Questions tagged [jfreechart]

JFreeChart is a free Java chart library with many available chart types and support for numerous output types. The latest version is 1.5.0 released on 2017-11-05. The license is LGPLv2 (or later).

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6 votes
1 answer

Making dynamic line chart using jfree chart in java

how can i create dynamic line chart using jFree chart in java which is show data of 2 hours before and also provide a blank space where data show for 2 hours later from current time.For example ...
Coder Suman's user avatar
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Autorange a Graph that Dynamically Adds Values

I create a JFreeChart object using this method: private JFreeChart createChart(XYDataset xydataset) { jfreechart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Server Throughtput", "Time", "Bytes/...
user1508419's user avatar
0 votes
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Time Series JFreeChart repaint the time axis

I created a dynamic time series chart using JFreeChart API. and it is working fine. I have to add a combo box to it, in which time values will be there like 5 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec. when user choose on ...
mallikarjun's user avatar
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How to export a web page in excel

I am using spring mvc and I have a web page which contains a html table with data and a Jfree chart based on the data , now my problem is how to export the entire page in an excel file with same look ...
gyandeepak dubey's user avatar
2 votes
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XYBarChart and ClusteredXYBarRenderer - Specify Customized Zooming Levels

I'm trying to work with ClusteredXYBarRenderer while creating a XYBarChart. This chart in itself has multiple data series added to it. My requirement is to allow the users to zoom in on the domain ...
Sujay's user avatar
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Security with JApplet loading Library

I've created a JApplet that uses the library JFreeChart (and JCommon). My application is a client-server like. I make a request for the chart the server creates it and return a JPanel containing the ...
LS05's user avatar
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How to create a Chart Explorer with Java and JFreeChart?

I have created a Java desktop program , with the help of JFreeChart libraries. I can open a stock data file (symbol.txt) and have the program display a couple of indicators. I want to create an ...
skiabox's user avatar
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Android Afreechart - Change point shape, thickness and color of line

I am trying to change the shape of a line chart's points, in my app. I am using afreechart's TimeSeriesChart. I want to make this line fancy in terms of thickness, color and points shape. Where to ...
Ace's user avatar
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How to update a JPanel with another JPanel from another class in the same project?

I have created (with Netbeans) a JFrame and I put two JPanels (mainPanel and secondPanel)in it. One other class of the project returns a JPanel when I open a file using JFrame's Menu Bar. How do I ...
skiabox's user avatar
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5 votes
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JFreeChart - XYBarChart Show Separate Bars for Each Series

I'm creating a XYBarChart using JFreeChart and adding multiple series to it. Currently for a given x-value and different Y-values from the series, all of them are getting stacked on top of each other. ...
Sujay's user avatar
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Hide axis label jfreechart

I generate this chart with Jfreechart lib I would like to hide the labels in axis, but show only the first and the last value, How I can do? Thank soo much!!
user1507245's user avatar
2 votes
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JFreeChart BarChart - Category Markers

I'm creating a BarChart that contains multiple frequency bands as the category axis. What I want to do is to show a visible grouping of these frequency bands: For example: Freq x1 ~ Freq x2 = Band y ...
Sujay's user avatar
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3 votes
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Jfreechart without X11

I'm using Jfreechart for creating charts. I'm creating BufferedImage of chart and writing it in OutputStream. It's working fine with display environment, but its Not working In headless environment. ...
DDD's user avatar
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Place a circle on top of an XYLineChart in JFreeChart

I've drawn a standard normal distribution using JFreeChart: NormalDistributionFunction2D normalDistributionFunction2D = new NormalDistributionFunction2D(0.5, 0.15); XYDataset dataset = ...
Ina's user avatar
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1 answer

How to render JFreeChart to gsp using grails

I am new to grails. I am not able to render the JFree Chart BAr graph to my gsp. rather it is being rendered as individual image. I want bboth my gsp forms and chart to be rendered on the same gsp. ...
rezacol's user avatar
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JFreeChart : How to create a middle panel with an oscillator

I have two panels. One with the price (OHLC) and a moving average, and one with the volume. I want to create a middle panel with two oscillators that oscillate around zero. Each oscillator is the ...
skiabox's user avatar
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3 votes
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JFreeChart : How to draw the moving average over a OHLC chart

I am trying to overlay a moving average over an OHLC chart but it does not seem to work. I provide two critical functions of the code : private static OHLCDataset createPriceDataset(String filename) ...
skiabox's user avatar
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Drawing dynamic graphs

Is it possible using java to create a dynamic graphs that update itself automatically when it receives values from outside? I would create an application that check automatically the statistics of a ...
eng_mazzy's user avatar
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7 votes
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Embed the legend into the plot area of JFreeChart

In JFreeChart, is it possible to embed the legend into the chart itself? Legend can be set on top, bottom, left, right of the chart as follows, but is it possible to imbed it into the chart? ...
Junba Tester's user avatar
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JFreeChart Add Percentage to PieChart in JSP

This is my code for creating a PieChart in JSP. Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection(); String strQuery = "SELECT keyword,count(*) from paper_keywords group by keyword"; PreparedStatement ...
user1391078's user avatar
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Time Chart Drawing in Java

I am somewhat new to the graph visualization in Java and I am trying using JFreeChart Library, I currently have 2 array's : 1st Array is an array of Integer values. 2nd Array is an array of Dates. ...
ACoder's user avatar
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Text labels inside jfree Gantt chart bars

I have a simple Gantt chart here, that consists of a number of Tasks just like that: TaskSeries s1 = new TaskSeries("Planned Tasks"); Task newTask = new Task("Task" + String.valueOf(taskIndex), new ...
repto's user avatar
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1 answer

JFreechart X and Y axis scaling

It's possible to set the axis scale values in jfreechart? For example, I'd want X-axis scale 10 and Y-Axis scale 1.
Martin's user avatar
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Performance Issue - JFreeChart (XYDataSet)

I'm pretty much new to JFreeChart and am facing a performance issue while trying to render a huge dataset. The dataset in my scenario comes from a csv file which has well over 46700 rows (lines) and ...
Sujay's user avatar
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JFreeChart : How to make a series invisible?

I am trying to make a chart of ohlc bars invisible so that I can leave the window with only the moving average. Here is the code with the two series (ohlc bars and moving average) : private static ...
skiabox's user avatar
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3 answers

jfreechart in jsp

i want to create a pie chart in jsp using jfree chart, i am using this code <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//...
Somye's user avatar
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JasperReports customize series labels based on a value other than the Category value

I have a JasperReport with a line chart that I need to display labels on, but I want them to display conditionally for each data point. I've created the customizer class to actually display the value,...
jercra's user avatar
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JFreeChart & iText : black image when creating pdf

I am using JFreeChart 1.0.9 to create a chart, and iText 1.3.1 to display this chart in a PDF file. To do so, I am creating a JFreeChart, and then converting it to a byte array : final ...
user1484901's user avatar
1 vote
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JFreeChart: RangeAxis in percentage stacked bar chart is in [0,1] instead of [0,100]

In JFreeChart, I am using the setRenderAsPercentage(true) option for StackedBarRenderer . Although the plot itself looks fine (all bars span the whole plot), the range axis labels are not showing ...
rainer198's user avatar
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JFreeChart : Zoom-in for domain axis is not working when CategoryAxis is used

I am using jfreechart library to draw a series chart. I have taken values on y-axis, time on x-axis and 3 categories as series. Everything is fine but I'm not able to zoom-in domain axis although it's ...
shivshankar's user avatar
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JFreeChart timeseries is not refreshing

I have developed a timeseries JFreeChart by using code from this thread. I want to add this to my main panel, which contains four other panels. So I created a method package com.garnet.panel; ...
mallikarjun's user avatar
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Increase JFreeChart dimensions on a jasper report

I'm creating a JFreeChart and passing it to be displayed on a Jasper pdf report. This is my code for creating the chart JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart( null, // chart title ...
user1066568's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use multiple TaskSeries in a JFreeChart TaskSeriesCollection

If I put all my tasks into a single TaskSeries, I get normally sized Gantt chart bars, but when I take those same tasks, put them into multiple TaskSeries, it makes really skinny bars. Is this a bug, ...
Dale's user avatar
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Unable to find witten file in a webapplication (tomcat, Spring MVC)

I'm using JFreeChart to generate some reporting in my web application, I use JFreechart to build the chart and save it as an image, but I have never found that image in my Tomcat directory. I tried ...
elaich's user avatar
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jfreechart xy series plot data points

In JFreechart xySeries I want to plot the lines using a very dense set of points in order to show curves with precision, however, I want to plot the points with less density. For example, I have 100 ...
user881480's user avatar
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Spring MVC and JFreeChart (Displaying charts in views)

In my Spring web MVC application, I'm planing to display some JFree charts on my jsp views, I'm not sure how to do this, since the first idea i had didn't work for me, generating an image, then ...
elaich's user avatar
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JFreeChart - prohibit initial stretching of TimeSeries

I would like to adopt sample, well-known demo in JFreeChart showing memory consumption : Problem: I don't want it to be ...
vucalur's user avatar
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Manipulate Time range of Gantt chart with iReport

I'm trying to develop a Gantt chart in iReport, but the time range is displayed in months. I want it to be in date or week. Is this possible in iReport?
rifo pangemanan's user avatar
1 vote
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Customized Label To JFreeChart

I'm creating a XYStepChart using JFreeChart and my dataset is as sent to me as (TimeStamp, X1, X2). I'm required to plot X1 for a given timestamp, however I would want to use the value of X2 as the ...
Sujay's user avatar
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Plotting time in milliseconds - JFreeChart (Step Chart)

I'm trying to plot a step chart with the following properties: x-axis: Time (ms) [Actual data contains this as a double value] y-axis: Another value stored as an integer. I'm filling up the dataset ...
Sujay's user avatar
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Is there a workaround to make DateAxis draw tick from the first day of the week?

I bumped into this problem when I created a chart that need a axis with week period. When I set up tick unit of DateAxis with new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.Day, 7), it display tick mark every 7 ...
Rangi Lin's user avatar
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Change Background Dashed Lines JFreeChart

I want to make my chart printible. I know JFreeChart already has a print configuration, but I need to make it printible (black & White) so I can save the image (already printable) in PNG and put ...
lcguida's user avatar
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JFreechart Label too small

I am creating a new view for an eclipse rcp plugin. In this view i want to use a JFreeChart horizontal(!) StackedBar with a fix height of 20. The problem is, that the item labels are displayed too ...
Marius's user avatar
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Infinity in JFreeChart

I have found this link: Its back in 2007 where they agree that infinity should be supported in JFreeChart. Anyone know if it is supported or ...
Shervin Asgari's user avatar
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Jfree Using custom names to categories

I'm very new to Jfreechart, Please help me to get the solution for this, I'm using jfree to draw a graph for a categories which has specific code names like 563,258.855,etc... So i want to assign ...
user1065490's user avatar
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Minor glitch in the code

The below code is used to create a line graph. I am able to display the integers in the TextArea but i am not able to display the sentences above the integers in the text file. How do i rectify this ...
User689's user avatar
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JFreeChart Creating layered Time Series

I have a requirement to show time-series data as layered bar chart. Is it possible with JFreeChart? Any pointers would be really helpful. The data would be a list of: (TS, X1, X2), where I've to plot ...
Sujay's user avatar
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JFreechart X axis data overlap

I am using jfreechart but the problem is that x axis values get overlap.Is there any way to get rid of it?Here is the output of my chart
Xara's user avatar
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Something wrong with the program. How to rectify it?

The below program is used to take the input of integers from a text file and plot a XY graph.I have used JFileChooser to select the file. I'm trying to get the complete path of the file. I have ...
User1234's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to customize label for each category in bar chart?

Recently I get a requirement to create a bar chart that show data for each project. Here's an example : As you can see, the Category is the name of the project, and Series are different types of data ...
Rangi Lin's user avatar
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