Questions tagged [jetbrains-ide]

For programming problems relating to using any of the JetBrains tools such as ReSharper, RubyMine, etc. If the issue is related to JetBrains Toolbox, please use the [jetbrains-toolbox] tag instead. General computing questions about using the IDE would be better suited for Super User.

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IntelliJ almost not running

I've been having this problem for several days now and I really don't know what to do because I'm kinda beginner at this. IntelliJ is building very very slow! Almost as if it is not running. I have ...
hiiambobby's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

JetBrains IDE - any way to show all modified files in the current feature branch?

I am working with Git using feature branches, and I would like to have a pane showing all the files that are modified within the current branch (new / modified and possibly deleted files). Is there ...
Amir Rachum's user avatar
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-1 votes
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JetBrains Gateway: Cannot connect to remote host: Connection refused: no further information

I can't connect to JetBrains CLion (2024.1) using JetBrains Gateway (2024.1). Trying to connect to a Linux machine from a Windows machine to use CLion IDE remotely. Error pops up when correct IP ...
Cole Cooper's user avatar
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How do I add a setting selection for Rider to git so it is automatically set for anyone who opens the solution?

The solution I work on has a custom on-save reformat profile configured. Everytime I check out a new instance of this repo, the selected reformat on save profile defaults to the Rider default setting. ...
Scorb's user avatar
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Fast scrolling in Android Studio

In Visual Studio Code, if the Alt key is pressed while scrolling, the scrolling speed is increased. For me, it goes from 3 lines for each scroll to 10 lines. I was wondering if is there any alias in ...
Juan Vitor Tomelero Rostirola's user avatar
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WebStorm Beta Terminal Split view switches context windows after each executed command

I have tried this both on my Windows 11 machine and my MacBook Pro. Is there a setting that I am not seeing that will turn this off? It's a strange "feature" to opt into by default, I'd ...
Tyler Williams's user avatar
-1 votes
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Show all folders of repository in Rider

I have cloned repository and not able to see folders with all files apart from Solution folder. That gives to conclusion that I cannot work with my .sql files, and I don't understand how to set show ...
Серафим's user avatar
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Connetcing to Amazon Aurora using DataGrip and CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN

I am trying to setup a connection using DataGrip as my IDE instead of MysqlWorkbench to connect to Amazon Aurora, so that all my connections sit in one place, though at the moment it seems impossible. ...
Igor Karpenko's user avatar
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Error running phpstorm on windows 7 32 bit OS

I have installed phpstorm on my windows7 32 bit laptop, clicked on finish. However when I want to open the phpstorm, it won't open. Php version is 21.14 Deleting and reinstalling the phpstorm version ...
wumi's user avatar
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Why the gnome icon I set does not work for JetBrains IDE

The system I am currently using is Arch Linux. The desktop environment is GNOME. I installed JetBrains Toolbox through AUR, and then used it to install many IDEs. However, the icons of these IDEs did ...
Czy's user avatar
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JetBrains IDE Soft-wrap these file syntax question

I am fairly new to the PhpStorm IDE and I want to be able to auto soft wrap all editors so I am trying to configure the Soft-wrap these files: option. The instructions below the text box state "...
Will Armstrong Sr.'s user avatar
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How to create a separate instances of components contained in a plugin for every opened IntelliJ window?

I'm writing a plugin consisting of a tool window with a simple chat functionality. It contains an input area (ui.swing.TextField) and a JTextPane with the chat history. The problem that I'm facing is ...
Michael Sparrow's user avatar
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How to import recent project history from old JetBrains Rider version?

I just updated my JetBrains Rider from 2023.1 to 2023.3. The new version dropped all my recent projects history. I have tried to import settings from old version, but there is no history option in ...
LingSamuel's user avatar
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JetBrains Fleet: Run & Debug

Just started working with JetBrains' new IDE Fleet and so far been loving the experience. Just have one issue with the platform. I am trying to run debug on a simple java file but the option is ...
Pedro Guzman Iii's user avatar
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How to change the color of this line in CLion

I've checked some options in the "Editor -> Color Scheme -> General", but they do not work. I want to customize the color of this line or close this line (it's best to be able to ...
Evo1uti0n's user avatar
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Mounting /usr/local/bin/ to python:3 docker image

I want to mount /usr/local/bin/ to my host machine from docker python:3. The reason I want to do this is because I want my PyCharm Community edition to be able to use my docker interpreter for my IDE. ...
James Green's user avatar
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Run multiple configuration with one click - JetBrains IDEs

I'm setting up a new dev environment on PhpStorm, and like always, I have 2 config to run my app : 1 config to run the frontend and 1 config to run the backend. I'd like to know if it is possible to ...
Alexis Thierry's user avatar
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Rider warning on Unity project due to incorrect namespace

Rider is showing a warning on all my C# scripts because they do not have "GameName.Scripts" in the beggining of their namespace. Rider offers a checkbox on a folder's property to prevent ...
Vito's user avatar
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How do I prevent constantly having to upgrade packages in Unity Package Manager?

I use Rider from JetBrains as my code editor and everytime I create new project in Unity, it asks me to update it to newer version. I believe that this is explicitly Unity's issue and I think it can ...
Zbajnek's user avatar
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YouTrack REST API, get issue history

I am trying get specific information about ticket activities. I wanna know next things: All assignee change events All sprints change events All story points change events All status change events I ...
Александр Шаповалов's user avatar
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Offset Error in RubyMine SQL Scratch File

All of a sudden I am getting the following error when trying to run any SQL query via RubyMine. I am connected to a Snowflake database. offset 0, count -1, length 16384 I've been using the same ...
RDev212's user avatar
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How to write Java source code as a String to file in IntelliJ plugin

I'm writing an IntelliJ plugin that generate a unit test class based on a Java source file (for now only support Java). I have to admit that I have no experience about Kotlin. All the code, I copied ...
SoT's user avatar
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PyCharm debugger doesn't step into a statement that throws

Basically the issue is that I can't step into a part of the code: The method seems to be correctly resolved, but when I step into it, instead of ending up inside the method, the validate throws an ...
Max Koretskyi's user avatar
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JetBrains Mongo Error - Spring - Failed to instantiate

I'm getting this erratic error in that MongoDB cannot instantiate a simple data class. Failed to instantiate com.example.timesheetapi.entities.project.ProjectEntity using constructor fun <init>(...
Sachin's user avatar
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How do I see the class instance methods in the `Evaluate` window

I can see here that Request class has json() method. How do I see the Request instance methods in the Evaluate window?
Max Koretskyi's user avatar
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Run VSCode debug in WebStorm

I'm migrating from VSCode to WebStorm. I can't find or run the launch.json debug in WebStorm. How can I configure WebStorm to run VSCode files?
Luka Martins's user avatar
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Change the highlight color on a JetBrains Theme

I want to change the color that a theme has when you highlight characters and when you want to check for indentations. An image of the highlighting color that isn't readable: Another image: I have ...
LilScraggy's user avatar
1 vote
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PyCharm: Ctrl+F not able of finding substrings (only full strings)

I'm not sure why but I was sure that Ctrl + F can find all occurrences of a string in a file. Say I want to find all occurrences of variables that ends with _cfg or all imports ending with time in a ...
MickWise's user avatar
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A way to use Nvidia Rapids in windows directly?

I would Like to know that is there a way to install Nvidia Rapids directly in windows 11 and use rather than using it with wsl2 or docker? Or is there a way to connect jupyter lab host to dataspell? I ...
Prateek Awate's user avatar
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OpenAPI file, reference to a component from another file does not work

I want to split my OpenAPI file components to separate files and reuse them in my documentation. My problem is that although my IDE finds the reference of my component in another file the Swagger ...
CyberHunter's user avatar
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Why files are not excluded in Project view in Fleet?

I am trying to hide unnecessary files and folders from the Project view in Fleet. Based on the few resources available on the internet I understood that I have to use the files.exclude key in settings....
nilTheDev's user avatar
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Two drop-down menus in Intellij are confusing

There are two drop-downs: I really cannot figure out why where are two drop-downs - one is for just Android, one is for Flutter projects? When I hit that green play button, then which one is it going ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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How can I suppress some of the "DBG" and "INF" messages output by the dotnet run command?

While working on an ASP.NET Core 8 Blazor app, I usually use JetBrains Rider to run/debug the project for me, but just look at all this noise generated by ABP and other library components that I won't ...
Kenny83's user avatar
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WebStorm: define the variable/parameter type

I would like to know if it is possible to give WebStorm the format of my data with an annotation to no longer have the "Unresolved variable" message: My code is currently fully functional, ...
Cleboost's user avatar
-2 votes
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"'toolchain' unexpected" in go.mod file

I just recently pulled changes in my project that included the toolchain directive. The issue is that GoLand does not recognize it as a valid directive. The image shows the output from the IDE as well ...
Mitchnoff's user avatar
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Why am I intermittently getting "syntax error near unexpected token `('" from my function definition, depending upon the terminal I use?

I suspect that I have an issue similar to Alias causes error: syntax error near unexpected token `(', (exact same error message) yet it differs in that: I am trying to define a function, not an ...
Kenny83's user avatar
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How Can I Make URLs Clickable in a Table Column in DataGrip?

I'm working with DataGrip by JetBrains and have a table column filled with URLs. Currently, to open these URLs, I have to copy and paste them into a web browser manually, which is quite tedious. I'm ...
Gi Lick's user avatar
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How to increase max size of copied text in JetBrains products, specifically WebStorm and IntelliJ

I work with pretty large text/json files and the attached screenshot popped into my face. How can I increase the max size of copied content in JetBrains Products?
AndrasCsanyi's user avatar
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JetBrains/IntelliJ external tool put text into clipboard

I am using "External tools" functionality in CLion (but it's the same for any of the JetBrains IDEs). I want to have a simple tool that will put some link on my clipboard. I am on MacOS, so ...
Ricola's user avatar
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Can't type in console IntelliJ IDEA

When I try to run using Run, I can't write anything. All that works is Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V (maybe some more shortcuts work). It's obviously not about the code, because everything works correctly ...
timur's user avatar
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How to find specific tags for an Intellij Idea color scheme?

I use intellij idea as my IDE and have found a (mostly) suitable color scheme for my purposes. It is called naysayer88. Although design of most of the color scheme is fine, when code-suggestions pop ...
Pankaj Kalra's user avatar
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IntelliJ does not serialize nested objects' properties of PersistentStateComponent subclass

This is how my custom PersistentStateComponent subclass looks like: @State(name = "Configurations", storages = [Storage("conf.xml")]) @Service(Service.Level.PROJECT) class ...
InSync's user avatar
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Is there a feature similar to IntelliJ's ALT+J in Visual Studio? [duplicate]

In IntelliJ Idea and other JetBrains IDEs, you can select a word, say an "if", and by pressing ALT+J it will select other occurrences of that same word within that file. Is there anything ...
SomeGenericDev's user avatar
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How to set the settings in DataGrip SQL code style editor so that the join conditions are on separate lines?

I need some help configuring SQL editor templates. Now my code after formatting is the following: left join table_1 t_1 on a = b and c = 1 I want it to be like this: left join table_1 t_1 on a = ...
Artem Davtyan's user avatar
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How to edit prettier config file to match JedBrain`s Rider inbuilt formatter configuration?

Use Case In Our working environment there are developers who are using different IDEs to develop the codebase, some folks might use VSC some other use Rider, etc. The objective Each of these IDE has ...
Sergiu Nimat's user avatar
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IntelliJ puts file header after package and imports

I run IntelliJ 2023.3.3. The IDE settings are set to incorporate the file header first: However, when a test file is created via Ctrl + Shift + T the header is inserted after the package and imported ...
boardtc's user avatar
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Android Custom Lint Detector - replicate suspend function warning for non suspend functions

I have a requirement to put some lint checks to warn users to call specific functions (which are non-spending and blocking from a library) to be called from within a suspend function or a coroutine. I ...
Abhinav Tyagi's user avatar
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How to rename a package and it subpackages in IntelliJ IDEA?

I have a project with the following package structure in IntelliJ: com.example.api --> has classes inside of it --> has classes inside of it --> has ...
ams's user avatar
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IntelliJ is not opening after a memory problem

I ran a while true loop and my IntelliJ got stuck forever. I restarted my computer, uninstalled and installed IntelliJ and it is still stuck with the logo of IntelliJ on the screen and that's it, it ...
larry's user avatar
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C/C++ code from IntelliJ IDEA (just as editor, not compiler)

Can I use IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.3 for C/C++ code? I do not need to compile the code, just need to write it down (so to use IntelliJ as editor). I need kind of a plugin or code inspection for C/C++, ...
doog_math's user avatar

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