Questions tagged [charts]

Charts are a graphical representation of data, most often in the format of a graph or diagram. Use this tag for questions about using a charting library API.

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0 votes
0 answers

is there any way that i can add mutiple time interval buttons to a custom power bi chart?

I have been working on a custom power bi chart for trading datasets & i was able to create the chart but the one thing i am having difficulty is adding a UI inputs for time-intervals so that users ...
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0 answers

Create an Outlook email and add an Excel Named Range and 3 Charts from a different Worksheet to the email body as images

I'm trying to modify some code from @PeterT, which adds charts as images to an Outlook email. His code works perfectly for adding the charts to an email and is super fast (Thank you @PeterT!) I'm ...
1 vote
1 answer

Algorithm to Finding Faces on a Planar Graph (C++)

I'm working on an algorithms' assignment at my college, which involves finding the vertices that belong to the face of a strictly planar and connected graph. However, I've encountered an issue with ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to plan several shape in a graph?

This is kind of a algorithm problem. Here is a map that is a bounded rectangular multiconnected region sized m*n, Due to different terrain factors within the map, each grid has a different cost. Cost ...
0 votes
2 answers

Hide bars and values on X-Axis in case there is no value

I have a list of some dates and values as you can see in Column A and Column B. In the list there are values for some dates missing. Now I want to that in the chart these dates are not displayed as ...
2 votes
1 answer

SSRS Pie Chart - Get Label Lines to Point Inside the Chart

Is it possible to have the label pointer lines to point within the pie chart area? I found that you can control the line size and bend with the Custom Attributes, "LabelsHorizontalLineSize" and "...
0 votes
1 answer

Chart from text-cells in Excel [closed]

How do I have Excel generate charts from text-cells like (each line being in one cell) yes yes maybe yes maybe yes no yes maybe no I would expect the software to count occurrences and put the numbers ...
0 votes
1 answer

Angular highchart Bar chart disable hover

I am using angular highcharts and I want to be able to select single stacked bar chart. I want to be able to select single stacked bar or disable hover. I am not sure if this was possible, but I found ...
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1 answer

Using matplotlib and pandas to make a bar chart

I have a bunch of data that I am trying to plot as a bar chart for each lithology. I would like the Y-axis to be the percent of each RQD Bin for each lithology, rather than the total length. I know ...
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1 answer

Stata command to build a graph showing for mixed effects linear regression models

What is the step by step cpde to build a graph reflecting mixed effects linear regression model for age and gender as fixed effect and weight as the response using Stata? mixed Weight age_Months i....
0 votes
0 answers

How to sort data by month on Streamlit

Im creating a chart of cost/month of diesel. when i dont set the x it sorts right: OK but when i set the x to be '%b-%y' it sorts alphabetically: NOT OK It shows wrong on chart, but it stills ok on ...
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0 answers

How to create a contour map using VBA script? [closed]

I actually want 2D Matrix data table to contour plotting in VBA. I would like to know if there are any "functionality" that could help me to plot easily. For example I have Matrix of 821*21 ...
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0 answers

PHP PhpSpreadsheet, Chart: Not able to use multiple bar types in a single chart

When creating Excel file with a chart inside I am not able to place multiple bar plot types in a single chart. This code works: private function _exportSampleTestingChart1() { $spreadsheet = ...
1 vote
1 answer

Google charts bars: show annotation and change color

I've used this script to show a chart bar with different colors in one series: function drawAttendance() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', ''); ...
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0 answers

How to solve issue with brainconn issue

I am trying to run the following code: #install.packages("remotes") #remotes::install_github("sidchop/brainconn") library(brainconn) x <- example_unweighted_undirected ...
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0 answers

do you have any customization way of flutter tradingview chart for Coins Exchange app?

do you have any customization of flutter tradingview chart for Coins Exchange app? i'm trying to customize tradingview plugin but there is no flutter widget i have to show via flutter webview which is ...
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0 answers

RuleMark and Chart BarMark is glitching

I am using SwiftUI Charts framework at this moment to display the last 30 days of data. As you see in code, the x axis each line is new day. The chart and animation is working fine. But the ...
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0 answers

Does there exist a matchmaking algorithm for an asynchronous rank based ladder tournament?

I am designing a matchmaking algorithm and raking system for an asynchronous tournament. After any match between two players I would want to update the graph with a directed edge for the win and ...
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0 answers

Labeling Graph Vertices as $v_1$, $v_2$ and so on using networkx

I am a complete noob in python and am trying to make a graph with nodes labelled as $v_1$, up to $v_n$ and edges labelled as $e_1$ up to $e_n$. I have input the attribute label in nodes called 'label' ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Centroid decomposition tree and finding a path

i have a centroid decomposition tree built and i have a function that return distance between centroid and other vertexes. I have a question how can i calculate from this data: number of vertex pairs ...
1 vote
1 answer

FastScatterPlot not displaying data

I am trying to build a charting application as a project for college, using JFreeChart to build the graphs and Swing to build the UI. After some debugging Im at a point where the file parser is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Altair Chart selected data to graph

I have a dataframe with multiple type-value pairs. Lets say it is: dt = pd.DataFrame({'date': ['2022', '2023', '2024'], type':['t1', 't2', 't3'], 'value': [1, 2, 3]}) of cause, with much more data ...
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1 answer

Cant graph this extremely skewed function

I am trying to graph this function of temperature to specific volume but the function is so skewed that the figure that I am not being able to make the figure I desire. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ...
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0 answers

How to pivot_wider to compress all identical column values?

I am trying to construct a time series plot of GDP starting from year 2000. My dataframe, country_info_merged_plot, contains all countries with different GDP I tried to plot it, but turned out to be ...
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0 answers

DFS (Depth-first search) vs BFS (Breadth-first search) Space Optimizations [closed]

Problem I am currently digging deep into some optimizations on the classical iterative approaches to both DFS and BFS algorithms. The material I'm currently using at my University presents both ...
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0 answers

Why in flet ft.ChartAxis (ft.LineChart) isn't it posible to use some values?

I have made a chart, the problem here is that, ChartAxisLabel value doesn't work for a lot of values, or at least I don't understand the pattern, I have a tuple with divisions I want to place in the ...
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0 answers

Is there any way that I can draw the chart in Python?

the image I wanted to draw but i mimicked by hands I tried to draw this type of chart but Sankey or stacked bar chart cannot be a solution for this. As time goes, sum of the values of each category ...
3 votes
1 answer

Doughnut chart with only top corners rounded

I have been trying for a few hours to accomplish the following Chart with D3.js: It's easy to accomplish a similar result following the default examples, and getting something like this: The problem ...
-1 votes
0 answers

How to Create a 3D Neural Network Simulation Chart in JavaScript [closed]

I'm looking for guidance on how to develop a 3D neural network simulation chart using JavaScript. Can you provide instructions or resources for creating such a chart? I checked with Python, but I need ...
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0 answers

How to train GCN with batched data?

I have this code for defining GraphConvolution class GraphConvolution(Module): """ Simple GCN layer, similar to """ def ...
1 vote
2 answers

Charting Sub no longer working and now crashes without changing code

I created the following sub as part of an overall set of VBA code. It used to work without error and gave me exactly what I was looking for. Then at some point it still worked but the final ...
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0 answers

Why ChebNets are K-Localized?

I am reading about spectral graph convolutions and I reached the point where ChebNets defined the filters on graphs as a Chebyshev polynomial instead of a convolution. I am trying to understand this ...
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0 answers

Does it make sense to activate retain_graph after .zero_grad() and forward_pass? retain_graph = True in loss.backward() call, Pytorch

My question is, What implies to retain the graph computed at the iteration even if we then call a forward pass on the network with other inputs? I suppose optimizer.step() is called after every loss....
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1 answer

ChartJS / react-chartjs-2 divide bar in to two data points

I am creating a barchart with ChartJS / react-chartjs-2. The barchart is displaying allright so far, nothing special: My data looks like this: { Name: "De Regenboog", ...
6 votes
2 answers

How do I achieve a multi-series line chart in Crystal Reports?

This relates to my How do I achieve a pivot report in Crystal Reports for Visual Studio? The data is the same, but they want a line chart as well. So, my data is {datetime}, {car-id}. The X -axis of ...
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1 answer

BarMark Chart with +ve and -ve value in SwiftUI

Try to set -ve and +ve value and zero as Ycenter Please check my code and my graph below. image below ForEach(0..<stack.count, id: \.self) { index in ...
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0 answers

How to get linked nodes in Bokeh GraphRenderer?

I like to change the style (fill_color) of linked nodes (adjacent nodes) after a node selection. After selecting "C" I would like to change the style of "E" and "F". How ...
-3 votes
1 answer

How to create charts on webpage? [closed]

I want to make a web page for data visualization (charts, into graphics, etc). I have a CSV file on which i want data visualization. Obviously I'll using HTML, CSS because my website have some other ...
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1 answer

how to plot multiple lines in one figure with different scale sizes

I want to plot multiple lines in one figure in which one of my lines has a larger scale size, but when I do so the changes in lines with a smaller scale size disappear. Therefore, I need to know ...
3 votes
2 answers

Graph Neural Network Regression

I am trying to implement a regression on a Graph Neural Network. Most of the examples that I see are that of classification in this area, none so far of regression. I saw one for classification as ...
1 vote
1 answer

Change the opacity of the bar where the mouse is hovered in Google column chart

I am a beginner programmer of Javascript. looking for a code snippet to change the bar color when the mouse is hovered over it in a google column chart. I have the following code for changing corner ...
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0 answers

Which technology can be used to create a streaming platform that will stream auto generated video with charts, etc. based on changing data? [closed]

I know how to create web applications, manage users, etc. However, I'm interested in the technology best suited for handling streaming of video with charts, tables, etc., which will be generated based ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a simple(-ish) algorithm for drawing force-directed graphs?

I'm trying to write a little graph visualizer in P5js but I can't find a simple(-ish) algorithm to follow. I've found ways to do it with D3 and I've found some dense textbook snippets (like this) but ...
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1 answer

How do I add 3 data points to a calibration curve in R Studio?

I am trying to add data of a pre, post and control absorbance values to my calibration curve graph. The code below is what I currently have, which creates a scattergraph and a line of best fit. ...
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0 answers

How to draw a line with rounded edge in D3?

I got at task that requires an X & check mark in D3. I tried to add an svg to the existing chart, but it does scale well since the svg keeps its dimension. So, I tried it another way to directly ...
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0 answers

OOXML: Position UserShapes relative to chart series independent from chart size in a Spreadsheet XLSX

In an OOXML spreadsheet document, UserShapes can be added to a chart space via chart-drawing-parts. They will appear together with the chart in the chart space if referenced correctly. I manage to do ...
7 votes
1 answer

How do I only show some nodes (edges) on graphviz and not others

I have a very complex graph, and there is no way that I can show it all and understand it. I need to make simplified versions of it showing only some nodes and not others. I don't just want the other ...
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0 answers

How to modify the position in which one column of an Excel chart is positioned above another?

I must deliver a report for my company and they ask me to change the "plane" in which the columns are displayed. That is, according to the screenshot of the graph that I share with you, the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can negative values next to bar charts in tornado diagram be shown as positive (no minus before values) in R?

I have this table: head(T_Zbirna_sa_BlokadomON_za_Tornado) Usluge Troskovi Populacija lab_hjust 1 Poseta OP 925549213 EM -0.1 2 Poseta neurologu ...
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0 answers

Excel VBA to modify plot chart's point label work fine on local drive but not on onedrive

I created a vba code to modify the chart's label data font. Everything works fine when I used it locally. But when I uploaded the file to onedrive for my colleagues to use it, the macro didn't work ...

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