Questions tagged [highcharts]

Highcharts is a Javascript charting library that uses HTML, SVG, and VML. The editor offers both open source/nonprofit and commercial editions of the product.

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Highcharts Highmap world - color all countries within a continent

I cannot get the world map to work by coloring in country iso codes supplied by a back end app. I have a fiddle here. My code is: var chartData = [{ "name": "Africa", "data": ["DZ", "AO", "BJ", ...
TheRealPapa's user avatar
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Highcharts responsive solid gauge titles best practice?

How do I best achieve a solid gauge, where: it is responsive with regards to title and main value font/sizes the title can wrap on several lines, also without leaving the padding seen in the ...
Dave's user avatar
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React component in highchart axis label

I'm looking to use a react component within a highchart axis label. I've tried a number of different methods to accomplish this with no success. Here is where I am right now: import React from '...
JasonA's user avatar
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Hightcharts line graph real-time data with no interval?

There are plenty of examples out there that shows how to render the chart in real-time, but they all use interval with 1 second. The issue is, I'm getting data less than milliseconds, in fact, less ...
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Counter with highcharts

I am making a custom linear gauge chart JSFiddle $(function () { /** * Highcharts Linear-Gauge series plugin */ (function (H) { var defaultPlotOptions = H.getOptions().plotOptions, ...
Kees de Jager's user avatar
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Highcharts synchronized charts combining with other charts

I am currently building a highcharts dashboard but experience a problem. If I try to combine highcharts synchronized charts with other graphs, the tooltip goes wrong with other graphs. If you move ...
Kees de Jager's user avatar
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Format styles based on some conditions in highcharts

I am developing a chart for an app(android/ios) . I want to style the graph based on some condition , like if the OS is android , the font size should be 14dp and if OS is iphone , it should be 9dp . ...
Ladu anand's user avatar
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how can I add a borderline to a plotBand when mouse move in and remove that borderline when mouse move out?

I would like to use the member function addPlotBand to add in a plotBand, and certain events like "mousemove, mouseout and click" to track the mouse. My question is that how to give the plotBand a ...
Bin Fang's user avatar
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How to make Javascript file use variable that was sent to Pug view

Okay so I am creating a website using Node. I am creating charts that use javascript (Highcharts), and so how I have it know is that the back-end is sending JSON data to the pug file "random" like so. ...
Jose Varela's user avatar
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Component Not Re-Rendering After Props Are Changed

I'm passing a search input prop (searchTerm) to a React component (Graph). It appears in dev tools that the Graph component is receiving the correct prop and state is being updated, but my fetch ...
John Rogerson's user avatar
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Highcharts label at absolute top left?

How can I position my custom label at the VERY TOP LEFT of the chart? I tried doing this: labels: { items: [{ html: 'Testing Custom Label', style: { left: '0px', top: '...
Vic's user avatar
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Highcharts: Add Dynamic Data to xAxis Label

I am trying to include an additional piece of data in the xAxis label of a column chart in Highcharts. I've tried to zero in on adding the data using xaxis.labels.formatter but I'm missing something. ...
brianrhea's user avatar
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How to efficiently remove all series from highchart/highstock and then add many more

I have to dynamically first remove all the series and then add many more series to both Highchart and Highstock. I am using the following way to achieve this: while (highcharts.series[0]) { ...
backslashN's user avatar
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vue2-highcharts - Cannot redraw chart to position pies

Im ploting a 3-pie chart as a single Highchart in a resizable container with VueJs and vue-highcharts component. To do this, I need then to redefine my pies positions and sizes when the container is ...
João Menighin's user avatar
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Unable to set "max" without setting tickInterval in highcharts

We have been working on an application where we are migrating from one type of charts to highcharts. I have a situation where the max value is available but I do not have any min value. Without ...
Shashi's user avatar
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Making a highlightable map divided by regions with Highchart (Angular + D3)

I need to construct a map of my country - just the outline of the separate regions in solid, representative colors - and the tools I was offered were these. As someone with little experience in web ...
Ldac's user avatar
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Highcharts: Show navigator range in subtitle

I have a small problem (i hope it is small) with highcharts. My target is, to show the chosen min/max range from the navigation to the subtitle. But I have no idea how to do this. Here a sample ...
griffinland's user avatar
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Highcharts xaxis label not displayed properly

I have a problem with the bar chart, i cant make the label to be shown properly, when the label is too long, it will be cut off this is what i have for the xAxis property trying to make the label to ...
john's user avatar
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MACD indicator is not working in highstock

I'm trying to change graph indicators on a button click. I've integrated 4 indicators sma, boilinger band, ema and macd. First 3 are working but macd is not working. Here is the fiddle Highcharts....
Sanjay Rao's user avatar
-1 votes
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Javascript HighChart having multiple name & data in Series and json object

I have a JSON object which is retrieved from MySQL using PHP.It is as follows: { 'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6], 'C': [7, null, null] } The content can vary as it totally depends on ...
ravi kumar's user avatar
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how to aggregate data from mongodb collection to highstock series data format

i have the following mongoose schema: // UnitDataLogSchema Schema var UnitDataLogSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ serialnumber: { type: String }, timestamp: Number, temperatures: [] }); so ...
Rui Sebastião's user avatar
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Highcharts Zoom to last 1000 points

I'd like to turn dataGrouping on if the number of points is over 1000, but automatically zoom into the last 1000 points. Has anyone done this yet and/or know of a way? Thanks
Michael's user avatar
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hightchart : centered value and arrow

I would like to make graphics like this one with hightchart.js. So I would like to have the value on the outside of the graph, in front of the center of his area and a small triangle pointing on it. ...
user3951700's user avatar
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highcharts not showing the line graph

I am working on an assignment where I am using highcharts in ReactJS application. When I hardcode the values of 'data' as below, the line graph shows data : [10,20,30,40] However if I create the ...
Ashish K Agarwal's user avatar
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Highcharts - how to color spider chart areas by group value

I'm using Highcharts with spider chart option and I'm interested in filling chart areas with a certain color, based on a common value of the items that are included in the graphic. The chart shows ...
Alex Peti's user avatar
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highcharts gradient line (adding a third dimension to a 2d chart)

Do you think I can achieve this in highcharts? I have dataset with 3 variables: X,Y and Date. I need to plot on a X Y chart the variables X and Y, but also I would like to present the date as gradient ...
Leandro Santos's user avatar
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Poloniex API Fetch with Highcharts in React

I'm successfully fetching data from the Poloniex API but I'm having issues generating the actual chart in my React Component (I'm using highcharts--more specifically the React JSX Highstock node ...
John Rogerson's user avatar
2 votes
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How to position a Highcharts title on the right of the chart?

I'm checking through the documentation and don't really see a way to do this. What I'd like to do is position the chart title to the right of the chart, rotated 90 degrees and centered vertically. ...
CodeLikeBeaker's user avatar
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libURL not working if using {symbol:'url(...)'} in highcharts exporting

<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="https://code....
Lee's user avatar
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Highcharts not working in ie 11

Please don't say question already asked. I searched alot but faild. The charts displaying perfectly in chrome, Firefox, and edge but not displaying in IE 11 and less. here is my code Highcharts....
ishtiaq's user avatar
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how to pass values to tooltip which not in x and y axis in highcharts

I need to display additional values on the tooltip: the name, the count and another value(android). I saw this in an Example I tried to create similar one but I could not result same $(function()...
pinky gifty's user avatar
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Highcharts parse json string for x-axis grouped categories

I'm working on a project in asp c# and using Highcharts for reporting. I want to group the categories I have as a json string and I don't know how to push the data to x-axis categories. [{ "...
kcirde's user avatar
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Highcharts Additional data in Tooltip [duplicate]

I've got the following Highchart working for the most part but I can't get custom data points to show in my tooltip for my 3rd series in a stacked bar chart. Am I formatting the data in the series ...
RichP's user avatar
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Highcharts timeseries, X-axis min not working

I have a timeseries graph using highchart in JSFddle that is supposed to show data spread out over an entire day and in a specific timezone. Thus the min value should be the start and the max value ...
hansi's user avatar
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Render Highcharts inside DIV with dynamically generated ID in AngularJS

I have an AngularJS directive that creates div modules with dynamic id defined in the attributes. Example: <my-directive containerId="myId"></my-directive> and then in the definition of ...
luthien's user avatar
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Highchart export server prevent 0 value in the pdf

I am using highchart export server for exporting the highchart as psd in itextsharp. I have created a handler that will give me the highchart as png image this image is rendered into the itext pdf. ...
Anurag.Desai's user avatar
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Plot dynamically added array elements using Highcharts.js

Here is my fiddle : DEMO The fiddle is a mimic of a real case scenario wherein I get the data from sensors (MQTT) dataArray[] is populated every 1 second. To show the same I have a button which on ...
Inchara Raveendra's user avatar
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Add static content into highchart exported pdf header

I am using highchart export option for download pdf and i need to add some static content into the highchart header,but i can't have the perfect solution, Any one please help me? Please click here ...
Ram's user avatar
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Format y-axis values using numeral JSHighCharts

I want to format my values on the y-axis using HighCharts. Suppose I pass 14000, it should print "14K" on the y-axis. How can I do that? I've benn trying using numeral.js, but to no avail. <!...
user46663's user avatar
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Render Highchart with dynamic ID in jQuery tooltip

I am trying to render a highchart chart to a jquery tooltip. I also want to pass the ID of the element being hovered, so that it is passed directly to highcharts as a variable to the renderTo argument....
Noobster's user avatar
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Highcharts not rendering in jQuery tooltip

I am not sure if this is a bug or expected behaviour. I am trying to render a Highchart inside a jQuery tooltip, and it's not working. The chart fails to render. I have replicated the issue in this ...
Noobster's user avatar
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Highchart - Data defined in a HTML table data to be passed in series

Im new to Highcharts and trying to get the data defined in HTML table, but I'm not sure how to and what data to pass the JS file. Like for example in this chart :
Rachel's user avatar
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highcharts datetime data not working on column type, but working on line

I want to create a stacked column chart using highcharts.js with datetime data It works on line type, but not working on column. The result were flat 100%. What i need is the chart will appear as ...
vincmeister's user avatar
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Highcharts custom legend SVG symbol does not fade when you click to turn off series

When using a custom legend symbol, turning off the series by clicking on the legend fades the legend text but does not fade the custom symbol. This creates inconstancy compared to using inbuilt ...
Raunak Seth's user avatar
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Highcharts how to display custom tooltip in every column

Does anyone know if this can be done in Highcharts ? display custom tooltip in every column, something like: if {point.x} = January show something in tooltip if {point.x} = February show other ...
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js timeseries/waterfall graph within table

I need to create a timeseries graph within a table. For example how the network tab in chrome dev tools is done (image below). They call it "waterfall". I saw few examples from d3 and highcharts, but ...
slash's user avatar
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Highcharts, how to fill in x-axis labels when datapoints don't exist

I was wondering if there are any missing years in between the min and max, that those would be normally populated as well (for example 2012-2017, if there are only 2012 and 2017 datapoints, to still ...
jspy's user avatar
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Highcharts Y-Axis Limits

I am having problems controlling the Y-Axis range of a highcharts graph. It seems like highcharts likes nice round numbers. When my data passes or is close to certain thresholds, the Y-Axis range ...
Shannon Wrege's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it possible update Highchart data automatically and make animated effect?

I'm using Highchart inside React application. I want to make animated effect for Highcart. For instance, it's to show the progress of uploading other data. I pass the progress via this.props....
aaayumi's user avatar
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