have a button that is meant to check your location and in return show you the closest locations. I've got it working perfectly in Firefox, and it wasn't on a live domain before but on a development ...
Jamie000012's user avatar
3 votes
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Chrome doesn't set cookie while IE does

Chrome doesn't set cookie returned by express server while IE does. I'm tryint to do this on my localhost but actually i have already configured "" mapping to in my windows hosts file....
Rantiev's user avatar
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View PDF not working on Chrome

I'm writing a static resume page using AngularJS. I want the user to click on my CV, a PDF, and be able to view it in the browser. My code works in Firefox, but when I test it in Chrome, I just get a ...
Maxine Ellah's user avatar
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Proper way to use Chrome local storage Get

I'm making a Chrome extension and am wondering what's the best way to use Chrome's asynchronous local storage get. I want to use a number in the user's storage to return the right picture to be ...
MarksCode's user avatar
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Changing mothionPath during animation is not working in Chrome

I have an SVG animation where I move an object alongside a path. At some point I am changing the motion path. While in Firefox the animated object follows the new path, in Chrome it continue to move ...
A B's user avatar
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What should 1 add to my CSS file to deacivate the default Chrome's CSS?

I want to deactivate the Chrome's default CSS like the input field background-color and all other stuff but i dont know how. Someone can explain me what i should do ? I should add some piece of code ...
user3242513's user avatar
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Chrome not rendering specific font-size for SVG text element inside clipPath set as objectBoundingBox

I just discovered clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" and it is working out as expected for the most part. However, Chrome is not behaving when a text element is included as part of the clipping mask ...
Jason Pearson's user avatar
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Access table cell values within Google Groups Member page using Watir

I am looking to access table data within a webpage that seems to be harder to reach than other methods I've seen posted. I am concerned that some of the HTML is visible to Watir because if you save ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

What exactly does it mean when Chrome reports 'invalid certificate transparency information was supplied by the server?'

i have recentrly installed ssl certificate i have bought it on RapidSSL but when i am clicking green https:// on url tab into chrome (when i am on ma website) Chrome reports '...
Максим Трапезников's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is it safe to allow multiple Firebase accounts with the same email address?

I'm working to add Firebase authentication to a web app using "federated" providers, i.e. Google, Facebook, etc. I immediately discovered the limitation of the default setting, "one account per email ...
capouch's user avatar
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Chrome extension development enabled/disabled variable

I am currently trying to make a Chrome extension but I have ran into a problem that I cannot find a fix too. Okay so basically I have a popup and I made a variable called isEnabled and by default it ...
CatsAreLegit27's user avatar
3 votes
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How to do querySelector on content of webview

I made chrome app that opens some website in webview. I'd like my app to automatically click on button on the page in this webview selected using querySelector(). How to do so?
MatixYo's user avatar
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Chrome browser Information returning odd

I am trying to log what my user use the most when they visit. (At the moment I am just getting it to work. But soon I will be adding it to a file via ajax and PHP) but I am not so sure Chrome ...
user019911019019101901's user avatar
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<hr> not displaying at all on IOS Safari and regular android browser.

So i have a: <div class="divHr"> <hr size="0.01"> </div> .divHr hr{ display: block; width: 100%; border-top: 0.25px dotted #CCCCCC; } If i view it on Chrome / IE / Firefox - ...
HappyDane's user avatar
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Selenium 2.53.0 + Chrome 51.0.2704.106 does not work

I´m using chromedriver-2.22.exe and Chrome 51.0.2704.106. WebDriver opens up the browser, but it stucks with "data:," in the address bar. Then, after a few seconds, the log shows Exception in thread ...
chuckedw's user avatar
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How to match multiple sites with the same domain with Chrome extension content scripts

Trying to match content scripts to multiple sites with the same domain but different TLDs results in it only matching to one of the sites: "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["*",...
slikts's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Google chrome Upload Speed vs Firefox

Application is uploading a large file. Google Chrome is reaching maximum of 800 to 900Mbps on LocalHost. But Firefox can reach up to 2Gbps or more! Why this much difference? Changing responseType to ...
Vishnu's user avatar
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Detect it page navigates in Chrome Extension

I am working on a Chrome Extension where I have to click some buttons to trigger an action. This action sometimes results in opening a new page in the same tab. I want to detect this change and ...
skjindal93's user avatar
-1 votes
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Table issue between Firefox and Chrome browsers

I encounter an issue between Firefox and Chrome browsers, with the header of a site which I work on. This header consists by a table with one row and five columns and also five images in every cell. ...
Simos Sigma's user avatar
4 votes
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content "jumps" vertically on Chrome iOS with viewport sizing when address bar is hidden/displayed [closed]

Im' having different sections on my website and I want some of them to take the full viewport height. So I size with height: 100vh; On Chrome iOS, this results in the content slightly "jumping ...
Baptiste Vanpoulle's user avatar
1 vote
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chrome extension - how to print value instead of icon

I wrote a chrome extension, and it works properly. My extension is nothing more than a counter. At the moment, I have to click on the extension icon to see the counter result. I'd like to have it ...
Nick's user avatar
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How can I add an option to the context menu dynamically in a Chrome extension?

I am making an extension in which the client generates some data in the extension and saves it in an array of objects in localStorage dynamically like: var list = [{},{newly added object}]; ...
shuboy2014's user avatar
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Ignore HSTS in Chrome app/extension

I'm writing a Chrome packaged app for diagnosing web services. I want to be able to send a GET request to a URL and look at the headers and data in the response. My problem is if a users visits a ...
hvrpn's user avatar
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chrome browser shows counting error for nodejs code

I wrote some nodejs code. In execution, I noticed that the chrome browser for the first visit shows the count with value 1 then for the visit after, it shows 3, 5, 9 and so on. the Internet explorer ...
Eliya's user avatar
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Disable suggestions for HTML input list

I want to disable the suggestions for previously entered texts on a <input type="text" list="stuff"> which provides a drop down list to choose from via a <datalist>. This behaviour causes ...
JohnZoidberg's user avatar
7 votes
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electron - allowing access to webcam

In orden to use webcam from my electron app I installed webcamjs node module, this is the code I've used, taken from module docs: <h1>camara</h1> <div id="my_camera" style="width:...
mos's user avatar
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Chrome: Tainted canvases may not be exported; Offline-only app

This question is similar, but not identical to many of the existing questions on this topic, including Tainted canvases may not be exported. I am writing an offline-only app that has to stay that way ...
vbnet3d's user avatar
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JQuery $ not found with IE but Chrome is fine. Works local in IE and Chrome

Our company is still officially on IE 9. When I developed my new web app, I tested it locally Visual Studio 2015 and with IIS Express with both IE 9 and Chrome, and both worked fine. However, when I ...
Chad's user avatar
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Player not rewinding 30 seconds in Chrome, but works in Firefox

My code won’t work on Chrome, but works fine on Firefox. Instead of rewinding 30 seconds, as it is supposed to, it just pauses the player on Chrome. Any idea what I have set up wrong? Here is the ...
WEB X's user avatar
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Why does `enable-javascript-harmony` prevent StackOverflows in Web Workers?

I have some code compiled from Ocaml to Javascript using js_of_ocaml. Now, when moving that code to work in a Web Worker thread, I started to get StackOverflows. However, when I run the code on the ...
ejgallego's user avatar
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chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRedirect not stopping redirect?

I am developing a chrome extension, and in part of the extension I need to detect redirection and ask the user whether he/she wishes to proceed. I tried doing this using chrome's webRequest API, but ...
Cameron Payton's user avatar
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Can't open chrome with command line in Centos

I just installed chrome on my CentOS 6.7, following instructions here. The install seems to have completed, but I couldn't open chrome with the following command: $google-chrome It just does not do ...
JJ.Y's user avatar
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Google Chrome input text is cut off. Is it font issue or browser?

Please take a look at this page As you can see at the first block with pink background, input with value "ÄÄÖÖÜÜ" doesn't have dots on the top. And that ...
Sergey L's user avatar
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Google chrome print preview alignment issues, css media print

we're using @media print css to style our print pages. Now, when in Chrome and trying to print preview and the actual printed page, the alignment is off, resulting in the right 1/3 of the page being ...
Sedky A's user avatar
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What is the global "Request" object that is available on Chrome and Firefox

There is a global JavaScript object called "Request" on Chrome (51.0.2704.103) and Firefox (47.0). Anyone knows what it is?
Gyum Fox's user avatar
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