Questions tagged [gwt]

GWT (formerly the Google Web Toolkit) is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. Its goal is to enable productive development of high-performance web applications without requiring the developer to be an expert in browser quirks, XMLHttpRequest, and JavaScript. GWT is used by many products at Google, including the new versions of AdWords and Groups. It's open source and completely free (Apache 2.0 licensed).

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2 answers

How to get Eclipse + Google Plugin to create Async Interface and Impl stub method on new service method creation?

I work at a company that uses GWT for most of their projects, and in working with Eclipse there, I have noticed that when I add a new method to a *Service interface (eg, public Foo getFoo()) that it ...
Mirrana's user avatar
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GWT RPC Call gets return object from another GWT RPC call

I have a strange issue (hope you can help): I am working on a GWT Web Application that has times when more than 4 - 5 GWT RPC calls are made in the same time - as far as time is concerned. Every once ...
Alex's user avatar
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@url of ImageResource in external ClientBundle, to be used in UiBinder

Is it possible to reference an ImageResource with @url in UiBinder, when the ImageResource and the UiBinder are not in the same package? For example: My shared ClientBundle : package com.myproject....
spg's user avatar
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Intellij Exclude Dependency from Test

So, I have a code base that depends on the jetty.jar to compile, and I want to run some GWT test cases. When I try and run the test I get this error: java.lang.SecurityException: sealing violation: ...
JeffgNpc's user avatar
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Intellij 12, GWT 2.6.0-rc1 & Super Dev Mode

I tried to use GWT 2.6.0-rc1 with Intellij Ultimate Edition. Everything works fine except that the Super Dev Mode checkbox has gone in the running configuration. I am not able to create a running ...
El Hoss's user avatar
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Browser it self making request on request failure,when internet reconnected

I'm using GWT (Java to JavaScript) as front-end, and RPC mechanism (AJAX) to make server requests (Servlets are the keys). Everything going smooth as of now. Now a test-case has been generated like ...
Suresh Atta's user avatar
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Google end point client library for GWT

Does anyone know if Google is planning to release a end point client library for GWT ? Regards.
Sathya's user avatar
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Migrating GXT 2.x to GXT 3.x. What to do with the models?

I am now migrating an applicaition from GXT 2 to GXT 3. One of the major differences between the two is that GXT 3.x allows POJOs to be used in widgets, whereas GXT 2.x widgets require objects which ...
Andrew's user avatar
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GWT Ckeditor "i.contentWindow is null" issue

i am using GWT ckeditor in my application, while switching over between two or more editor instance, i get the error "i.contentWindow is null". i refered more solutions but nothing works for me. Is ...
karty019's user avatar
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How to call onBrowserEvent() of EditTextCell programmatically from Javascript?

How to call onBrowserEvent of EditTextCell programmatically from Javascript ? I override onBrowserEvent in my customEditTextCell which is called when user click on cell. I also want to call from ...
StackOverFlow's user avatar
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UnsatisfiedLinkError when running Grails/GWT app in DevMode

Using Grails 2.1.0 in GGTS 3.1.0 with gwt plugin (gwt:0.7.1) and dto plugin (dto:0.2.4). I have a simple DTO object: public class TestDTO implements grails.plugins.dto.DTO { private static final ...
Tom W's user avatar
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SSL confirmation dialog popup auto closes in IE8 when re-accessing a JNLP file

I'm having this very annoying problem to troubleshoot and have been going at it for way too many days now, so have a go at it. The Environment We have 2 app-servers, which can be located on either ...
haylem's user avatar
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Vaadin ComboBox always displays the previous value if select() is called

I have a custom ComboBox, where as user types the values are loaded from a webservice. If no values are found, I want to reset the combobox to empty value. However, this does not work if the comboBox ...
Filip Majernik's user avatar
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Transactions not Persisting In Time in Jetty

I inherited some code which, when trying to add some features, isn't working for me properly. I'm no expert at Java web, so I apologize in advance if I need any extra hand-holding to get you the ...
Jeff Allen's user avatar
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Google maps Autocomplete mouse click selection won't work

I have my GWT TextBox widget, where I add the google maps api Autocomplete. I can see the suggestions there, but I am not able to select anything by mouse clicking. When I hover over items I can see ...
vitulicny's user avatar
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Understanding entities code generated by Spring Roo for GWT

We are working on GWT project generated by Spring Roo but we no longer use Roo to edit/generate classes. Instead we now write all stuff manually. For each server-side entity classe Roo generated ...
Piotr Sobczyk's user avatar
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GAE Java API Channel

In you can read that with billing enabled the maximum channel created rate is 60 creations/minute. Does it mean that we can created ...
user1280576's user avatar
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Best way to create cxf REST json-p service to be used by a GWT client

We're implementing a REST api that returns json-p using CXF and Spring. The service should work with a GWT client. The GWT client calls the service using JsonpRequestBuilder. It passes in two function ...
Fred's user avatar
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Does IntelliJ GWT studio plugin support Hotswap of GWT client side classes?

I am working on a project using GXT. When I use Eclipse as the development environment, I see that the client side classes are being hot swapped. For example, if there was a button pressing which ...
J_a_i's user avatar
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Setting a drag image in GWT 2.4

I need to implement drag and drop for cells in a CellTable. Following the example from the MobileWebApp I implemented a custom draggable cell: public class DraggableCell extends AbstractCell<...
Ioan Agopian's user avatar
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How can someone run RequestFactory's ValidationTool from ant?

I use: <java failonerror="true" classname=""> <arg path="${}" /> <arg value="" /> ...
Guillaume Pelletier's user avatar
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i18nCreator Generate Messages Interface With Argument Type Other Than String

I was trying to learn GWT. I completed the StockWatcher sample app in the tutorial. I then moved onto the next step: Internationalization (I18N). The I18N tutorial has you create the Message and ...
Jesse Webb's user avatar
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spring openid +remember me

public void afterPropertiesSet() { super.afterPropertiesSet(); if (consumer == null) { try { consumer = new OpenID4JavaConsumer(); } catch (ConsumerException e) { ...
cometta's user avatar
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Restlet with GWT to call REST service with HTTP DIGEST

i m using GWT 2.2 and restlet-gwt-2.1m4. i m trying to call a rest service that uses HTTP Digest. So i used the tutorial on Restlet wiki :
guigui42's user avatar
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GWT Designer with smartGWT : No palettes for smart widgets (XML UIBinder mode)

I added and configured SmartGWT in my project into eclipse. I have no news SmartGWT palettes that appear in the GWT developer. Yet, according to the official documentation of google, widgets palettes ...
Greg's user avatar
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GWT - how to map hierarchy structure of web site into activities / places / widges?

i am new here and in GWT, and my english is not so good, so please excuse me. i need to create a web site, using GWT. the website has hierarchical structure: main global caption, and couple of buttons....
yonatan's user avatar
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GWT OnScroll event does not fire

I have a small app that wraps a TextArea inside a ScrollPanel. When I instantiate the ScrollPanel and attach a ScrollEventHandler WITHIN OnModuleLoad() - the OnScroll event fires properly. However, ...
NightOwl's user avatar
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Extremely strange behavior in Internet Explorer with large GWT app

I have a loader on my page which is removed once I receive a successful response to my RPC. If the RPC call fails, the page is instantly refreshed. Anytime I load my page for the first time in IE 7 ...
D-Nice's user avatar
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GWT Visualization best practice

I'm new with Google Visualization for GWT and I need help. Can someone tell me which is best pratice to transfer DataTable (data for visualization) with GWT RPC. Cause DataTable is not serializable,...
Shime's user avatar
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StackLayoutPanel and MVP

Think there might be something about this MVP approach I have completely misunderstood. Currently I am struggling to apply the MVP pattern to the part of my application consisting of a ...
Stine's user avatar
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How to parse ASP.NET JSON Date format with GWT

ASP.NET JSON serialize DateTime to the following format "/Date(1251877601000)/". Pls, help parse this string into the java(GWT) Date object. At this time the solution I came with is parsing with ...
Mike Chaliy's user avatar
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GWT: Reload Web Server Not Working

I'm just running the default Greeting application that gets created in Eclipse. public void onModuleLoad() { final Button sendButton = new Button("Send"); final TextBox nameField = new ...
Stefan Falk's user avatar
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Change value in URL without affecting history

I am pretty sure I am failing to find an answer to this just because I am not using the correct terminology when googling. In my website I want to display some details about the user's state like ...
Ikumo's user avatar
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How to set a less class in a button list in Java

I wanted to add a less class to a button when it has been selected. I have a list of track buttons: @Inject @DataField("trackButtonList") @ListContainer("div") private ListComponent&...
PalomaAS's user avatar
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GWT-JSNI pass list of objects as params

Consider I have a function, public static native void mymethod(CustomObj1 a, List<CustomObj2> list) /*-{ $wnd.MyApp.GWT.handleFile = $entry(
Srinivas Jayaram's user avatar
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How to cache search results retrieved from auto-complete API

I've been working on a searching auto-complete feature with Bootstrap-3-Typeahead ,GWT and data comes from by JsonP request.. The Typahead creation method is below ...
Almett's user avatar
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JSON String Convert to Complex Java Class hierarchy in REST full API

I define a Complex Structure for Criteria as bellow, I want use this structure for creating Search query in GWT client Side to send it to server by rest API(restyGWT). in server, GSON or Jackson can ...
Mohammad Sadegh Rafiei's user avatar
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In old google chrome gwt form design shows properly. but chrome new version 65.0.3325.162 not supported

We have designed our forms using flextable which work proper up to 64 version of google chorme. bt in google chrome new version 65.0.3325.162 not display properly. Each form fields are added using ...
Nidhi Joshi's user avatar
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Can I debug gwt component directly in intellij IDEA

I am currently working with IntelliJ IDEA and I try to debug gwt components directly in the IDE. I know I can use Chrome DevTools to debug, but it's always a pain, when the variables names change and ...
Thoma Biguères's user avatar
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GWT RPC and SpringBoot

I'm trying to migrate the old Spring 2.5.x and GWT version 2.4 based MVC application to Spring-Boot with same GWT version 2.4 and gxt version 2.2; I'm able to migrate the Spring part of the ...
Prad0912's user avatar
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How to fix the ElementNotVisibleException in Edge browser using Selenium?

I am currently testing a GWT web application similar to MS Paint and the problem which I am facing is that my test case passes on the browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and IE but sadly, it fails in the ...
KhiladiBhaiyya's user avatar
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Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin:2.8.0:compile

I am migrating my gwt from 2.6 to 2.8 I tried running mvn clean install and getting the below error while executing the below plugin. I am using gwt-maven-plugin to build the gwt code and running ...
Jess's user avatar
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error.CannotStartupOSGIPlatform issue when running birt

I'm in the midst of implementing Birt 4.6.0 into my gwt application. Unfortunately whenever I run a specific section of the program, I get the following error: org.eclipse.birt.core.exception....
Wynnlaw's user avatar
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Cannot use GWT in Development Mode

I am attempting to create a client application using the Google Web Toolkit. I have downloaded the latest tools and am trying to use Eclipse as my development environment. I am following the ...
Factor Three's user avatar
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How to map JSON to POJO with dynamic property name using JsInterop

I have this kind of JSON that needs to be converted to POJO using JsInterop: "ACL": { "*": { "read": true }, "...
quarks's user avatar
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Eclipse removes -nosuperDevMode parameter in running configuration

I'm using eclipse and GWT 2.8. From GWT 2.8 in running configuration in eclipse it removes -nosuperDevMode after every restart. It is annoying because I want to debug client code in eclipse, not in ...
Ihromant's user avatar
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How to implement a paper drop down menu in java gwt

I am trying to implement a drop down box using polymer PaperDropdownMenu. I'm adding a PaperListBox inside a PaperDropdownMenu. PaperDropdownMenu dropdownMenu = new PaperDropdownMenu(); ...
bhavanak's user avatar
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Why am I not able to update my navigation bar (PermanentSlot)?

Short summary: I try to update a navigation bar after a place change event. To do so I created a GWTP Test*.java that I try to render in a SLOT_NavBar. However, this is not working. In order to see if ...
supernickname's user avatar
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SimpleHttpConnectionManager being used incorrectly. in couchdb

I am getting the error giving below in couchDB with GWT, Be sure that HttpMethod.releaseConnection() is always called and that only one thread and/or method is using this connection manager at a time....
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Error Checking for GWT GSS in NetBeans

I'm using GWT with their new GSS syntax for styling. In NetBeans, .gss files are not recognized, so there is no syntax highlighting. So, I set up .gss files to be treated like .css files. But now, GSS ...
Troncoso's user avatar
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