Questions tagged [jmeter]

Apache JMeter is an open source Java application, designed to load-test functional behavior and measure performance. Originally designed for testing Web Applications, it has since expanded to other test functions as well.

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Testing the Java methods through the JMeter

My problem - we have a utility jar containing the java methods that expects a payload from other groups and invokes rest endpoints then finally some data gets persisted in database. I want to test the ...
lonelyLearner's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Error while generating report in apache-jmeter-5.4.1.tgz

sh -n -t filePath.jmx -l outFilePath.jtl -e -o folderPath Error generating the report: Error while processing samples: Consumer failed ...
Camilo Echavarria Martinez Ota's user avatar
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Calculate the mid and quarter position in post processer

From the response header I am fetching this the total number of records, and I want to fetch the mid position and quarter position using the total records,
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What is the difference between Scalability test and the other performance tests?

Are there any clear ideas that define the Scalability test? I have designed Load, Stress, Spike and Soak tests using JMeter Ultimate Thread Group but, i have not any idea about Scalability test ...
Beklevir's user avatar
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Jmeter how do I generate multiple HTTP request body in one session?

Here is my use case: I had a JSR223 post processor in place to store "account ID" that qualifies the condition into an array. And then I'll need to construct http request body using the ...
Zhang's user avatar
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How can I flush the jtl file to disk?

Logging results to a jtl file and at the end of the test plan I would like to save the jtl file to a database with a "put" statement via jdbc. However when I do that it looks like the jtl ...
Mats Johansson's user avatar
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jmeter 5.4.1 selecting dynamic #id from custom attribute?

I'm attempting to extract the hyperlink id <a id=""> which changes upon request/refresh. all values of the elements attributes change upon request including parents; with the exception ...
Plague3D's user avatar
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Update the data source while test execution in Jmeter and then reuse it in the same run

I have the scenario in the JMeter. That scenario uses CSV file with numbers to make the specific POST request. For example Post /items/new { "id": "number from CSV" } ...
Michael Derevyanko's user avatar
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How can the performance testing (and reporting) of Async messages over different IBM MQ queues be handled in Jmeter?

I need to test the performance of messages which are sent on one "inbound" MQ1 and then later (after some processing) received on another outbound MQ2. I need to somehow generate a report ...
JustNatural's user avatar
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How to extract value in JSON by using Regular Expression

I am new to regular expression and not able to find the solution of my problem. I have one JSON which my service is returning in response "{\"Version\":14,\"Collections\":[{\&...
Prateek's user avatar
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JMeter test from Java Code - Generate Console/File Reports matching GUI Reports

I run the jmx file from Java code and would like to get console/file reports. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { StandardJMeterEngine jmeter = new StandardJMeterEngine(); ...
Serhii Kachan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Validate the JDBC request with a user defined variable

I am new to JMeter, In my test I am creating a JDBC Connection to oracle DB and running a query which fetching me the count of records, which I want to validate must be equal to the SAMPLE-NUMBER (...
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JSON.stringify() function in JSR223post processor to capture the response in jmeter. but it is trimming the decimal points from the response

i am using JSON.stringify() function in JSR223post processor to capture the response in jmeter. but it is trimming the decimal points from the response. suppose Quanity: 120.000 will be there in ...
Manasa M.S's user avatar
1 vote
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Jmeter Groovy Script to read and utilize header values

I was using jmeter to load test services I need to use one of the response headers parameter value as input of next request. For this I am using JSR223 Sampler and write Grrovy Script to read ...
user1920's user avatar
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Can JMeter test popup windows?

My application uses the popup windows. These popup windows contain normal HTML code. The first browser window contains the general application information. If the user adds the client id in the first ...
George's user avatar
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2 answers

JMeter: How to send multiple unique json body?

I have written a REST API and now my requirement is to load test it for 1k calls or something. Problem is the request json has an unique attribute - Cnumber which needs to be changed for every request....
cSharp's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Unable to Extract value from JSON response which has the data in "\"

Please help me to get out the problem which I am facing. I have a JSON response like this: "{"Version":10,"Collections":[{"Id":"*******","Name":&...
Prateek's user avatar
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Fetch a key value from the JMS request header in JMeter

Have the following as the request header in my JSM request, study_ID MSGtest Initial Context Factory com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory client_ID MSGtest TransactionID 39594bf1-...
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How do I import Java library to JMeter

I am trying to import the jjwt Java library into JMeter but I get the following error; ERROR o.a.j.p.j.s.JSR223Sampler: Problem in JSR223 script JSR223 Sampler, message: javax.script.ScriptException: ...
w4dd325's user avatar
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Jmeter cannot find keytool application and no keystore was provided. Tried alll

Im working with Jmeter, trying to running it as a proxy, but when I start recording, I got this alert. I tried setting, but i can’t find a solution. Please, so grateful if you help me!
Silvina's user avatar
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How to see Perfmon graphs in HTML Dashboard results in JMeter?

in JMeter Html reports, the Perfmon metrics are not included. how to add the CPU, Memory, Network and Disk graphs to those Apache JMeter Dashboard?
Beklevir's user avatar
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2 answers

Get the random file name

With a folder contained around 10 files (like 1.csv, 2.csv....10.csv) And I am uploading them to my http request using a beanshell preprocessor using the following script, File folder = new File("...
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How to iterate through result set and print to console of a JDBC request triggered from beanshell sampler

Sending the following JDBC request from JMeter, using a beanshell sampler. And now I want to fetch the result as the response body fetched in JMeter showing empty but triggering the query successfully....
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Benshell Sampler to update Oracle Request throwing error

I am trying to run a loop to create records in oracle data base through a bean shell sampler and it is throwing error, Response code:500 Response message:org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterException: Error ...
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How to make my next sampler in Jmeter wait till my file gets downloaded?

I have a scenario where I have two samplers inside a thread group.In one sampler I perform a POST request which triggers file download process.The process will continue till all the details of the ...
Mani Maran's user avatar
-2 votes
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Which is better ? JMeter script recorder or Blazemeter chrome plugin

I found many articles that script can be recorded with jmeter script recorder using firefox proxy. But there are many article which says use Blazemeter chrome plugin. Which is better and why?
Sharma AK's user avatar
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"Invalid SQL type: sqlKind = UNINITIALIZED" While running query from JMeter

The following query I am trying to execute it from JMeter, DECLARE j number(4) BEGIN FOR j in 11 .. 12 LOOP INSERT INTO FWA_STAGE_TU (ID,EXT_ID,BATCH_NO,OPERATION,...
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Async calls in jmeter

how to implement a wait async call in a while controller in jmeter. any pointers would be appreciated. I am sending post requests in concurrency thread group. If I put a while controller with the ...
sman's user avatar
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Jmeter VIEWSTATE Count changes dynamically

I am facing a Unique challenging situation. I am working on developing a J meter script for ASP .net application. When i do the recording it creates 127 view states and provided a count as well. But ...
Shanthan Garlapati's user avatar
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Jmeter Async process with while controller

In order to verify whether my concurrency request is persisted asynchronously in the datastore. I have the below test plan which makes requests to the database as part of the preprocessor in the while ...
sman's user avatar
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How to run post request for multiple user in k6 performance test?

We run Get http request with multiple user(vus) and multiple iteration(iterations) for particular duration. It is straightforward like below. import http from 'k6/http'; import { sleep } from 'k6'; ...
Samselvaprabu's user avatar
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How to execute a stored procedure in a multiple step using JDBC sampler

I have the following query which I need to execute step by step (mentioned in the sample below), is it giving me ORA-00922: missing or invalid option, but same thing working on my Oracle SQL developer ...
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4 votes
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HTTP Raw request default is throwing Response Timeout exceeded while reading from socket

I sent a HTTP Raw request default with a host and port which I'm certain that I could connect using my windows 10 device.(Tested with Test-NetConnection and sent data via Ubuntu App, echo "DEMO ...
Sameera De Silva's user avatar
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How to pass multiple values in a for each controller

This is how the test plan looks : Thread group Bean shell sampler For each Controller Graphql request In the previous thread I extracted 2 attributes which are id and price. Now this ...
Shankar PK's user avatar
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Send variable from one jdbc request to another jdbc request in JMeter

In my test plan I have 3 JDBC connection request, from second request's response I want pass the variable to 3rd request, I tried with escape character and vars.get, 2nd Request for fetching group-...
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How to use elements stored in a list in a for each controller

This is how the test plan looks : Thread group For Each Controller GraphQL HTTP Request Bean Shell Pre Processor From the previous thread I extracted an attributes' value from ...
Shankar PK's user avatar
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why soak test is ended before the time i set in jmeter?

i set up a 16-hour soak test in jmeter. use a csv file for different users for 10000 users. use ultimate thread group with these settings: one row start threads count: 20 initial delay: 0 start up ...
Beklevir's user avatar
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Jmeter post processor and while controller

I have a post -processor with the below code. import test.MFG MFG mfgRepo = new MFG();"device {}","${deviceID}"); long crashTime= ${p1}; String deviceId1="${deviceID}...
sman's user avatar
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Validate the response from JDBC request using beanshell or JSR223

For my JDBC request, the following result I am receiving from Oracle DB and want to validate the response should not give more than 1 records and EVENT_LOG_ID=48144960 AUDIT_CONTEXT_KEY, ...
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How to create a JMETER setenv.bat file with Environment variables

I want to create a JMeter setenv.bat that contains environmental variables such as set JMETER_HOME=xx I want to just type 'jmeter' anywhere on the Terminal CL in any directory to start jmeter, could ...
Taz 3497's user avatar
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Is it possible to append data specific columns of existing csv using JMETER?

I have an existing csv file with some data stored. I need to append data in specific columns of csv using jmeter. Example : I need to append data in column C and E of this existing csv file. Is it ...
Bhavya Dutta's user avatar
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How to compare excel data with JSON response by iterating through each row in excel in JMeter

I want compare excel data with JSON response by iterating through each row in excel in JMeter Consider below data is available in excel Last_Name| ID | First_Name Lawson | 7 | Michael ...
Harsha's user avatar
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How to include crypto package which is in-built into nodejs, in JMeter tests

We are using JMeter to execute load tests and our APIs expect an encrypted value which we have generated using crypto lib of nodejs.
shanky garg's user avatar
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How to send multiple number of message to queue using jms

Have a requirement while sending message to queue (tibco ems), it should be any random number between 1000-3000, how to achieve this in JMeter? Will updating the number of samples to aggregate to ${...
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Load Test - Jmeter PreProcessor

I have a preprocessor that creates random uuid and random string as below import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; String testId1=UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String ...
sman's user avatar
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How to handle redirection when login Jmeter

I am doing performance testing. I have a URL it redirects to for login. Because is registered in Github. What will be the approach to login into the application with ...
Dharmesh Mishra's user avatar
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Best way to go about testing 1000 case creations in a day - Jmeter

I would like to know the best way to go about creating 1000 "cases" on a platform in a day using Jmeter and testing the throughput. Currently I am thinking of using Ultimate thread group for ...
Webbo's user avatar
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RMI plugin for Apache Jmeter

Is there any way to download the RMI plugin for JMeter. I can only get the source code from git but not actually the plugin. I need to test Java webswing application using RMI plugin.
JMeter_User's user avatar
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JMeter - call __stringToFile function from Groovy/Beanshell

For example function __machineName can be called from groovy: def machineName = new org.apache.jmeter.functions.MachineName().compute() Can anyone advise how can I call function __stringToFile in a ...
just_a_tester's user avatar
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How much maximum thread capacity of jmeter command line mode?

I have to test load testing for 32000 users, duration 15 minutes. And I have run it on command line mode. Threads--300, ramp up--100, loop 1. But after showing some data, it is freeze. So I can't get ...
dilrubadad's user avatar

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