Questions tagged [google-cloud-endpoints]

Google Cloud Endpoints is a technology developed by Google for use on Google App Engine to allow developers to develop and host APIs easily, and to generate strongly-typed client libraries for Java (Android) and Objective-C (iOS), and dynamically-typed libraries for JavaScript.

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Endpoint URL to connect the Dialogflow CX agent to WhatsApp using Twilio

I created an agent in Dialogflow CX and I would like to integrate my bot with WhatsApp using Twilio. For this, I have enabled the Dialogflow API, Service Account, Twilio Account etc., but for the text ...
Gadam Setty Vedapani's user avatar
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How can I get high availability for an AlertManager that is behind Google Private Service Connect on GKE?

I have two Kubernetes GCP clusters, and I am using Prometheus operator. I am using Google Private Service Connect (PSC) to connect both clusters, and this part is working. Prometheus, which is running ...
MTG's user avatar
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How To Run GCP Cloud Endpoints Locally?

So I am trying to figure out how to run GCP Cloud Endpoints locally. I have followed the instructions on the Github getting started with Cloud Endpoints located here:
Joe Alvini's user avatar
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How to authenticate with a Vertex AI endpoint in Postman without manual action?

I created a endpoint on Google Cloud Platform Vertex AI and I managed to consume it with Postman with the following authentication process: Connect to GCP Open a gcloud console and run gcloud auth ...
Maxime Oriol's user avatar
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Does Google ESP V2 support validating JWT in cookies?

I am looking to validate JWT through cookies. Currently using Extensible Service Proxy (ESP) V1 to validate JWT, which is retrieved through the Authorization header. I am planning to shift to cookies ...
Shubham Gupta's user avatar
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My program endpoint key specified key does not exists this error

@app.route('/create_model', methods=['POST']) def create_model(): try: user_id = request.form.get('user_id') project_id = request.form.get('project_id') target_column = ...
M Anand's user avatar
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connection to googles private apis endpoints (private service connect)

I am locking down our vpc and cluster in terms of ensuring no access to the internet and public endpoints, thus one of the things is the connection to the public endpoint for accessing googles apis so ...
terraform-ftw's user avatar
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Why is my Svelte web application using a previous version that I have deleted from App Engine?

The exact URLs/endpoints/etc below have been anonymized. I have built a very simple web application with Svelte/Sveltekit as the frontend, and FastAPI as the backend. I am hosting each service on ...
fngarrett's user avatar
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How can I use my App Engine API to run an executable on Compute Engine?

My project structure is roughly as follows: Frontend - built with Svelte, SvelteKit, and hosted on App Engine API - built with FastAPI, also hosted on App Engine (*1) Backend - proprietary code/...
fngarrett's user avatar
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Google Cloud Endpoints Optional Authentication for ESPv2 via YAML Upload

I'm completely open to correction on this but it looks like perhaps Google Cloud ESPv2 may not properly implement optional security - it seems to insist on a JWT even when it is only one of the ...
Eoghan Ó hUallacháin's user avatar
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Unsupported gRPC frame flag: 1 in response of Cloud Endpoints OpenAPI for Cloud Run with ESPv2

I have deployed a service in GCP cloud endpoint and in backend calling a GRPC service. In GRPC service I have taken a string type param in proto. When I get big string in response I receive error &...
Mayank Joshi's user avatar
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Vertex AI endpoint logs not appearing on Logs Explorer

I have deployed the vertex AI endpoint through Python API below is the code snippet, but logs are not appearing in Logs Explorer. model = aiplatform.Model.upload( local_model=local_model, display_name=...
Shrashti's user avatar
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VertexAI Endpoint - Unable to coerce value

I have a Custom Class that turns a Pandas Dataframe into a dataset consisting of a list of lists of 7-day periods with a batch size of 32. Giving some context, this is the code: def make_dataset(self, ...
filipe's user avatar
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Failed startup of context c.g.a.r.j.AppEngineWebAppContext due to FeatureNotEnabledException: app_identity_service.GetAccessToken

After adding Google Storage to a Google Endpoints app written in Java, the web instances seem not to be able to start up anymore, when deployed to GAE. However, all works fine when run locally (mvn ...
Mutual Exception's user avatar
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How to create an endpoint using the model trained by Vertex AI?

I trained a model using Google Cloud Vertex AI. I have a dataset containing different videos and model does the video classification of these videos. In the Google Cloud Platform, I can find accuracy ...
Batuhan Çağan's user avatar
4 votes
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Cloud Endpoints Portal is deprecated - alternatives?

Cloud Endpoints Portal is being deprecated. Is there a new alternative to view and test your api? It doesn't say anything about what is available on the page.
Micro's user avatar
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Creating Endpoint on Vertex AI using FastAPI, stuck at "GET /health HTTP/1.1" 404

Run at startup - downloads the model @app.on_event("startup") def startup(): path = os.environ["AIP_STORAGE_URI"] path = os.path.join(path, model_file)"Loading ...
Moustafa Ashraf's user avatar
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Rate limiting API call for specific users on cloud endpoints

I have an API that deployed on Google Cloud Run. Then for security, I use Google Cloud Endpoints as the Gateway. As long as I know, Cloud Endpoints has a rate limiting feature by setting it in the ...
ferdianm10's user avatar
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Rate-limiting at a resource level in GCP

Let's say that I have 100 functions or "resources" in an application on GCP, such as: def login: ... def forgot_password: ... def edit_payment: ... I would like to apply rate-...
David542's user avatar
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AbstractGoogleClientRequest and GoogleClientRequestInitializer class not found in

My Android app with Cloud Endpoints says these classes do not exist import; import
MaxSped's user avatar
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Using Google Cloud Armor with Google Cloud Endpoints - applying rate limiting and throttling

I read some documentation here on rate limiting and throttling requests to prevent attacks on Google Cloud (called Google Cloud Armor). I have a Google Cloud Endpoints application. How do I integrate ...
Micro's user avatar
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How to set up pro-guard rules for Cloud Endpoints v2 in Android project

What should my file look like so that minifyEnabled true works with Cloud Endpoints v2? When I release my app to Google Play and I have minifyEnabled true in my gradle, I get class ...
Micro's user avatar
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Set or configure timeout of endpoints in cloud endpoints

Is there a way to set or configure the timeout of endpoints in Cloud Endpoints? I believe the default is 60 but is there a way to change this? Note: this is a Java project.
Micro's user avatar
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Firestore in Datastore mode does not seem to be strongly consistent

I am using cloud endpoints with objectify and Firestore in Datastore mode. Although it says in the documentation that all queries are strongly consistent, I have found that they are not in the ...
Micro's user avatar
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post request to an https triggered GCF response: "only absolute paths are supported"

data to be posted to the cloud function: const body: object = {data: [{link: ""}]} the api call to invoke the cloud function: const response: any = ...
Shawna's user avatar
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3 answers

Error call Google Vertex AI endpoint from a python backend

I am trying to send an http post request to my google vertex ai endpoint for prediction. Though I do set the Bearer Token in the request header, the request still fails with the below error: { "...
Prince_SaaS's user avatar
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How to connect GCP API gateway to the GKE?

I have configured GCP API gateway, but it is not able to connect back to GKE service. Is there any alternate solution ? What about GCP cloud endpoint? can we achieve same scenario by cloud endpoint? ...
Abhimanyu Singh's user avatar
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ESPv2 with Google Cloud Endpoints using gRPC returning "The current request is not defined"

I'm trying to get ESPv2 with Cloud Endpoints working to proxy to a service using gRPC. (We've been already extensively using ESPv2 with OpenApi, but this is the first gRPC service we're trying to use ...
Mark Vincze's user avatar
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Google Play Developer Notification

I'm having difficulty setting up an end-point to receive Google Play Developer Notifications via Pub/Sub in a c# controller. I've set everything up against the app to publish to a topic and I have ...
Barry Theunissen's user avatar
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How to forward client ip to the backend in Google cloud ESP proxy

I'm using Google Cloud ESP endpoint, and I want the ESP proxy to forward the clients IPs to the backend service for analytics purposes. From the Google docs I found that I should use --...
Rabi's user avatar
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83 views could not be resolved

I was using a code from my teacher when I found this error. I tried to search in google how to solve it, just with this page: java lang classnotfoundexception
Arendar's user avatar
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Vertex AI Endpoints - Failed to create endpoint

I'm trying to deploy a custom model to an endpoint with Vertex AI. I run the custom training and the model was correctly created in my bucket using Tensorflow 2 export_saved_model for estimators. In ...
Marco Abbatangelo's user avatar
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How can I add region endpoints to pub sub emulator

I am testing pub sub region failure. So I only need one region topic up. And if I ping the same topic with another endpoint , it should fail. I am testing with emulator. But in emulator there is no ...
santosh sahoo's user avatar
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Making a Cloud Firestore REST API call through Cloud Endpoints?

Is it possible to create a Cloud Endpoint in order to make HTTP calls to the Firestore REST API service? The reason being to use a custom URL for the call - e.g. "
CentoKili53's user avatar
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How do you reuse the same openapi.yaml file for production and development

We are using a GitOps model for deploying our software. Everything in dev branch goes to the dev environment and everything in main gets deployed to production. All good and fine except that we use ...
tonicebrian's user avatar
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ValueError('Cannot invoke RPC: Channel closed!') when multiple process are launched together

I get this error when I launch, from zero, more than 4 process in sync: { "insertId": "61a4a4920009771002b74809", "jsonPayload": { "asctime": "2021-...
Luca Pianta's user avatar
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OPENAPI: Could a request contain parameters that are not present in YAML?

I use Google Endpoint ESPv2 and define my request structure in YAML. When I send to Endpoint a request that contains fields that are not defined in the YAML I don't receive any errors. Does it ...
BT3's user avatar
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Google Cloud Endpoints Developer Portal Remove get an API Key

I want to remove the "GET A KEY" button from Google Cloud Endpoints Developer portal. We don't want to offer this option to our developer since we handle the authentication in a different ...
Jobias's user avatar
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ClassNotFoundException when running `mvn endpoints-framework:openApiDocs` with kotlin

I am trying to create openapi.json file through maven command by following GCP open api guide. This is my TestApi class. (kotlin) @Api(name = "echo1", version = "v1") class ...
pistolcaffe's user avatar
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How can I get my react app in cloud storage and app engine api to be under the same domain?

I have recently moved to GCP for cloud hosting. I have a react app hosted in cloud storage and a Go REST api hosted on app engine. I am trying to figure out how I can use the same domain name for both ...
Tyler's user avatar
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How to build CloudFormation template from multiple yml

I'm trying to get this repo going here - A link is provided to launch the AWS CloudFormation stack but it is no longer working as the S3 bucket ...
Zizi96's user avatar
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502 Server Error on (GRPC Transcoding) REST API and 200 OK on GRPC - Cloud Endpoints on GKE

After having deployed my GPRPC server on GKE with ESP and Cloud Endpoints api_config file, I am able to test correctly (200 OK) the requests using the GRPC client but all CURL requests using REST API ...
Olivier R's user avatar
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Cloud Endpoints support for proto3 Any type during JSON transcoding

We are exploring google Cloud Endpoints to expose gRPC services as REST APIs. These services use proto3 messages containing Any type fields. Does Cloud Endpoints' Extensible Service Proxy (ESP) ...
NevinJ's user avatar
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How can you configure the ObjectMapper used by AppEngine

I have a AppEngine project that is served using Google Cloud EndPoints. Some of the Request and Response objects (which I have no control over) have no attributes. When those endpoints are invoked the ...
William's user avatar
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Why I am getting this error "google.api_core.exceptions.ResourceExhausted: 429 received trailing metadata size exceeds limit"?

I am new to google cloud platform. I have created a endpoint after uploading a model on google Vertex AI. But when I am running the prediction function (python) suggested in the sample request I am ...
Niraj Agrawal's user avatar
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Difficulty with gcloud run service - migrating to espV2

Ive been following the documentation ( I am able to load an image (Hello example), create endpoints, and run it as a ...
Steve Geggie's user avatar
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Can Django admin url be on a swagger file using drf-yasg?

I am deploying a Django API on Google Endpoint. Google endpoint needs a documentatin generated with openapi2.0 to set all endpoint. If an url is not defined on the yaml file generated by openapi (here ...
Kimor's user avatar
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Setting Cloud Monitoring uptime checks for non publicly accessible backends

I'm having some trouble setting uptime checks for some Cloud Run services that don't allow unauthenticated invocations. For context, I'm using Cloud Endpoints + ESPv2 as an API gateway that's ...
Fareed Ahmed's user avatar
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Exposing Private Gke to API Gateway

Having a GKE cluster with micro service . External IP of a service belongs to private subnet. I want to expose a specific end points of the micro services to internet . Since there is no dns name , ...
balu's user avatar
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How to get an access token in JWT format in Flutter's google_sign_in?

I am authenticating calls to a private API running on GCP behind GCP Cloud Endpoints as described here. It is working ok, but for each call I am using GoogleSignInAuthentication.idToken that contains ...
Marcin's user avatar
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