Questions tagged [google-maps]

Google Maps is a desktop and mobile web mapping service application and technology provided by Google, offering satellite imagery, street maps, and Street View perspectives. Also supported are maps embedded on third-party websites via the Google Maps API, and a locator for urban businesses and other organizations in numerous countries around the world.

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0 votes
0 answers

Current Location on the react and android webview is working in Android Studio but on the android app

I am facing an issue where Current Location on the react and android webview is working in Android Studio but on the android app. Here is the code that i am using const getCurrentLocationNew = () =&...
-2 votes
0 answers

Which route does Gmaps choose when using Distance Matrix API

I am running a small project to use google maps API in Python to calculate the distance between 2 points, let's call it A and B. When I key in the start(A) and end(B) points respectively, mode of ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot read setMap property of undefined while using Google maps Javascript API

I call the initialize function on page load. Which correctly setsup all the markers. Then I have a searchbox along with a submit button which clears all the markers and then fetches a new JSON object ...
164 votes
32 answers

Google Maps JavaScript API RefererNotAllowedMapError

We're trying to develop an geoplacement app for one of our clients, and we want first to test it in out own domain. We have signed for Google Maps JavaScript API, and we have a valid browser key and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Add day/night overlay to google maps with MVC framework

I'm trying to add the day/night overlay from this github: to my google maps view with MVC5 Framework. I've found some solutions on stackoverflow but these ...
28 votes
10 answers

set language for google maps iframe

I have changed the language for the google maps to Hebrew in the language setting but I would like to use the <iframe> code for my website. However, I can only seem to get this in English. How ...
1 vote
1 answer

issue with getting the markers on Google map to display from database?

Could you help with getting the markers on Google map to display? Markers are drawn from an SQL database which is converted into XML via a PHP request, then displayed on to the map through a separate ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why Google Maps code can be blocked with an API key?

I have a Google Maps API key with this code for showing a map. I tried to paste it as an example from their site. but when pasting on a page, a map is not visible. <iframe width="450" ...
0 votes
0 answers

Flutter app can not working with google maps

E/flutter (23677): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: Exception: Unable to get route: Response ---> REQUEST_DENIED E/flutter (23677): #0 NetworkUtil....
-2 votes
0 answers

Performing operations on maps when clicking on a result in flutter

I have a mobile application, I show markers on Google Maps, then I open those markers and direct them to the search page with a search bar at the top. When the user searches for something and clicks ...
0 votes
0 answers

CustomElementRegistry repeat registration error

I am using the googlemaps/extended-component-library to use two web components those being the APILoader and the PlacePicker components, When i run my application it throws these errors: '...
1 vote
2 answers

How do I retrieve data latitude and longitude from sqlite database for use to put marker in google maps api

I have a sqlite database for saving name, address, category, latitudeandlongitude. In activity(1) i construct a listview. I have been able to retrieve data name for show in the listview, If the list ...
12 votes
2 answers

Auto Generated Key Google Services

Does anyone know why Google keeps generating new API keys or is it my app ? It's quite irritating seeing new generated keys without any concerns.
4 votes
1 answer

How can I set my Google maps key in index.html dynamically in angular 2?

I'm trying to set google maps key dynamically in my angular project. Generally we set that API key in index.html file of angular project. Now I want to change that key dynamically. I'll be fetching ...
2 votes
4 answers

Flutter throws SecurityException when working with Google Maps Platform

1-. Use case. I’m using the google_maps_flutter package, in a Flutter and Dart project. Version is google_maps_flutter: ^2.4.0 When I call to the GoogleMaps widget in Flutter: the following ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I set sensitivity for my gps tracker?

Could you please help me? I have a task to make a GPS tracker that would pass GPS data to Firebase. But the key point is that the tracker should have the following sensitivity - 60 meters (10 for test ...
2 votes
3 answers

How accurate is the scale of Google Satellite Photos?

Given a particular zoom level, how accurate is the scale provided by the satellite view in google maps? Can one use it to ~accurately determine the square footage of a given building in the picture? ...
0 votes
1 answer

Google maps draw polygon and zoom to its bounds

I have following problem: after creating polygon it is not drawn on the map. I use this example. Second problem: how to zoom to the polygon when it is created? var p = { "type": "MultiPolygon", "...
-2 votes
0 answers

How to change the Contributed to Saved?

I would like to inquire about the google map app. How to change the Contributed to Saved? I can not find a place that can contact with Google for a week. I just change iphone to samsung, then the ...
20 votes
2 answers

Android - The API key can only be specified once <meta-data> duplicates

I’m trying to add Google map in to may app, so I have taken the API key. Unfortunately when I inserted the API key in manifest.xml through a meta-data tag, it automatically inserted another meta-data ...
3 votes
1 answer

Two tooltips/dailog when clicking on marker @react-google-maps/api

Consider: When I click on the marker, it shows two tooltips/dialog. I am using "@react-google-maps/api": "^2.19.2" in Next.js TypeScript. I am trying to show the tooltip when I ...
2 votes
3 answers

Polyline does not appear on the google map - Flutter

I'm trying to add polyline between two points on the google map, but it doesn't seem to work. I write the code following by the tutorial on youtube and this website https:/...
-1 votes
1 answer

Google Map API won't work... (HTML website) [closed]

I've completed a HTML website on my own domain and everything works fine. However, when uploading it to my customers domain (a domain that has been newly registered) the Google map doesn't work and I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Sending post request to Google Maps Geolocation API

I'm using Google Maps Geolocation API for getting user's lat and lng coordinates, I read Google Maps Geolocation API 'docs, I used this code for my site: <?php $requestbody=array("...
-1 votes
1 answer

Can't display info windows for markers

I have some troubles with displaying info windows for a marker on the map. I have a JSON file and markers are return well, but when I click the marker, info window not display. Below I paste all my ...
0 votes
3 answers

IONIC 2 - Google Maps API don't working with browser after hosting

My Google Maps API JavaScript doesn't work with browser after hosting. My hosting is OVH France. Console WARNING: Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys
2 votes
2 answers

Can't create a new Google Maps API project

I am trying to create a new Google Maps JavaScript API and the following error keeps showing up. Name project - Create and enable API - I'm not getting any feedback so it is tough to troubleshoot. ...
27 votes
7 answers

How to hide Google Maps Api Markers with jQuery

Hello this might be really silly question but I am trying to make markers disappear when they are clicked. The marker is located properly on the map but when I click it, it doesn't do anything. I was ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to change mapType of Google Maps dynamically?

I have set up the Google maps in my jetpack compose project. It's working fine i have set the intial mapType to MapType.HYBRID. But there is a paramtere passed in the composable function called ...
7 votes
3 answers

markerclusterer check if marker is in cluster

I have a web based map that is using the jquery-ui-map and markerclusterer plugin to make a google map. I filter out which markers should be shown or not then update the map. I need to create a list ...
0 votes
1 answer

React Native - Google Reverse Geocoding Doesn't Work in Production

I am using Google's geocoding API to get lat/lng from an address. This works when I am running the app in Expo, but when I compile for iOS, the request fails. This is really hard to debug as I have to ...
1 vote
4 answers

Multiple markers with labels in Google Maps

I'd like to implement multiple markers with labels (documented here: and I'm having some ...
0 votes
1 answer

Plotting a grid in km with a center point in latitude and longitude onto a map

I want to plot a square grid of size 2km by 2km with the point (latitude, longitude) in degrees: co_ord = (47.9187393, 106.9175013) located at the center of the square grid. I have tried: import ...
0 votes
1 answer

Using new google routes api - how can I render (show) route result to a map?

Using "old" google directions api we had directionsService for encapsulating rest query & directionsRenderer to show results to the map. Directions API example for javascript: // 1. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Google Maps JS API disable transit information

I have a typescript Angular 14 library that uses the Google Maps JS API. In this app, I would like to disable the transit details information (all the white balloons on the green path). Is there a way?...
-1 votes
1 answer

Google Maps - Event listeners (`idle`, `projection_changed`) not triggered until map is scrolled into view

I'm working with Google Maps JavaScript API on a webpage with a long content section. The map is located below the fold, meaning it's not initially visible when the page loads. I've noticed that the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

'GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h' file not found in Google-Maps-iOS-Utils

I am currently using React Native. I managed to float Google Maps on Android using the react-native-maps library, but when I try to build through xcode on ios, I get the following error. enter image ...
0 votes
0 answers

Google Maps' setOnPoiClickListener logs location of the tap instead of the POI

Using Google Maps API, I am trying to log the location of a Point of Interest from setOnPoiClickListener: setOnPoiClickListener { poi -> Toast.makeText(context, "Clicked: ${...
15 votes
7 answers

Google maps autocomplete, fix to the input

I'm trying to add a google maps autocomplete input to my ionic app. It works pretty well except when I scroll. As shown on the image: So I tried different things like changing the position of .pac-...
11 votes
4 answers

react-google-maps: Cannot find namespace 'google'

I am trying to use this library "react-google-maps" to display google maps in my application. After having followed the tutorial from their github page, I get this error on first run (this is a create-...
2 votes
2 answers

@react-google-maps/api Autocomplete component returning undefined onPlaceChanged

I am having difficulty using the Autocomplete component in @react-google-maps/api. Autocomplete itself works and will display options. Clicking an option populates the input box but I only return '...
7 votes
1 answer

Hiding a surfaceview that overlaps another one

In my app I'm using several surface views (for displaying videos and google maps), displayed on the screen in the same time. Now I have to add the possibility to change the configuration (position, ...
0 votes
2 answers

Google Map at full height not adapting to window size

I have set the google map to have a height of 85%. If the window is big enough it will have the proper size. But if the window is small it overlaps somehow. Here some images When window is big ...
5 votes
1 answer

MapView displays blank, but MapFragments work normally

Hello I'm using Fragment based layout in my application - everything goes fine - I am using one special MapFragment and some other PageFragments to display data. MapFragment works fine - map is ...
0 votes
1 answer

Flutter: Listen to location update while the is not in use even location permission is set to while using the app

I'm sorry if this question is duplicate but believe me there is no certain answer to the question How to listen to current location changes while the app is minimized and location permission is set to ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Flutter Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'GoogleMobileAds/GoogleMobileAds.h' file not found

After I updated flutter to the latest version I keep getting this error for GoogleMobileAds and GoogleMaps When I try to flutter build ios I get the same error Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): '...
2 votes
2 answers

Add avoid highway to maps url

I am working on a JavaScript project aimed at creating a route while considering stops at electric vehicle charging stations. Once the route is ready, the user can click on a button that redirects ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Google Places Autocomplete Not Working, Receiving error that my function is not a function

I am building a form that takes in a user's city and province and want to use the Google Places Autocomplete feature. No matter what, I seem to be encountering errors. I have added the following ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to correct smooth moving the marker in google maps v2?

In my application based on one from needs to display a smooth "move" google maps marker from one point to another. I use the following method ...
2 votes
2 answers

Material UI - Google Maps Autocomplete - Restrict to city and state?

I'm using the Google Maps Places Autocomplete that comes with Material UI and I'm stuck on trying restrict the results. When a user starts typing the only suggestions I want returned are City, State ...

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