Questions tagged [javafx]

The JavaFX platform enables developers to create and deploy Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications that behave consistently across multiple platforms. JavaFX 1.3 and older, were scripting languages, whereas JavaFX 2.x+/8.x enables users to use Java. FXML enables JavaFX to follow an MVC architecture.

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Raspberry hangs at oauth authentification of google calendar api

I'm creating a javaFX app, which uses the google calendar api. I tested it on two Windows PC's and erverything is working fine. The code from google opens the browser where I can authentificate me, ...
EThree's user avatar
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JavaFX AnimationTimer running at way more than 60 fps

Short description: Running a simple JavaFX program that illustrates AnimationTimer results in my PC almost locking up. The program runs fine on other PCs and on my PC when booted with other versions ...
john's user avatar
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Javafx won't play mp3s from a certain album

I have a javafx program that looks a little something like this: import; import; import; import; ...
brendanw36's user avatar
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How to put multiple TextField in a circle in JavaFx

I am trying to put multiple textfields in a circle in JavaFX. I could add a field in the centre using StackPane as explained in the below-mentioned post but unable to add multiple textfields. I tried ...
Shivam Aggarwal's user avatar
-4 votes
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Not displaying any button inside the scene

its a simple javafx program thal will be switching between the two scenes. program compiles fine but not showing any component inside the scene. i've used two layouts, two buttons and two scenes. ...
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-1 votes
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Get output from editable cell factories in javafx

I have a TableView which has coloumns with editable cells: TextFieldTableCell,ChoiceBoxTableCell and CheckBoxTableCell. They are made like this: usernameCol.setCellFactory(TextFieldTableCell....
wayne1512's user avatar
-5 votes
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JavaFX - What do I need to pass in the forTableColumn() for a CheckBoxTableCell

So in my code I have a table that has multiple editable columns. Some are text , some have a drop-down menu and others are choice boxes (true/false) This is how to columns are setup: usernameCol....
wayne1512's user avatar
5 votes
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Why does a TableView's change listener give different results for ObjectProperty<T> vs TProperty columns in JavaFX8?

A relative Java newbie question. I have a TableView with extractors and a ListChangeListener added to the underlying ObservableList. If I have a StringProperty column in the data model, the change ...
GreenZebra's user avatar
1 vote
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How to display a PropertySheet on two columns

I need to display a Propertysheet (ControlFx) on two columns like this property1 value1 property4 value4 property2 value2 property5 value5 property3 value3. The first idea was to use ...
Virginie's user avatar
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Java FX GUI freezes

in our latest project in school, I got some problems. I want to observe a Path for new entries, the path is chosen by a file director button but if I choose any file, the whole window freezes... I ...
TDI's user avatar
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SelectionMode.MULTIPLE with TAB to navigate to next cell

I'm currently using TAB to navigate to next cell. selectNext() or selectRightCell() works fine when I'm using SelectionMode.SINGLE. However, when using SelectionMode.MULTIPLE, its selecting multiple ...
Gino's user avatar
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Is there a way to modify an fxml file through the code itself?

What I need is basically to modify a .fxml file via code with some parameters I'm getting from a .json, let's say a method that changes the values in the file itself. Ex: void modifyFile(){ fxml ...
Ivan Solis's user avatar
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3 answers

How to set CellValueFactory to functions of various properties in javafx?

I was building a download manager in javafx in the MVC pattern and got into some trouble. I wanted to list the downloads in a TableView with all properties in various columns. Suppose I have a model ...
Gnik's user avatar
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JavaFX - How to refresh broken UI? After setItems() null value into table view

When I setItems() to my table view, put null value into by mistake. Then changed menu (load Other Controller on UI), UI was broken. Almost control was gone, and some controls are mixed up. So to ...
rlawlstjd007's user avatar
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JavaFX, TableView - Is HashMap<personName, List<Events>> or HashMap<day, List<Events>> the solution to my problem

I'm at a crossroads right now. The problem I'm having is coloring in the cells of the TableView<Person>. I have 3 columns: firstName, lastName, and the Days Column (which is actually 60 columns ...
E.C's user avatar
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JavaFX, problem with Platform.runLater(), delayed rendering of Canvas graphic

I am trying to make a simple event driven TicTacToe game using JavaFX. Currently I am struggling with termination once certain conditions are met. To put it into more details, the player can click on ...
MintBerryCrunch's user avatar
4 votes
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How to update native built JavaFX Application

I am building a JavaFX application in Intellij that will be built and distributed with an .exe installer and will be ran as an exe Application. I have been trying to find a way to allow for remote ...
Corbin's user avatar
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How to use same method in two different classes (JavaFX with Scenebuilder)?

I am currently experimenting with JavaFX and SceneBuilder in eclipse to create and design my own program. In my first class "StartController" I am using a method called makeFadeIn. Basically, when I ...
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JavaFX tableview with CSS scrolling issue

I am currently facing a problem with javafx table. I have a tableview that shows a list of subjects. The background color of each row depends if a subject is able to be enrolled or not. Subjects with ...
xyz3's user avatar
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How to move rows in jfxtableview

I am new to JavaFX and JFoenix. I went throw the following link and find out how to make a table using jfxtableview.
Isuru Dilshan's user avatar
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How can I call start method from other classes in JavaFX?

How can I call start method from other classes in JavaFX ? I tried in this way but it didn't worked ! By the way , I'm new with JavaFX. public class LoginWindow extends Application { ...
Anonymouse Anonymouse's user avatar
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How to update custom Javafx with data in the most effiecient way

I have a working system where one Custom component can be updated by user clicking button or by timer. But I'm not sure this is the most efficient way and if it is thread safe. Is there any better ...
user1857773's user avatar
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Error: Bundler "EXE Installer" (exe) failed to produce a bundle

I am currently trying to deploy a Javafx Project im working on. The last bundle deployed just fine and without a single error. Since the last deployment I added the log4j library to my project and ...
HansA's user avatar
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initialize a TextField from a variable in a controller and using Fxml

I use Javfx and Fxml file to do an application. I would like initialize Textfield with variable data in controller but i have an error : Exception in Application start method java.lang.reflect....
Owczarek Romain's user avatar
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GridPane, row drop shadow to another row - Here is a layout that i have GridPane at (0,0) contains pane with logo and buttons GridPane at (0,1) contains pane that will be main program view. I want to ...
ANGRY PENGUIN's user avatar
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How do I add a Splash screen to a main program in javafx?

I have 2 files, and Here are the 2 codes: package application; import javafx.animation.*; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.stage.Stage; import ...
Prometheus's user avatar
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Changing between User models in a JavaFX App

In my current JavaFX app, there can be different users which have different data relating to them. In different parts of the app labels, tables, graphs etc are bound to observable properties in the ...
Adam's user avatar
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Communicating data between database, scene controller and stage controller

this is more of a concept question. I essentially have a scene which contains a TableView at the moment with 2 columns (FirstName and LastName with object Name). To manage this I have an observable ...
bigfocalchord's user avatar
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Preferable way to set background and font dynamically in JavaFX

I have to update the nodes styling dynamically based on my data. Mostly it will be background, border and font. I cannot define predefined css class names to define background color as the colors will ...
Sai Dandem's user avatar
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How to make a loop delay? (JavaFX) [duplicate]

button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { while(true) { s += 10; if((s>height/1.2) || (s == height/1.2)) { s ...
Snowmaze's user avatar
6 votes
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How to do a "shine" effect in CSS (see the picture below) on a button in JavaFX?

This is the css I've tried: .button { -fx-background-radius: 4; -fx-effect: dropshadow(gaussian, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7), 10, 0, 0, 1); -fx-background-insets: 0, 1; -fx-padding: 5 20 5 20; ...
jeff's user avatar
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How to automatically run a method after view initialize

I have a mainscope class which help me with initialization other scopes. It is a stackpane - base to another views. In this class I have got a public method initialize() which initialize new view: ...
A.Staskiewicz's user avatar
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JavaFX app become unusable after print dialog

I'm displaying a ControlsFX PopOver for invoice, naturally its content must be printable. I have successfully print it using this code: val printer = Printer.getDefaultPrinter() val layout = printer....
Hendra Anggrian's user avatar
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Why can't I see the URL website I run JavaFX web view?

When I run my code it should give me a GUI window with the website inside. However, when I run the code I am just left with a blank screen. I have tried using different websites, but none ...
tharriott's user avatar
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JavaFX button with svg shape still has rectangular clickable area

I want to make a button with a shape of svg format and i have written the CSS code below: .button { -fx-background-color: #44c553; -size: 100px; -fx-min-height: -size; -fx-min-width: ...
user8733070's user avatar
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Custom class in .fxml file doesn't get imported after obfuscation

So I successfully imported a custom class in my .fxml class as follows <?import> Everything works fine and my program works as expected. After I ...
Gopalakrishna Kini's user avatar
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How do I update the center node of a BorderPane using FXML Controller

I am trying to update the center node of a BorderPane using FXML. I have created a VBox on the left with Buttons and when clicked they are supposed to update the center node however the center node ...
Luke's user avatar
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JavaFX File Chooser for an MVC Application

AFAIK, JavaFX doesn't have a FileChooser Component in Scene Builder/FXML. It is needed to set it using Java, using javafx.stage.FileChooser class. What is the best way to do it an MVC Application - ...
pcobao35's user avatar
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Integer property as automated generated number

I'm creating a simple Java app that would store and display information for customers. I want to make the id as an automated generated number but having problems with that, don't know should I set ...
Adi Vrabac's user avatar
-1 votes
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To check current date is less than expiration date [duplicate]

I'd like to check if the system date (e.g. the current date) is before an expiry date before opening my software. I have written the following code, however it throws a NumberFormatException. Why ...
XYZ's user avatar
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ScenicView 8.7.0 does not load the opened JAVA FX application in it to inspect the elements

I have ScenicView 8.7.0 installed with JDK 8. I need to inspect the JAVA FX application which is running on Ubuntu 16.04(Hope Linux version is not the concern). ScenicView does find the opened JAVA ...
Pravin W's user avatar
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Can we Create a callback between multiple classes in javafx

What I mean is , if class A needs data from another class B, and that data is supplied to class B from class C , then class B gives data to class A (combining of data the data from class C and ...
shraj.t's user avatar
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How to parse html from javafx webview and transfer this data to Jsoup Document?

I am trying to parse sidebar TOC(Table of Components) of some documentation site. Jsoup I have tried Jsoup. I can not get TOC elements because the HTML content in this tag is not part of initial ...
my-lord's user avatar
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Splitting up JavaFX Controller Class

I do not have a MCV Code Example because the problem is more global and I don't think the specific code actually makes a big difference. I have a GUI application with several Elements (datepickers, ...
Labib Kalil Shamon's user avatar
1 vote
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Dynamically update Combobox after selecting item in another ComboBox - JavaFX

I have a JavaFX form with two combo boxes populated with Times in 15 min increments for Start and End times. I am trying to get the End time combo box to dynamically repopulate with options when the ...
KReth's user avatar
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Implementing JavaFX shapes in different methods each

I have this working JavaFX code, that is used to draw four different shapes in a root frame. I would like each shape to have its own method that implements it, that is for instance if it is a circle, ...
Timothy Mach's user avatar
7 votes
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JavaFX Optimized Asynchronous Lazy Loading of TreeItems on TreeView

I have an app where i have a TreeView which will have TreeItems holding a large number of leaf TreeItems. Having a huge number of TreeItems in the treeview hurts the performance of the app noticeably, ...
DarkMental's user avatar
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Where can I get pre-built JavaFX libraries for OpenJDK (Windows) [closed]

I am developing on Windows and replaced Oracle JDK with OpenJDK. I've noticed that JavaFX is not included in OpenJDK. Where can I get pre-built JavaFX libraries for OpenJDK (Windows)? https://wiki....
snflurry's user avatar
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Error:java: module not found: javafx.application

I am using intellij 2018 with Java 10 and Javafx 2.0. I've also included Javafx.swing,, javafx.fxml, javafx.control, and into the project but I still get this error: ...
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Setting tooltips on JavaFX line chart node

I'm trying to add tooltips to the different nodes on a JavaFX line chart. My chart has two different series; each series has multiple data points. Each data point relates to an object. I need to ...
Guybrush's user avatar
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