Questions tagged [instruments]

Instruments usually refers to the performance analysis developer tool provided by Apple for Mac and iOS development.

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0 votes
1 answer

Why application shows low memory warning during heap shot analysis?

I am developing one application in which recurring transactions are inserted in database.while i am doing heap shot analysis it shows low memory warning while inserting data.its inserting 1200 records ...
4 votes
0 answers

UI automation error using iOS 5.1 target

I use Instruments 4.3 with UI automation tool for sometime successfully. Recently I upgraded my target iPhone4 to iOS 5.1 and UI automation is now giving following error :"An error occurred while ...
9 votes
2 answers

Finding which object has a reference to another object in iOS and ARC

I'm working in xcode and iOS, and I have an object that is not being deleted because some other object still has a reference to it, but I can't figure out who. Using Instruments, I see that it has a ...
4 votes
3 answers

instruments showing NSPlaceholderstring leaks

I'm trying to reduce the memory leaks in my app, so i used instruments to find all the leaks. I managed to remove almost all of the leaks, except a very annoying one. Instruments is telling me that i ...
0 votes
1 answer

XCode: Does instruments have a stack trace?

My application crashed when I analyze memory leaks in instruments. Does instruments have a stack trace? (I want to see why my app crashed.)
1 vote
2 answers

Profiling MacRuby application using Instruments

I want to port an application to MacRuby to make it easier to distribute as an app, and also be able to use native AppleScript (ScriptingBridge) rather than requiring users have XCode to install ...
1 vote
1 answer

Instruments giving a weird error, when testing on device

I am trying to run Instruments in my iPod (iOS 5.0.1). The settings for the project are correct, I am running in debug mode, and have installed a developer profile. But whenever i run instruments, i ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can you use Xcode Instruments with MonoMac

I'm developing a MonoMac application on OS X 10.7. I've noticed that Xcode has an application called Instruments that looks like it tracks a whole bunch of stuff that would be nice for doing stress ...
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1 answer

Class with memory leaks in instruments

I have a couple of classes which functions are execute SQL statements against a WEB service in order to get or set data in the database. Works fine, but the problem is when I'm testing in instruments/...
1 vote
1 answer

Using Instruments to Know What Activity Occurs at a Given Time

As the Instruments trace below shows, I have some regular plunges in my Physical Free Memory. At the same time the percent user load rises. Allocations remains steady, but the tabular listings show ...
2 votes
1 answer

iOS -- Using and Understanding Instruments using Allocations and Memory Monitor (Physical Memory Free)

I'm in the process of understanding how to put instruments to better use. I just finished a leak management exercise, and instruments is reporting very few leaks. I'll figure those out later. In the ...
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1 answer

Instruments Pointing to Leak in Framework -- Found Leak was Somewhere Else (Why?)

I'm becoming more familiar with Instruments for debugging, and it's much easier to use than it initially appeared. This problem was posted so I could understand why it was pointing to one line of code ...
0 votes
2 answers

Memory Leaks profiler in Xcode - How reliable is it?

I have tried using the memory profiler in xCode. It flags a number of objects as leaked object but when I open the history of the object, the last operation on that object is a release that sets the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Clearing instruments CPU profiling

I'm probably missing something obvious here, but is there a way in Instruments to clear the CPU profile data without restarting the App? I have an iOS game I'm trying to profile just to core game ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can Instruments tell me on which line my retain/release calls were made with ARC?

Instruments gives me a beautiful breakdown of the reference counting events for my objects like so: It also tells me inside which method/function the calls occurred. Is there any way to find out ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is there an Instruments API?

Is it possible to setup an Instruments run programmatically from my code? For instance, I'd like to structure my code something like this where startTrace might setup a specific probe for the current ...
0 votes
2 answers

Simulate Memory Warning While Running Instruments?

Is there a way to do this? If so, how, and can it be done while running an app in the simulator and/or the real device? Is there an alternative way to test response to memory warnings in Instruments?
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1 answer

iphone UITesting a button that is a number

I'm trying out UITesting for the iPhone, and I thought I would use the simple rpn calculator from the lecture 2 of stanford's cs193p iTunes U class to run my first tests on. my javascript is as ...
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2 answers

Heap memory is growing

Today I made some tests and I am curious of the results. I made an app (ARC) which have UINavigationController and two UIViewControllers. In the first view there is a button and when that button is ...
1 vote
4 answers

Analyze and instruments

Well, that question may sound silly, but... When I run my app in analyze mode or with instruments I get no possible (analyze mode) or memory (instruments) leaks. Does it mean that my app is 100% ...
1 vote
1 answer

Abandoned Memory, Leaks, Navigation Controller

I can't understand this behaviour in my app and I'm seriously thinking burn my mac NOW and start writing books of stories for children. I have a normal Navigation Controller, and i push and pop ...
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1 answer

iPhone Application Memory Issue

I have created an iPhone Application where I have managed to handle leaks using the Profiling tool of XCode. I have a gallery of images shown in UIScrollview when I load the view.Images in the ...
1 vote
1 answer

zError function call in zLib impacting performance

When using zlib 1.25 in an iOS project, I've noticed in my profiler (Instruments) that the function zError is being called repeatedly, and is occupying 50% of the overall inflate time. Does anyone ...
0 votes
1 answer

Understanding the instruments

I have observed the VM Tracker the instruments, but I can not understand some informations. For example: What is Dirty Size, MALLOC_TINY, MALLOC_LARGE and Memory Tag 70? If possible, how can I ...
5 votes
1 answer

Instruments fails within 2 seconds of starting

App isn't crashing, it keeps going fine. Seems to happen right as the app actually shows something on the screen. This is the error from Xcode: Failed to start Instruments daemon for 'iOS' on '...
6 votes
1 answer

iOS allocations - persistent count in heapshots not always 0

While profiling my iOS app I perform a simple task multiple times where I push and pop a view from the stack, and then take a heapshot. The same code is executed each time and the pushed view just ...
1 vote
2 answers

Finding memory leaks

I know that there are lots of posts about memory leaks. Now i am reading those. But maybe there some people could give me some tips how to find in which controller or even which object is leaking. ...
0 votes
1 answer

iOS: Fetch logs from Instruments in txt format

Is there any way i can fetch the test cases logs that are generated from Instrument in text format. I want it to be passed on to a text file so that i can read them and create a Test Report.
0 votes
1 answer

File or Directory Not Found Message

When I profiled (I/O Activity) my application in Instruments, using my iPhone as the device, I saw a bunch of "No Such File or Directory" messages even though the images have been previously added to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Memory Leak with NSMutableString in XML parser

I'm using an XMLparser within my App. It's running fine however when I run my App in instruments I keep getting memory leaks at a NSMutableString which handles the strings which came out of the XML. ...
3 votes
3 answers

Launching instruments from command line with iPhone simulator

Following this question, how do I launch instruments with iPhone simulator as a device. I tried this: $ instruments -t /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Instruments/PlugIns/...
0 votes
1 answer

Tracing mallocs in xcode instruments

I'm familiar with using xcode to profile memory allocations, however I'm currently working on a project that uses a lot of Core Graphics and it seems that most of the allocations simply show up as "...
1 vote
2 answers

Debugging ios5 iPad application on real device

I have an application running on the real iPad device. Randomly, when I click some button (not always the same) the application just quits without any message (it keeps running but ipad returns to ...
-1 votes
3 answers

Guidelines to create a framework for iPhone UIAutomation tool

Can some body share your thoughts to create a framework using iPhone UiAutomation tool (Instruments)
14 votes
1 answer

fprintf memory leak

I am using the Instruments from XCode 4.2.1 to find some memory leaks. I have found a very weird (at least for me) memory leak: (The function values_table_get_value returns a double, and output = ...
0 votes
5 answers

Memory leak in a class with 3 NSMutableArrays. Why?

I'm getting a memory leak with instruments in a class that I've created. This is the class: .h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface RDItem : NSObject { } @property int Id; @property (...
0 votes
1 answer

Instruments points out low memory warning, but very low memory usage

I used instruments to test my app. In my app, there is a tableView which loads many images. When I scroll the tableView, the instruments points out many "low memory warning" flags. But the memory ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why I'm getting this memory leak

I'm getting a memory leak with instruments at this line: NSString * finalString; finalString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",chunksString]; chunksString is declared as class field NSString. Is ...
1 vote
2 answers

XCode 4.1 - Instruments Time Profiler

I'm trying to use Time Profiler, I've used it before. I'm hiding system libraries, but all of my symbol names are HEX. I'm running in debug, I have debugSymbols turned on.... I've restarted ...
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3 answers

Huge memory leak after using MPMoviePlayerController

I've come across this 3MB malloc done by CoreVideo on my iPad app after releasing an MPMoviePlayerController object. I've made sure that the player is stopped before released, so it does actually ...
1 vote
4 answers

How to remove NSString Related Memory Leaks?

in my application this method shows memory leak how do i remove leak? -(void)getOneQuestion:(int)flashcardId categoryID:(int)categoryId { flashCardText = [[NSString alloc] init]; ...
0 votes
2 answers

Memory leak in my method

I have a method in my app to fetch a rss feed, and instruments shows that i've got a memory leak in my fetch method. NSData* xmlData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL ...
0 votes
4 answers

Where am I leaking memory here? Used Instruments

Instruments is saying there is a memory leak in this code: - (void)layoutImageMaskViewForImageAtPath:(NSString *)path withFillColor:(UIColor *)color indexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { UIImage *...
1 vote
1 answer

iOS: Xcode 4.2: Leaks Instrument says I have a leak with my NSMutableArray and NSMutableDictionary but I don't see where

I have the following simple code to track MKAnnotations in my MKMapView. I create the annotations in a loop through my list of locations I want to track. I add the annotations to my collection ...
4 votes
1 answer

MKMapView is not deallocating memory for MKUserLocation

I have a navigation controller in which VC1 pushes VC2 onto the navigation stack. VC2 has a MKMapView in a tab based view, with user location turned on. When I check for repeat allocations with ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to use Time Profiler Instrument with iPhone Device

I'm trying to get Time Profiler to play nice with me. I am able to set it up with my iPhone and capture data. However, Instruments doesn't really show much information about where the virtual ...
1 vote
1 answer

NSPersistentUIManager - deflate

I was doing a time profiling at startup for my mac app and I don't remember seeing this class being called in snow leopard, but can't be sure. Does anyone know what is it for?
2 votes
1 answer

Red line in Instruments

I'm programming on objective-c and testing my application in Instruments. I uploaded screenshots below. I don't understand red line on my code and what's wrong? Can you help me? Thanks.
4 votes
0 answers

ARC Leads to Large Abandoned Memory

I converted my entire project to ARC when iOS 5 was released, and haven't had a EXC_BAD_ACCESS yet. However, I've been looking through the Memory Monitor in Instruments lately, and notice that a fair ...
11 votes
2 answers

Live Bytes vs Real Memory in Activity Monitor on iOS

I'm working on an iOS app that will create a lot of small objects and floats, and trying to get an idea for how much memory usage it's consuming. When I run the "Allocations" instrument, it says I ...

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