Questions tagged [http-status-code-422]

Unprocessable Entity

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how to fix 'Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity' in my rails app [closed]

so I am new to rails and I cloned a GitHub project tried to run it on local host and this is the error I got. this is the error log: Started POST "/setup" for ::1 at 2024-03-25 23:01:33 +...
T.MUHAMMED SHIJAS's user avatar
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Error Status 422 for Clerk Authentication Migration Script

I've been trying to test out the Clerk's Migration script with some dummy users and a test Clerk project. However, I keep getting this error called status 422, where it says that form data is missing. ...
Ryan Uyeki's user avatar
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Fastapi response returning 422 - Error: Unprocessable Entity, wrong model picked for validation [duplicate]

I am building a custom project using fastapi. I am using pydantic models for defining inputs to the api. The data is stored in MongoDB. I am getting 422 response code: Unprocessable Entity for a PUT ...
iamj's user avatar
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Login for access token 422 Validation Error FastApi

I want make autorization on my site using this code (It is not important for me to use this particular authorization option. If you have other options for implementing authorization on the site, I ...
sata mems's user avatar
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Flutter & Python (fastapi) Login Function: 422 Unprocessable Entity

Python code Model Login fast api (python) from pydantic import BaseModel class User(BaseModel): user_name: str real_name: str password: str phone_number: str email: str ...
Taetkyle's user avatar
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How can I solve Uvicorn 422 Unprocessable Entity error with Flutter: fastapi

I am trying to connect the backend(python) and frontend(flutter). Currently, I am connecting Signin Function. Python Codes user type fastapi (signin function) code class User(BaseModel): ...
Taetkyle's user avatar
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Github 422 error: “Inviter has insufficient permissions”

(Writing this up as both a question and an answer, because I couldn’t find anything useful on Google when debugging this problem and want to fix the “zero google hits” problem for the next person.) I ...
Owen Blacker's user avatar
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422 Unprocessable Entity error in FastAPI when I try to upload an image using React frontend

this code works perfectly when i hit this api using swagger ui. but fails to perform when its being hit from a react frontend showing status code 422 unprocessable entity. below is my fastapi endpoint-...
Abir Ahmed's user avatar
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Vue+FastAPI receiving 422 Unprocessable Entity when sending request form object for OAuth2PasswordRequestForm [duplicate]

I developing a site using Vue and FastAPI. I am currently stuck with the error: 422 Unprocessable Entity received from a FastAPI Sever. As I understand 422 error cause when the request reached server ...
WIsh Suharitdamrong's user avatar
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422 status code when sending valid data, API with Flask, SQLAlchemy

I am building Library API project, and my code used to work just fine, but recently - when I aimed to finish working with it - I was checking my endpoints, and this is what I get when sending POST ...
user17578188's user avatar
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422 Error when do post request of NGINX proxy

I have set up an simple reverse proxy for with config server { listen 80; location / { proxy_pass; } } When I go to localhost it display the ...
user22066066's user avatar
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Query FastAPI with python requests returns 422 unprocessable entity [duplicate]

I am trying to reach a fastAPI endpoint using the python requests, however, any request always returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity error. I have looked at other similar posts, such as this one, but to ...
JasonFitz's user avatar
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Unable to create fulfill request and accept request for order

I am trying to fulfill a shopify order using shopify-api-node library. First I get a list of fulfillment order using const test = await shopify.order.fulfillmentOrders(5333711388952) which gives me [ ...
Tallion 22's user avatar
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commerce.js fulfillment method

I'm working on the ecommerce project and I get this response 🚫 Validation/missing fields index.js:1 fulfillment.shipping_method: The shipping method field is required Here is what my orderData looks ...
ronan23's user avatar
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Test with FastApi TestClient return 422 Unprocessable Entity [duplicate]

I'm trying to run the following test with TestClient FastAPI on following endpoint. I'm getting 422 Unprocessable Entity def test_nodes(): """ this test assumes a specific id ...
d151's user avatar
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Api github return 422 Unprocessable Enty when the data is passed

I try to send file to my github repo via a html process but I fail with the error 422. I have the feeling than my data is good but... nooooo. I'm beginner in this part and I don't find a way to solve ...
Knupel's user avatar
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error 422 from ajax request on dynamic form Symfony

I try to put a specific value into my form from the user's choice thanks to js. When he selects a client i want to display the relevant contract and structure that are related to it in a choice field, ...
Maxfgt's user avatar
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FastAPI: How to customise 422 exception for specific route? [duplicate]

How to replace 422 standard exception with custom exception only for one route in FastAPI? I don't want to replace for the application project, just for one route. I read many docs, and I don't ...
Octoloper's user avatar
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Postman post request field must not be empty

{"active":true,"name":"webhook","resource":{"type":"CONTACT"}} I'm sending this in raw body in postman but getting this eror "...
Mavi Böcekler's user avatar
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How to pass in to add two query when curling in prometheus?

I am trying to curl a query from my client that has data, but it seems the query i am sending doesn't seem to be correct. I want to get the number of commits that two projects have over a span of a ...
Max Bojorquez's user avatar
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Why does a ValidationError 422 occur when sending a POST request to a FastAPI app through Postman? [duplicate]

I cannot seem to send a POST request to a FastAPI app through Postman. FastAPI version 0.89.1 Python version 3.10.9 from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.params import Body from pydantic import ...
Ari's user avatar
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Contentful - Creating and Referencing newly created entries to one another

I'm using the Contentful API PHP SDK library and through this API am creating a few different Entries which are going to reference each other. I'm able to create the different entries, I'm able to ...
Duniyadnd's user avatar
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Powershell invoke-webRequest - The remote server returned an error: (422) Unprocessable Entity

When I try to create an issue in redmine via the Rest Api using Powershell, I get an error: The remote server returned an error: (422) Unprocessable Entity. In postman, this request is processed ...
Pomidor_83's user avatar
-1 votes
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Gitlab sigin in and redirect to a 422 page

I just install a new gitlab-ce instance. I set the property [external_url] 'https://xxxxx' a https protocol,but I did not enable the ssl. So I visite the https://xxxx and it can sigin in. But the ...
KongFu's user avatar
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Creating new shopify article with the same content gives errors

Following is my code and struct for creating shopify articles. I never had a issue with them until recently where some of the pages get created and others send a 422 Unprocessable Entity response. can ...
Sp3LLingzz's user avatar
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Logs on server side for pydantic type inference in FastAPI [duplicate]

As is the general case with FastAPI, if a request doesn't correspond to the Pydantic model we get a 422 Unprocessable entity error and the response is visible on the client side. Is there a way to get ...
Abinav R's user avatar
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Publishing to Pypi from gitlab: 422 Unprocessable Entity

I'm trying to push a project package to pypi (it's my first time doing so) from gitlab, and I'm following their turorial [here][1]. However, when I am trying python3 -m twine upload --repository ...
Willy Lutz's user avatar
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Webhook listener in FastAPI raises 422 Unprocessable Entity error

I have a webhook listener that uses an APIRouter to designate the route for the application on the FastAPI server. The app should receive a POST request (expecting data in JSON format) and log this to ...
joe_bill.dollar's user avatar
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422 (Unprocessable Content) shouild come in axios response by laravel api

When trying to submit a POST request using Axios in Vue to a Laravel API, the validation is running perfect but at the time checking if the validation fails ($data->fails()) then it is returning a ...
bharat's user avatar
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I get user, volunteer, and event must exist, when I try to post a student as json data in postman to my rails backend student table

I don't understand why I am getting a 422 on http request, I feel I put all parameters I needed into my request, cant someone tell me what is wrong with this cond. this is my controllers trusted ...
Otis Guess's user avatar
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How to fix error 422 Unprocessable Entity in Jmeter?

I am trying to create Student and Teacher profiles while using Jmeter. So I am submitting a POST HTTP request in Jmeter getting Response code: 422, Response Message: unprocessable entity error But ...
Santhosh Kumar's user avatar
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Unable to validate list of dicts using marshmallow Schema with webargs use_kwargs - Error 422 Unprocessable Entity

I have the following endpoint in Flask: from flask import Flask from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, Schema, fields from webargs.flaskparser import use_kwargs app = Flask( __name__, static_url_path=&...
vvvvv's user avatar
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Python: FastAPI 422 Unprocessable Entity in use of Union[st, None]

I'm trying to POST some data to an API method using the browser (By using woocommerce in wordpress). When I use POST request with model entity as a null value model = None to send data it works fine, ...
Ali SHOKOUH ABDI's user avatar
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Why am I getting 422 (Unprocessable Entity) errror?

I am trying to make a post request in my app react front end and rails backend.However something is not working im getting this error.My routes and controller are defined somehow getting an ...
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Why I got 422 unprocessable content when I try to reset password?

Hello everyone I'm on resetting password with laravel and reactJs Actually when I try to reset password I always get error 422: {password: ["The password confirmation does not match."]}. But ...
syrine bh's user avatar
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Post method returns 422 using Requests but working fine with CURL and Postman

I am using Python with Requests module to connect to an EasyRedmine API. I'm having trouble creating a project using the post method in order to post a JSON. It returns "[Unprocessable Entity <...
Aymanete's user avatar
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422 Unprocessable Entity: Can Wiremock create scenario with a missing quotation?

I am creating a scenario wherein I'd intentionally remove the quotation in the request body and add the corresponding error message. However, Wiremock returns 422 unprocessable entity. Is there a way ...
nit21's user avatar
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How to customise error response for a specific route in FastAPI?

I want to make an HTTP endpoint in FastAPI that requires a specific Header, produces a custom response code when the Header is absent, as well as shows the Header as required in the OpenAPI docs ...
Rob Gilton's user avatar
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POST request response 422 error {'detail': [{'loc': ['body'], 'msg': 'value is not a valid dict', 'type': 'type_error.dict'}]}

My POST request continues to fail with 422 response, even though valid JSON is being sent. I am trying to create a web app that receives an uploaded text file with various genetic markers and sends it ...
ahutchful's user avatar
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FastAPI POST request with List input raises 422 Unprocessable Entity error

I would like to write a POST request in which an input parameter is a list, but I got error 422 unprocessable entity: { "detail": [ { "loc": [ "body" ...
Saha's user avatar
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File upload using FastAPI returns error 422

I am using the example from the official documentation: Server code:"/uploadfile") async def create_upload_file(...
stev's user avatar
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Post method via Airtable API using a Google Script

I have the following code in a Google Script: var data = { "records": [ { "fields": { "Contract Address": "test", ...
DBWeinstein's user avatar
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422 (Unprocessable Entity error when submitting form with ajax)

Why do I get error 422 when I send the form to Laravel with Ajax? my ajax code : document.getElementById('addReplyComment').addEventListener('submit',()=> { $.ajax({ type: 'POST'...
amir hosein cheraghchi's user avatar
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FastAPI: 422 Unprocessable Entity [duplicate]

I'm getting this error while trying to accept a pedantic model. After debugging for quite some time I believe the problem is with accepting CodeCreate Pydantic model class BaseCode(BaseModel): ...
ASAD HAMEED's user avatar
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StatusCode: 422 - UnprocessableEntity Entity - HTTP Client .NET Core 5.0

I have the below code to make an HTTP request to an external endpoint, which throws me a 422 status code which is Unprocessable Entity. The same request payload works fine when directly invoked the ...
Lakshitha's user avatar
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Google Script using an API cURL Request and getting a 422 Response code

My coding knowledge is pretty shaky because I didn't learn it orderly. Right now, I am trying to send an cURL Request and the documentation is: curl -...
איתן ביאזוי's user avatar
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Android Retrofit HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity

My Android app prints this 422 HttpException error and it comes from Retrofit but in fact, all my requests work fine. D/retryIO: -----> HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity W/System.err: retrofit2....
Tartar's user avatar
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How to get CSRF tokens in a React/Rails App? ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken

Before going into more detail about the title, I just want to describe the problem at a basic level. I'm getting the dreaded 422, Unprocessable Entity error (ActionController::...
Hans Foster's user avatar
3 votes
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Error in Angular with HTTPparams 422 (Unprocessable Entity) and FastAPI

I have this url in backend and need pass c1 like a parameter, c1 is only an example, this method enable or disable an user and give back an "ok"
Cristoff's user avatar
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Error 422 Uploading files with laravel livewire

I am trying to upload images to S3 using laravel livewire file upload, everything works fine in development, but after deployment on staging or production, I still can upload some images but others ( ...
Salar Houshvand's user avatar