Questions tagged [jquery]

jQuery is a JavaScript library. jQuery is a popular cross-browser JavaScript library that facilitates Document Object Model (DOM) traversal, event handling, animations, and AJAX interactions by minimizing the discrepancies across browsers. A question tagged jQuery should be related to jQuery, so jQuery should be used by the code in question, and at least jQuery usage-related elements must be in the question. Consider also adding the JavaScript tag.

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Converting data in Javascript to Word/PDF

I have data present in JavaScript in the form of input fields. I want to display that data in Word or PDF format. How do I do it? I preferably want to use Word. Plus I don't want to use API as my ...
PARTH PETKAR's user avatar
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Can I get a value from a textbox which is in asp:DataGrid which is inside another asp:DataGrid's TemplateColumn in Javascript?

I have a asp:DataGrid (Assume as Grid A) which has several asp:BoundColumn and asp:TemplateColumn inside.. One of the asp:TemplateColumn has another asp:DataGrid (Assume as Grid B)inside it , I want ...
Jackwin's user avatar
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3 answers

Add border to parent row cell

My problem is: When I select YES - I have border line around cell only in cell with checkbox YES - I need change it to select all rows. When I select YES - I need show error message - but it's not ...
manafak's user avatar
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1 answer

ASP.NET Core MVC validations not being displayed on view for child entities

I'm experiencing the issue while displaying errors in my view for child element. I've got 2 entities Restaurant and Menu with their respective relationships described as below: public class Restaurant ...
newnick988888's user avatar
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2 answers

Swap image on tab selected jQuery [duplicate]

How can I simplify this into one single function: $("#tab-one").click(function() { var imageUrl = "img/img-1.png"; $(".masthead.product-detail").css("...
riospereira's user avatar
-2 votes
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The minimum value of the Quantity field doesn't work, I would like to understand if it can be fixed with javascript [closed]

Even though the minimum value is set in the input field, it seems to be ignored... and the down arrow continues to work. $(document).ready(function() { $("input[name='product-quantity-spin']")....
PDM's user avatar
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-5 votes
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How split image about text GD PHP? [closed]

I have image with some text. I want split this image about word or phrase. Please give me any solutions with GD PHP or JS. I must receive array of files .png with parts of basic image. Thank you! I ...
maiskiykot's user avatar
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How can a part of a device on the left move to its place in the device on the right in a dynamic manner without any static distances? [closed]

I'm working on a project installation of A laboratory device consisting of several tools into a Web page I want when click on the image tool in the box on the left to go directly to its place in the ...
Noura Hassan's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get row of second tbody in an HTML table

I have three tbody in a table an am able to hide first and second tr in first tbody using following code $(" tr:first").hide(); $(" tr:nth-child(2)").hide(); &...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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Search Data using jquery from HTML table

I am trying to write an application using python and i am trying to fetch data from mysql DB. After fetching data i want to add a ajax search query to filter the users. when I open the html file ...
Dileep's user avatar
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Reloading MVC5 Partial View that contains a Document Viewer

I have a partial view in MVC5 that displays a document viewer and a button that lets users upload a document. I want to be able to reload the contents of the partial view or just reload the entire ...
Ephraim Ross Jacinto's user avatar
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1 answer

I want to add a header to all the pages in the doc file Im using Export2Doc()

I need help on adding a header on the exported document. Im using this JS code When I added a header like this <style> .header { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; ...
Milim's user avatar
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Carousel linked roll to the side independently

I have a page with multiple carousel rows, but whenever I click on the button "next" or "prev" to show the other items of the carousel it impacts all carousels, not only the ...
Pedro Azevedo's user avatar
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Javascript settings not "sticking" when new page is opened (returns to default settings each time) [duplicate]

I'm pretty new to coding (have only taken one web design course where I learned basic HTML & CSS and we touched lightly on javascript/jquery but I still find Javascript pretty confusing). I am ...
Meghan Andrews's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I have a link that executes a command in jQuery Terminal?

I'm trying to have some links to execute commands. For example: function showMenu(consoleObj) { consoleObj.echo("\t[[!;;]about] learn more about whatever"); ... I'd like the "...
JAT's user avatar
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2 answers

JavaScript Riddle Game: Incorrect Input Validation Always Returns Correct, How to Fix?

This basic riddle game presents the player with a random riddle from an array of objects and prompts them to input their answer. but, there's an issue with input validation causing incorrect answers ...
mather's user avatar
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bootstrap small iframe use jquery to open on demand src in an new window

I know, there are a lot of solutions, to use jquery for get an jquery event fired, if a click on the iframe occurs. But all solutions I only get working, if the URL of the iframe is on my own domain. ...
Georgio's user avatar
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Using data-row-callback for jquery datatables

I'm trying to reuse my tables as much as possible, so when I try to use data-row-callback with an existing function, I get a val.apply is not a function error Here is my table tag <table id="...
Matthew Strickler's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does stopPropagation method block events attached to the same element?

Here is what I'm trying to do: Attach two events to the same object (and have them both active) Prevent propagating event up in DOM hierachy (event attached to parent element should not fire) I'm ...
Piotrek's user avatar
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Safari bug when trying to set value to a select element

i have a form but when i try to set dynamically a value to a select element safari ignores my value and automatically selects the first element of the select field. my code works perfectly fine on ...
Mehdi Ziyadi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Clicking search box of select dropdown menu dropdown disappears

I have created a filter dropdown having multiple select dropdown and the select dropdown has search box, When I am clicking on any of the search box of any select dropdown and start typing the filter ...
iron_man's user avatar
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Working on a wordpress site, trying to add a custom jquery script to change the main logo image to a different one 100px after scrolling down

Working on a wordpress site, trying to add a custom jquery script to change the main logo image to a different one 100px after scrolling down. This is what i got so far, it does not change the image ...
SamberJac's user avatar
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Change the value of a $_SESSION when an html list tag is double clicked while also changing all values affected by that $_SESSION

Currently, the pulling of data from the database works fine on both the structured list and the table. I simply wish to change the $_SESSION['dirt'] to the id of the double-clicked list element so ...
KleiaTMT's user avatar
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jQuery scroll function working in chrome, but not safari on Wordpress website

I've just started working in a new website, built by someone else but now I'm taking over. For the header menu, there is a jquery event that when the user scrolls down, new classes are added to the ...
KatherineMichelle's user avatar
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jquery post With php can't get data

am i doing something wrong ? as it was working perfectly yesterday and i did not change much in my code i even made new fresh project but facing same issue is it only me ? i have also cleared cache ...
user3600217's user avatar
-3 votes
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How do I edit JavaScript link reference for a button? [closed]

I'm trying to make some changes to a Request Price button that a previous dev implemented. I'm not a dev myself, just a somewhat savvy user helping out. The button is supposed to link to the contact ...
Ryan Burninator's user avatar
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importing jquery in app.js vs bootstrap.js, what's the difference?

DISCLAIMER: It's a Laravel app, so the following files are in /resources/js/. If I do this in app.js: import jQuery from 'jquery'; window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery; it works just fine! but if I do ...
ADHDisDEV's user avatar
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How to ensure consistent browser positioning measurements

I have a function that loops through a javascript array/object, adds some spans to the DOM, measures their positions and returns the measurements. Example code below, but my question isn't really ...
CRAIG's user avatar
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customize message in a bootstrap NOTIFICATION javascript alert

In many websites they show a new visitor landing on the page displayed in an alert Notification that pops up on the bottom right or left The code below is working just fine except I have not been ...
Nomada's user avatar
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Django with datatables bootstrap 5 pagination is not working properly

I am learning Django with a sample web page. And I am trying to integrate Jquery DataTable with Bootstrap 5. The issue is, I have a total of 12 records in the DB. When I do the code and return the ...
Arun's user avatar
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Value of latitude, longitude varies on different network within same position

It's a web application. Developed on JavaScript for capturing client current latitude, longitude and php for calculation to verify client's current location data with specific latitude, longitude and ...
kasfik's user avatar
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Input type text not sending value while type email does

I have a strange issue and cannot find what's causing it. I use two inputs for Username and password and an ajax call for verification. so the simple code was: <input type="email" ...
Torf's user avatar
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Chosen jQuery plugin not changing HTML select

I'm trying to change the select tag from HTML to the ones used in the example on the Chosen v1.8.7, but even after following the steps the select continues as the default one: test.html <head> ...
Pablo Vieira's user avatar
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No .on event firing. Asp.NET Core 6, JQuery

I am building an ASP.NET Core 6, JQuery application. I have the following JQuery on my page @section Scripts { @{ await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial"); }...
user20408154's user avatar
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Disable a function on focus of dropdown input

I am using the function below to bind scroll events to a slider element, to trigger next/previous slides. However in certain situations I'd like to disable that function, for instances when dropdowns ...
marklovin's user avatar
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Please I, want to replace ckeditor content when selected option has change but dosent work

jquery part: le jquery que j'ai ajouter et le contenu ne change pas alors que le " alert(modele);" travaille bien <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("select....
koffi déo gratias Woblesse's user avatar
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Prevent scrolling page after animate scrollTop on mobile

I'm trying to do targeted scrolling within a specific block on a page from its inner element to top of next\prev element. Scripts: jquery-2.2.0.min.js Html: <div class="...
Alex's user avatar
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How to render the image as the chunks are received

Rendering large image using buffer in chunks I've used FileReader API to read large files in chunks. I used this code chunkReaderBlock(0, 65536, file); function chunkReaderBlock(_offset, length, file)...
Adharshini Prakash's user avatar
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Resize images using JavaScript

I have an input of file type with multiple selection property. When the user selects a file, I compress the files using the JavaScript function. Now I wanted to change the length and width of the ...
Aliparsa's user avatar
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Adding items to list app with the enter key has made other features not work properly

List app works great until I add a keydown for the enter key. I can only get it to work if it's outside of the newItem() function. When I have the keydown function inside of newItem() function, the ...
Bryan's user avatar
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Change MessageTop of the button excel export on DataTable after redraw

Just want to ask if you have any idea how to change the messageTop on button excel. buttons: [ 'pageLength', { extend: 'excelHtml5', footer: true, filename: '...
patnady's user avatar
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How to scroll to specific element using jquery?

How to scroll on specific element using jquery? What I've tried is this $("html,body").animate({scrollTop: $(".highlights").offset().top - $("html,body").offset().top + $(...
cathleen cabungcal's user avatar
-3 votes
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Copy image URL to clipboard [duplicate]

With the following scripts I was able to perform the task of uploading a file to wordpress through Ajax. I need to implement a button or link in the form that allows copying to clipboard the URL of ...
Carl's user avatar
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1 answer

{] find and replace string in the name before rendering

I have this code: tooltip: { useHTML: true, pointFormat: '<b>{}:</b> {point.value}' }, and I would like to replace a ...
Veign's user avatar
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How do I get an if statement with window.location.pathname [closed]

i have problem with this code: enter image description here i don't know why not working Although it does not show any problem with code and i think the problem is (pathname) so if anyone can help me ...
omer alkilany's user avatar
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Error when using jQuery selectors pulled from a JSON configuration

I have a JSON object with jQuery selectors and values inside it. Special characters inside the selectors have (I think) been properly escaped. Here is what the JSON looks like: var config = [{ &...
JosephStyons's user avatar
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Attempting to sort jqGrid locally still calls server side sorting functionality

I have a jqGrid that is filled with data from the server similar to below: $("#dataGrid").jqGrid({ url: 'url/load.json', datatype: 'json', mtype: 'POST', ... ...
MotoDave452's user avatar
-4 votes
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a wheel animation created with javascript [closed]

I want to make a half wheel animation with javascript, the purpose of the animation is an animation with 50 or more long names and I want to determine the winner in the variable, but I could not make ...
Batuhan şimşek's user avatar
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display image to html page using javascript

My intention is to display image on html page using javascript, the image is in folder and image id stored in table but nothing displayed, as shown below $(document).ready(function(e) { var id = 12 ...
Claudius Massery's user avatar
-2 votes
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Marker icon not loading on map [closed] This API is not working do we have any alternative. var marker = new google.maps.Marker ({ position: myLatlng, ...
ashwin shahane's user avatar

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