Questions tagged [guid]

A GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier) is a unique reference number used as an identifier in computer software.

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Membership login with guid as username

I'm creating a new ASP.NET MVC4 web application, which build partly on some old database tables from an old system. In the User table the only unique identifier is a GUID value, and therefore I need ...
Kristho's user avatar
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How to create persistence between web and native app?

Is there any way to track UID across web to app on either IOS or Android. For example we have a mobile website which if accessed by a user will remember it. Then they are directed to download the app ...
Gene Ekster's user avatar
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Set first element in select list as guid empty

I have a dropdownlist as below:- @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.NewPipelineEaPersonId, new SelectList(Model.EaList, "PersonId", "FullName"), "Please select one", new { style = "width: 250px;"...
Abhishek's user avatar
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nhibernate guid performance

What would be the overhead of using GUID's instead of an integer identity in nHibernate for table primary keys? The main reason for use would be the obfuscation of table ids on user facing data.
John Smith's user avatar
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Inserting id that is varchar into uniqueidentifier

I'm trying to insert data from one table to another. The source table contains a GUID that is a text field right now. I want to insert it into a Uniqueidentifier field. This is the query and the error....
Rob Gaudet's user avatar
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Can't convert ProviderUserKey to GUID?

Hi I am basically trying to create my own Facebook Login (and create a local account). I have everything working except this one bit: After creating the account I am trying to setup a basic profile ...
dreadlocks1221's user avatar
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Working with GUID type : PHP

I'm working with a SOAP application that asks for some parameters with the type GUID. I'm not exactly sure what that all means. I found this for making GUID's in PHP: function getGUID(){ if (...
atb's user avatar
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C++ How to get Windows icon from GUID?

How can I get an icon associated with a shell GUID in C++? like this: {B2C761C6-29BC-4f19-9251-E6195265BAF1} this guid is for color management shortcut and I want to get the icon for it, is there an ...
Mario's user avatar
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Implementing a Critical Section in mvc3

I came across this scenario when I had to backup some data in tempdata and reuse it in subsequent views and wizards in mvc3. As TempData being a Dictionary, I had to use the key value pair, ...
Naveen Vijay's user avatar
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error C3121: cannot change GUID for class 'GeoPoint'

Error messages on build/re-build e:\aaamac\aaamac\aaamacmprod\debug\jjjjgeo.tlh(1220): error C3121: cannot change GUID for class 'GeoPoint' e:\aaamac\aaamac\aaamacmprod\debug\jjjjmap.tlh(488) : see ...
dysonfree's user avatar
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Best way to track emails - UUID vs ID number

need to track 1 million email addresses within our organisation for marketing and customer response. It has been decided to develop in-house. having done a little research into what others are doing ...
MikeSNnowhill's user avatar
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YouTube Unique Identifier [duplicate]

I noticed on YouTube their keys look like this "BwgT06NY1FE". I was just wondering how is this type of key created? Is this based on a GUID?
Ryan's user avatar
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When to use GUID in SQL Server [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: GUID vs INT IDENTITY Every now and then I see a system using GUIDs and I ask myself how much this will impact the performance. I once worked on a system that used GUIDs ...
Rob's user avatar
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Setting radgrid page numbers programmatically and assiging varying sized set of data to each page

Afternoon folks. I am using a radgrid as this has lots of functionality that I wish to keep (exporting, line selection, scrolling, etc) but I have come across a request I'm not sure how to handle and ...
Ricardo Deano's user avatar
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Windows Core Audio API GUID's

I'm using an implementation of the Windows Core Audio API, specifically the IMMDevice interface, the code for which can be found here. My goal in using this code is to pull the friendly name of a ...
A. Wilson's user avatar
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How to create new GUID identity in

Good morning, please, how can I re-create user's profile identity? If non-register user make something, like create order with some profile's properties (like name, surname, phone,...), then he ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Using EnumTypes with Fluent NHibernate and Automapping

I'm looking into a project using nhibernate and I have a question on how to best accomplish the following scenario, using FluentNhibernate, and NHibernate My tables look like ...
andersr's user avatar
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How do you construct a GUID with a set prefix and zero-padded suffix?

Freebase's Python API uses GUIDs that have a set prefix and a zero-padded suffix: "guid":"#9202a8c04000641f8000000000211f52" ( "Freebase guids are represented with ...
espeed's user avatar
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Java card function to get a smart cards GUID/UUID?

I am trying to write a simple javacard app that allows you to read the cards GUID/UUID using a simple APDU command. As I have come to understand each smart card contains a GUID which is unique to the ...
A.E's user avatar
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Item count should be 10 but is 0

the items.count should be atlease 10. I have 10 subfolders (Release 1 ..... Release 10) with in this documnent library "Auto Cad" and each subfolder has a file called license.txt. hmmm Why this is not ...
John Locke's user avatar
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get guid of a listitem

I have text file with List Name and item name. I need to get item guid by it's name. how? (not using foreach splistitem item in splist cause the text file is large and the loop is going to take a toll)...
Julia Roberts's user avatar
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Need to have duplicate item urls/GUIDs in RSS

I'm working on a tool to publish videos in a playlist, with the option to download as a podcast. Sometimes, items will need to be repeated over the course of the podcast. Having duplicate items or ...
Benjamin Allison's user avatar
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Do we have to use GUIDs in LinqToSql application to uniquely identify objects

I have inherited a LinqToSql application which is making use of GUID keys for objects. I'd rather use conventional identity fields - much easier for people to use, understand and communicate. However ...
MrTelly's user avatar
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Should NHibernate generate SQL for GUID parameter without quotes?

Sql Server 2008 R2 Express. NHibernate I get SQL like: SELECT customer0_.Id as Id1_0_ FROM customers customer0_ WHERE customer0_.Id=@p0; @p0 = 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 ......
Yes-it-has-overflowed's user avatar
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permanent registry keys - orca - msi guid

Using a .msi package, I want to create a few registry keys if they don't exist, leave them alone if they do exist, and not delete them if the program is removed. I have done this (using Orca) by ...
Mike D's user avatar
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Select DataTable row, filtered by GUID

I have a non-primary-key column with GUID's (with DataType System.Guid) and it appears you cant use DataTable.Select on that column. (Only DataRowCollection.Find but it requires GUID to be Primary Key ...
Janis Veinbergs's user avatar
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Editing Column in Joined SQL Query

I am working on a wordpress site where I need to change the upload path for all attachment images (I have no clue why the client initially selected to not have them organized.) This is what I am ...
April Marshall's user avatar
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Convert array of bytes into GUID while filling DataTable

I try to retreive data from Oracle db like: DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (var cmd = DBOracle.GetCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = sqlCommand; OracleDataAdapter adapter = new ...
mykhailovskyi's user avatar
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Cross platform Sequential GUID

I'm in the process of making one of my distributed c# .net libraries cross platform so I can deploy it to linux via mono and have come across an issue: I use a sequential GUID for generating ID's like ...
Mattl's user avatar
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Cannot convert IQueryable<T> AsEnumerable because T has a Guid property

I have the following EF class: class Product { public Guid ProductGuid { get; set; } public string ProductName { get; set; } } derived from a DB class where ProductGuid is a uniqueidentifier ...
CiccioMiami's user avatar
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How to represent a GUID in MySQL? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How should I store GUID in MySQL tables? Hello, To represent a GUID in MySQL, should I just use varchar? Also, since it is something that will be used to recognize a user, ...
Genadinik's user avatar
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Is it possible for an ASP.NET server to generate the same GUID to more than one user?

I have seen the GUID Collisons discussions but just wanted your thoughts on whether there could be a GUID collision if both clients accessed the same web page that generates the GUID at exactly the ...
Ebircsa's user avatar
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Why is this GUID not valid?

AB77085F-C0BB-4C78-B2F2-3H8F6F8D0C28 It was generated with the NEWID() Sql server 2008 R2 function It is not accepted in a uniqueidentifier field It is not valid for Guid.TryParse() in C #
matti157's user avatar
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foreach to linq with guid comparison

I would like to convert the foreach in this method to a linq expression. I have 2 try/catches because I can't always count on the strings that are passed in the list of guids or guidToFind to be ...
Kershaw's user avatar
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Converting GUID to String

why doesn't this work? MsgBox("F6D8C47B-46E6-4E93-A393-00085ACA2242").ToString.Replace("-", "")
Saif Khan's user avatar
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Extract a GUID from a string. How can I do it?

I have a string in this format: "object": "Board-f330c10a-a9eb-4253-b554-43ed95c87242" and I want to extract guid from it.I was trying like this: Guid.Parse(followActivity.Object.Split('-').Skip(1)....
Sajad Ahanger's user avatar
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Parse guid by Regular Expressions with slashes ('/') in C#

Is there any way to parse regular expression like this "/string1/string2/f63112f7-caae-38f4-9655-e23d6b530315" and I want to get a string: 'f63112f7-caae-38f4-9655-e23d6b530315' I tried to use ...
Trevor Philips's user avatar
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C# GUID Strange Values [closed]

During debug, why is it when you look at a GUID object, there are strange variables inside the non-public members? This is what is shown in my debug for: guid={7b15cd1-69f3-e2111-bd64-001dd8b82a4f} ...
David Klempfner's user avatar
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Joining tables with anonymous foreign keys

Related Related to my other question: Comment system design Data Design Let's say I have a tags table: tblTags ------------- TagID (int) Name (string) And two content tables: tblBlogs ----------...
Tom Gullen's user avatar
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Can two guids (keys) be the same? [duplicate]

I generate keys for my software as: Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); that returns something like: 15c6bd70-8d3c-42d0-bb24-40da6e08ed9d anyways everytime someone purchases a new software I generate a new ...
Tono Nam's user avatar
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Best way to get a reasonably random key for MYSQL records

I need to generate a reasonably random unique key for a table. It should be something like a GUID for MYSQL. I've tried UUID, but it looks like only the first few characters are actually random- the ...
Steve N's user avatar
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GUID for linux and windows application, Qt

I'm using Qt 4.x to develop a portable applicaion that will run on linux and windows. I want to add to the application an identifier such like a guid. how can I do that? what is the connection in the ...
devdev's user avatar
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Coverting Guid to string

I am creating a application and I wanted to try and use GUIDs. I am using Entity Framework code first and LINQ so I thought the easiest way would be to use string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ...
jackncoke's user avatar
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iPhone Regex for GUIDs

I was searching around finding some easy regex for iPhone to validate if a NSString is in a valid Hex format, containing only characters from 0-9 and a-f. The same for GUID's. Or is there already a ...
Arndt Bieberstein's user avatar
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Guid Costructor - How to create a Guid verifying that string passed is in the right format

I use c# 4. I need to create a Guid from a String. The String could be in the right format (so a Guid can be created) or in a not accepted format - In this case I need to set a variable ...
GibboK's user avatar
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Can a C# Guid be null? [duplicate]

I know there is a such a thing as Guid? and Nullable<Guid>. I have this code and it compiles: public Contact GetContact(Guid contactId) { if (contactId == null) { throw new ...
Meca's user avatar
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SQL Server - Generate unique ID to compare several columns altogether

In SQL Server, is it possible to generate a GUID using a specific piece of data as an input value. For example, DECLARE @seed1 VARCHAR(10) = 'Test' DECLARE @seed1 VARCHAR(10) = 'Testing' SELECT NEWID(...
devklick's user avatar
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Detailed explanation for this function needed

I was going through a function whose main purpose is to generate a unique id for every user of the application can someone explain me the working of the function. guid: function() { return '...
HARSH BAJPAI's user avatar
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C#: Unhandled Exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll

I've looked through the similar questions on this subject and found none that could compare closely enough to my own problem. There are a lot of different ways to trigger the same exception. I'm new ...
Luke's user avatar
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How to employ DPROJ <ProjectGUID> within Delphi code?

I want to use a GUID to uniquely identify my Application and to get at this value from within the code. I see that there is a GUID that would be ideal in the DPROJ: <Project xmlns="http://schemas....
Brian Frost's user avatar
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